Structure to allow #tailrec when multiple recursive calls are invoked - scala

The following logic identifies the combination of integers summing to n that produces the maximum product:
def bestProd(n: Int) = {
type AType = (Vector[Int], Long)
import annotation._
// #tailrec (umm .. nope ..)
def bestProd0(n: Int, accum : AType): AType = {
if (n<=1) accum
else {
var cmax = accum
for (k <- 2 to n) {
val tmpacc = bestProd0(n-k, (accum._1 :+ k, accum._2 * k))
if (tmpacc._2 > cmax._2) {
cmax = tmpacc
bestProd0(n, (Vector(), 1))
This code does work:
scala> bestProd(11)
res22: (Vector[Int], Long) = (Vector(2, 3, 3, 3),54)
Now it was not a surprise to me that #tailrec did not work. After all the recursive invocation is not in the tail position. Is is possible to reformulate the for loop to instead do a proper single-call to achieve the tail recursion?

I don't think it's possible if you're trying to stick close to the stated algorithm. Rethinking the approach you could do something like this.
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def bestProd1(n: Int) = {
def nums(acc: Vector[Int]): Vector[Int] = {
if (acc.head > 4)
nums( (acc.head - 3) +: 3 +: acc.tail )
val result = nums( Vector(n) )
(result, result.product)
It comes up with the same results (as far as I can tell) except for I don't split 4 into 2,2.


Monadic approach to estimating PI in scala

I'm trying to understand how to leverage monads in scala to solve simple problems as way of building up my familiarity. One simple problem is estimating PI using a functional random number generator. I'm including the code below for a simple stream based approach.
I'm looking for help in translating this to a monadic approach. For example, is there an idiomatic way convert this code to using the state (and other monads) in a stack safe way?
trait RNG {
def nextInt: (Int, RNG)
def nextDouble: (Double, RNG)
case class Point(x: Double, y: Double) {
val isInCircle = (x * x + y * y) < 1.0
object RNG {
def nonNegativeInt(rng: RNG): (Int, RNG) = {
val (ni, rng2) = rng.nextInt
if (ni > 0) (ni, rng2)
else if (ni == Int.MinValue) (0, rng2)
else (ni + Int.MaxValue, rng2)
def double(rng: RNG): (Double, RNG) = {
val (ni, rng2) = nonNegativeInt(rng)
(ni.toDouble / Int.MaxValue, rng2)
case class Simple(seed: Long) extends RNG {
def nextInt: (Int, RNG) = {
val newSeed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFL
val nextRNG = Simple(newSeed)
val n = (newSeed >>> 16).toInt
(n, nextRNG)
def nextDouble: (Double, RNG) = {
val (n, nextRNG) = nextInt
object PI {
import RNG._
def doubleStream(rng: Simple):Stream[Double] = rng.nextDouble match {
case (d:Double, next:Simple) => d #:: doubleStream(next)
def estimate(rng: Simple, iter: Int): Double = {
val doubles = doubleStream(rng).take(iter)
val inside = (doubles zip doubles.drop(3))
.map { case (a, b) => Point(a, b) }
.filter(p => p.isInCircle)
.size * 1.0
(inside / iter) * 4.0
// > PI.estimate(RNG.Simple(10), 100000)
// res1: Double = 3.14944
I suspect I'm looking for something like replicateM from the Applicative monad in cats but I'm not sure how to line up the types or how to do it in a way that doesn't accumulate intermediate results in memory. Or, is there a way to do it with a for comprehension that can iteratively build up Points?
Id you want to iterate using monad in a stack safe way, then there is a tailRecM method implemented in Monad type class:
// assuming random generated [-1.0,1.0]
def calculatePi[F[_]](iterations: Int)
(random: => F[Double])
(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Double] = {
case class Iterations(total: Int, inCircle: Int)
def step(data: Iterations): F[Either[Iterations, Double]] = for {
x <- random
y <- random
isInCircle = (x * x + y * y) < 1.0
newTotal = + 1
newInCircle = data.inCircle + (if (isInCircle) 1 else 0)
} yield {
if (newTotal >= iterations) Right(newInCircle.toDouble / newTotal.toDouble * 4.0)
else Left(Iterations(newTotal, newInCircle))
// iterates until Right value is returned
F.tailRecM(Iterations(0, 0))(step)
calculatePi(10000)(Future { Random.nextDouble }).onComplete(println)
It uses by-name param because you could try to pass there something like Future (even though the Future is not lawful), which are eager, so you would end up with evaluating the same thing time and time again. With by name param at least you have the chance of passing there a recipe for side-effecting random. Of course, if we use Option, List as a monad holding our "random" number, we should also expect funny results.
The correct solution would be using something that ensures that this F[A] is lazily evaluated, and any side effect inside is evaluated each time you need a value from inside. For that you basically have to use some of Effects type classes, like e.g. Sync from Cats Effects.
def calculatePi[F[_]](iterations: Int)
(random: F[Double])
(implicit F: Sync[F]): F[Double] = {
calculatePi(10000)(Coeval( Random.nextDouble )).value
calculatePi(10000)(Task( Random.nextDouble )).runAsync
Alternatively, if you don't care about purity that much, you could pass side effecting function or object instead of F[Int] for generating random numbers.
// simplified, hardcoded F=Coeval
def calculatePi(iterations: Int)
(random: () => Double): Double = {
case class Iterations(total: Int, inCircle: Int)
def step(data: Iterations) = Coeval {
val x = random()
val y = random()
val isInCircle = (x * x + y * y) < 1.0
val newTotal = + 1
val newInCircle = data.inCircle + (if (isInCircle) 1 else 0)
if (newTotal >= iterations) Right(newInCircle.toDouble / newTotal.toDouble * 4.0)
else Left(Iterations(newTotal, newInCircle))
Monad[Coeval].tailRecM(Iterations(0, 0))(step).value
Here is another approach that my friend Charles Miller came up with. It's a bit more direct since it uses RNG directly but it follows the same approach provided by #Mateusz Kubuszok above that leverages Monad.
The key difference is that it leverages the State monad so we can thread the RNG state through the computation and generate the random numbers using the "pure" random number generator.
import cats._
import cats.implicits._
object PICharles {
type RNG[A] = State[Long, A]
object RNG {
def nextLong: RNG[Long] =
seed ⇒ (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFL
) >> State.get
def nextInt: RNG[Int] = ⇒ (l >>> 16).toInt)
def nextNatural: RNG[Int] = { i ⇒
if (i > 0) i
else if (i == Int.MinValue) 0
else i + Int.MaxValue
def nextDouble: RNG[Double] = / Int.MaxValue)
def runRng[A](seed: Long)(rng: RNG[A]): A = rng.runA(seed).value
def unsafeRunRng[A]: RNG[A] ⇒ A = runRng(System.currentTimeMillis)
object PI {
case class Step(count: Int, inCircle: Int)
def calculatePi(iterations: Int): RNG[Double] = {
def step(s: Step): RNG[Either[Step, Double]] =
for {
x ← RNG.nextDouble
y ← RNG.nextDouble
isInCircle = (x * x + y * y) < 1.0
newInCircle = s.inCircle + (if (isInCircle) 1 else 0)
} yield {
if (s.count >= iterations)
Right(s.inCircle.toDouble / s.count.toDouble * 4.0)
Left(Step(s.count + 1, newInCircle))
Monad[RNG].tailRecM(Step(0, 0))(step(_))
def unsafeCalculatePi(iterations: Int) =
Thanks Charles & Mateusz for your help!

Functional way to take element in a list until a limit in Scala

The aim of the method is to take elements in a list until a limit is reached.
I've come up with 2 different implementations
def take(l: List[Int], limit: Int): List[Int] = {
var sum = 0
l.takeWhile { e =>
sum += e
sum <= limit
It is straightforward, but a mutable state is used.
def take(l: List[Int], limit: Int): List[Int] = {
val summed = l.toStream.scanLeft(0) { case (e, sum) => sum + e }
l.take(summed.indexWhere(_ > limit) - 1)
It seems cleaner, but it's more verbose and perhaps less memory efficient because a stream is needed.
Is there a better way ?
You could also do that in a single pass with a fold:
def take(l: List[Int], limit: Int): List[Int] =
l.fold((List.empty[Int], 0)) { case ((res, acc), next) =>
if (acc + next > limit)
(res, limit)
(next :: res, next + acc)
Because the standard lists aren't lazy, and neither is fold, this will always traverse the entire list. One alternative would be to use cats' iteratorFoldM instead for an implementation that short circuits once the limit is reached.
You could also write the short circuiting fold directly using tail recursion, something along those lines:
def take(l: List[Int], limit: Int): List[Int] = {
def take0(list: List[Int], accList: List[Int], accSum: Int) : List[Int] =
list match {
case h :: t if accSum + h < limit =>
take0(t, h :: accList, h + accSum)
case _ => accList
take0(l, Nil, 0).reverse
Note that this second solution might be faster, but also less elegant as it requires additional effort to prove that the implementation terminates, something obvious when using a fold.
The first way is perfectly fine as the result of your function is still perfectly immutable.
On a side note, this is actually how many functions of the scala collection library are implemented, they create a mutable builder for efficiency and return an immutable collection out of it.
A functional way is to use recursive function and make sure it is stack safe.
If you just use basic scala:
import scala.annotation.tailrec
def take(l: List[Int], limit: Int) : List[Int] = {
def takeHelper(l:List[Int], limit:Int, r:List[Int]):List[Int] =
l match {
case h::t if (h <= limit ) => takeHelper(t, limit-h, r:+h)
case _ => r
takeHelper(l, limit, Nil)
If you can use scalaz Trampoline, it is a bit nicer:
import scalaz._
import scalaz.Scalaz._
import Free._
def take(l: List[Int], limit: Int): Trampoline[List[Int]] = {
l match {
case h :: t if (h <= limit) => suspend(take(t, limit - h)).map(h :: _)
case _ => return_(Nil)
println(take(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 1), 10).run)
println(take(List.fill(10000)(1), 100000000).run)
if you want to extend your own customize way, you could also use something like:
def custom(con: => Boolean)(i: Int)(a: => List[Int])(body: => Unit): List[Int] = {
if (con) {
custom(con)(i + 1)(a)(body)
else {
a.slice(0, i)
then call it like this:
var j = 100
val t = customTake(j > 80)(0)((0 to 99).toList) {
j -= 1
I think your second version is already pretty good. You might tweak it a little, like this:
val sums = l.toStream.scanLeft(0){_ + _} drop 1
l zip sums takeWhile {_._2 <= limit} map (_._1)
This way you aren't dealing with indices, which is usually a little easier to follow.

What is the type for scala.util.Random.shuffle?

I started out with a Shuffler class that does two things:
Shuffles n:Int indexes
Puts them into n_tranches:Int
I am trying to refactor this code such that almost the entire implementation is in Trancheur, which puts the indexes into n_tranches.
For example, I may want to put 50 cards into 6 stacks, which I call tranches.
Original Code
class Shuffler( n:Int, n_tranches:Int )
val v = scala.util.Random.shuffle( (0 to n-1).toVector )
// returns tranche[0,n_tranches-1] which we live in
def tranche( i:Int ) = idxs(i).map( v ).sorted.toVector
private val idxs = cut( 0 to (n-1), n_tranches ).toVector
private def cut[A](xs: Seq[A], n: Int) = {
val (quot, rem) = (xs.size / n, xs.size % n)
val (smaller, bigger) = xs.splitAt(xs.size - rem * (quot + 1))
smaller.grouped(quot) ++ bigger.grouped(quot + 1)
New Code
class Shuffler( n:Int, n_tranches:Int )
extends Trancheur( n, n_tranches, scala.util.Random.shuffle )
class Trancheur( n:Int, n_tranches:Int, shuffler ) // WHAT SHOULD I PUT HERE?!?!?!?
val v = shuffler( (0 to n-1).toVector )
// returns tranche[0,n_tranches-1] which we live in
def tranche( i:Int ) = idxs(i).map( v ).sorted.toVector
private val idxs = cut( 0 to (n-1), n_tranches ).toVector
private def cut[A](xs: Seq[A], n: Int) = {
val (quot, rem) = (xs.size / n, xs.size % n)
val (smaller, bigger) = xs.splitAt(xs.size - rem * (quot + 1))
smaller.grouped(quot) ++ bigger.grouped(quot + 1)
I want Shuffler to call Trancheur with the functor scala.util.Random.shuffle. I think the call is fine.
But as a default, I want the Trancheur to have an identity functor which does nothing: it just returns the same results as before. I am having trouble with the constructor signature and with what to define as the identity functor.
NOTE: I apologize in advance if I have used the wrong term in calling scala.util.Random.shuffle a functor - that's what we call it in C++. Not sure if Functor means something else in Scala.
shuffle is a function. So shuffler (the parameter) should expect a function. For your case Seq[Int] => Seq[Int] should be sufficient. Scala also provides a predefined identity function.
This should do it:
class Trancheur( n:Int, n_tranches:Int, shuffler: Seq[Int] => Seq[Int] = identity)

Cartesian product stream scala

I had a simple task to find combination which occurs most often when we drop 4 cubic dices an remove one with least points.
So, the question is: are there any Scala core classes to generate streams of cartesian products in Scala? When not - how to implement it in the most simple and effective way?
Here is the code and comparison with naive implementation in Scala:
object D extends App {
def dropLowest(a: List[Int]) = {
a diff List(a.min)
def cartesian(to: Int, times: Int): Stream[List[Int]] = {
def stream(x: List[Int]): Stream[List[Int]] = {
if (hasNext(x)) x #:: stream(next(x)) else Stream(x)
def hasNext(x: List[Int]) = x.exists(n => n < to)
def next(x: List[Int]) = {
def add(current: List[Int]): List[Int] = {
if (current.head == to) 1 :: add(current.tail) else current.head + 1 :: current.tail // here is a possible bug when we get maximal value, don't reuse this method
stream(Range(0, times).map(t => 1).toList)
def getResult(list: Stream[List[Int]]) = { => dropLowest(t).sum).groupBy(t => t).map(t => (t._1, t._2.size)).toMap
val list1 = cartesian(6, 4)
val list = for (i <- Range(1, 7); j <- Range(1,7); k <- Range(1, 7); l <- Range(1, 7)) yield List(i, j, k, l)
println(getResult(list.toStream) equals getResult(list1))
Thanks in advance
I think you can simplify your code by using flatMap :
val stream = (1 to 6).toStream
def cartesian(times: Int): Stream[Seq[Int]] = {
if (times == 0) {
} else {
stream.flatMap { i => cartesian(times - 1).map(i +: _) }
Maybe a little bit more efficient (memory-wise) would be using Iterators instead:
val pool = (1 to 6)
def cartesian(times: Int): Iterator[Seq[Int]] = {
if (times == 0) {
} else {
pool.iterator.flatMap { i => cartesian(times - 1).map(i +: _) }
or even more concise by replacing the recursive calls by a fold :
def cartesian[A](list: Seq[Seq[A]]): Iterator[Seq[A]] =
list.foldLeft(Iterator(Seq[A]())) {
case (acc, l) => acc.flatMap(i => +: i))
and then:
cartesian(Seq.fill(4)(1 to 6)).map(dropLowest).toSeq.groupBy(i => i.sorted).mapValues(_.size).toSeq.sortBy(_._2).foreach(println)
(Note that you cannot use groupBy on Iterators, so Streams or even Lists are the way to go whatever to be; above code still valid since toSeq on an Iterator actually returns a lazy Stream).
If you are considering stats on the sums of dice instead of combinations, you can update the dropLowest fonction :
def dropLowest(l: Seq[Int]) = l.sum - l.min

Why do I get an infinite loop when using implicit conversions?

object Fibonacci {
final val Threshold = 30
def fibonacci(n: Int)(implicit implementation: Fibonacci): Int = implementation match {
case f: functional.type if n > Threshold => fibonacci(n)(imperativeWithLoop)
case f: imperativeWithRecursion.type => f(n)
case f: imperativeWithLoop.type => f(n)
case f: functional.type => f(n)
sealed abstract class Fibonacci extends (Int => Int)
object functional extends Fibonacci {
def apply(n: Int): Int =
if (n <= 1) n else apply(n - 1) + apply(n - 2)
object imperativeWithRecursion extends Fibonacci {
def apply(n: Int) = {
def recursion(i: Int, f1: Int, f2: Int): Int =
if (i == n) f2 else recursion(i + 1, f2, f1 + f2)
if (n <= 1) n else recursion(1, 0, 1)
implicit object imperativeWithLoop extends Fibonacci {
def apply(n: Int) = {
def loop = {
var res = 0
var f1 = 0
var f2 = 1
for (i <- 2 to n) {
res = f1 + f2
f1 = f2
f2 = res
if (n <= 1) n else loop
object Main extends App { // or REPL
import Fibonacci._
println(fibonacci(6)(imperativeWithRecursion)) // 8
println(fibonacci(6)(imperativeWithLoop)) // 8
println(fibonacci(6)(functional)) // 8
println(fibonacci(6)) // 8
println(fibonacci(40)(functional)) // 102334155
I was playing with Scala and ended up with this code. It compiles and runs, but...
1) Is there any difference (readbility, performance, known bugs, anything) between
case f: functional.type => f(n)
case `functional` => functional(n)
This is supposed to be more of a discussion, so I'm not only interested in facts. Any opinion is welcomed.
2) Look at the first line of the fibonacci method. Here it is:
case f: functional.type if n > Threshold => fibonacci(n)(imperativeWithLoop)
If I leave the 2nd parameter list (imperativeWithLoop) out, the code compiles but enters an infinite loop when I run it. Does anyone know why? The default implementation imperativeWithLoop is known to the compiler (no errors are produced). So why doesn't it get implicitly invoked? (I assume it doesn't)
Regarding the first question, there are small differences, but none that matter here. But it would be better if you uppercased the objects, in which case you could write this:
case Functional => Functional(n)
Regarding the second question, if you leave out imperativeWithLoop, it will select the implicit Fibonacci closest in scope -- implementation (which has already be found to be equal to funcional). So it will call itself with the exact same parameters as it had called before, and, therefore, enter an infinite loop.