Find by Protocol in Swift - swift

How can I pass a protocol as a parameter in Swift?
In Objective-C I could do this:
id <CurrentUserContex> userContex = [ServiceLocator locate:#protocol(CurrentUserContex)];
Service locator:
+ (id)locate:(id)objectType
After Qbyte answer tried using:
But I'm getting 'CurrentUserContex.Protocol' does not confirm to protocol 'AnyObject'
So I tried:
ServiceLocator.locate(CurrentUserContex.self as! AnyObject)
But then I get:
Could not cast value of type 'ApplicationName.CurrentUserContex.Protocol' (0x7fec15e52348) to 'Swift.AnyObject' (0x7fec15d3d4f8).

I would suggest to use this if CurrentUserContex is the name of the protocol itself:
If CurrentUserContex is a variable which type is a protocol use:
I hope this solves your problem

In Swift you have to pass a class (all classes conform to the AnyObject protocol). So CurrentUserContex has to be a class too and you can try it with .self or without (Unfortunately, I don't have enough reference to tell you exactly which to use).

ServiceLocator.locate(CurrentUserContex.self as Protocol)
or (in some versions with a bug Protocol isn't recognized as being AnyObject for some reason):
ServiceLocator.locate((CurrentUserContex.self as Protocol) as! AnyObject)

Protocol as a method argument:
protocol Describable: class{ var text: String { get } }
class A: Describable { var text: String; init(_ text: String) { self.text = text } }
class B: A {}
class C {}
let a = A("I am a")
let b = B("I am b")
let c = C()
func ofType<T>(instance: Any?,_ type: T.Type) -> T? { /*<--we use the ? char so that it can also return a nil*/
if (instance as? T != nil) { return instance as? T }
return nil
Swift.print(ofType(a, A.self)!.text) // I am a
Swift.print(ofType(a, Describable.self)!.text) // I am a
Swift.print(ofType(b, B.self)!.text) // I am b
Swift.print(ofType(c, C.self)) // instance of c


Protocol function implementation without actually conforming to a protocol

I am a beginner Swift learner and I have a question about protocols. I have followed a tutorial that teaches you about linked lists, which is as follows:
class LinkedListNode<Key> {
let key: Key
var next: LinkedListNode?
weak var previous: LinkedListNode?
init (key: Key) {
self.key = key
And the linked list:
class LinkedList<Element>: CustomStringConvertible {
typealias Node = LinkedListNode<Element>
private var head: Node?
// irrelevant code removed here
var description: String {
var output = "["
var node = head
while node != nil {
output += "\(node!.key)"
node = node!.next
if node != nil { output += ", " }
return output + "]"
The var description: String implementation simply lets you to print each elements in the linked list.
So far, I understand the structure of the linked list, my problem isn't about the linked list actually. What I don't understand is the protocol CustomStringConvertible. Why would it be wrong if I have only the var description: String implementation without conforming to the protocol? I mean, this protocol just simply say "Hey, you need to implement var description: String because you are conformed to me, but why can't we just implement var description: String without conforming to the protocol?
Is it because in the background, there is a function or some sort that takes in a type CustomStringConvertible and run it through some code and voila! text appears.
Why can't we just implement var description: String without conforming to the protocol?
class Foo {
var description: String { return "my awesome description" }
let foo = Foo()
print("\(foo)") // return "stackoverflow.Foo" (myBundleName.Foo)
class Foo: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String { return "my awesome description" }
let foo = Foo()
print("\(foo)") // return "my awesome description"
When you use CustomStringConvertible, you warrant that this class have the variable description, then, you can call it, without knowing the others details of implementation.
Another example:
(someObject as? CustomStringConvertible).description
I don't know the type of someObject, but, if it subscriber the CustomStringConvertible, then, I can call description.
You must conform to CustomStringConvertible if you want string interpolation to use your description property.
You use string interpolation in Swift like this:
"Here's my linked list: \(linkedList)"
The compiler basically turns that into this:
String(stringInterpolationSegment: "Here's my linked list: "),
String(stringInterpolationSegment: linkedList),
String(stringInterpolationSegment: ""))
There's a generic version of String(stringInterpolationSegment:) defined like this:
public init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T) {
self = String(describing: expr)
String(describing: ) is defined like this:
public init<Subject>(describing instance: Subject) {
_print_unlocked(instance, &self)
_print_unlocked is defined like this:
internal func _print_unlocked<T, TargetStream : TextOutputStream>(
_ value: T, _ target: inout TargetStream
) {
// Optional has no representation suitable for display; therefore,
// values of optional type should be printed as a debug
// string. Check for Optional first, before checking protocol
// conformance below, because an Optional value is convertible to a
// protocol if its wrapped type conforms to that protocol.
if _isOptional(type(of: value)) {
let debugPrintable = value as! CustomDebugStringConvertible
debugPrintable.debugDescription.write(to: &target)
if case let streamableObject as TextOutputStreamable = value {
streamableObject.write(to: &target)
if case let printableObject as CustomStringConvertible = value {
printableObject.description.write(to: &target)
if case let debugPrintableObject as CustomDebugStringConvertible = value {
debugPrintableObject.debugDescription.write(to: &target)
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: value)
_adHocPrint_unlocked(value, mirror, &target, isDebugPrint: false)
Notice that _print_unlocked only calls the object's description method if the object conforms to CustomStringConvertible.
If your object doesn't conform to CustomStringConvertible or one of the other protocols used in _print_unlocked, then _print_unlocked creates a Mirror for your object, which ends up just printing the object's type (e.g. MyProject.LinkedList) and nothing else.
CustomStringConvertible allows you to do a print(linkedListInstance) that will print to the console whatever is returned by the description setter.
You can find more information about this protocol here:

How to call a static method on a base class from a generic class<T>?

I'm trying to call a static method in a base class from a generic subclass. See simplified playground code below.
Calling the non-static 'dump' function works.
The similar static call fails. Various attempts to typecast the array also fail.
In the full production code, "ClassA" is in a 3rd-party module and can't be changed. It can be further subclassed and extended.
Does Swift offer some magical typecast to have ClassT call ClassA.dump() directly?
class ClassT<T> {
var dict=[String:T]()
func add(key:String, obj:T) {
let arr=Array(dict.values)
dump(arr) // works -> but not as expected, see comment below !!!
ClassA.dump(arr) // error: cannot convert value of type 'Array<T>' to expected argument type '[ClassA]'
ClassA.dump(arr as! [ClassA]) // error: cannot convert value of type 'Array<T>' to type '[ClassA]' in coercion
ClassA.dump(arr as! [AnyObject]) // error: 'AnyObject' is not a subtype of 'T'
ClassA.dump(arr as! [Any]) // error: 'Any' is not a subtype of 'T'
class ClassA {
func dump(arr:[ClassA]) {
static func dump(arr:[ClassA]) {
class ClassB:ClassA {
static let o=ClassT<ClassA>()
func test() {
ClassB.o.add("Elem1", obj:self)
You have to add a constraint to specify that T derives from ClassA.
class ClassT<T: ClassA> {
var dict = [String : T]()
func add(key: String, obj: T) {
dict[key] = obj
let arr = Array(dict.values) //probably unecessary
dump(arr) // works
Without it, the compiler has no way to enforce that all conforming types T will be castable to ClassA.

testing protocol conformance with associated types

I have a protocol that uses an associated type, as such:
protocol Populatable {
typealias T
func populateWith(object: T)
and classes that implement the protocol:
class DateRowType: Populatable {
func populateWith(object: NSDate) {
class StringRowType : Populatable {
func populateWith(object: String) {
but when I try to cast or test for conformance, like this:
let drt = DateRowType()
let srt = StringRowType()
let rowTypes = [drt, srt]
let data = [NSDate(), "foo"]
for (i, p: Populatable) in enumerate(rowTypes) {
I get the error:
Protocol 'Populatable' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
What's the correct way to test if the object conforms to the Populatable protocol?
Note: all the code required to try this out is contained in the question, just copy the code blocks into a playground.
As the error says, you cannot cast it to Populatable here. I think the correct way is to cast it to EventRowType.
if let rowController = self.table.rowControllerAtIndex(i) as? EventRowType {
And you already tested that 'EventRowType' class conforms 'Populatable' protocol. Because if the EventRowType doesn't have function named 'populate', swift compiler says,
Type 'EventRowType' does not conform to protocol 'Populatable'
I don't think you will be able to go generic the whole way, unless possibly by using AnyObject and testing the class of the parameter in each populateWith function.
But this will work:
for (i, p) in enumerate(rowTypes) {
if let dateRow = p as? DateRowType {
dateRow.populateWith(data[i] as! NSDate)
else if let stringRow = p as? StringRowType {
stringRow.populateWith(data[i] as! String)
You will just need to expand this for every Populatable class you add.

Call Class Methods From Protocol As Parameter

I want to be able to pass a class (not an initialized object) of a certain protocol type to a method, then call the class functions of that class in the method. Code below.
I am using Swift and have an protocol defined like this
//Protocol for any object to be used with an FAUAPIConnection
protocol FAUAPIModel{
//Used to parse the object from a given dictionary to an object
class func parseFromJSON(JSON:AnyObject) -> Self
//Required default init
What I would like to do is have a method like this
func getSomeParsingDone<T:FAUAPIModel>(model:T.Type? = nil, getPath:path, callingObj:CallingClass) -> Void
//GetIt is inconsequential, just logic to get an object from a certain path
var returnObj:AnyObject = GetIt.get(path)
if(model != nil){
returnObj = model!.parseFromJSON() <<<<<< Type 'T' does not conform to protocol 'AnyObject'
Object that implements the protocol
import Foundation
class MyObj: FAUAPIModel{
var neededVal:String
var nonneededVal:String
required convenience init(){
init(neededVal:String, nonneededVal:String = ""){
self.neededVal = neededVal
self.nonneededVal = nonneededVal
class func parseFromJSON(JSON:AnyObject) -> WGMPart
return WGMPart() <<<<<<<< Method 'parseFromJSON' in non-final class 'WGMPart' must return 'Self' to conform to protocol 'FAUAPIModel'
However, I keep getting two errors. I have indicated these above with '<<<<<<<<<<<<'
compile error.
Lots of little things to consider here, but let's get to the heart of your question. The signature you want looks like this:
func getSomeParsingDone<T:FAUAPIModel>(model:T.Type, path:String) -> T?
I'm making the return optional beause there are a lot of things that could fail here, and you really shouldn't turn all of those into crashes.
I'd recommend your protocol look like this:
protocol FAUAPIModel {
class func parseFromJSON(JSON:AnyObject) -> Self
That way, you're promising that your return your own class, not just anything that is parseable. That does tend to mean that you need to make your classes final. If you don't want them to be final, you'll need to promise some init method in order to construct it. See Protocol func returning Self for more details on how to deal with that if you need it.
So putting it together, it might look something like this in practice:
protocol FAUAPIModel {
class func parseFromJSON(JSON:AnyObject) -> Self
func createObjectOfClass<T: FAUAPIModel>(model: T.Type, path: String) -> T? {
if let json: AnyObject = GetJSON(path) {
return model.parseFromJSON(json)
return nil
// Bogus JSON reader
func GetJSON(path: String) -> AnyObject? {
let json: AnyObject? = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(path.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: true)!, options: NSJSONReadingOptions(0), error: nil)
return json
// Bogus model class that returns trivial version of itself
final class Something: FAUAPIModel {
class func parseFromJSON(JSON:AnyObject) -> Something {
return Something()
// Using it
let something = createObjectOfClass(Something.self, "/path/to/file")
I just want to note that the answer to your exact question would be to declare your function like this:
func getSomeParsingDone(model:FAUAPIModel.Type? = nil, getPath:path) -> FAUAPIModel

Obtaining a string representation of a protocol dynamically

I'm looking for a way to obtain a protocol name dynamically from the protocol type, without having to use the #objc attribute in the protocol declaration.
I know that this works:
func keyForProtocol(aProtocol: Protocol) -> String {
return NSStringFromProtocol(aProtocol)
but only if the protocol has the #obj attribute:
#objc protocol Test {}
var key = keyForProtocol(Test.self) // Key contains "TestApp.Test"
however as soon as I remove the #objc attribute, compilation fails with this error:
'Test.Protocol' is not convertible to 'Protocol'
Is there any way to achieve that?
Note: the reason why I want to avoid #objc is that it doesn't allow usage of associated types (i.e. generics in protocol) - in those cases compilation fails with this error: Method cannot be marked #objc because the type of parameter xx cannot be represented in Objective-C
I recently found a solution by implementing the keyForProtocol method as follows:
func keyForProtocol<P>(aProtocol: P.Type) -> String {
return ("\(aProtocol)")
It works with any type, not just for protocols, but I'm ok with that.
Some examples from a playground:
protocol Test {}
keyForProtocol(Test.self) // Prints "__lldb_expr_92.Test"
class MyClass {}
keyForProtocol(MyClass.self) // Prints "__lldb_expr_92.MyClass"
keyForProtocol(Int.self) // Prints "Swift.Int"
keyForProtocol(UIView.self) // Prints "UIView"
As Antonio said:
let protocolDescription = "\(aProtocol)"
will return a (sometime strange) protocol name.
I finally completed my task converting back this string to a protocol with:
let protocolReference = NSProtocolFromString(protocolDescription)
This technique is perfect if you need to retrieve the protocol type from a generic parameter like in this example (a lightweight/homemade dependency manager):
class DependencyManager<T> {
private static func inject(_ aProtocol: T.Type) -> T {
let application = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! LMApplication
let dependencies = application.applicationDependencies
let protocolReference = NSProtocolFromString("\(aProtocol)")
let dependency = dependencies!.object(for: protocolReference)
return dependency! as! T
let object: Protocol = DependencyManager.inject(Protocol.self)