Simple PayPal Payment Form or Email Link - forms

I do all my accounting in Quickbooks Online and customers can pay invoices online. However sometimes I need to accept a payment that isn't tied to one specific invoice. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone can confirm which of these options are feasible and simplest/easiest way to implement. I'd like to avoid a PayPal Payments Pro Subscription as I will rarely need this functionality but if that's the only way, then so be it.
1) Send the customer a link to a simple payment form where either they can enter any payment amount or it pre-populates with the requested amount. (I'd prefer not to have to code a payment form on my site. I'd just like to do it with an iframe, framing in a PayPal hosted payment form.)
2) Create a payment request but email them the link to the request payment form myself rather than the request being mailed separately from PayPal.

You might have a look at the "Quickbooks Payment Request Wizard". it allows you to easily insert a PayPal payment button in e-mail versions of your QuickBooks invoices and estimates.
A similar version of this tool allows you to embed a payment button into an Outlook email.
Both tools are free and require only a standard PayPal Business or Premier account.


PayPal as payment gateway on my marketplace website

I have a website where my users can create custom pages to sell virtual things. At the moment, the only payment gateway their buyers can use is Stripe since it's the only my website currently supports. I would like to add PayPal support, so my sellers can enter their PayPal email, then buyers can purchase goods using PayPal.
I looked into PayPal's API, and the only thing I could really find was the checkout API for commerce. I'm not interested in having any of that fancy API, or needing to have sellers enter API key(s). I simply want sellers to enter their PayPal email, and boom - done. I also do not want to have to get a verified business on PayPal if possible since I still need to do a lot of work before submitting my application for approval from PayPal.
Joe creates a page on my website to sell pictures. He wants to add PayPal support, so he goes to my website's dashboard, enters his PayPal email, and then clicks confirm. Now his buyers can purchase his pictures using PayPal.
Where should I be looking for information on this?
Create a PayPal business account. Follow the Set up standard payments guide and make 2 routes on your server, one for 'Create Order' and one for 'Capture Order', documented here. Both routes should return only JSON data (no HTML or text). Inside the 2nd route, when the capture API is successful you should store its resulting payment details in your database (particularly purchase_units[0].payments.captures[0].id, which is the PayPal transaction ID) and perform any necessary business logic (such as sending confirmation emails or reserving product) immediately before forwarding your return JSON to the frontend caller.
Pair those 2 routes with the frontend approval flow:
To send the funds to another account, specify a payee in the order creation request.

Adaptive Payments

We allow our customers to create invoices using our app, and then send them to their clients to be paid.
The current payment options we offer are stripe and offline payment.
We want to add PayPal as a payment method too.
Adaptive payment seems like the only way to do this, but it is no longer available?
*I've had a business PayPal account for over 6 years.
* Our app is
If you could apply for an APP ID from below page, you are still able to create invoice via PayPal Adaptive Payments.
And besides, PayPal has provided new REST API for invoicing. Please check below page for its details.

Paypal REST API for Donations

I'm trying to create a custom form with the ability to process credit card direct donations, as well as paypal account donations, and the ability to select whether the amount paid is a regular monthly donation or a one time. I cannot find documentation anywhere on how to use the paypal REST API for donations. There doesn't seem to be an intent type for donation anywhere, or any option for monthly or one time payments. Does anyone have any experience with this? I understand how the commercial payment API works, but I'm not sure what options need to be changed for donations.
The easiest way is to add Buy Now button to your site. It is just plain HTML code, no server code is needed. When someone donated you recieve email with details including amount of payment and email of donator. So you can reply him "Thank you" :)
Please note, in some countries you should verify your paypal account before accepting payments. It can be done in "View limits" menu.

PayPal API - How to keep the payment process on my website?

I run a small marketplace with multiple sellers where buyers can buy items and pay with PayPal. The problem is, when someone makes a payment, they are then displayed the "Payment Confirmation" on the PayPal website and are given a choice to either return to their PayPal account, or return to the website.
Is there any way to keep the payment flow on my website, except for the payment part? I notice when buying on Etsy for example, the buyer goes to PayPal to make the payment and is then immediately returned to Etsy for the payment confirmation. They never see the PayPal payment confirmation page.
I assume it could be because Etsy and PayPal have a special arrangement that isn't available to other sites? Or am I missing something in the API?
Right now, with the normal PayPal API, this is what buyers see:
NAME, you've just completed your payment.
Your transaction ID for this payment is: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.
We'll send a confirmation email to
Go to PayPal account overview.
Go back to "".
I can't even figure out how to change the "Go back to..." link to my website name in the hidden fields. PayPal just chooses to display the seller's (the person that received the payment) email address.
Is there any way to at least set a website name for them to return to with hidden variables? Keep in mind that I have different sellers, so it's not something I could set inside each seller's PayPal account.
Thank you :)
I assume you are using Express Checkout with Set/Get/Do EC API integration. Please check the below document for experience options available with Express Checkout API.
The 'useraction=commit' in the PayPal payment auth url triigers the 'Buy' button. If you do not send that request paramter then it will show 'continue' button and you can complete rest of the process on your site.
However, if you are using Paypal Payment Standard product then you need to use Express Checkout to accomplish the outcome you are seeking.

Allow unregistered paypal users to make payments

Hi i am integrating paypal web payments standard into my shopping cart using the setup where you just send a form to paypal with all the values in hidden fields. I want to enable the option that allows people to make payments even if they are not a registered paypal user. I am sure i read somewhere in the paypal documentation but now i can't find it.
Thanks a lot
Yes it is do-able. You can find all the info on paypal site. Here's one:
Website Payments Standard: Integration Overview
However there's one catch. If the buyer uses an email or a credit card that was registered in Paypal before, he/she will be forced to login. Else a new email address or card number has to be used.