What is the _ underscore in front of Swift's catch block? - swift

Swift 2.0 added do {} catch {} which can be used like so:
do {
let jsonData = try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(params, options: []);
} catch let jsonError as NSError {
but I've also seen in in my 2.0 converted classes the catch implemented with an underscore:
do {
let jsonData = try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(params, options: []);
} catch _ {
what makes it especially confusing is why not just provide nothing after catch which is perfectly valid code:
do {
let jsonData = try NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(params, options: []);
} catch {
What is that underscore _, what can I do with it, how would I implement that in my own function signatures? In the previous Swift 1.2 declaration I didn't use the NSError so it makes sense that the conversion is throwing the error away but why use _?

You're asking a question about an automatic conversion. It's just a starting place! Apple doesn't know what you want to do, so they provide a completely minimal neutral catch-all catch block — it does nothing at all, but we compile because there's a catch-all. Obviously if you want to capture the error variable, you will delete the _ and capture the error variable. You might want to do much more, e.g. write a more focused catch block. It's up to you to build on the foundation you've been given.

If the variable declared before the catch block isn't actually used in the following block then Xcode will automatically convert this to an _ since it is not used. So in your example above, if jsonError wasn't actually used in the catch block, Xcode may automatically convert this to _. This isn't just for do {} catch {} but also things such as if let ... { }.
I think because it does this convert with other things too, like the if let ... {}, if they were to not put the _ in these places the code wouldn't actually work. Hence it does _ everywhere to be safe, even though in some places you may not actually need it.


Can we use "guard" instead of let <var> = try? <action> in swift?

What is the difference between:
guard let json_data = Data(contentsOf: path) else {return nil}
let json_data = try? Data(contentsOf: path)
I dont want to use optional while loading the data into the variable. I want other ways to try it.
Thanks in advance.
The options are:
Your first example, unwrapping it with guard, is missing a try?:
func foo() -> Bar? {
guard let jsonData = try? Data(contentsOf: path) else { return nil }
// if you get here, `jsonData` is not `Optional`
This will safely unwrap your optional and let you do whatever you want if the unwrapping failed. (In your example, you are returning nil.)
Your second example, yields an optional, which you presumably need to unwrap with an if statement.
func foo() -> Bar? {
let jsonData = try? Data(contentsOf: path)
// jsonData is `Optional` in this example
if let jsonData {
} else {
return nil
We would generally favor the first option over this, where the “early exit” of the guard makes it a little easier to read the code, but there are cases where you might use this pattern.
An option that hasn’t been considered is to actually throw the error (using try instead of try?):
func foo() throws -> Bar {
let jsonData = try Data(contentsOf: path)
// `jsonData` is not `Optional`
Now, this only passes the buck of handling the error to the caller (i.e., a do-catch block). But it does have a few virtues over the prior two examples, namely that (a) the useful information of the error object is not just discarded, thereby making it easier to diagnose problems during the development process; and (b) you don’t have to return an optional.
Yet another option (to be used only if you know that this will always succeed, e.g., you are reading a well-known file from your bundle that you know must always succeed) is try!, a “force-try”:
func foo() -> Bar {
let jsonData = try! Data(contentsOf: path)
// `jsonData` is not `Optional`
Now, this will crash if the Data(contentsOf:) can ever fail, so only use this in scenarios where you know that this is impossible.
Personally, I would generally favor option 3 (where I capture what went wrong) in cases where the Data(contentsOf:) might ever plausibly fail at runtime, and I might consider option 4 (where it crashes with a meaningful error message) when I know it is impossible for it to ever fail at runtime. That having been said, more than once I found myself using option 4 and I later regretted not using option 3, simply because there was some weird edge-case that I neglected to consider.
In short, nowadays I tend to defensively catch errors, log the full error in the console and show a nice localized message in the UI (i.e., option 3). I almost never use try?, because if something can fail, it’s rarely a good idea to discard the useful diagnostic information.
It will be better to be optional once you are loading the data to avoid application crash in and problems in case there was no data there. This is consider as a safe feature.

What is the similar syntax of Swift's try? on Flutter?

On Swift, we have try? when the error handling is just little of importance, and we just want to silence the whole ordeal and just "give me null if it fails".
Is there such thing in Flutter? I tried to find it, but I can only find the usual try ... catch clause on the documentation. I mean, sure I can make it like this:
dynamic result = null;
try { result = json.decode(response.body); } catch (e) { }
But I'm trying to find something more like this if it exists:
var result = try? json.decode(response.body);
This will have the added value of not having to manually type the variable type beforehand and let the lint/editor/compiler do that by simply using var (though in this specific case the type result might be dynamic).
There isn't a Dart language feature to do it. I'm not familiar with how try? works in Swift, but one potential problem for such a construct in Dart is that without specifying what you catch, you could catch logical errors (such as failed assertions).
If you don't mind an extra level of function calls, you could write a function to make it (arguably) a bit more convenient (and this also would give you control over what to catch):
T? doOrDoNot<T>(T Function() closure) {
try {
return closure();
} on Exception {
return null;
var result = doOrDoNot(() => json.decode(response.body));

Handling errors in swift with try/catch

I come from a .NET background, where error handling can be as simple as wrapping a set of statements in a try-catch. For example:
catch (ex)
I'm trying to add error handling in my Swift project, and all the articles I have read so far seem to indicate that error handling requires more work in Swift. In the example above, it seems I would need to know exactly which statement throws an error, and then add a "try" before it. Is it not possible to simply wrap a block of code in a try-catch, and inspect the error that gets thrown?
Nope, you can't just wrap a block of code with try-catch.
First of all, cause not every line of code could produce exceptions. Only functions marked as "throws" could produce exceptions.
For example, you have some function:
deserialise(json: JSON) -> MyObjectType throws
And let this functions throws exceptions of type MyErrorType
That's how you should use it:
do {
let deserialisedObject = try deserialise(jsonObject)
... // do whatever you want with deserialised object here
} catch let error as MyErrorType {
... // do whatever you want with error here
So, as you see, exceptions in swift is not the same thing as exceptions in C++(or other regular language) for .NET
You can use try catch in swift just like you do in .net with this little change in structure,
before that create a enum of exceptions which you want to catch like follows
//exceptions to catch, change as per your need
enum someActionError: Error {
case invalidSelection
case outOfStock
do {
try statement1
} catch someActionError.invalidSelection {
print("Invalid Selection.")
} catch someActionError.outOfStock {
print("Out of Stock.")

Can I restrict the type that a function throws in Swift?

When calling a function in Swift 3 that throws, you have to be exhaustive in catching all possible errors, which often means you have an unnecessary extra catch {} at the end to handle errors that won't happen.
Is it possible to say throws MyErrorType so that the compiler can know you have indeed been exhaustive when you handle all cases from that enumeration?
There's no simple way to be type-safe with thrown errors. Consider this, if the compiler allowed you to specify throws MyErrorType, then it would also have to ensure within that function body that you're not trying a function that could potentially throw a different type outside of a do/catch block. (Well there is but it would add layers of unnecessary complexity). The Swift compiler can already be slow and get stuck in loops when inferring types, inferring Thrown types all the way up a chain of throwing functions could be a nightmare.
The running idea is that for most errors you're going to handle them in a small subset of ways anyhow.
That being said, there's no need for you to add extra catch let error as MyErrorType clauses, you can simply use a switch in a catch block like so:
do {
try something()
} catch let e {
switch e {
case let m as MyErrorType: handleMyError(m)
case let o as OtherErrorType: handleOther(o)
case is ThirdErrorType: print("error \(e)")
default: handleElse(e)
My suggestion for this problem is instead of throwing an error return a Result type in your function. It would be something like this.
enum MyCustomError: Error {
case genericError
func operationThatFails() -> Result<Response, MyCustomError> {
guard requiredConsition() else {
return .failure(.genericError)
return Response()
Then you can handle the error like this:
let result = operationThatFails()
switch result {
case .success(let value):
// handle success
case .failure(let error):
// handle error
This way your error is always type safe

Use the try? operator to make the code more concise

I have this code in Swift 2 to move a file to a new destination, overwriting if necessary:
let origin = "...", destination = "..."
do {
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().removeItemAtPath(destination) // remove existing file
} catch {}
do {
try NSFileManager.defaultManager().moveItemAtPath(origin, toPath: destination)
} catch {}
To make the code more concise, and since I don't care about the error thrown, I thought of using the try? operator as follows:
let origin = "...", destination = "..."
try? NSFileManager.defaultManager().removeItemAtPath(destination)
try? NSFileManager.defaultManager().moveItemAtPath(origin, toPath: destination)
This creates a compiler warning that the result of the operation is being unused, so I have to add an unused let and it looks awful:
let _ = try? NSFileManager.defaultManager().moveItemAtPath(origin, toPath: destination)
Is it bad to let the warnings there in the sake of conciseness?
In Swift 3 it is legal to ignore the result without the extra assignment. This compiles just fine, with no warning, in the Xcode 8 GM:
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: destination)
(Earlier, by the way, I asked about this on bugs.swift.org, and was told directly that this _ = try?
syntax is regarded as correct and is a small price to pay for acknowledging to the compiler — and yourself — that you are deliberately ignoring the returned value. So what you are doing is just fine while you remain in the Swift 2 world!)
Note that you have these warnings because you are calling some method and you do not handle returning value.
If you do not need returning value then you should use let _ = syntax to explicitly say to everyone else who reads this code that returning value is ignored intentionally.
Otherwise if you should handle returning value but you did not do that yet because you are too lazy or by some other reason then it's considered to be a bug in your software and you definitely should not suppress it.