How to view the list view with the rotation - android-listview

I am doing an activity with the listview.
If the listview contains A B C D E... and if the user scrolls the listview and downloads the first two items of listview will be hidden like this C D E F G...
Hence the hidden item should be viewed at the end of the list like this C D E F G A B (like this). I have to show while scrolling, I don't have any idea about this, please help me.
Please, give some reference or example to implement this function thanks in advance


Custom Liquid Swipe Animation

I came across a flutter package named liquid_swipe and I want to customize it. Let me explain what I want to acheive.
So liquid_swipes works like a pageview where on right swipe the current page index changes to (index+1) and on left swipe the current page index changes to (index-1) something like this example.
So let say there is a list [a, b, c, d, e] and let say we are currently on 'b', so on left swipe I would be on 'a' and on the right swipe I would be on 'c'.
Now I want to customize it, let me explain what I want to achieve. Let takes the list [a, b, c, d, e] and let say we are again on 'b'. I want that on right swipe it goes to 'c' as well as on left swipe too it goes to 'c'. I don't want to go back to 'a' again.
So, what I basically I want is to move forward irrespective on left or right swipe, losing the value which was previously present on left side.
Hope I am able to convey what I want. If more information needed please ask. How can I customize it ?

Disable specific popupmenu value based on another popupmenu

I have a GUI with 3 popupmenu controls.
The first one shows the following values:
The 2nd one:
The 3rd:
If the user chose on the 2nd popupmenu the value c for example, I had like to disable the 3rd option in all of the popupmenus because the 3rd popupmenu dont have the letter c in its 3rd option.
Is there a way to keep the values of the popupmenu visible but without the option to click on them?
Thank you.

Chart.js - Callback to make a point active

I'm trying to navigate radar's graph point with the rotating bezel on watch and have stacked for several days on this:
A) Via click on graph
Select point (mark blue)
Write value to a HTML element
B) Via callback (inner circle in this sample)
Navigate the point +1 / -1 from A1
Write value to a HTML element (how to retrieve info from tooltip here?)
I have a trouble with B. In my case, B1 is navigating through points, but it doesn't mark the point with blue circle. It is also possible to show tooltip here correctly, but it doesn't write to HTML element like A1 does.
Can you help me please with B1 and B2 please? It's at the end of JS file in Fiddle sample -
function updateView() {
chart.tooltip._active = [chart.getDatasetMeta(currentDatasetIndex).data[currentPointIndex]];

Tableau - hide x axis labels except for one that we want to be displayed

I am trying to hide few sensitive details from x axis and keep only the one that has to be sent to the client. Is there a way to achieve this on Tableau ?
Assume i have a bar chart.. My x-Axis has labels, (A, B, C).. I now want to display only C-bar chart and hide labels A and B from the bar chart
1) If you don't want to show the labels for A and B, you can create a calculated field like
[New Label] = IF [Old Label] = "C" THEN [Old Label] ELSE NULL END
Use this as the new label and you won't see the Labels for A and B.
2) If you don't want to show the Bars for A and B altogether then just filter them out
3) If you are sharing the file and the client has Tableau desktop, he can always unhide/modify the views to take a peek into the sensitive info. The only way in this case, is to remove the data for A & B from the data source and share the resultant views only for C
OR, of course, use Tableau server (can't verify; limited experience)
Hope this helps.

2 ScrolledComposite side by side.

I'm building a welcome editor for my eclipse rcp application. I want to have two ScrolledComposites sit side by side with a label above each.
Label 1 Label 2
Scrollable 1 Scrollable 2
Now I'm stuck in how to box.
This seems right but now I can't get the layouts and listeners right.
Composite A
Composite A1
Label 1
Scrollable S1
Composite A2
Label 2
Scrollable S2
A1 should set the min Size of Scrollable S1 right? But who sets the size of S1 so that it fills the excess space? The examples I found didn't work right.
BTW putting everything in a GridLayout didn't work either since I couldn't get the cell size.
BTW putting everything in a GridLayout didn't work either since I couldn't get the cell size.
Why would you need the cell size? Just set GridLayoutdata for S1 and S2 to fill the cell. It's simplest to use GridLayoutFactory:
import org.eclipse.jface.layout.GridLayoutFactory;
UPDATE: See examples at
Let's say content of s1 is a Composite c1. Then you use s1.setMinSize(c1.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)). Size of A1 is irrelevant.
Have a look at the SWT Snippet for "fixed first column horizontal scroll remaining columns" - although this example is for Tables, it can easily be translated to ScrolledComposites.