ckeditor 4.5.1 drag and drop image into editor fails - drag-and-drop

Before CKEditor 4.5.1 it was possible to drag and drop images into the editor and save them as base64, at least in FireFox. This no longer seems to be possible. Dragging an image into the editor gives no result at all, whereas in other browsers the image is loaded into a new tab, which seems to suggest that in FireFox the process is entirely blocked.

It turns out that you can drag an image into the paste tool and save it as a base64 string. See:


When html is updated dynamically on a webpage how can I save the generated html so, for example, I can compare it with diff for dubugging?

I want to understand what changes are made to the html of a webpage when I use an image carousel. When I go to the next image in the carousel the html of the page updates. I would like to get a copy of the updated html so I can run diff and compare the changes to the original html.
I am interacting with the webpage through Chrome but only have access to the publicly-available source code at the moment.
I have been using Chrome's Inspect Element panel. In the 'Elements' tab I can see the html changing when I move the carousel to the next image. Despite watching the html update in the 'Elements' tab, each time I try to save the html I can only save the original html at best. Here is what I've tried:
Open 'View Source' and save the source. In hindsight, I realised this fetches the source code fresh instead of loading the source code of the current view I'm looking at.
Save the page directly from the page I'm on.
Go to the 'Sources' tab in 'Inspect Elements' and save from there.
Try to save from the 'Elements' tab directly, but I cannot figure out a way to do this. There is no save option and I cannot select the text to copy and paste.
I've tried Googling and found related-sounding headings but these contained unrelated content.
Tried Firefox's Inspect Element, which at appears to be built on the same functionality. I wonder if it's built on the same engine?
I am using Chrome 84 on Linux Mint 19 but I would be willing to use a different browser or other application that would work on my system.
I hope this is the correct Stack Exchange for this question. I initially looked at webapps.stackexchange but that didn't seem as good a match once I scanned through other questions.
In the 'Elements' tab of Inspect Elements right click on an html tag, for example <html>, and select 'Copy OuterHTML'. Paste the selection into a text editor.
This works with both Chrome and Firefox. Firefox also gives the option to 'Copy InnerHTML'. The difference between the two is that 'OuterHTML' copies the opening and closing tags while 'InnerHTML' only copies the contents within the tags.

Disable Drag and Drop tinyMCE without opening the images

hello everyone,
i hope that everything is going well for all of you.
i have question, i'm using TinyMCE 3.4.6 in my project, and i want to
disable drag and drop images, so i add the parameter
paste_block_drop to true, but when i try to drag and drop the
image the Browser open it in the same page. i want to block the drag
and drop without opening the image when someone try to drar and drop
Can someone have a clue ? thanks for all of you
You may want to upgrade to a newer version of TinyMCE. This may have been fixed since the version you're using was released.

Unable to select image file with tinyMCE's file browser

I am using TinyMCE 3.2.4 with my CMS (ModX Evo 1.0.10). I am having an issue with the image/file browser.
The pop up window opens and I can see all the files I have loaded on to the server but I cannot select any to add to the Rich Text area. Permissions are fine, I can even upload an image, but nothing happens when I click one to add it.
I have tried re-installing TinyMCE and the CMS to no avail. Would anyone know how to fix this?
I never had problems with 1010
But for 1011 you can see this fix:
[#10068] tinyMCE no add images from KCfinder
So try upgrading if you haven't already.

How to display SVG in Eclipse?

I'm new to Eclipse and trying to display a SVG file in an Eclipse program. I have downloaded Batik plugin and installed it. This is my first time working with plugins so I don't know anything. I would like to display a SVG picture when I click on a button. Thanks.
One possible option is to open a view/editor with the embedded SWT browser. Many browsers now support SVG content, so you could generate inline SVG inside an HTML document and set the browser to display it. See and others at
Try this image editor plugin. An image editor "Beermat" is included in the toolkit. Hope it solves your problem.

TinyMCE past image from MS Word

I need to copy word text with image to my server through copy - paste function. For that purpose, I choose TinyMCE editor.
The editor works fine, when inserting from word just text. It also works fine, when inserting from word just picture (the picture shows in TinyMCE textarea).
However, when I copy paste word text together with image, only the text shows in textarea.
Is there any way around how to solve this issue?
Next problem is, is there a plugin for TinyMCE that would get the link to the image from TinyMCE textarea, when pasting, and save the image on server?
You should have a look at the tinymce paste plugin - this should be able to handle it.