I would like to create below folder structure in git in order to organise my projects better.
Dojo (root)
- proj/repo 1
- proj/repo 2
Node (root)
- proj/repo 1
- proj/repo 2
- proj/repo 3
Is it feasible?
I have a set up that looks like this:
- MainRepository
- Folder1 (nested submodule)
- Folder2 (double - nested submodule)
- Folder3 (nested submodule)
- Folder4 (nested submodule)
When I make a change to the double-nested folder I have to stage-commit-push on three different levels:
Inside of the Folder2
Then inside of the Folder1
And finally from the MainRepository
The problem is that a project I'm currently working is very big and it is time consuming doing it manually every time. Is there a way to stage and push the same commit on all 3 levels recursively
Currently I'm not able to stage the same commit for each level.
I've tried:
- git submodule foreach --recursive git add.
- git submodule foreach --recursive git commit -m "name_of_commit"
But it returns the following because there are submodules(i.e Folder3/Folder4) that don't have any commits:
fatal: run_command returned non-zero status
I have a project which tree structure looks like this:
+ /Root
- .gitignore
+ - - /Folder A
- - - .gitignore <--- this fellow
+ - - - /bin
- - - - - fileA
+ - - - - fileB
+ - - - /Folder AA
+ - - /FolderB
+ - - - /bin
The .gitignore in the root-folder has a lot of rules, among them is to ignore all /bin-folders.
However, in my FolderA I would like everything to stay as it is - all the way down in that folder.
FolderB/bin on the other hand should be ignored.
I know this is possible by adding another .gitignore in FolderA, and let this override the root folder's .gitignore. But I can't remember how.
What should I write in FolderA/.gitignore?
In other words: "FolderA is a sacred folder, and must have all files in it stay in it, disregarding what any other .gitignore-files must say"
Override the root .gitignore in /FolderA/.gitignore using the include syntax:
Solution found:
In the .gitignore file added in the folder needed to be excluded, the following line is added as the only line:
I want to create several backends.
For example:
Default yii2 advanced project
.. backend/
.. common/
.. console/
.. frontend/
I need:
.. backend1/
.. controllers/
.. modules/
.. backend2 /
.. controllers/
.. modules/
Its really?
The web-site may consist of several subprograms
In Yii2 advanced app you can have as many apps as you want, i.e. backend1, backend2, frontend1, frontendXY, api, etc... you name it.
Here is little guide how to do it: https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2-app-advanced/blob/master/docs/guide/topic-adding-more-apps.md
In Tesseract-OCR, there are 2 folders in tessdata - tessdata/configs and tessdata/tessconfigs:
Both seem to contain config files - for example makebox is in configs while batch.nochop is in tessconfig.
So what is the difference between them? Why split the config files between 2 folders? Do they contain different categories of config files?
say i have a local clone called test that i am working on. test has 5 changesets as follows (4 being the latest changeset):
0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4
Q1. How can i merge / collapse / combine changeset 4 with changeset 1 (I do not want the diff of 2 and 3 included) so it looks like this (3 being the merged 1 and 4)
0 -- 1 -- 2 -- 3
Without MQ: Histedit extension
Using MQ extension: Editing History
Additional reading: Concatenating Changesets, Collapse Extension
PS: I'll prefer to use pure MQ-way