I have a script that starts a Selenium server (if one is not already running) and then runs some acceptance tests in Codeception (with Firefox version 27, which is compatible with our Selenium 2.42.2). If I go onto the server (using VNC), the script runs and executes properly, however I'm using eclipse with RTC plugin, and it's set up so that you can make a build request, which will run that script on the server.
For some reason it always fails with this error (or some variant of it):
15:42:26.125 WARN - Exception: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
Error: no display specified
Error: no display specified
On the server, even if I manually do export DISPLAY, it still fails from RTC. As far as I can tell, there's nothing special in the build rules that would cause this. It it just because VNC happens to be a GUI, and it can't find a display from just a terminal?
This means that there is not graphical interface available for user(as it probably use ssh to connect), I would suggest you to use Xvfb
I've been using Mongo for a while now, and I never had any kind of errors. But today, I tried running the mongo command in my terminal and I got the following error:
Error connecting to :: caused by :: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. :
I have my PATH variable for Mongo properly configured in my environment variables as follows:
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin
so I doubt that is the issue. I remember going through my task manager yesterday and I accidentally terminated a program running in the background related to Mongo, but I can't seem to remember exactly what it was called, and I really think that that's the root of my problem, because before having terminated that Mongo program in my task manager I had never ran across this connection problem before.
By terminating a program in the background, I'm going to assume you didn't just end process, otherwise a simple computer restart would fix your issue. And in some cases, that same program would've relaunched when you launched MongoDB. But if you disabled a service and need to find which service needs to be running to be able to connect to your MongDB then I would suggest going through your Windows Services list and seeing which ones you disabled and looking one relating to TCP or SNMP.
This is because MongoDB Wire Protocol is a simple socket-based, request-response style protocol. You communicate with the database server through a regular TCP/IP socket and since you can't remember which one you "terminated" and any number of services related to networking can cause a dependency to be absent, I can't be more specific in helping you determine which one you need to turn back on and you'll have to do it through trial and error but I can at least offer you some guidance, hopefully.
Specifically you can either
Run system configuration using
In a run box, navigating to the Services tab, order the list by Date Disabled to find the service that was disabled which correlates with when you when snooping through task manager, or
Run Task manager and navigate to the Services Tab, then Open Services, and order them by Status or by Name, and look for any service that includes TCP/IP, COM+, Port direction, etc. to see which one is disabled and change the configuration from anything but Disabled and then stat it manually and run MongDB again.
It's about as specific as I can get without knowing anything more than you terminated some program running in the background but I hope it helps.
The background process (daemon) for MongoDB is called 'mongod'. It's an executable in your bin directory inside your mongodb installation. You can just execute it in the terminal.
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin\mongod.exe
I'm trying to deploy an application via web deploy to a windows 2012 r2 server.
First tried installing iis, web deploy using the msi. After getting an unreachable error I saw somewhere that I needed wmsvc to be installed and installed it via powershell command Install-WindowsFeature Web-Mgmt-Service.
I stopped getting the unreachable error and started getting this error ->
Error: Could not complete the request to remote agent URL 'http://xx.x.xx.xx:8172/MSDEPLOYAGENTSERVICE'.
Error: The operation has timed out
On the server's event viewer under system I get the following error ->
A fatal alert was generated and sent to the remote endpoint. This may result in termination of the connection. The TLS protocol defined fatal error code is 10. The Windows SChannel error state is 1203.
Any idea of what could be going on? Did I miss something on the installation?
After this I also tried installing everything but without iis and I get the same error.
So, this is really not a PoSH issue.
Maybe you should consider movin gthis question to another forum.
Anyway, you have either real server config issues (this can sometimes mean wipe and rebuild - very ugly option - but if it's a virtual machine and you have a snapshot, just roll back), or an app causing this.
Typically for Schannel type of error, it has to do with application or service in machine not able to complete any SSL connection sort of connection.
The error state parameter of 1203 means client error connecting to server, ie invalid ClientHello from the client
See if you can collect more data by...
I realized this is an old question, but in case somebody ran into the same issue, here are my solution.
I had to follow this guidelines : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/web-forms/overview/deployment/configuring-server-environments-for-web-deployment/configuring-a-web-server-for-web-deploy-publishing-web-deploy-handler
Copy the resulting publishsetting file. In the Publish/Profile page import it.
In the Publish/Connection page, change the server to the server address with the 8172 port. Add the password. Change the Destination URL to the site to go to after the publish is completed.
Then after Validate connection was completed, go ahead and publish it!
Everytime I try to run the local server on unity I get this error:
ArgumentException: Can't find process with ID 787
After this error, the button is disabled. I'm using a Mac, I'm running behind a proxy but my co-worker said that he can run it just fine. Maybe it's a bug? Once I click the error, it directs to this line of code in the LaunchAssetBundleServer script, which comes by default with the AssetBundleManager that you can download from unity.
var process = Process.GetProcessById (instance.m_ServerPID);
I'm following the guide on building a language server extension (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/extensions/example-language-server) and it says to debug the server portion, you simply F5 from the editor with the server code within it. However, whenever I do this I get:
Error cannot connect to runtime process (timeout after 5000ms).
And, of course, it was a FAQ at the bottom of the page itself:
You will see this timeout error if the server isn't running when you try to attach the debugger. The client starts the language server so make sure you have started the client in order to have a running server.
I'm following some WinDbg instructions from the CodeProject tutorial.
To start a server, I can get this to work from the command line fine:
WinDbg –server npipe:pipe=pipename
(note: multiple clients can connect).
Where do I enter this from the windbg UI? I tried the command browser window, but that didn't seem to do anything:
.server npipe:pipe=pipename
(note: single client can connect)
This question is related to creating the server from WinDbg UI, not connecting from the client.
I am assuming that you are referring to usermode debugging here, so I will respond with that in mind.
From windbg attached to your program that you want to remote:
If you want to use symbols that are cached on the target, then run:
from the Command Window's prompt type .server npipe:pipe=YourPipeName
If you have another machine with with a larger symbol cache, then on the target run:
dbgsrv -t tcp:port=4000
This sets up a thin debug client (a.k.a. remote stub)
Then on the machine running the debugger, open Windbg > File > Connect to remote stub
tcp:server= machine_running_dbgsrv ,port=4000
Now hit F6 and attach to the process you want to debug.
Note: the versions of windbg have to be the same on the machine running dbgsrv and the one running windbg. If they don't match, when you get to part where you hit F6, you end up with no processes in the process list.
File -> Connect to remote session. Or just use CTRL-R.