DB2 DBCLOB data INSERT with Unicode data - unicode

The problem at hand is to insert data into a DB2 table which has a DBCLOB column. The table's encoding is Unicode. The subsystem is a MIXED YES with Japanese CCSID set of (290, 930, 300). The application is bound ENCODING CCSID.
I was successful in FETCHING the DBCLOB's data in Unicode, no problem there. But when I turn around and try to INSERT it back, the data inserted is being interpreted as not being Unicode, seems DB2 thinks its EBCDIC DBCS/GRAPHIC, and the inserted row shows Unicode 0xFEFE. When I manually update the data being inserted to valid DBCS then the data inserts OK and shows the expected Unicode DBCS values.
To insert the data I am using a dynamically prepared INSERT statement with a placeholder for the DBCLOB column. The SQLVAR entry associated with the placeholder is a DBCLOB_LOCATOR with the CCSID set to 1200.
A DBCLOB locator is being created doing a SET dbclobloc = SUBSTR(dbclob, 1, length). The created locator is being put into SQLDA. Then the prepared INSERT is being executed.
It seems DB2 is ignoring the 1200 CCSID associated with the DBCLOB_LOCATOR SQLVAR. Attempts to put a CAST(? AS DBCLOB CCSID UNICODE) on the placeholder in the INSERT do not help because at that time DB2 seems to have made up its mind about the encoding of the data to be inserted.
I am stuck :( Any ideas?

I think I figured it out and it is not good: the SET statement for the DBCLOB_LOCATOR is static SQL and the DBRM is bound ENCODING EBCDIC. Hence DB2 has no choice but to assume the data is in the CCSID of the plan.
I also tried what the books suggest and used a SELECT ... FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMYU to set the DBCLOB_LOCATOR. This should have told DB2 that the data was coming in Unicode. But it failed again, with symptoms indicating it still assumed the DBCS EBCDIC CCSID.
Not good.


Clob(length 1048576) DB2 to PostgreSQL best datatype?

We had a table with a column with a Clob(length 1048576) that would store search text that helps with searching. When I transferred it from DB2 to Postgres in our migration, I found that it wasn't working as well. So I going to try text or varchar, but I was finding it would take much longer for the long text entries to be added to the table to the point my local wildfly window would timeout when trying to run.
What is the equilavelent of a datatpye that accepts text that I should be using in postgres to replace a Clob that was length 1048576 in DB2? It might be that I was using the right datatypes but didn't have the right corresponding size.
Use text. That is the only reasonable data type for long character strings.

IIB sometimes reads garbled text from an Oracle CLOB

I have an IIBv10 (fix pack No 19) application which reads a CLOB field from an Oracle (v12) database and stores into a shared CHARACTER variable. I also write the variable content into a log. It usually works perfectly but sometimes in some environments I see that the text from the variable is different from the database text (e. g., one character might be different). What can be the reason for that?
It seems to be reproducing sporadically, both in a multi- and a single-instance environment.
Sample code (MY_TABLE has a CLOB field and MY)
SET MY_CACHE.Item[] = PASSTHRU(mySelectStatement);

Get the enconding of a char column through SQL query in db2

How do I get the encoding of a char column in db2 through a query? I'm using Db2 i 7.2. Basically, I need to check if the enconding of a char column is "for bit data".
FOR BIT DATA is not an encoding, it is an attribute of character data types that have no encoding.
Each column data type and, for character types, encoding can be found in the catalog view QSYS2.SYSCOLUMNS -- columns DATA_TYPE and CCSID respectively. I guess you'll be looking for 'BINARY' and 'VARBIN' values.
More information in the manual.

How to insert (raw bytes from file data) using a plain text script

Database: Postgres 9.1
I have a table called logos defined like this:
create type image_type as enum ('png');
create table logos (
id UUID primary key,
bytes bytea not null,
type image_type not null,
created timestamp with time zone default current_timestamp not null
create index logo_id_idx on logos(id);
I want to be able to insert records into this table in 2 ways.
The first (and most common) way rows will be inserted in the table will be that a user will provide a PNG image file via an html file upload form. The code processing the request on the server will receive a byte array containing the data in the PNG image file and insert a record in the table using something very similar to what is explained here. There are plenty of example of how to insert byte arrays into a postgresql field of type bytea on the internet. This is an easy exercise. An example of the insert code would look like this:
insert into logos (id, bytes, type, created) values (?, ?, ?, now())
And the bytes would be set with something like:
byte[] bytes = ... // read PNG file into a byte array.
ps.setBytes(2, bytes);
The second way rows will be inserted in the table will be from a plain text file script. The reason this is needed is only to populate test data into the table for automated tests, or to initialize the database with a few records for a remote development environment.
Regardless of how the data is entered in the table, the application will obviously need to be able to select the bytea data from the table and convert it back into a PNG image.
How does one properly encode a byte array, to be able to insert the data from within a script, in such a way that only the original bytes contained in the file are stored in the database?
I can write code to read the file and spit out insert statements to populate the script. But I don't know how to encode the byte array for the plain text script such that when running the script from psql the image data will be the same as if the file was inserted using the setBytes jdbc code.
I would like to run the script with something like this:
psql -U username -d dataBase -a -f test_data.sql
The easiest way, IMO, to represent bytea data in an SQL file is to use the hex format:
8.4.1. bytea Hex Format
The "hex" format encodes binary data as 2 hexadecimal digits per byte, most significant nibble first. The entire string is preceded by the sequence \x (to distinguish it from the escape format). In some contexts, the initial backslash may need to be escaped by doubling it, in the same cases in which backslashes have to be doubled in escape format; details appear below. The hexadecimal digits can be either upper or lower case, and whitespace is permitted between digit pairs (but not within a digit pair nor in the starting \x sequence). The hex format is compatible with a wide range of external applications and protocols, and it tends to be faster to convert than the escape format, so its use is preferred.
Converting an array of bytes to hex should be trivial in any language that a sane person (such a yourself) would use to write the SQL file generator.

How to get and change encoding schema for a DB2 z/OS database using dynamic SQL statement

A DB2 for z/OS database has been setup for me. Now I want to know the encoding scheme of the database and change it to Unicode if the database is other type of encoding.
How can I do this? Can I do this using dynamic SQL statements in my Java application?
You need to specify that the encoding scheme is UNICODE when you are creating your table (and database and tablepsace) by using the CCSID UNICODE clause.
According to the documentation:
By default, the encoding scheme of a table is the same as the encoding scheme of its table space. Also by default, the encoding scheme of the table space is the same as the encoding scheme of its database. You can override the encoding scheme with the CCSID clause in the CREATE TABLESPACE or CREATE TABLE statement. However, all tables within a table space must have the same CCSID.
For more, see Creating a Unicode Table in the DB2 for z/os documentation.
You are able to create tables via Java/JDBC, but I doubt that you will be able to create databases and tablespaces that way. I wouldn't recommend it anyway, I would find your closest z/os DBA and get that person to help you.