Dynamically name a struct variable in MATLAB - matlab

I have several files "2011-01-01.txt", "2013-01-02.txt", "2015-02-01.txt", etc.
I wish to create a struct variable for each of the file such that (the values are made up):
save('f20130102.mat','machine20130102') ;
As we can see, the struct names are derived from the files' names. How can I construct the above struct variables?
I've searched for a while, but I didn't figure out how to use genvarname.
And these links (dynamic variable names in matlab, dynamic variable declaration function matlab, Dynamically change variable name inside a loop in MATLAB) didn't solve my problem.
I'm using MATLAB R2012b, so functions like matlab.lang.makeUniqueStrings defined after this version is unavailable.

Now that I'm in front of MATLAB, here's an example based on my comment above, utilizing dynamic field names with the filenames pruned using fileparts and regexprep in a cellfun call.
% Sample list for testing here, use uigetdir with dir or whatever method to
% get a list of files generically
filelist = {'C:\mydata\2011-01-01.txt', ...
'C:\mydata\2012-02-02.txt', ...
'C:\mydata\2013-03-03.txt', ...
'C:\mydata\2014-04-04.txt', ...
nfiles = length(filelist);
% Get filenames from your list of files
[~, filenames] = cellfun(#fileparts, filelist, 'UniformOutput', false);
% Prune unwanted characters from each filename and concatenate with 'machine'
prunedfilenames = regexprep(filenames, '-', '');
myfieldnames = strcat('machine', prunedfilenames);
% Generate your structure
for ii = 1:nfiles
% Parse your files for the data, using dummy variables since I don't
% know how your data is structured
loadedsize = [1, 2, 3];
loadedweight = 1234;
loadedprice = 1234;
% Add data to struct array
mydata.(myfieldnames{ii}).size = loadedsize;
mydata.(myfieldnames{ii}).weight = loadedweight;
mydata.(myfieldnames{ii}).price = loadedprice;
#patrik raises some good points in the comments. I think the more generic method he would like to see (please correct me if I'm wrong) goes something like this:
% Sample list for testing here, use uigetdir with dir or whatever method to
% get a list of files generically
filelist = {'C:\mydata\2011-01-01.txt', ...
'C:\mydata\2012-02-02.txt', ...
'C:\mydata\2013-03-03.txt', ...
'C:\mydata\2014-04-04.txt', ...
nfiles = length(filelist);
% Get filenames from your list of files
[~, filenames] = cellfun(#fileparts, filelist, 'UniformOutput', false);
% Prune unwanted characters from each filename and concatenate with 'machine'
prunedfilenames = regexprep(filenames, '-', '');
mytags = strcat('machine', prunedfilenames);
% Preallocate your structure
mydata = repmat(struct('tag', '', 'size', [1, 1, 1], 'weight', 1, 'price', 1), nfiles, 1);
% Fill your structure
for ii = 1:nfiles
% Parse your files for the data, using dummy variables since I don't
% know how your data is structured
loadedsize = [1, 2, 3];
loadedweight = 1234;
loadedprice = 1234;
% Add data to struct array
mydata(ii).tag = mytags{ii};
mydata(ii).size = loadedsize;
mydata(ii).weight = loadedweight;
mydata(ii).price = loadedprice;

Besides #excaza's answer, I used the following approach:
machine.size = [1,2,3]; machine.price = 335; machine.weight = 234;
machineName = ['machine',the_date];
machineSet = struct(machineName,machine);


Save the data in a form of three columns in text files

This function reads the data from multiple mat files and save them in multiple txt files. But the data (each value) are saved one value in one column and so on. I want to save the data in a form of three columns (coordinates) in the text files, so each row has three values separated by space. Reshape the data before i save them in a text file doesn't work. I know that dlmwrite should be modified in away to make newline after three values but how?
mat = dir('*.mat');
for q = 1:length(mat)
[~, testName, ~] = fileparts(mat(q).name);
testVar = eval(testName);
pos(q,:,:) = testVar.Bodies.Positions(1,:,:);
filename = sprintf('data%d.txt', q);
dlmwrite(filename , pos(q,:,:), 'delimiter','\t','newline','pc')
My data structure:
These data should be extracted from each mat file and stored in the corresponding text files like this:
332.68 42.76 42.663 3.0737
332.69 42.746 42.655 3.0739
332.69 42.75 42.665 3.074
A TheMathWorks-trainer once told me that there is almost never a good reason nor a need to use eval. Here's a snippet of code that should solve your writing problem using writematrix since dlmwrite is considered to be deprecated.
It further puts the file-handling/loading on a more resilient base. One can access structs dynamically with the .(FILENAME) notation. This is quite convenient if you know your fields. With who one can list variables in the workspace but also in .mat-files!
Have a look:
% path to folder
pFldr = pwd;
% get a list of all mat-files (returns an array of structs)
Lst = dir( fullfile(pFldr,'*.mat') );
% loop over files
for Fl = Lst.'
% create path to file
pFl = fullfile( Fl.folder, Fl.name );
% variable to load
[~, var2load, ~] = fileparts(Fl.name);
% get names of variables inside the file
varInfo = who('-file',pFl);
% check if it contains the desired variables
if ~all( ismember(var2load,varInfo) )
% display some kind of warning/info
disp(strcat("the file ",Fl.name," does not contain all required varibales and is therefore skipped."))
% skip / continue with loop
% load | NO NEED TO USE eval()
Dat = load(pFl, var2load);
pos = squeeze( Dat.(var2load)(1,:,1:2000) );
% create file name for text file
pFl2save = fullfile( Fl.folder, strrep(Fl.name,'.mat','.txt') );
To get your 3D-matrix data into a 2D matrix that you can write nicely to a file, use the function squeeze. It gets rid of empty dimensions (in your case, the first dimension) and squeezes the data into a lower-dimensional matrix
Why don't you use writematrix() function?
mat = dir('*.mat');
for q = 1:length(mat)
[~, testName, ~] = fileparts(mat(q).name);
testVar = eval(testName);
pos(q,:,:) = testVar(1,:,1:2000);
filename = sprintf('data%d.txt', q);
More insight you can find here:

Flatten MATLAB structure using dynamic structure reference in single line

I have the following structure:
myStruct.A.var = 'abc';
myStruct.B.var = '123';
myStruct.C.var = 7;
I am looking for a compact (1-2 lines) way of flattening the structure in order to get all the values of the 'var' subfields as:
flattened_var = {'abc', '123', 7}
For example, something like the below lines (which sadly do not work):
inBetweenFields = {'A', 'B', 'C'};
flattened_var = myStruct.(inBetweenFields{:}).var;
A simple loop is more than adequate:
% Set up data
myStruct.A.var = 'abc';
myStruct.B.var = '123';
myStruct.C.var = 7;
% Extract data
substructs = fieldnames(myStruct); % Get substructure names
nsubs = numel(substructs); % Get number of substructures
flatteneddata = cell(nsubs, 1); % Preallocate cell array
% Extract data
for ii = 1:nsubs
flatteneddata{ii} = myStruct.(substructs{ii}).var;
This can also be made Twitter compatible with cellfun, which is very nearly always slower than the equivalent loop.
% Set up data
myStruct.A.var = 'abc';
myStruct.B.var = '123';
myStruct.C.var = 7;
flatteneddata = cellfun(#(x) myStruct.(x).var, fieldnames(myStruct), 'UniformOutput', false);
Both approaches generate the desired output:
flatteneddata =
3×1 cell array
[ 7]
try this:

flatten a struct of arbitrarily nested arrays of integers into a flat array of integers

Is it possible to flatten an array of arbitrarily nested arrays of integers into a flat array of integers in Matlab? For example,
[[1,2,[3]],4] -> [1,2,3,4]
Any kind of guidance will be helpful. Thanks.
For example,
a.c = [5,4];
a= b: [1x1 struct]
c: [5 4]
In this case, my output will be
output= [9,1,2,5,4]
I think you will have to adapt the flatten function from the file exchange to use struct2cell so something like this:
function C = flatten_struct(A)
A = struct2cell(A);
C = [];
for i=1:numel(A)
C = [C,flatten_struct(A{i})];
C = [C,A{i}];
This results in:
a.c = [5,4];
ans =
5 4 9 1 2
So the order is in the order you declared your struct instead of in your example order which I presume is alphabetical. But you have control over this so it shouldn't be a problem.
I have a preliminary hack which does work but rather clumsily. It descends recursively, saving structure names and unpacking the returned structure at each "level" .
% struct2sims converter
function simout = struct2sims(structin)
fnam = fieldnames(structin);
for jf = 1:numel(fnam)
subnam = [inputname(1),'_',fnam{jf}];
if isstruct(structin.(fnam{jf}) ) ,
% need to dive; build a new variable that's not a substruct
eval(sprintf('%s = structin.(fnam{jf});', fnam{jf}));
eval(sprintf('simtmp = struct2sims(%s);',fnam{jf}) );
% try removing the struct before getting any farther...
simout.(subnam) = simtmp;
% at bottom, ok
simout.(subnam) = structin.(fnam{jf});
% need to unpack structs here, after each level of recursion
% returns...
subfnam = fieldnames(simout);
for kf = 1:numel(subfnam)
if isstruct(simout.(subfnam{kf}) ),
subsubnam = fieldnames(simout.(subfnam{kf}));
for fk = 1:numel(subsubnam)
= simout.(subfnam{kf}).(subsubnam{fk}) ;
simout = rmfield(simout,subfnam{kf});
% if desired write to file with:
% save('flattened','-struct','simout');

Loading multiple datasets without overwriting variable

I have a folder containing a number of files, named:
Each file contains a dataset named Var, with identical columns. I want to load all these datasets into the workspace and use vertcat() to vertically concatenate them, but when I load them in a for loop I only get the last dataset since the variable Var is overwritten. These datasets were created in a for loop:
% generate filenames
tss = arrayfun(#(x){sprintf('filename_%d',x)},1:(length(1:3)))';
namerr = cell((length(1:3)),1);
namerr(:,1) = {'E:\FILES\'};
file_names = strcat(namerr,tss,'.mat');
% create datasets and save them to E:\FILES
for ii = 1:3
a = rand(1,5)';
b = rand(1,5)';
Var = dataset({[a,b],'a_name','b_name'});
% Now read these datasets into workspace and concatenate vertically??
% Is there a way for me to name the datasets `Var_1...Var_n`
% so they are not overwritten?
Sure. You can load the data into a variable, and then access the contents of a file as fields in the variable. Starting with your example, this would look something like this:
loadedData_1 = load(file_names{1})
loadedData_2 = load(file_names{2})
loadedData_3 = load(file_names{3})
mergedData = [...
loadedData_1.Var; ...
loadedData_2.Var; ...
loadedData_3.Var ];
You can clean this up by using a loop:
for ix = 3:-1:1 %Load all data, backwards to force preallocation
loadedData(ix) = load(file_names{ix});
mergedData = cat(1,loadedData.Var);
Or if you really want to go over the top I think you can do it in one long line using arrayfun, but that's probably going over the top.
It would be far easier to just do it directly in the loop:
Varcat = [];
for ii = 1:3
a = rand(1,5)';
b = rand(1,5)';
Var = dataset({[a,b],'a_name','b_name'});
Varcat = [Varcat; Var];
Var = Varcat;
In case you actually want to do it much later or in another part of the program, hopefully it's clear how to adapt the same approach for a similar loop with load().

How do I iterate through a struct in an Embedded Matlab Function in Simulink?

I have hit a roadblock where I am trying to iterate through a structure formed in the MATLAB workspace inside an EML (Embedded Matlab) function block in SIMULINK. Here is some example code:
% Matlab code to create workspace structure variables
% Create the Elements
MyElements = struct;
MyElements.Element1 = struct;
MyElements.Element1.var1 = 1;
MyElements.Element1.type = 1;
MyElements.Element2 = struct;
MyElements.Element2.var2 = 2;
MyElements.Element2.type = 2;
MyElements.Element3 = struct;
MyElements.Element3.var3 = 3;
MyElements.Element3.type = 3;
% Get the number of root Elements
numElements = length(fieldnames(MyElements));
MyElements is a Bus type Parameter for the MATLAB Function Block (EML) in SIMULINK. Below is the area I am running into trouble with. I know the number of elements inside my struct and I know the names, but the number of elements can change with any configuration. So I cannot hardcode based on the Element names. I have to iterate through the struct inside the EML block.
function output = fcn(MyElements, numElements)
persistent p_Elements;
% Assign the variable and make persistent on first run
if isempty(p_Elements)
p_Elements = MyElements;
% Prepare the output to hold the vars found for the number of Elements that exist
output= zeros(numElements,1);
% Go through each Element and get its data
for i=1:numElements
element = p_Elements.['Element' num2str(i)]; % This doesn't work in SIMULINK
if (element.type == 1)
output(i) = element.var1;
else if (element.type == 2)
output(i) = element.var2;
else if (element.type == 3)
output(i) = element.var3;
output(i) = -1;
Any thoughts on how I can iterate through a struct type in SIMULINK? Also, I cannot use any extrinsic functions like num2str because this is to be compiled on a target system.
I believe you are trying to use dynamic field names for structures. The correct syntax should be:
element = p_Elements.( sprintf('Element%d',i) );
type = element.type;
%# ...