Protecting the model in document architecture (Cocoa/Swift) - swift

I am writing an OS X document-based application using cocoa/swift. So far I have a model, which is managed by the NSDocument subclass. Custom views are managed by custom view controllers, which update the views to keep them synchronised with the model.
The model->controller->view flow of information is strightforward. I have the view controllers observing the document and, when the document changes, the view controllers do their job with the views. The issue is that, in this process, the model's objects are obviously exposed to the view controllers, and therefore the view controllers could also modify the model if I wish (or if I make a mistake).
I'd like the document to be the only one who has "permission" to modify the model objects. The view controllers should have read-only access to them. Is there a way to do this in Swift?
Thanks in advance.

In Swift, the private variable modifier does not apply to classes which are defined in the same file, so if you put your Model class definition in the same file as your NSDocument subclass, then the NSDocument subclass can change the private Model variables as if they were public, but an NSViewController subclass defined in another file will not have access to the private Model variables.
Then you can make private variables partially private by writing:
private(set) var name: String
...which will allow the NSController subclass to read them, but not set them. Swift synthesizes setters and getters for all your variables (not just computed properties), and that tells Swift to make the setter private.
I tested private(set) with some observer code, and the above scenario will allow the NSDocument subclass to change the Model, but if the NSViewController subclass tries to change the Model, Xcode immediately flags the assignment with the error:
Cannot assign to the result of this expression
import Cocoa
class Employee: NSObject {
private(set) var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
class MyDocument: NSDocument {
dynamic var worker = Employee(name: "Joe")
//...The rest of the NSDocument junk here
import Cocoa
class MyViewController: NSObject {
var document: MyDocument
var IdentifierForThisClass: Int = 0
init(document: MyDocument) {
self.document = document
forKeyPath: "worker",
options: .Old | .New,
context: &IdentifierForThisClass
override func observeValueForKeyPath(
keyPath: String,
ofObject object: AnyObject,
change: [NSObject : AnyObject],
context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) {
if context != &IdentifierForThisClass {
println("This Observer message was meant for a parent class!")
ofObject: object,
change: change,
context: context
var newValue = change[NSKeyValueChangeNewKey] as! Employee
println("\tThe worker has been changed to: \(")
func doStuff() {
println("Inside doStuff():")
println("\tThe worker's name is \(")
// = "Jenny"
Some code to exercise the classes:
let myDoc = MyDocument()
let viewController = MyViewController(
document: myDoc
myDoc.worker = Employee(name: "Jenny")
The worker has been changed to: Jenny
Inside doStuff():
The worker's name is Jenny
Then if I uncomment the line:
doStuff() {
// = "Jenny"
Xcode immediately flags that as an error.


Memory access conflict with structs and observer pattern

I'm implementing an Observer design pattern on a Struct model object. The idea is that I will pass my model down a chain of UIViewController and as each controller modifies it, previous controllers will also be updated with changes to the object.
I'm aware this problem could be solved by using a class instead of struct and modifying the object directly through reference, however I'm trying to learn more about using structs.
struct ModelObject {
var data: Int = 0 {
didSet {
private var observers = [ModelObserver]()
mutating func attachObserver(_ observer: ModelObserver){
private func notify(){
for observer in observers {
protocol ModelObserver {
var observerID: Int { get }
func modelUpdated(_ model: ModelObject)
class MyViewController : UIViewController, ModelObserver {
var observerID: Int = 1
var model = ModelObject()
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.model.attachObserver(self) = 777
func modelUpdated(_ model: ModelObject) {
print("received updated model")
self.model = model //<-- problem code
Simply put, my model object notifies any observer when data changes by calling notify().
My problem right now is memory access: when data gets set to 777, self.model becomes exclusively accessed, and when it calls notify which calls modelUpdated and eventually self.model = model, we get an error:
Simultaneous accesses to 0x7fd8ee401168, but modification requires exclusive access.
How can I solve this memory access issue?
If you're observing "a thing," then that "thing" has an identity. It's a particular thing that you're observing. You can't observe the number 4. It's a value; it has no identity. Every 4 is the same as every other 4. Structs are values. They have no identity. You should not try to observe them any more than you'd try to observe an Int (Int is in fact a struct in Swift).
Every time you pass a struct to a function, a copy of that struct is made. So when you say self.model = model, you're saying "make a copy of model, and assign it to this property." But you're still in an exclusive access block because every time you modify a struct, that also makes a copy.
If you mean to observe ModelObject, then ModelObject should be a reference type, a class. Then you can talk about "this particular ModelObject" rather than "a ModelObject that contains these values, and is indistinguishable from any other ModelObject which contains the same values."

Passing a value type as reference in Swift

I have my model implemented as structs in Swift 3.0. Several of these structs have delegates that should be able to modify the model depending on the user's actions.
However, when I pass the struct to the delegate method, it gets copied.
How do you solve this? Can you force the compiler to pass this struct as a reference, or the only option is to use a class?
structs are always passed by value. The whole point of using a struct is to have it behave as a value type. If you need delegation (which usually implies mutable state), you should be using a class.
If you really really need to, you could force pass-by-reference by using an inout parameter, but that is not recommended in general. You could also use a box type to simulate passing by reference. But, in general, you should just use a class if you need reference behavior.
The whole point of using struct in the first place is that this is desirable behavior. It preserves the immutability of the data. inout can achieve this, but it's not recommended in the general case.
protocol Delegate {
func callback(_ oldValue: Int) -> Int
struct IncrementerDelegate: Delegate {
let step: Int
func callback(_ oldValue: Int) -> Int {
return oldValue + step
struct Model {
var i = 0
class Controller {
var model = Model()
var delegate: Delegate
init(delegate: Delegate) {
self.delegate = delegate
// To be called externally, such as by a button
func doSomething() {
// Delegate determains new value, but it's still the
// controller's job to perform the mutation.
model.i = delegate.callback(model.i)
let delegate = IncrementerDelegate(step: 5)
let controller = Controller(delegate: delegate)
controller.doSomething() // simulate button press
protocol CrappyDelegate {
func callback(_ model: inout Model)
struct CrappyIncrementerDelegate: CrappyDelegate {
let step: Int
func callback(_ model: inout Model) {
model.i = 9999999
// Just hijacked the models value,
// and the controller can't do anything about it.
class VulnerableController {
var model = Model()
var delegate: CrappyDelegate
init(delegate: CrappyDelegate) {
self.delegate = delegate
// To be called externally, such as by a button
func doSomething() {
// Controller leaks entire model, and has no control over what happens to it
let crappyDelegate = CrappyIncrementerDelegate(step: 5)
let vulnerableController = VulnerableController(delegate: crappyDelegate)
controller.doSomething() // simulate button press
print(controller.model.i) // model hijacked
If you want to pass by reference, you should generally use a class not a struct. states:
You can use both classes and structures to define custom data types to
use as the building blocks of your program’s code.
However, structure instances are always passed by value, and class
instances are always passed by reference. This means that they are
suited to different kinds of tasks. As you consider the data
constructs and functionality that you need for a project, decide
whether each data construct should be defined as a class or as a

Dynamic attributes (getters/setters) in Swift on data models

I'm trying to use Swift (which I'm very new at) to create a clean interface for my data models. These models are backed by Firebase (though this is ultimately irrelevant to the actual question). What I want to avoid is writing tons of setter/accessor boiler plate code over and over.
For example:
class MyData {
let connection: Firebase!
private var _name: String? // internal storage, like an iVar in ObjC
init(connection: Firebase!) {
self.connection = connection
self.connection.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { snapshot in
_name = snapshot["name"]
var name: {
get {
return _name
set(name) {
// When the client sets the name, write it to Firebase
_name = name
I'm sure I'm making a lot of mistakes in there. The idea is that the data is first loaded from the server when the instance is instantiated. Subsequently, we could call to get that name, or = "foo" and the name would be automatically written to the server.
This requires ~10 lines of code for a single attribute (of which there will be many). Nuts! There must be a better way!
EDIT: to be clear, I want to obviate the need to write as MUCH boiler plate code as possible. Consider a library like Mantle, where merely defining a #property is sufficient to do everything you want. In my opinion, anything more than one single line of code to say I have an attribute called "name", handle it via Firebase is overly verbose.
You can use Key-Value Observing to monitor changes in your properties. More info in Adopting Cocoa Design Patterns in Swift.
import Foundation
private var KVOContext = 0
// Your class must inherit from NSObject
class MyData : NSObject {
private let propertiesToObserve = ["name", "location"]
dynamic var name: String
dynamic var location: String
init(name: String, location: String) { = name
self.location = location
// Add the properties that you want to observe
for property in self.propertiesToObserve {
self.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: property, options: [.New, .Old], context: &KVOContext)
// This method is called whenever an observed property is changed
override func observeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String?, ofObject object: AnyObject?, change: [String : AnyObject]?, context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) {
if let property = keyPath,
newValue = change![NSKeyValueChangeNewKey],
oldValue = change![NSKeyValueChangeOldKey] {
print("\(property) changed from \(oldValue) to \(newValue)")
// If oldValue != newValue, write back to Firebase
// Remove self as observer of self
deinit {
for property in self.propertiesToObserve {
self.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: property)
let data = MyData(name: "John", location: "Chicago") = "David" // print: name changed from John to David
data.location = "New York" // print: location changed from Chicago to New York
Swift provides that functionality called property observer
var name: String {
didSet {
There is a second observer willSet which is called before the value is changed.
Note (from the documentation):
When you assign a default value to a stored property, or set its
initial value within an initializer, the value of that property is set
directly, without calling any property observers.

How can I easily duplicate/copy an existing realm object

I have a Realm Object which has several relationships, anyone has a good code snippet that generalizes a copy method, to create a duplicate in the database.
In my case i just wanted to create an object and not persist it. so segiddins's solution didn't work for me.
Swift 3
To create a clone of user object in swift just use
let newUser = User(value: oldUser);
The new user object is not persisted.
You can use the following to create a shallow copy of your object, as long as it does not have a primary key:
realm.create(ObjectType.self, withValue: existingObject)
As of now, Dec 2020, there is no proper solution for this issue. We have many workarounds though.
Here is the one I have been using, and one with less limitations in my opinion.
Make your Realm Model Object classes conform to codable
class Dog: Object, Codable{
#objc dynamic var breed:String = "JustAnyDog"
Create this helper class
class RealmHelper {
//Used to expose generic
static func DetachedCopy<T:Codable>(of object:T) -> T?{
let json = try JSONEncoder().encode(object)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: json)
catch let error{
return nil
Call this method whenever you need detached / true deep copy of your Realm Object, like this:
//Suppose your Realm managed object: let dog:Dog = RealmDBService.shared.getFirstDog()
guard let detachedDog = RealmHelper.DetachedCopy(of: dog) else{
print("Could not detach Dog")
//Change/mutate object properties as you want
detachedDog.breed = "rottweiler"
As you can see we are piggy backing on Swift's JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder, using power of Codable, making true deep copy no matter how many nested objects are there under our realm object. Just make sure all your Realm Model Classes conform to Codable.
Though its NOT an ideal solution, but its one of the most effective workaround.
I had a similar issue and found a simple workaround to get a copy of a realm object. Basically you just need to make the object conform to the NSCopying protocol, something like:
import RealmSwift
import Realm
import ObjectMapper
class Original: Object, NSCopying{
dynamic var originalId = 0
dynamic var firstName = ""
dynamic var lastName = ""
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "originalId"
init(originalId: Int, firstName: String, lastName: String){
self.originalId = originalId
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
let copy = Original(originalId: originalId, firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName)
return copy
then you just call the "copy()" method on the object:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var original = Original()
override func viewDidLoad() {
var myCopy = original.copy()
The nice thing about having a copy is that I can modify it without having to be in a realm write transaction. Useful when users are editing some data but didn't hit save yet or simply changed their mind.
Since this problem is still alive I post my solution which works but still needs to be improved.
I've created an extension of Object class that has this method duplicate that takes an object objOut and fills the flat properties by looking at self. When a non-flat property is found (aka a nested object) that one is skipped.
// Duplicate object with its flat properties
func duplicate(objOut: Object) -> Object {
// Mirror object type
let objectType: Mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self);
// Iterate on object properties
for child in objectType.children {
// Get label
let label = child.label!
// Handler for flat properties, skip complex objects
switch String(describing: type(of: child.value)) {
case "Double", "Int", "Int64", "String":
objOut.setValue(self.value(forKey: label)!, forKey: label)
return objOut
Inside the Manager class for my Realms I have the method copyFromRealm() that I use to create my copies of objects.
To give you a practical example this is the structure of my Appointment class:
Appointment object
- flat properties
- one UpdateInfo object
- flat properties
- one AddressLocation object
- flat properties
- one Address object
- flat properties
- one Coordinates object
- flat properies
- a list of ExtraInfo
- each ExtraInfo object
- flat properties
This is how I've implemented the copyFromRealm() method:
// Creates copy out of realm
func copyFromRealm() -> Appointment {
// Duplicate base object properties
let cpAppointment = self.duplicate(objOut: Appointment()) as! Appointment
// Duplicate UIU object
cpAppointment.uiu = self.uiu?.duplicate(objOut: UpdateInfo()) as? UpdateInfo
// Duplicate AddressLocation object
let cpAddress = self.addressLocation?.address?.duplicate(objOut: Address()) as? Address
let cpCoordinates = self.addressLocation?.coordinates?.duplicate(objOut: Coordinates()) as? Coordinates
cpAppointment.addressLocation = self.addressLocation?.duplicate(objOut: AddressLocation()) as? AddressLocation
cpAppointment.addressLocation?.address = cpAddress
cpAppointment.addressLocation?.coordinates = cpCoordinates
// Duplicate each ExtraInfo
for other in self.others {
cpAppointment.others.append(other.duplicate(objOut: ExtraInfo()) as! ExtraInfo)
return cpAppointment
I wasn't able to find out a good and reasonable way to work with nested objects inside my duplicate() method. I thought of recursion but code complexity raised too much.
This is not optimal but works, if I'll find a way to manage also nested object I'll update this answer.
Swift 5+
Creates a Realm managed copy of an existing Realm managed object with ID
extension RLMObject {
func createManagedCopy(withID newID: String) -> RLMObject? {
let realmClass = type(of: self)
guard let realm = self.realm, let primaryKey = realmClass.primaryKey() else {
return nil
let shallowCopy = realmClass.init(value: self)
shallowCopy.setValue(newID, forKey: primaryKey)
do {
try realm.commitWriteTransaction()
} catch {
return nil
return shallowCopy

Access variable in different class - Swift

i got two swift files :
main.swift and view.swift
In main.swift i have a variable (Int) initially set to 0.
With an IBACtion I set that variable to be 10, and everything is ok.
However, if I try access that variable from view.swift, with a simple call like main().getValue(), i get always 0 and not 10 even if the variable has changed it's value in main.swift.
The method getValue() in main.swift looks like this:
func getValue() -> Int {
return variable
Here is the code (Translated from Italian :D )
import Cocoa
class Main: NSObject {
var variable: Int = 0
func getValue() -> Int {
return variable
#IBAction func updateVar(sender: AnyObject!) {
variable = 10
class View: NSView {
override func drawRect(dirtyRect: NSRect) {
println(Main().getValue()) //Returns always 0
Thanks in advance
I have solved this by creating a generic main class which is accessible to all views. Create an empty swift file, name it 'global.swift' and include it in your project:
class Main {
var name:String
init(name:String) { = name
var mainInstance = Main(name:"My Global Class")
You can now access this mainInstance from all your view controllers and the name will always be "My Global Class". Example from a viewController:
override func viewDidLoad() {
println("global class is " +
There is an important distinction to be made between "files" in Swift and "classes". Files do not have anything to do with classes. You can define 1000 classes in one file or 1 class in 1000 files (using extensions). Data is held in instances of classes, not in files themselves.
So now to the problem. By calling Main() you are creating a completely new instance of the Main class that has nothing to do with the instance that you have hooked up to your Xib file. That is why the value comes out as the default.
What you need to do, is find a way to get a reference to the same instance as the one in your Xib. Without knowing more of the architecture of your app, it is hard for me to make a suggestion as to do that.
One thought, is that you can add a reference to your Main instance in your Xib using an IBOutlet in your View. Then you can simply do self.main.getValue() and it will be called on the correct instance.