One to one relationship between tables mongo db - mongodb

I want to make a one to one relationship between two tables.How to do this?I've read documentation but there is only some examples.I think i should do something on schema.Thanks for help


One-to-many relationships in NoSQL DB

I just start to learning DynamoDB and I face a big problem.
Suppose, I have an author and a book table where the author can have multiple books and each book must have an author.
so, In NonSQL DB I just embedded author information in book table to solve this problem.
Sample code:
But, recently I face a problem which is, if long time later admin want to change some information about author like, live attribute. How can I make effect in book table.
Note: Embedded book collection in author table could solve this problem but in future retrieve all books data with pagination and other operation could be more difficult.
In relational db it's every easy to solve just use foreign key and retrieve data by using join query.
How can I solve this type of problem In NonSQL or dynamoDB any suggestions?
You have two options.
Go with semi-sql design. Create separate table for books and autor. And joins will be handled on application level. It's not perfect from performance perspective, but it's easy to start for devs with SQL background.
Go with single table design. This is a complex topic. There is no silver bullet to handle one-to-many relationships like in SQL. You need good understanding of your domain and single table design to do this well.

MEAN Stack: junction tables

I'm new in Mean Stack workflow and my background relays on MySql schemas.
I'm creating a little application to improve my skills on it, and I've encountered a logic question.
I've created two Schemas: a User schema and a Ticket schema.
Now I've to save extra info in the relation between the two Schemas: in MySql, I used junction tables (user_tickets in Laravel case) where I could store, for example, when a user opens a ticket, or if a user hides a ticket and so on...
In Mongoose and in Mean Stack world I can't find a solution.
Now I've created a third model UserTickets but it's problematic and expensive to maintain the third model.
Am I wrong?
Is there another simpler method?
I think that embedded documents (Mongoose Sub Docs) can be a good solution for you.
Maybe this can help you:
Mongoose Sub Docs
MongoDB and joins
MongoDB Joins with MongooseJS
Mongoose/mongoDB query joins.. but I come from a sql background

How can I store a large list in a database

I want to store a large list of urls in a database, each list has an Id and the urls in two different list are most likely not the same, meaning that there is very small intersection between to different list of urls. The size of the list is not know and vary from one list to the other.
Currently, I am storing the list as a string in a field of a PostgreSQL database, I know it is not a good solution so I am looking for a better one.
Things I came up with are :
Store each url in a separate table and link them with a one to many relationship. I don't think this solution is very good because as I said the url will probably be present in only one list.
Go for some NoSQL solution (mongoDB), but as I never tried this, I wanted to see if you guys had any better solutions.
Thank you for your answers.
You should make a many-to-many relation between the two tables "lists" and "urls"
I can help you with mysql.
In mysql u can go with 1 table.
By using 3 Columns: ID, URL1, URL2

MongoDB - How to Handle Relationship

I just start learning about nosql database, specially MongoDB (no specific reason for mongodb). I browse few tutorial sites, but still cant figure out, how it handle relationship between two documents/entity
Lets say for example:
1. One Employee works in one department
2. One Employee works in many department
I dont know the term 'relationship' make sense for mongodb or not.
Can somebody please give something about joins, relationship.
The short answer: with "nosql" you wouldn't do it that way.
What you'd do instead of a join or a relationship is add the departments the user is in to the user object.
You could also add the user to a field in the "department" object, if you needed to see users from that direction.
Denormalized data like this is typical in a "nosql" database.
See this very closely related question: How do I perform the SQL Join equivalent in MongoDB?
in general, you want to denormalize your data in your collections (=tables). Your collections should be optimized so that you don't need to do joins (joins are not possible in NoSQL).
In MongoDB you can either reference other collections (=tables), or you can embed them into each other -- whatever makes more sense in your domain. There are size limits to entries in a collection, so you can't just embed the encyclopedia britannica ;-)
It's probably best if you look for API documentation and examples for the programming language of your choice.
For Ruby, I'd recommend the Mondoid library:
Generally, if you decided to learn about NoSql databases you should follow the "NoSql way", i.e. learn the principles beyond the movement and the approach to design and not simply try to map RDBMS to your first NoSql project.
Simply put - you should learn how to embed and denormalize data (like Will above suggested), and not simply copy the id to simulate foreign keys.
If you do this the "foreign _id way", next step is to search for transactions to ensure that two "rows" are consistently inserted/updated. Few steps after Oracle/MySql is waiting. :)
There are some instances in which you want/need to keep the documents separate in which case you would take the _id from the one object and add it as a value in your other object.
For Example:
name:'George R.R. Martin'
name:'A Dance with Dragons'
There is no official relationship between books and authors its just a copy of the _id from authors into the authorId value in books.
Hope that helps.

Many-to-many relationship in NoSQL

I am trying to figure out how to best implement this for my system...and get my head out of the RDBMS space for now...
A part of my current DB has three tables: Show, ShowEntry, and Entry. Basically ShowEntry is a many-to-many joining table between Show and Entry. In my RDBMS thinking it's quite logical since any changes to Show details can be done in one place, and the same with Entry.
What's the best way to reflect this in a document-based storage? I'm sure there is no one way of doing this but I can't help but think if document-based storage is appropriate for this case at all.
FYI, I am currently considering implementing RavenDB. While discussions on general NoSQL design will be good a more RavenDB focused one will be fantastic!
When modelling a many-to-many relationship in a document database, you usually store a collection of foreign keys in just one of the documents. The document you choose largely depends on the direction you intend to traverse the relationship. Traversing it one way is trivial, traversing it the other way requires an index.
Take the shopping basket example. It's more important to know exactly which items are in a particular basket than which baskets contain a particular item. Since we're usually following the relationship in the basket-to-item direction, it makes more sense to store item IDs in a basket than it does to store basket IDs in an item.
You can still traverse the relationship in the opposite direction (e.g. find baskets containing a particular item) by using an index, but the index will be updated in the background so it won't always be 100% accurate. (You can wait for the index to become accurate with WaitForNonStaleResults, but that delay will show in your UI.)
If you require immediate 100% accuracy in both directions, you can store foreign keys in both documents, but your application will have to update two documents whenever a relationship is created or destroyed.
This went a long way towards solving my question!
Answer to the question
Many-to-many relationships in NoSQL are implemented via an array of references on one of the entities.
You've got two options:
Show has an array of Entry items;
Entry has an array of Shows.
Location of the array is determined by the most common direction of querying. To resolve records in the other direction - index the array (in RavenDB it works like a charm).
Usually, having two arrays on both entities pointing to each other brings more grief than joy. You're losing the single source of truth in an eventually consistent environment... it has potential for breaking data integrity.
Check out this article - Entity Relationships in NoSQL (one-to-many, many-to-many). It covers entity relationships from various angles, taking into account performance, operational costs, time/costs of development and maintenance... and provides examples for RavenDB.