Ionic Navigating from nav-button added to nav-bar - ionic-framework

Using the Ionic tabs and nav demo I have been building a simple app.
Here is codepen of example I have been using as a template to follow:
In my app I want to add info button to the nav bar, this can be 'secondary' (right) to not interfere with the back button that appears on the left when navigating through the stack.
Here is the /template for one of the tabbed pages that I have added an info button:
<ion-view view-title="Gallery">
<ion-content class="padding">
<h3>Digit2Widgets Gallery Showcase.</h3>
<a class="button button-block button-light" href="#/tab/Demo1">Gallery Demo 1</a>
<a class="button button-block button-light" href="#/tab/galleryDemo2">Gallery Demo 2</a>
Now the gallery demo button bellow works and navigates to demo1 but the button at the top added to nav bar does not, even though they are structured in the same fashion? How can I fix this?
is there an easier way to add a permanent info button to the right of the nav bar?
Any help greatly appreciated.

I have actually got the answer now:
When adding buttons to Nav You should use ui-sref to navigate by passing the state name:
<button class="button button-icon icon ion-ios-information-outline" ui-sref="tab.Demo1">


Replace back button with menu if no page to go back - Ionic

I'm developing an ionic app on android. I'm facing a problem where back button doesn't show up when there's no page to go back.
For more detailed explanation:
Scenario 1: Button from side menu when click go to View B.
Scenario 2: Button from side menu to View A, then button from View A to View B.
Scenario 2 View B shows back button, since it has a previous page, but Scenario 1 doesn't have a previous page that's why it doesn't show the back button, How do I display the menu button if there's no back button?
Here's my code below:
<ion-view view-title="MY View">
<ion-nav-buttons side="right">
<button class="button" type="submit"
<ion-content class="has-header">
Additional Info:
When removing the <ion-nav-bar> it displays the menu button, but of course will no longer show back button and edit button. When I try putting ng-hide in <ion-nav-bar ng-hide="isMenu"> it doesn't show any nav-bar since it's hidden but from html inspect element it's still there but hidden only. Any work around on this?
If you set a page as a rootPage and also use menu in you will see menu button. when navigating to another page from root if you use navCtrl.push() back button will automatically be added to the pushed view.if you set second page as a rootPage again you will see menu button again.
But if you want to implement it yourself that is another thing.
also check this link
Consider customizing the navbar/toolbar only for the pages that needs it.
By having an ion-toolbar in the ion-header, it appears on top of the default ion-navbar. So it is a workaround to have a custom header bar with my close icon and my custom function gotoHome(). That's the best way i found to customize the 'navbar' for a particular page.
<ion-buttons left>
<button ion-button icon-only (click)="gotoHome()">
<ion-icon name="close"></ion-icon>
<ion-content padding>
The same answer applies to this topic, for reference :
Ionic Change back button icon for one page only

hide menu button on specific view without hiding navbar (ionic)

There are similar question but not this exact one. I have this structure in an ionic app view
<a id="go_to_app" href="#startseite">
<span class="ion-android-exit"></span>
<img src="img/logo_header.png">
<ion-content class="star-wrap">
. contents
</ion-content class="star-wrap">
What I'm trying to achieve is show the ion-android-exit button instead of the menu button in this specific view.
Is this possible?
There was a (way) easy and simple way to do this.
Adding <ion-nav-buttons></ion-nav-buttons> inside <ion-view></ion-view> will rewrite the menu button with whatever I want, or just hide it with no contents.
You need to use ng-if like in example here.
after setting the value of ng conditional to true in the controller.
Example HTML
<title>Ionic Modal</title>
<body ng-controller="State1Ctrl">
<a id="go_to_app" href="#startseite">
<span class="ion-android-exit" ng-if="!hidethisview"></span>
Some super content here!
And JS
angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic'])
.controller('State1Ctrl', function($scope, $state) {
if($"")// you need to have your state name inside quotes
//this example don't have one

How to remove back button in ionic header only in one page

I want to load a new view when a certain button is pressed. The view that loads should not show a back button to the previous page.
Back Button code:
<ion-nav-bar class="bar bar-header ionBarM " align-title="left">
<ion-nav-title >
<a ui-sref="app.feed" ng-click="getEList()" > BACK<i class="pull-left ion-chevron-left"></i></a>
On your <ion-view> add the hide-back-button attribute: <ion-view hide-back-button="true">
The functionality is clearly explained in the official documentation for ion-view:
For latest Ionic versions try using
<ion-navbar hideBackButton >
This should work.

How to force Ionic display back button on certain page?

When navigating from one page to another, Ionic automatically display back button at the navigation bar. However, there are certain case where ionic don't display the back button. For example, when you navigate from a tab page to a none tab page.
How can I force Ionic to display back button on certain page?
.state('', { //<!-- Tab content page
url: '/playlists',
views: {
'tab-Content': {
templateUrl: 'templates/playlists.html',
controller: 'PlaylistsCtrl'
.state('app.singer', { //<!-- Not tab content page (if you navigate from tab page to this page, back button will not displayed)
url: '/singer',
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: 'templates/singer.html'
You can tell it in your controller. Try:
.controller('yourCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function (event, viewData) {
viewData.enableBack = true;
But like LeftyX said. The history function for tab to non tab view is buggy.
Ionic manages a history while you're navigating from one view to the other.
$ionicHistory keeps track of views as the user navigates through an
app. Similar to the way a browser behaves, an Ionic app is able to
keep track of the previous view, the current view, and the forward
view (if there is one). However, a typical web browser only keeps
track of one history stack in a linear fashion.
Unlike a traditional browser environment, apps and webapps have
parallel independent histories, such as with tabs. Should a user
navigate few pages deep on one tab, and then switch to a new tab and
back, the back button relates not to the previous tab, but to the
previous pages visited within that tab.
There's a bug open on github which hasn't been fixed yet (and will only be fixed in 2.0) where Adam Bradley states:
The back button does not display because when you go into a tab, it
enter's it own "history", meaning each tab has its own navigation back
and forward.
So, basically, when you move from tabs to regular view you're going to lose the back button.
What you can do is to create one yourself:
<ion-nav-buttons side="left">
<button class="button back-button buttons button-clear header-item" ng-click="goBack()">
<i class="icon ion-ios-arrow-back"> Back</i>
and place it inside your view:
<ion-view view-title="home">
<ion-nav-buttons side="left">
<button class="button back-button buttons button-clear header-item" ng-click="goBack()">
<i class="icon ion-ios-arrow-back"> Back</i>
<ion-content padding='true' scroll='false' has-footer='false'>
<div class="card">
<div class="item item-text-wrap">
As you can see I've used ng-click="goBack()" for the button.
In your controller you simply would:
$scope.goBack = function(){
don't forget to inject $ionicHistory in your controller.
PS: This is a over-simplified solution as it does not check if the history has got a backview:
Add follwing lines inside your
<ion-navbar hideBackButton="true">
<button (click)="back()" class="back-button disable-hover bar-button bar-button-ios back-button-ios bar-button-default bar-button-default-ios show-back-button" ion-button="bar-button" ng-reflect-klass="back-button" ng-reflect-ng-class="back-button-ios" style=""><span class="button-inner"><ion-icon class="back-button-icon icon icon-ios back-button-icon-ios ion-ios-arrow-back" role="img" ng-reflect-klass="back-button-icon" ng-reflect-ng-class="back-button-icon-ios" aria-label="arrow back" ng-reflect-name="ios-arrow-back"></ion-icon><span class="back-button-text back-button-text-ios" ng-reflect-klass="back-button-text" ng-reflect-ng-class="back-button-text-ios">Back</span></span><div class="button-effect"></div></button>

Ionic: ion-nav-bar declared "globally" does not work?

I've got this strange behaviour.
In my index.html I declared:
Then in my page.html I used the followin markup:
<ion-view title="Purchases" hide-back-button="true">
<ion-nav-buttons side="left">
<button menu-toggle="left" class="button button-icon icon ion-navicon"></button>
<ion-content> ... </ion-content>
The view correctly set a button to toggle side menu, but also, automatically, create a header:
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-stable nav-title-slide-ios7 bar bar-header nav-bar disable-user-behavior">
How can I change its styles? For instance: I would like to set it as a "bar-energized".
I also tried to insert, in index.html above , the following markup (amany examples show), but it does not seem to work (nav bar header remains grey):
<ion-nav-bar class="bar-energized nav-title-slide-ios7"></ion-nav-bar>
The only way it seems working is by declaring and buttons inside each and every
Just realized it was really a newbie question! I was starting from a Ionic sidemenu template, and the misterious "bar-stable" was declared inside "ion-pane ion-side-menu-content" in my menu.html file.
Hope it may helps someone other!