Yii2 equivalent code to Yii1 - import

I'm having a problem and I can't find a good answer to it, I have this in a Yii1 extension code:
I need the equivalent code in Yii2, I read about create a class, but It was not good explained!
Please help and thank you!

If you added extension through composer then you don't need to import class. For using the extension you just need to use http://php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.importing.php


How to do a popup

I'm currently working on an vscode extension. I'm trying to understand how I can create a "popup"/"tooltip" like this
I would like to know methods that I'm expected to use or an github link for an extension that is doing it.
You could use the vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider function (Documentation) to do this.
I wrote a little demo extension that you can see here: https://github.com/ShPelles/vscode-hover-demo.

Parse class not created through swift code

I am experiencing an issue when I try to create a new parse class through swift. My code for creating a new class is the following:
let query = PFQuery(className: "newClass")
The issue is that a "newClass" class is not created in my Parse dashboard and I don't get an error message. And since some other code is dependent on retrieving information from this class the app does not function properly.
I have created classes through swift previously and have never run into this problem. I also know that I can create a new class directly through Parse, but that doesn't really help me since there seems to be an issue with the connection between my swift code and Parse.
Thank you in advance for any help!
Is Allow client class creation turned on?
Try using PFObject to create the new class
PFObject(className: "yourNewClass")
I managed to solve it to some extent. After quite some while I got the idea to try to simulate the app on my iPhone instead of only on the simulator that xcode provides. For some reason everything then worked as planned... This is good news for me, but I would like to know why xcode couldn't do it.
Thanks for taking time and giving me some tips Brett!

How to generate code form .raml with raml2code

I am trying to generate a code from .raml file using raml2code (https://github.com/gextech/raml2code).
Unfortunately the description isn't very good and I can't figure out how to do that.
Can anyone show me any example?
Hi I added more documentation, and also I'm working in a example project:
Hope this help you

TYPO3 Extbase getArguments from other Extension

I've got an extension with two plugins and I need to access the getVars from both.
The above code gives me, of course, only the vars from the current plugin.
Anybody knows how I can access the Vars from a different plugin?
Thank's alot!
Inside an extension, you do not have access to the request arguments of an other extension. This is only possible using the old way via
$_REQUEST or \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::_GP("varname");
Check out:
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\DebugUtility::debug($_REQUEST); to get the right array keys and var names.

GreenDao StringCondition?

I saw in the documentation that there is a mystical class called StringCondition for executing custom SQL commands but the SDK doesn't recognize this?
is there a new version of this?
what am I missing?
import de.greenrobot.dao.WhereCondition.StringCondition;