OPA matcher for sap.m.MessageToast.show call? - regression-testing

How does a OPA match pattern for a sap.m.MessageToast.show call looks like?
I looked into the Code of sap.m.MessageToast.show and assumed the use control is sap.ui.core.Popup. Therefore I tried the following matcher:
iShouldSeeAToastMessage : function() {
return this.waitFor({
controlType : "sap.ui.core.Popup",
success : function (aDialog) {
ok(true, "Found a Toast: " + aDialog[0]);
errorMessage : "No Toast message detected!"
Is the controlType correct? How could the matcher section look like?

This should work:
return this.waitFor({
pollingInterval : 100,
check : function () {
return !!sap.ui.test.Opa5.getJQuery()(".sapMMessageToast").length;
success : function () {
ok(true, "Found a Toast");
errorMessage : "No Toast message detected!"


How to test in SAPUI5 with OPA5 if a dialog is successfully closed? (Negative testing)

I wonder how to test with OPA5 if a Dialog is successfully closed after pressing the corresponding button.
This is how I test if the dialog is open:
// ...
iShouldSeeTheSortDialog: function () {
return this.waitFor({
controlType: "sap.m.ViewSettingsDialog",
id: "sortDialog",
fragmentId: "sortFragment",
success: function () {
Opa5.assert.ok(true, "The sort dialog is open");
errorMessage: "Did not find the sort dialog control"
Now I'm looking for the exact opposite test case. I would like to search for the sortDialog and throw a success if it is not found anymore.
Could you please suggest a solution?
I found the answer myself, maybe it will be helpful for someone else.
If you want to check if a dialog has been closed but not destroyed, you can do it this way:
iShouldNotSeeDialog: function () {
return this.waitFor({
id: "dialogID",
visible: false,
success: function (oDialog) {
Opa5.assert.notOk(oDialog.getVisible(), "Dialog is not visible -- OK");
errorMessage: "Checking Field: dialogID -- Assertion Failed"
If you want to check if a dialog has been destroyed, you can do this as follows:
iShouldNotSeeDialog: function () {
return this.waitFor({
success: function () {
var bExists = (Opa5.getJQuery()("#" + "dialogID").length > 0);
Opa5.assert.notOk(bExists, "Dialog doesn't exist -- OK");
errorMessage: "-- Assertion Failed"

Issue Populating Filter Value for AG Grid agSetColumnFilter

I'm trying to populate the value for the agSetColumnFilter, but I'm getting an error that I cannot find anything where in documentation (or anywhere online). Has anyone ever run into this issue?
This is what the column definition looks like:
headerName: col.name,
field: col.name,
def: col,
rowGroup: k < groupedColumnCount ? true : false,
pinned: k < _this.groupBy.length ? 'left' : null,
lockPinned: k < _this.groupBy.length ? true : false,
hide: k < groupedColumnCount ? true : false,
suppressToolPanel: _this.groupBy.length ? true : false,
valueGetter: function(data){
var def = data.colDef.def;
var value = data.data[data.colDef.field];
return value.value;
return null;
return data.value;
valueFormatter: function(data){
var def = data.colDef.def;
var value = data.data[data.colDef.field];
if(!value) return null;
_this.cache[data.colDef.field + value.value] = value.formatted;
return value.formatted ? value.formatted : value.value;
if(_this.cache[data.colDef.field + data.value]){
return _this.cache[data.colDef.field + data.value];
return data.value;
keyCreator: function(params){
filter: 'agSetColumnFilter',
filterParams: {
values: function (params) {
$uri: 'nhuihi',
value: {
$value: 'some text'
I'm only printing out keyCreator params for now since I don't know what will actually be available in the data. The idea is that I can set values using complex objects returned from the server and display a formatted value instead of a key. This is the error I'm getting.
ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js:formatted:27684 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'onFilterValuesReady' of undefined
at t.setFilterValues (ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js:formatted:27684)
at e.modelUpdatedFunc (ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js:formatted:27609)
at e.onAsyncValuesLoaded (ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js:formatted:27917)
at values (comparison-table-v7.js:1253)
at e.createAllUniqueValues (ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js:formatted:27909)
at new e (ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js:formatted:27867)
at t.initialiseFilterBodyUi (ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js:formatted:27608)
at t.init (ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js:formatted:18945)
at e.initialiseComponent (ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js:formatted:10602)
at e.createAgGridComponent (ag-grid-enterprise.min.noStyle.js:formatted:10574)
Here's a test case for it as well. I simply modified the example by AG Grid. https://plnkr.co/edit/GURQHP0KKFpJ9kwaU83M?p=preview
If you open up console, you will see an error when you click on Athletes filter.
Also reported on GitHub: https://github.com/ag-grid/ag-grid/issues/2829
If you need to configure filter values without async requests
filterParams: {
values: getFilterValuesData()
//data preparation
//little bit modified sample to present that you can handle your logic here
let data = [];
'John Joe Nevin',
'Katie Taylor',
'Paddy Barnes',
'Kenny Egan',
'Darren Sutherland',
'Margaret Thatcher',
'Tony Blair',
'Ronald Regan',
'Barack Obama'
return data;
If it requires to make an async request for data preparation you can use callback function:
filterParams: {
values: (params)=>{
setTimeout(()=>{ -- setTimeout on this case only for async request imitation
params.success(['value 1', 'value 2'])
}, 5000)
Notice: params.success(...) should be used only with an async request
Doc: ag-grid Asynchronous Values

How do I get the value of collection.find(connect.data).fetch()?

I am trying to create a meteor RESTful API for my app based on this The Meteor Chef online tutorial. The HTTP package is installed in the beginning of the tutorial, in order to test the RESTful API once the API development is completed.
I am currently in the testing phase and cant seem to get my GET Methods used to retrieve data from my collection to work.
Find below my GET Method code:
methods: {
pescrow: {
GET: function( context, connection ) {
var hasQuery = API.utility.hasData( connection.data );
console.log("hasQuery value == " +hasQuery+ " on line 183");
if ( hasQuery ) {
connection.data.owner = connection.owner;
console.log("Your in GET::hasQuery: Line 187 " + connection.data );
var getPescrows = recipientsDetails.find( connection.data ).fetch();
console.log("getPescrows value: " +getPescrows+ " Line 203");
if ( getPescrows.length > 0 ) {
// We found some pescrows, we can pass a 200 (success) and return the
// found pescrows.
console.log("getPescrows found Line 205");
API.utility.response( context, 200, getPescrows );
else {
console.log("getPescrows NOT found Line 208!");
// Bummer, we didn't find any pescrows. We can pass a 404 (not found)
// and return an error message.
API.utility.response( context, 404, { error: 404, message: "No Pescrows found, dude." } );
else {
// Our request didn't contain any params, so we'll just return all of
// the pescrows we have for the owner associated with the passed API key.
var getPescrows = recipientsDetails.find( { "owner": connection.owner } ).fetch();
API.utility.response( context, 200, getPescrows );
I test my API via the Chrome console by pasting in the below code:
HTTP.get( "http://localhost:8000/paymentC2B/v1", {
params: {
"api_key": "b21d83ef267bd829a9d732551270c718",
"paymentStatus": "Pending",
"recipientNumber" : "0705087633"
}, function( error, response ) {
if ( error ) {
console.log( error );
} else {
console.log( response );
And the response I get in the terminal is:
hasQuery == true Line 183
Your in GET::hasQuery: Line 187 [object Object]
getPescrows value: Line 203
getPescrows NOT found Line 208!
When I run the query below in the console it successfully yields:
recipientsDetails.find({paymentStatus:"Pending", recipientNumber: "0705087633"}, {sort: {paymentDate: 'desc' }}).fetch()
key : "b21d83ef267bd829a9d732551270c718"
paymentDate : "2018-04-02 15:15:49"
paymentStatus : "Pending"
recipientAmount : "500"
recipientNumber : "0705087633"
_id : "uSsCbdBmmhR2AF2cy"
__proto__ : Object
length : 1
__proto__ : Array(0)
It seems like the issue is in the recipientsDetails.find( connection.data ).fetch(); query. Can someone kindly point out where I am going wrong in my code?
Looking forward to your response.
When you test your params include api_key. I'm betting this key does not appear in your recipientsDetails collection.
Instead of just doing:
connection.data.owner = connection.owner;
connection.data.owner = connection.owner;
delete connection.data.api_key;

sapui5 opa5 opa script is not identifying View

I have written an OPA Script but it was not identifying the View id's. Can you please help me to solve this?
OPA Script is not able to enter the text "Testing in Description" in the Text Area Field
My Script is getting failed and im seeing below Error.
There was no Input
Opa timeout
This is what Opa logged:
all results were filtered out by the matchers - skipping the check - sap.ui.test.pipelines.MatcherPipeline
at fillDescription (https://webidetesting7755399-w3446edba.dispatcher.int.sap.hana.ondemand.com/webapp/test/integration/pages/ActivitySet.js?eval:58:19)
at Object.eval (https://webidetesting7755399-w3446edba.dispatcher.int.sap.hana.ondemand.com/webapp/test/integration/AllActivitySets.js?eval:32:30)
Below is my Code..
viewName : "test",
arrangements: new Common(),
viewNamespace: "com.tools.melody.activityForm.view.",
autoWait: true
opaTest("Enter Description", function (Given, When, Then) {
// Arrangements
fillDescription: function () {
return this.waitFor({
//controlType: "sap.m.TextArea",
actions: new EnterText({
text: "Testing in Description"
success: function() {
Opa5.assert.ok(true, "Testing in Description");
errorMessage: "There was no Input"
View File ID ::
<TextArea id="activityFormDescription" value="{default>/0/Description}" change="handleChange"></TextArea>
Try to pass viewName parameter to the waitFor function.
fillDescription: function () {
return this.waitFor({
viewName : "test",
actions: new EnterText({
text: "Testing in Description"
success: function() {
Opa5.assert.ok(true, "Testing in Description");
errorMessage: "There was no Input"

How to create persistent rooms in openfire using strophe?

I'm using the following iq message to create persistent rooms in openfire:
var configiq = $iq({
to : chatObj.getActiveChatRoomName() + "#" + chatObj.groupChatService,
type : "set"
}).c("x", {
xmlns : "jabber:x:data",
type : "submit"
}).c('field', {
"var" : "FORM_TYPE"
.c('field', {
"var" : "muc#roomconfig_persistentroom"
chatObj.connection.sendIQ(configiq.tree(), function () {
}, function (err) {
console.log('error', err);
But, I am getting the following error:
error <iq xmlns=​"jabber:​client" type=​"error" id=​"1356:​sendIQ" from=​"msrtc0711#conference.stslp239" to=​"ashishjmeshram#stslp239/​ax8nb2atg1">​<x xmlns=​"jabber:​x:​data" type=​"submit">​…​</x>​<error code=​"400" type=​"modify">​<bad-request xmlns=​"urn:​ietf:​params:​xml:​ns:​xmpp-stanzas">​</bad-request>​</error>​</iq>​
Using the Strophe.muc plugin is easier:
1) firstly join the room (this creates an instant room):
connection.muc.join(room_jid, nick);
2) then create a "configured room", eventually with a subject and a description associated:
var config = {"muc#roomconfig_publicroom": "1", "muc#roomconfig_persistentroom": "1"};
if (descr) config["muc#roomconfig_roomdesc"] = descr;
if (subject) config["muc#roomconfig_subject"] = subject;
connection.muc.createConfiguredRoom(room_jid, config, onCreateRoomSuccess, onCreateRoomError);
A working example is available here: http://plnkr.co/edit/Mbi15HDZ2yW5vXskS2X6?p=preview