Change text of NSButton in NSTableCellView after click - swift

I have a table of custom NSTableCellViews that contain embedded NSProgressIndicators and NSButtons that I would like to update both immediately after a click, and periodically, on a timer. This is a sample of my code thus far:
func sound(sound: NSSound, didFinishPlaying aBool: Bool) {
pbNowPlaying.doubleValue = sound.currentTime
if aBool == true {
self.btnPlay.stringValue = "Play"
self.btnPlay.state = NSOffState
self.pbNowPlaying.doubleValue = 0
self.needsDisplay = true
This (and other code where self.needsDisplay = true is set) does not seem to update the view. When I manually reload the table data, the progress bar moves (having been bound to the NSSounds .currentTime value), but the button text/state does not change.
Any advice?
Coding using Swift, Xcode 6.4, OS X 10.10.4

Well, I feel rather dumb, but for anyone else who might be running into the same problem: To modify the text on an NSButton, you need to change the .title property, not the .stringValue property.


How to make a NSTextView, that is added programmatically, active?

I am making an app where a user can click anywhere on the window and a NSTextView is added at the mouse location. I have got it working with the below code but I am not able to make it active (in focus) after adding it to the view (parent view). I have to click on the NSTextView to make it active but this is not what I want. I want it to automatically become active when its added to the parent view.
Code in my ViewController to add the NSTextView to its view:
private func addText(at point: NSPoint) {
let textView = MyTextView(frame: NSRect(origin: point, size: CGSize(width: 150.0, height: 40.0)))
MyTextView class looks like below:
class MyTextView: NSTextView {
override var shouldDrawInsertionPoint: Bool {
override var canBecomeKeyView: Bool {
override func viewWillDraw() {
isHorizontallyResizable = true
isVerticallyResizable = true
insertionPointColor = .red
drawsBackground = false
isRichText = false
allowsUndo = true
font = NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 40.0)
Also, I want it to lose focus (become inactive) when some other elements (view) are clicked. Right now, once a NSTextView becomes active, it stays active no matter what other elements I click except when I click on an empty space to create yet another NSTextView.
I have gone through the Apple docs multiple times but I think I am missing something. Any help would be much appreciated.
Get the NSWindow instance of the NSViewController's view and call makeFirstResponder passing the text view as parameter.
To lose focus call makeFirstResponder passing nil.

Swift - Programmatically refresh constraints

My VC starts with stackView attached with Align Bottom to Safe Area .
I have tabBar, but in the beginning is hidden tabBar.isHidden = true.
Later when the tabBar appears, it hides the stackView
So I need function that refresh constraints after tabBar.isHidden = false
When I start the app with tabBar.isHidden = false the stackView is shown properly.
Tried with every function like: stackView.needsUpdateConstraints() , updateConstraints() , setNeedsUpdateConstraints() without success.
Now I'm changing the bottom programatically, but when I switch the tabBarIndex and return to that one with changed bottom constraints it detects the tabBar and lifts the stackView under another view (which is not attached with constraints). Like is refreshing again the constraints. I'm hiding and showing this stackView with constrains on/off screen.
I need to refresh constraints after tabBar.isHidden = false, but the constraints don't detect the appearance of the tabBar.
As I mention switching between tabBars fixes the issue, so some code executes to detecting tabBar after the switch. Is anyone know this code? I tried with calling the methods viewDidLayoutSubviews and viewWillLayoutSubviews without success... Any suggestions?
This amateur approach fixed my bug... :D
tabBarController!.selectedIndex = 1
tabBarController!.selectedIndex = 0
Or with an extension
extension UITabBarController {
// Basically just toggles the tabs to fix layout issues
func forceConstraintRefresh() {
// Get the indices we need
let prevIndex = selectedIndex
var newIndex = 0
// Find an unused index
let items = viewControllers ?? []
find: for i in 0..<items.count {
if (i != prevIndex) {
newIndex = i
break find
// Toggle the tabs
selectedIndex = newIndex
selectedIndex = prevIndex
Usage (called when switching dark / light mode):
override func traitCollectionDidChange(_ previousTraitCollection: UITraitCollection?) {
If you want to update view's layout, you can try layoutIfNeeded() function.
after updating stackView constraints call this method:
Apple's Human Interface Guidelines indicate that one should not mess around with the Tab Bar, which is why (I'm guessing) setting tabBar.isHidden doesn't properly update the rest of the view hierarchy.
Quick searching comes up with various UITabBarController extensions for showing / hiding the tab bar... but they all appear to push the tabBar down off-screen, rather than setting its .isHidden property. May or may not be suitable for your use.
I'm assuming from your comments that your VC in tab index 0 has a button (or some other action) to show / hide the tabBar?
If so, here is an approach that may do the job....
Add this enum in your project:
enum TabBarState {
case toggle, show, hide
and put this func in that view controller:
func showOrHideTabBar(state: TabBarState? = .toggle) {
if let tbc = self.tabBarController {
let b: Bool = (state == .toggle) ? !tbc.tabBar.isHidden : state == .hide
guard b != tbc.tabBar.isHidden else {
tbc.tabBar.isHidden = b
view.frame.size.height -= 0.1
view.frame.size.height += 0.1
You can call it with:
// default: toggles isHidden
// toggles isHidden
showOrHideTabBar(state: .toggle)
// SHOW tabBar (if it's hidden)
showOrHideTabBar(state: .show)
// HIDE tabBar (if it's showing)
showOrHideTabBar(state: .hide)
I would expect that simply pairing .setNeedsLayout() with .layoutIfNeeded() after setting the tabBar's .isHidden property should do the job, but apparently not.
The quick frame height change (combined with .setNeedsLayout()) does trigger auto-layout, though, and the height change is not visible.
NOTE: This is the result of very brief testing, on one device and one iOS version. I expect it will work across devices and versions, but I have not done complete testing.

How to Disable Multi Touch on UIBarButtonItems & UI Buttons?

My app has quite a few buttons on each screen as well as a UIBarButtonItem back button and I have problems with people being able to multi click buttons. I need only 1 button to be clickable at a time.
Does anyone know how to make a UIBarButtonItem back button exclusive to touch?
I've managed to disable multi clicking the UIButtons by setting each one's view to isExclusiveTouch = true but this doesn't seem to count for the back button in the navigation bar.
The back button doesn't seem to adhere to isExclusiveTouch.
Does anyone have a simple work around that doesn't involve coding each and every buttons send events?
Many Thanks,
you can enable exclusive touch simply this will stop multiple touch until first touch is not done
buttton.exclusiveTouch = true
You could write an extension for UIBarButtonItem to add isExclusiveTouch?
you can simply disable the multi-touch property of the super view. You can also find this property in the storyboard.
you could try this for the scene where you want to disable multiple touch.
let skView = self.view as! SKView
skView.isMultipleTouchEnabled = false
I have found a solution to this. isExclusiveTouch is the solution in the end, but the reason why this property didn't do anything is because you need to set it also on all of the subviews of each button that you want to set as isExclusiveTouch = true. Then it works as expected :)
It's working fine in Swift
self.view.isMultipleTouchEnabled = false
buttonHistory.isExclusiveTouch = true
In addition of #Luky LĂ­zal answer, you need pay attention that all subviews of a view you want disable multi-touching (exactly all in hierarchy, actually subviews of subviews) must be set as isExclusiveTouch = true.
You can run through all of them recursively like that:
extension UIView
func allSubViews() -> [UIView] {
var all: [UIView] = []
func getSubview(view: UIView) {
guard view.subviews.count > 0 else { return }
view.subviews.forEach{ getSubview(view: $0) }
getSubview(view: self)
return all
// Call this method when all views in your parent view were set
func disableMultipleTouching() {
self.isMultipleTouchEnabled = false
self.allSubViews().forEach { $0.isExclusiveTouch = true }

Store previous value from stepper in swift

The logic from here Stepper value reset after loaded from coredate doesn't work with me plus its in obj C.
I have a label and stepper, i need the value in the label to act as a counter almost. Currently, when i close and reopen the views the core data works and the value from before shows in the label, but when i tap the stepper (after coming back to the view with the stepper) the value in the label counts from 0 again, i need it to add on to the previous value!
This must be easy but i can't seem to figure it out!
Thanks for any help in advance
#IBAction func stepperTapped(sender: UIStepper) { // when the user taps the stepper
label.text = String(Int(sender.value))
someObject.theCounterProperty = Int(sender.value)
do {
try context!.save()
} catch {
Make sure the label and the counter are up to date when the view reappears. In viewWillAppear set the value from the Core Data object.
label.text = String(someObject.theCounterProperty)
counter.value = Double(someObject.theCounterProperty)

NSTextView, NSFontManager, and changeAttributes()

So I have this app that I'm writing to get familiar with Swift and programming for OSX. It's a note-taking app. The note window consists of an NSTextView and a button that brings up an NSFontPanel.
Changing the font works great. Selecting a size? No problem. Want to change attributes of the font like color, underlining, etc? I'm not at all sure how to get this to work.
Other sources (here and here, for example) seem to suggest that NSTextView should be the target of NSFontManager and that NSTextView has it's own implementation of changeAttributes(). Making NSTextView the target, however, does nothing. When I select text in NSTextView and bring up the font panel, the first selection I make in the fontPanel results in deselection of the text.
Making my view controller the target for NSFontManager and implementing a stub for changeAttributes yields an object of type NSFontEffectsBox which I am unable to find any good documentation for.
Question is... what am I supposed to do with NSFontEffectsBox? If in the fontPanel I select blue text with double underline, I can see those attributes in the debugger but I'm unable to access them programatically.
Here's the relevant code:
override func viewDidLoad() {
noteBody.keyDelegate = self // noteBody is the NSTextView
noteBody.delegate = self
noteBody.usesFontPanel = true
fontManager = NSFontManager.sharedFontManager()
fontManager!.target = self
Code for changing the font. This works just fine.
override func changeFont(sender: AnyObject?) {
let fm = sender as! NSFontManager
if noteBody.selectedRange().length>0 {
let theFont = fm.convertFont((noteBody.textStorage?.font)!)
noteBody.textStorage?.setAttributes([NSFontAttributeName: theFont], range: noteBody.selectedRange())
Stub code for changeAttributes:
func changeAttributes(sender: AnyObject) {
So.. my goals are two:
Understand what's going on here
have any changes I make in the fontPanel be reflected in the NSTextView selected text.
Thank you.
So I did manage to find an answer of sorts. Here's how I implemented changeAttributes() in my program:
func changeAttributes(sender: AnyObject) {
var newAttributes = sender.convertAttributes([String : AnyObject]())
newAttributes["NSForegroundColorAttributeName"] = newAttributes["NSColor"]
newAttributes["NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName"] = newAttributes["NSUnderline"]
newAttributes["NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName"] = newAttributes["NSStrikethrough"]
newAttributes["NSUnderlineColorAttributeName"] = newAttributes["NSUnderlineColor"]
newAttributes["NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName"] = newAttributes["NSStrikethroughColor"]
if noteBody.selectedRange().length>0 {
noteBody.textStorage?.addAttributes(newAttributes, range: noteBody.selectedRange())
Calling convertAttributes() on sender returns an attribute array, but the names don't seem to be what NSAttributedString is looking for. So I just copy them from old name to new and send them on. This is a good start, but I will probably remove the old keys before adding the attributes.
The question remains, tho.. is this the right way to do things?