Checking out hierarchical Maven project in Eclipse - eclipse

I have checked out using subversion/subclipse a hierarchical maven project into my Eclipse project.
At first it is a plain folder structure, then I right click->Configure..->Convert to Maven Project.
Now the top node is a Maven project, however all the sub nodes are not recognised as maven projects. I have tried Maven->install and nothing happens.

You have to import the projects as maven projects.
just right-click the package explorer and Import... > Maven projects
to import an existing maven project into Eclipse.

I realise the mistake was that I checked out one level too high. Instead of checking out the root node, I checked out the folder above it.
So in that case Eclipse created a POM file for me for that directory, which confused me into thinking that was the parent POM.
Notice how there is a question mark on the top level POM? It is not in SVN yet.


Maven modules projects no longer showing as maven project inside the parent project

I have this parent Maven project and inside it I have 6 modules, It was created on Eclipse Neon and there everything is showing correct regarding the project structure.
The problem is after putting the project on a SVN repository and importing in another Eclipse, in this case, all the modules inside the parent project no longer show as maven project but just a normal folder.
What could be wrong? Anything on Eclipse? Any plugin? This Eclipse with the wrong view is the latest one, java-2019-09.
I need ideas :)
Edit 1:
Edit 2:
To import the nested projects use File > Open Projects from File System... and choose as Import source the directory of the (already imported) parent project.
By the way, the parent project should be a General Maven project instead of a Java Maven project.

Eclipse adding the project overrides maven dependency

I have a maven project that uses other small projects. And I added them to master's pom file.
So my Eclipse project properties looks like following:
>Master project
>Java Resources
>JRE System Library
>Maven dependencies
The thing is I do not have the all code for smallProj1 and smallProj2 and whenever add them to my workspace Eclipse overrides the maven dependencies and simply calls the two projects instead the jar files from my local maven repository and then I have all over the code those red underlines. Project properties in Eclipse looks as following after I add them to my workspace:
>Master project
>Java Resources
>JRE System Library
>Maven dependencies
>smallProj1 (not jar anymore - folder)
>smallProj2 (not jar anymore - folder)
Since I also want to have a look to smallProj1 and smallProj2 code while I am coding, I want to keep them both in my workspace. But I want my Master project to use the jar files that I provided, not the small projects in the workspace.
Any ideas on that?
You could right click on a project and set "Maven" -> "Disable Workspace Resolution". This will let Maven find the dependencies from Maven and not within the workspace. I don't think it is possible to do this on a dependency basis.
But I think in your case it would be better to fix the broken smallProjX in your workspace (as they exactly contain the code you need), so that the master project could be build correctly.

Maven eclipse - mutli project dependencies not appearing

I have a bunch of maven projects which all are part of a parent project. When I import the parent project into eclipse, I was expecting the child projects source folders to be listed in my parent project, however they are not. They also don't appear in the "Maven Dependencies" section.
Is this the correct behavior or am I missing something. If it is the correct behavior, then what is the best practice around doing this?
Should I be importing each project into eclipse and then editing the build path for my parent project to include them all? I really don't like this approach because I want to do everything through maven.
Note: I am not using mvn eclipse:eclipse to generate my project files, I am using the maven plugin directly in eclipse IDE as: Import existing maven projects
Import your parent project then close it (right click on the project in the package explorer > close project). Select it and go to file > import > maven > existing maven projets here you should see the list of the child projects, select the wanted ones then finish.
Now in your package explorer you should have :
A project parent-project where you work on the pom-parent and eventually on the src-parent
One project per child-project where you work on the corresponding pom-child and src-child
If some dependencies are missing try to update the projects (right click on the projects in the package explorer maven > update project)
Normally you don't have to edit the build path in eclipse it must be handle by the maven nature of the project (the maven nature is often represent by a M on the icons of the projects)
Normally, if you don't import "dependencies" projects, Eclipse simply uses the jars presents in your local repo (.m2).
However, I don't get what you mean by "I have a bunch of maven projects which all are part of a parent project".
Projects are not part of each other. And the child projects sources should not be listed in the sources folders. You only uses the bytecode.
If you want to "see all your sources" :
However, you can have a complete "view" of the code if you export your sources as sources jars.
If you want to be able to debug across your projects :
You then have to import all your projects in Eclipse. If a project is closed, Eclipse will use the jar like if the project was not there. If the project is open, it will use the project (not sure exactly how, but it works smoothly).

Tell eclipse to use Source and not Jar

I have a maven project that depends on a jar (say A). When running the project, it uses the jar under Maven dependencies.
I have the source of A with me and its opened as a project in Eclipse. When I run the project I need to use the source and not the jar. How do I tell Eclipse to use the source and not the jar?
m2eclipse does this by default, if that is a full Maven project. See the context menu in the screen shot of, where it says "Disable workspace resolution".
If you don't find that context menu entry for your project, then you probably have a Java project with a POM file, which is not marked as Maven project type in Eclipse. Use the context menu Configure->Convert to Maven project in that case.
I had problems with the workspace resolution of m2eclipse as well. It would recognize the dependency (A) and show a different icon in the dependency view (which indicates that the dependency is resolved from the workspace) but the classes were not found.
Only when I ran a mvn install on project A all artifacts were generated and the resolution started to work. Maybe that helps.
Also I found a couple of hints (related to not working workspace resulotion) that suggested to (re-)import the project again using "Existing Maven Projects" wizard.

Maven dependency issue in eclipse

I have multiple related projects open in a workspace in eclipse. One of the projects has a maven dependency on the output jar from another project. In this project, any references to the classes in the dependency always show up as red (unidentified) and I get no code completion or javadoc showing up for them. If I manually add the jar to the classpath, then I no longer have this problem. The thing is, I don't want to have to manually add the jar every time our revision changes, that's what Maven is for. Any ideas on how I can resolve this? it seems like a bug to me, but I'm not sure...
The correct way to do this is the following:
Make sure that m2e or m2eclipse (depending on your version of Eclipse) is installed:
Use the dependencies section in the POM file exclusively, don't fiddle with the Eclipse project references. Right-click the project, then select Maven > Update Project Configuration to reset the project to the Maven default settings. This way, m2e has ownership of the dependencies.
If you don't have that option, you might need to enable the project for Maven usage. Right-click the project, then Maven > Enable Workspace Resolution or Maven > Enable Dependency Management.
Make sure all referenced projects are open in Eclipse and have the Maven nature enabled.
Check the Maven settings for each project, make sure that groupId, artifactId and version match with the projects you have open in Eclipse. So if the project you depend on has version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in Eclipse, make sure that the depending project's POM file references version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in the dependencies section.
Enable Workspace Resolution for each of the projects. Right-click the project, then Maven > Enable Workspace Resolution.
Finally, if the projects are still not resolved, right-click the project again, then Maven > Update Dependencies
This should solve your problem.
I had the same issue and resolved the problem by right-clicking on the project and selecting Maven -> Disable Workspace Resolution from the context menu. I had already tried updating the project from the POM file as described above.
In order to fix this typically you can copy the Eclipse .classpath file from a working project since there isn’t anything project specific here assuming you’re structured as a standard Maven project. This will tell Eclipse to allow Maven to manage the dependencies and build. There seems to be no easy way to do this from the Eclipse UI.