tcp read() immediately after accept() - sockets

If I call send() immediately after synchronous connect() returns on the client side, is it reasonable to expect that calling read() immediately after accept() on the server side will return the first segment of data? I.e., will a client receiving the SYN-ACK typically wait a bit to see whether there is any payload to include on the ACK completing the 3-way handshake?
The first message in my protocol will include an authentication token (< 500 bytes), so was thinking it would be handy to synchronously read() and validate immediately after accept(), and close the socket if not valid. Otherwise, it seems like I need to have some state tied up waiting for asynchronous time out. I will be dealing with a limited set of common client platforms, so not concerned about theoretical possibilities across all TCP implementation.

Even if you could rely on well-behaved clients, in network problems it is almost never safe to rely on anything happening reliably like that.
Also, when you're using unencrypted data, all sorts of intermediate routers will think its their business to muck with the data.
With UDP the problem is actually simpler, though obviously you have to implement your own reliability and congestion-control algorithms.

The answer is no in general, but Linux offers TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT socket option, which means accept() does not return until data has arrived. In that case, read() immediately after accept() should return data.


Ajax polling vs SSE (performance on server side)

I'm curious about if there is some type of standard limit on when is better to use Ajax Polling instead of SSE, from a server side viewpoint.
1 request every second: I'm pretty sure is better SSE
1 request per minute: I'm pretty sure is better Ajax
But what about 1 request every 5 seconds? How can we calculate where is the limit frequency for Ajax or SSE?
No way is 1 request per minute always better for Ajax, so that assumption is flawed from the start. Any kind of frequent polling is nearly always a costly choice. It seems from our previous conversation in comments of another question that you start with a belief that an open TCP socket (whether SSE connection or webSocket connection) is somehow costly to server performance. An idle TCP connection takes zero CPU (maybe every once in a long while, a keep alive might be sent, but other than that, an idle socket does not use CPU). It does use a bit of server memory to handle the socket descriptor, but a highly tuned server can have 1,000,000 open sockets at once. So, your CPU usage is going to be more about how many connections are being established and what are they asking the server to do every time they are established than it is about how many open (and mostly idle) connections there are.
Remember, every http connection has to create a TCP socket (which is roundtrips between client/server), then send the http request, then get the http response, then close the socket. That's a lot of roundtrips of data to do every minute. If the connection is https, it's even more work and roundtrips to establish the connection because of the crypto layer and endpoint certification. So doing all that every minute for hundreds of thousands of clients seems like a massive waste of resources and bandwidth when you could create one SSE connection and the client just listen for data to stream from the server over that connection.
As I said in our earlier comment exchange on a different question, these types of questions are not really answerable in the abstract. You have to have specific requirements of both client and server and a specific understanding of the data being delivered and how urgent it is on the client and therefore a specific polling interval and a specific scale in order to begin to do some calculations or test harnesses to evaluate which might be the more desirable way to do things. There are simply too many variables to come up with a purely hypothetical answer. You have to define a scenario and then analyze different implementations for that specific scenario.
Number of requests per second is only one of many possible variables. For example, if most the time you poll there's actually nothing new, then that gives even more of an advantage to the SSE case because it would have nothing to do at all (zero load on the server other than a little bit of memory used for an open socket most of the time) whereas the polling creates continual load, even when nothing to do.
The #1 advantage to server push (whether implement with SSE or webSocket) is that the server only has to do anything with the client when there is actually pertinent data to send to that specific client. All the rest of the time, the socket is just sitting there idle (perhaps occasionally on a long interval, sending a keep-alive).
The #1 disadvantage to polling is that there may be lots of times that the client is polling the server and the server has to expend resources to deal with the polling request only to inform that client that it has nothing new.
How can we calculate where is the limit frequency for Ajax or SSE?
It's a pretty complicated process. Lots of variables in a specific scenario need to be defined. It's not as simple as just requests/sec. Then, you have to decide what you're attempting to measure or evaluate and at what scale? "Server performance" is the only thing you mention, but that has to be completely defined and different factors such as CPU usage and memory usage have to be weighted into whatever you're measuring or calculating. Then, you may even need to run some test harnesses if the calculations don't yield an obvious answer or if the decision is so critical that you want to verify your calculations with real metrics.
It sounds like you're looking for an answer like "at greater than x requests/min, you should use polling instead of SSE" and I don't think there is an answer that simple. It depends upon far more things than requests/min or requests/sec.
"Polling" incurs overhead on all parties. If you can avoid it, don't poll.
If SSE is an option, it might be a good choice. "It depends".
Q: What (if any) kind of "event(s)" will your app need to handle?

What is the benefit of using non-blocking sockets with the "select" function?

I'm writing a server in Linux that will have to support simultaneous read/write operations from multiple clients. I want to use the select function to manage read/write availability.
What I don't understand is this: Suppose I want to wait until a socket has data available to be read. The documentation for select states that it blocks until there is data available to read, and that the read function will not block.
So if I'm using select and I know that the read function will not block, why would I need to set my sockets to non-blocking?
There might be cases when a socket is reported as ready but by the time you get to check it, it changes its state.
One of the good examples is accepting connections. When a new connection arrives, a listening socket is reported as ready for read. By the time you get to call accept, the connection might be closed by the other side before ever sending anything and before we called accept. Of course, the handling of this case is OS-dependent, but it's possible that accept will simply block until a new connection is established, which will cause our application to wait for indefinite amount of time preventing processing of other sockets. If your listening socket is in a non-blocking mode, this won't happen and you'll get EWOULDBLOCK or some other error, but accept will not block anyway.
Some kernels used to have (I hope it's fixed now) an interesting bug with UDP and select. When a datagram arrives select wakes up with the socket with datagram being marked as ready for read. The datagram checksum validation is postponed until a user code calls recvfrom (or some other API capable of receiving UDP datagrams). When the code calls recvfrom and the validating code detects a checksum mismatch, a datagram is simply dropped and recvfrom ends up being blocked until a next datagram arrives. One of the patches fixing this problem (along with the problem description) can be found here.
Other than the kernel bugs mentioned by others, a different reason for choosing non-blocking sockets, even with a polling loop, is that it allows for greater performance with fast-arriving data. Think what happens when a blocking socket is marked as "readable". You have no idea how much data has arrived, so you can safely read it only once. Then you have to get back to the event loop to have your poller check whether the socket is still readable. This means that for every single read from or write to the socket you have to do at least two system calls: the select to tell you it's safe to read, and the reading/writing call itself.
With non-blocking sockets you can skip the unnecessary calls to select after the first one. When a socket is flagged as readable by select, you have the option of reading from it as long as it returns data, which allows faster processing of quick bursts of data.
This going to sound snarky but it isn't. The best reason to make them non-blocking is so you don't block.
Think about it. select() tells you there is something to read but you don't know how much. Could be 2 bytes, could be 2,000. In most cases it more efficient to drain whatever data is there before going back to select. So you enter a while loop to read
while (1)
n = read(sock, buffer, 200);
//check return code, etc
What happens on the last read when there is nothing left to read? If the socket isn't non-blocking you will block, thereby defeating (at least partially) the point of the select().
One of the benefits, is that it will catch any programming errors you make, because if you try to read a socket that would normally block you, you'll get EWOULDBLOCK instead. For objects other than sockets, the exact api behaviour may change, see

How much to read from socket when using select

I'm using select() to listen for data on multiple sockets. When I'm notified that there is data available, how much should I read()?
I could loop over read() until there is no more data, process the data, and then return back to the select-loop. However, I can imagine that the socket recieves so much data so fast that it temporarily 'starves' the other sockets. Especially since I am thinking of using select also for inter-thread communication (message-passing style), I'd like to keep latency low. Is this an issue in reality?
The alternative would be to always read a fixed size of bytes, and then return to the loop. The downside here would be added overhead when there is more data available than fits into my buffer.
What's the best practice here?
Not sure how this is implemented on other platforms, but on Windows the ioctlsocket(FIONREAD) call tells you how many bytes can be read by a single call to recv(). More bytes could be in the socket's queue by the time you actually call recv(). The next call to select() will report the socket is still readable, though.
The too-common approach here is to read everything that's pending on a given socket, especially if one moves to platform-specific advanced polling APIs like kqueue(2) and epoll(7) enabling edge-triggered events. But, you certainly don't have to! Flip a bit associated with that socket somewhere once you think you got enough data (but not everything), and do more recv(2)'s later, say at the very end of the file-descriptor checking loop, without calling select(2) again.
Then the question is too general. What are your goals? Low latency? Hight throughput? Scalability? There's no single answer to everything (well, except for 42 :)

Do I need to poll nonblocking sockets for better performance?

I have a list of nonblocking sockets.
I could call recv in each one (in this case, some calls shall fail) or poll the list and later call recv on ready sockets.
Is there a performance difference between these approaches?
Unless the rate of data on the sockets is quite high (eg: recv() will fail <25% of the time), using poll() or select() is almost always the better choice.
Modern operating system will intelligent block a poll() operation until one of fds in the set is ready (the kernel will block the thread on a set of fds, awaking it only when that fd has been accessed... ultimately, this happens far more than necessary, resulting in some busy-waiting, but it's better than nothing), while a recv() loop will always result in busy waiting.

What's the difference between streams and datagrams in network programming?

What's the difference between sockets (stream) vs sockets (datagrams)? Why use one over the other?
A long time ago I read a great analogy for explaining the difference between the two. I don't remember where I read it so unfortunately I can't credit the author for the idea, but I've also added a lot of my own knowledge to the core analogy anyway. So here goes:
A stream socket is like a phone call -- one side places the call, the other answers, you say hello to each other (SYN/ACK in TCP), and then you exchange information. Once you are done, you say goodbye (FIN/ACK in TCP). If one side doesn't hear a goodbye, they will usually call the other back since this is an unexpected event; usually the client will reconnect to the server. There is a guarantee that data will not arrive in a different order than you sent it, and there is a reasonable guarantee that data will not be damaged.
A datagram socket is like passing a note in class. Consider the case where you are not directly next to the person you are passing the note to; the note will travel from person to person. It may not reach its destination, and it may be modified by the time it gets there. If you pass two notes to the same person, they may arrive in an order you didn't intend, since the route the notes take through the classroom may not be the same, one person might not pass a note as fast as another, etc.
So you use a stream socket when having information in order and intact is important. File transfer protocols are a good example here. You don't want to download some file with its contents randomly shuffled around and damaged!
You'd use a datagram socket when order is less important than timely delivery (think VoIP or game protocols), when you don't want the higher overhead of a stream (this is why DNS is primarily a datagram protocol, so that servers can respond to many, many requests at once very quickly), or when you don't care too much if the data ever reaches its destination.
To expand on the VoIP/game case, such protocols include their own data-ordering mechanism. But if one packet is damaged or lost, you don't want to wait on the stream protocol (usually TCP) to issue a re-send request -- you need to recover quickly. TCP can take up to some number of minutes to recover, and for realtime protocols like gaming or VoIP even three seconds may be unacceptable! Using a datagram protocol like UDP allows the software to recover from such an event extremely quickly, by simply ignoring the lost data or re-requesting it sooner than TCP would.
VoIP is a good candidate for simply ignoring the lost data -- one party would just hear a short gap, similar to what happens when talking to someone on a cell phone when they have poor reception. Gaming protocols are often a little more complex, but the actions taken will usually be to either ignore the missing data (if subsequently-received data supercedes the data that was lost), re-request the missing data, or request a complete state update to ensure that the client's state is in sync with the server's.
Stream Socket:
Dedicated & end-to-end channel between server and client.
Use TCP protocol for data transmission.
Reliable and Lossless.
Data sent/received in the similar order.
Long time for recovering lost/mistaken data
Datagram Socket:
Not dedicated & end-to-end channel between server and client.
Use UDP for data transmission.
Not 100% reliable and may lose data.
Data sent/received order might not be the same.
Don't care or rapid recovering lost/mistaken data.
If it is the network programming I think starting from sockets would be a good start.
socket = ip + port
there are three types of sockets
stream (TCP, order and delivery guaranteed,no duplication,no length or char boundaries for data,connection-oriented,reliable, concurrency)
datagram(UDP,packet-based, connectionless, datagram size limit, data can be lost or duplicated, order not guaranteed,not reliable)
raw (direct access to lower layer protocols IP,ICMP)
I do not see any strict rule for transport protocol type as to what socket has to use what transport protocol and reliability should not be mistaken because UDP is realiable in case both ends are active.
Reliability refers to more like reliability of delivery since there are sequence number checks by using TCP as transport protocol which do not exist in UDP.It is better using network protocol analyzer like wireshark tcpdump etc to see what your software is exactly doing; kind of verification or merging theory on the paper with your work in action.