Paypal: how to store credit card and take automatic payments - paypal

With paypal is possible to store the credit card of the customer (that has put during the registratin process) and take an automatic payment (so not initiated by the user himself)?
Which paypal payment solution should i use?

This is a very broad question, so I will give you a very broad answer. There are a number of different ways to do that depending on your goal.
The following APIs would give you what you're asking for in various ways.
Express Checkout / Payments Pro Recurring Payments
Express Checkout / Payments Pro Reference Transactions
Adaptive Payments, specifically Preapproval and Pay.


Paypal adaptive payments - audit trail

We're planning a web app that allows users to pay our clients directly through Paypal so there will be many different users and each will be paying a specific client through the website and there will be multiple clients.
These payments may be one-off payments but a few may be recurring.
We won't be charging a transaction fee for this so we basically want the whole payment amount to be deposited in the client's Paypal account (so they pay their own Paypal fees). I've looked at chained payments to be able to take a payment for a client but I'm just wondering what the actual flow of money is in a chained payment.
When a chained payment is made does Paypal deposit the payment go into our Paypal account first and then be paid into the client's account or does the client portion (in this case 100%) go directly into the client's account?
I'm asking as we're not sure how it would affect us in terms of accounting in our business if all the payment money was actually passing through our Paypal account (even if only briefly).
Or is a chained payment not the ideal solution for this?
If you are not taking a cut of the money, then I believe either Simple or Parallel payments would be a better solution. If you are going to be processing payments for a single buyer to a single merchant, then you can just use Simple Payments. If you are going to be processing payments for a single buyer to multiple merchants then you'd want to use Parallel Payments. More information on each of those APIs can be found here.

Enabling Guest Payments by default in Adaptive Payments

I have a website that allows people to come and create events. I like to allow these people to charge for the events (where I take a cut). However, most of the people coming to the events may not have PayPal accounts, and so I want the default to show in the checkout is by credit card. (Using Adaptive Payments to use the chain payments for simplicity). Does anyone know how to show the Guest Payments by default? Thanks.
Unfortunately, you can't force the guest checkout option in Adaptive Payments the way you can with Express Checkout. The problem there is EC only supports parallel payments, not chained, so the buyer would see the split during checkout.
You can accomplish what you want using billing agreements. You have a billing agreement setup with you and the vendor, and after the initial transaction is completed you can take your fee from the vendor.

Paypal API - Can we transfer money to multiple accounts in a transaction?

A proposed scenario is, assume the shopping cart site, where buyer has to pay for a product. The sold product costs will be transferred to the respective merchant. Here, the website owner has to be paid(commission) for the purchased product.
Is it possible in Paypal? Right now, I am using Paypal checkout. Your ideas/suggestions would be helpful. Please do it.
There are a number of ways you could set this up.
You could use the Adaptive Payments platform, specifically the Pay API, to create parallel or chained payments so that multiple receivers can receive money within the same transaction.
You can also do a parallel payment with Express Checkout, but you can't do a chained payment.
The main difference is that with parallel payments the buyer will see the split during checkout. With a chained payment you can hide that so they only see the primary receiver. Also, chained payments can be delayed so you can trigger the commission to be paid at a later time if necessary (for example, waiting for services to be completed.)
Another way you could do this is to use Payments Standard, Express Checkout, or Payments Pro, and let the payment go entirely to a single account. Then setup a Pay API request to submit payment to the secondary receiver, or use the MassPay API. This could be setup within an IPN solution so the entire thing is automated. In this case you'd basically be building what the adaptive payments platform does for you, but it would give you a little bit more freedom over everything in the application.

PayPal guest payments outside US

I need to process payments from customers who have credit cards, but not necessarily a PayPal account - and they need not be required to sign up for PayPal either. From what I have found in the docs so far, it seems I need so-called Adaptive Payments to do that. Does this work with the REST API and can I do this outside the US (I live in Austria)?
Both PayPal Payments Standard and PayPal Express Checkout support guest transactions; you really don't need Adaptive Payments for this.
I suggest you take a look at the Express Checkout documentation, including the Getting Started guide we have available.

Paypal Express Checkout - Different Payees depending on Postcode/ZipCode

Is it possible to have PayPal select the payee/recipient for an Express Payment (or any other payment) based on the postcode/zipcode they provide in PayPal itself? Especially if someone is a registered PayPal member already and their postcode is not revealed to the website until PayPal returns control for confirmation.
The only thing that would come close to this would be Adaptive Payments. With Adaptive Payments, you can have your own logic that ties recipients and zipcodes together, and you can adjust the recipient based on your own logic.
You can see the docs for Adaptive Payments here: