How to add a custom uiview to a view controller programmatically SWIFT - swift

I am trying to add a custom view programmatically to my view controller. I used this snippet of code with no success of it appearing in front of my main view controller.
var DynamicView = CustomFilter()
CustomFilter Class:
import UIKit
class CustomFilter:
UIView {
#IBOutlet weak var party: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var outdoors: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var sports: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var diner: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var music: UIButton!
#IBOutlet weak var gaming: UIButton!
The custom filter is connected to a xib file.
Xib File:
Is there a possibility that the custom view maybe out of placed? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

In order to use a view we designed in a xib, we most load from the xib.
let bundle = NSBundle(forClass: CustomFilter.self),
let nib = bundle.loadNibNamed("<#Xib File Name#>", owner: self, options: nil),
let dynamicView = nib.first as? CustomFilter {
An alternative approach would be to write your CustomFilter's init to load the view from the xib itself.
More clearly, the problem you're having is that none of your CustomFilter's initializers are going to care about the xib file you made unless you write them and tell them to care about it. Your current code is returning a 0x0 view with probably a white or clear background. If you modified your current code to set the CustomFilter's frame to something other than 0x0 size and set the background color to something like UIColor.greenColor(), you'd see it clear as day.
Also, you could use Xcode's visual debugger to find it.

It's probably zero height and zero width, and may be off-screen also.
You need to give it height and width constraints and x and y position constraints.
You should probably also use CustomFilter(frame: someFrameRect), since as I recall initWithFrame is the designated initializer for UIView.
As an aside, variable names should start with a lower-case letter, so DynamicView should be dynamicView


Why when I pass data to a UILabel directly in the Second View Controller it turns to be nil?

Why when I pass data to a UILabel directly in the Second View Controller it turns to be nil but when I pass data to a variable first and then apply it to the UILabel everything works fine?
The following code crash the app after segue performed (theResult is nil):
Second View Controller:
#IBOutlet weak var theResult: UILabel!
Main View Controler:
secondVC.theResult.text = “Nice”
But when I create a variable in the Second View Controller, I can pass the data to it easily and then apply it to the UILabel without any problem:
Second View Controller:
var calculation: String?
#IBOutlet weak var theResult: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
theResult.text = calculation
Main View Controler:
secondVC.calculation = “Nice”
Why is that?
Note: The UILabel has a default value already when it is created in the Storyboard.
I am almost sure that this is not working but I want to know the reason. Why you can easily change for example the background of the Second View Controller like this:
secondVC.view.backgroundColor = .green
but when you touch the IBOutlets it do not work.

attach several UILabels from storyboard to one IBOutlet

I've 15 Labels in my Storyboard they are just texts, also set from storyboard, What I want to do is to style them, but programitically, Therefore I need to create 15 IBOutlets in my ViewController, I wonder if there is any other way of doing that, without 15 IBOutlets,if it's possible to create 1 IBOutlet and attach all of them to that one? because creating 15 of them is kinda stressing...
You can do this with Outlet Collections instead of an IBOutlet for all the labels you want to group together:
One way to do it is to ctrl+drag from your storyboard to your editor and select outlet collection
This will create #IBOutlet weak var labelCollection: UILabel! in your code
This works fine but then you need to add an additional check for the type when looping:
#IBOutlet weak var labelCollection: UILabel!
func setCustomLayout()
for label in labelCollection2.subviews
if let label = label as? UILabel
// do your custom set up here
What I like to do is to create the specific outlet collection in code first if I way to track the same type like so:
#IBOutlet var labelCollection: [UILabel]!
The I drag from the editor to the storyboard
Then I can work with it as follows
#IBOutlet var labelCollection: [UILabel]!
func setCustomLayout()
for label in labelCollection
// do your customization here
Then you can loop through the UIViews inside the IBOutletCollection and do the needful

Swift - Modifying a variable with the variable name stored in a variable

The title of this question is most probably confusing but I have no idea what to name this question. I am writing a program in swift and I want to modify a property of an object (in this case a UIImageView) but I'm not sure of which object I'm going to modify, I only know the type.
An example of what I'm talking about is shown below:
Inside the ViewController class
#IBOutlet weak var LeftImage: UIImageView!
#IBOutlet weak var RightImage: UIImageView!
// A function to change the image inside a UIImageView
func ChangeImage(imageViewLocation: UIImageView, newImage: String) {
// Change the image
self.imageViewLocation.image = UIImage(named: newImage))
// Call the function
ChangeImage(LeftImage, "smileyFace")
Can this be done?

Automatic Label Resize in UICollectionViewCell Not Working

I am having trouble getting a label in a UICollectionViewCell to dynamically resize based on length of string. I have subclassed the cell and linked the label to it. I have set the number of lines to 0 and still not dice.
I also call the sizeToFit() method.
Compiling for iOS 8.2
Here is my custom Cell code:
class ItemCollectionCell: UICollectionViewCell {
#IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var reviewerLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var statusImageView: UIImageView!
override func awakeFromNib() {
self.selected = false
titleLabel.numberOfLines = 0
Make sure that you didn't uncheck Autoresize subviews in InterfaceBuilder:
You have to tell the collection view what size the cell should be. Use this method of the UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout protocol:
You can calculate the size by calling NSString UIKit Additions's method
and passing the font information in the attributes argument.
Ok... So thank you to those who have helped. I have found out that my issue was indeed related to Auto-Layout constraints. I simply missed the box that said "Constrain to Margin".

Swift - Using UIGestureRecognizer with UIImage

class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var grayView: UIView!
#IBOutlet weak var lightGrayView: UIView!
#IBOutlet weak var smileyFaceIMG: UIImageView!
#IBAction func smileyMove(sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
var point = sender.locationInView(view) = point
if CGRectContainsPoint(lightGrayView.frame, {
smileyFaceIMG.image = UIImage(named: "Smiley_Face.jpg")
I have set up a UIImage which is supposed to change the image after I go over another UIView. This method seems to work with a regular UIView, however not with UIImage. How can I move the UIImage with the UIPanGestureRecognizer.
I learned what my mistake was. I needed to create a regular UIView, and then drag the UIImgView onto it. Then replace the code from the UIImageView to the UIView. Now everything works properly.