How to determine if an expression passed to a macro will always result in the same value? - scala

Let's suppose I've defined a macro as below. It essentially types an expression of type T and returns an object of type MyType[T] (the actual types involved don't really matter).
object MyMacro {
def macroImpl[T : context.WeakTypeTag, U : context.WeakTypeTag](context : scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context) (expression : context.Expr[T]) : context.Expr[U] =
object MyObj {
def callMacro[T](expression : T) : MyType[T] = macro MyMacro.macroImpl[T, MyType[T]]
In my macro, I'd like to determine if the expression passed is constant or not. By that I mean, I want to know if the expression, once evaluated at runtime, could ever subsequently evaluate to a different value. If it is constant, I can apply certain optimizations that are very useful.
I know an expression is constant if it is:
a literal expression.
a 'this' expression.
a reference to a val or parameter.
a member invocation where the object expression is constant, and the member being invoked is a val or lazy val.
For example, the expressions passed in the first five calls to callMacro below should be considered a constant:
class MyClass {
val i = 0
val myLiteral = callMacro("Hi!") //constant - literal expression
val myThis = callMacro(this) //constant - this expression
val myInt = callMacro(i) //constant - reference to a val
def myMethod(p : MyOtherClass) {
val myParameter = callMacro(p) //constant - reference to a parameter
val myValMember = callMacro(p.x) //constant - invocation of val member
val myVarMember = vallMacro(p.y) //NOT constant - invocation of var member
val myVarMember = vallMacro(p.z) //NOT constant - invocation of def member
class MyOtherClass(val x : Int, var y : Int) {
def z = x + y
I've already implemented code for the first two cases (which is rather trivial).
def isConstant[T](context : scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context) (expression : context.Expr[T]) = {
import context.universe._
expression.tree match {
case This(_) =>
case Literal(_) =>
/*...put additional cases here...*/
case _ =>
However, I'm not sure whether something like this already exists, or if its even possible to detect whether the member being called on an object is a val or not.
Is it possible to implement the fourth criteria? Or, does anything like this already exist in the API?

I figured out a solution. It basically boiled down to me not knowing about Symbols in scale's reflection system.
I ended up adding a fifth criteria to handle the case in which an implicit parameter or object is referenced.
implicit class extendSymbol(symbol : scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context#Symbol) {
def isStable =
(symbol.isTerm && symbol.asTerm.isStable) || (symbol.isMethod && symbol.asMethod.isStable)
def isConstant[T](context : scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context) (tree : context.Tree) : Boolean = {
import context.universe._
tree match {
case This(_) =>
case Literal(_) =>
case ident # Ident(_) =>
case select # Select(objExpr, term) =>
isConstant(context) (objExpr) && select.symbol.isStable
//for implicit values
case Apply(TypeApply(Select(Select(This(TypeName("scala")), TermName("Predef")), TermName("implicitly")), _), _) =>
case _ =>


Scala: recursive value listHuman needs type

Why is this function giving me the following error:
recursive value listHuman needs type
def setHumanResources(physicalResources: List[Physical], totalHumanResources: List[Human]): List[Human] = {
val listHuman ={pr => totalHumanResources.find(_.handles.contains(>listHuman.contains(a))}
return listHuman
I tried to do this, but it gives me another error:
val listHuman: List[Human] ={pr => totalHumanResources.find(_.handles.contains(}.filterNot(human=>listHuman.contains(human))
forward reference extends over definition of value listHuman
This error means that constant value or variable is used before its declaration. For example
val y = x + 2
val x = 5
What wrong with your code is you try to define constant value with itself. It's impossible by definition of constant. To build recursion use def.
It seems like you want to do a foldLeft, does this work?
def setHumanResources(physicalResources: List[Physical], totalHumanResources: List[Human]): List[Human] = {
physicalResources.foldLeft(Set.empty[Human]) { (l, pr) =>
val applicableHuman = totalHumanResources.find(_.handles.contains(
l ++ applicableHuman
The premises here is to have setHumanResourcesreturn a unique/distint list of Human objects. The code tries this by doing filterNot(a=>listHuman.contains(a)) in definition of listHuman and thus recursively referring to listHuman while defining listHuman in semantically illegal way. This de-duping can be achieved properly by the following ways.
convert the List to Set and convert it back to List to remove duplicates like listHuman.toSet.ToList. for this method to work the Human object have property identity defined by overriding equals method. so the code will now look like
def setHumanResources(physicalResources: List[Physical], totalHumanResources: List[Human]): List[Human] = {
val listHuman ={pr => totalHumanResources.find(_.handles.contains(
A Demo for a sample class of Human is shown below.
scala> class Human(val firstName: String, val lastName: String) {
| override def toString = this.firstName
| override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
| case that: Human if that.firstName == this.firstName => true
| case _ => false
| }
| }
defined class Human
scala> List(new Human("Peter", "Parker"), new Human("Peter", "Quill")).toSet.toList
res14: List[Human] = List(Peter)
If the class Human cannot have object equality defined in it by overriding equals method then follow this approach. considering each Human can be uniquely identified by say two properties property1 and property2. the listHuman can be deduped by the following expression. For our previously defined Human class if we want to de-dupe on both firstName and lastName properties, the code would be like below.
listHuman.groupBy(x => (x.firstName, x.lastName)).map(_._2.head)
so the new method definition becomes
def setHumanResources(physicalResources: List[Physical], totalHumanResources: List[Human]): List[Human] = {
val listHuman ={pr =>
listHuman.groupBy(x => (x.property1, x.property2) ).map(_._2.head)

Beginner for loop in Scala: How do I declare a generic element?

I'm new to Scala and am having trouble with a simple generic for-loop declaration, where one instance of my class, FinSet[T] is "unionized" with my another instance of FinSet[T], other. Here is my current implementation of U (short for Union):
def U(other:FinSet[T]) = {
var otherList = other.toList
for(otherElem <- 0 until otherList.length){
When attempting to compile, it receive this error.
error: type mismatch:
found: : otherElem.type (with underlying type Int)
required : T
This is in class ListSet[T], which is an extension of the abstract class FinSet[T]. Both are shown here:
abstract class FinSet[T] protected () {
/* returns a list consisting of the set's elements */
def toList:List[T]
/* given a value x, it retuns a new set consisting of x
and all the elemens of this (set)
def +(x:T):FinSet[T]
/* given a set other, it returns the union of this and other,
i.e., a new set consisting of all the elements of this and
all the elements of other
def U(other:FinSet[T]):FinSet[T]
/* given a set other, it returns the intersection of this and other,
i.e., a new set consisting of all the elements that occur both
in this and in other
def ^(other:FinSet[T]):FinSet[T]
/* given a set other, it returns the difference of this and other,
i.e., a new set consisting of all the elements of this that
do not occur in other
def \(other:FinSet[T]):FinSet[T]
/* given a value x, it retuns true if and only if x is an element of this
def contains(x: T):Boolean
/* given a set other, it returns true if and only if this is included
in other, i.e., iff every element of this is an element of other
def <=(other:FinSet[T]):Boolean =
false // replace this line with your implementation
override def toString = "{" ++ (toList mkString ", ") ++ "}"
// overrides the default definition of == (an alias of equals)
override def equals(other:Any):Boolean = other match {
// if other is an instance of FinSet[T] then ...
case o:FinSet[T] =>
// it is equal to this iff it includes and is included in this
(this <= o) && (o <= this)
case _ => false
And here, ListSet:
class ListSet[T] private (l: List[T]) extends FinSet[T] {
def this() = this(Nil)
// invariant: elems is a list with no repetitions
// storing all of the set's elements
private val elems = l
private def add(x:T, l:List[T]):List[T] = l match {
case Nil => x :: Nil
case y :: t => if (x == y) l else y :: add(x, t)
val toList =
def +(x: T) =
def U(other:FinSet[T]) = {
var otherList = other.toList
for(otherElem <- 0 until otherList.length){
def ^(other:FinSet[T]) =
def \(other:FinSet[T]) =
def contains(x:T) =
Am I missing something obvious here?
In your for loop you are assigning Ints to otherElem (x until y produces a Range[Int], which effectively gives you an iteration over the Ints from x up to y), not members of otherList. What you want is something like:
def U(other:FinSet[T]) = {
for(otherElem <- other.toList){
Curious, given your definitions of FinSet and ListSet (which I didn't see until after giving my initial answer), you ought to have some other issues with the above code (+ returns a List, not a FinSet, and you don't capture the result of using + anywhere, so your final return value of this ought to just return the original value of the set - unless you are not using the standard Scala immutable List class? If not, which class are you using here?). If you are using the standard Scala immutable List class, then here is an alternative to consider:
def U(other:FinSet[T]) = new ListSet((this.toList ++ other.toList).distinct)
In general, it looks a bit like you are going to some trouble to produce mutable versions of the data structures you are interested in. I strongly encourage you to look into immutable data structures and how to work with them - they are much nicer and safer to work with once you understand the principles.

Why this two code blocks are equivalent for Option class?

In documentation of Option class written that following two examples are equivalent:
val name: Option[String] = request getParameter "name"
val upper = name map { _.trim } filter { _.length != 0 } map { _.toUpperCase }
println(upper getOrElse "")
val upper = for {
name <- request getParameter "name"
trimmed <- Some(name.trim)
upper <- Some(trimmed.toUpperCase) if trimmed.length != 0
} yield upper
println(upper getOrElse "")
But I don't understand how they can be equivalent: in first code block request getParameter "name" return instance of type Option[String], but in second code block statement name <- request getParameter "name" return instance of type String (I assumed that because next statement calls trim method on name variable (trim is not defined for Option[String])).
The conversion from for ... yield comprehension to map/flatMap method calls is done by the compiler. It's not required that the Option is an Iterable; the only thing necessary in this case is Option having map / flatMap methods:
flatMap if there are more -> calls after it in the same for block
map if it's the last one
We can create our own MyOption class like this:
case class MyOption[+T](value: T) {
def flatMap[A](f: T => MyOption[A]): MyOption[A] = f(value)
def map[A](f: T => A): MyOption[A] = MyOption(f(value))
override def toString = s"Some($value)"
val result = for {
a <- MyOption("one")
b <- MyOption("two")
} yield a + "," + b
// prints: Some(one,two)
Option is an Iterable (there's an implicit option2Iterable method in Option companion object), that's why it can be used in someVar <- someOption clause. In fact, that arrow means "take elements from collection on the right".
So you're right, name in the 2nd example is a String.
In the 1st one you can see there are map and other Iterable methods used on Option. It is basically the same as for expression below, but calls methods directly, while for is just a syntax sugar and gets translated into the chain of method calls by the compiler.

Warning about an unchecked type argument in this Scala pattern match?

This file:
object Test extends App {
val obj = List(1,2,3) : Object
val res = obj match {
case Seq(1,2,3) => "first"
case _ => "other"
Gives this warning:
Test.scala:6: warning: non variable type-argument A in type pattern Seq[A]
is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure
case Seq(1,2,3) => "first"
Scala version
I don't see how an erased type parameter is needed to perform the match. That first case clause is meant to ask if obj is a Seq with 3 elements equal to 1, 2, and 3.
I would understand this warning if I had written something like:
case strings : Seq[String] => ...
Why do I get the warning, and what is a good way to make it go away?
By the way, I do want to match against something with static type of Object. In the real code I'm parsing something like a Lisp datum - it might be an String, sequence of datums, Symbol, Number, etc.
Here is some insight to what happens behind the scene. Consider this code:
class Test {
new Object match { case x: Seq[Int] => true }
new Object match { case Seq(1) => true }
If you compile with scalac -Xprint:12 -unchecked, you'll see the code just before the erasure phase (id 13). For the first type pattern, you will see something like:
<synthetic> val temp1: java.lang.Object = new java.lang.Object();
if (temp1.isInstanceOf[Seq[Int]]())
For the Seq extractor pattern, you will see something like:
<synthetic> val temp3: java.lang.Object = new java.lang.Object();
if (temp3.isInstanceOf[Seq[A]]()) {
<synthetic> val temp4: Seq[A] = temp3.asInstanceOf[Seq[A]]();
<synthetic> val temp5: Some[Seq[A]] = collection.this.Seq.unapplySeq[A](temp4);
// ...
In both cases, there is a type test to see if the object is of type Seq (Seq[Int] and Seq[A]). Type parameters will be eliminated during the erasure phase. Thus the warning. Even though the second may be unexpected, it does make sense to check the type since if object is not of type Seq that clause won't match and the JVM can proceed to the next clause. If the type does match, then the object can be casted to Seq and unapplySeq can be called.
RE: thoredge comment on the type check. May be we are talking about different things. I was merely saying that:
(o: Object) match {
case Seq(i) => println("seq " + i)
case Array(i) => println("array " + i)
translates to something like:
if (o.isInstanceOf[Seq[_]]) { // type check
val temp1 = o.asInstanceOf[Seq[_]] // cast
// verify that temp1 is of length 1 and println("seq " + temp1(0))
} else if (o.isInstanceOf[Array[_]]) { // type check
val temp1 = o.asInstanceOf[Array[_]] // cast
// verify that temp1 is of length 1 and println("array " + temp1(0))
The type check is used so that when the cast is done there is no class cast exception.
Whether the warning non variable type-argument A in type pattern Seq[A] is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasure is justified and whether there would be cases where there could be class cast exception even with the type check, I don't know.
Edit: here is an example:
object SeqSumIs10 {
def unapply(seq: Seq[Int]) = if (seq.sum == 10) Some(seq) else None
(Seq("a"): Object) match {
case SeqSumIs10(seq) => println("seq.sum is 10 " + seq)
// ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer
Declaring the match object outside at least makes it go away, but I'm not sure why:
class App
object Test extends App {
val obj = List(1,2,3) : Object
val MatchMe = Seq(1,2,3)
val res = obj match {
case MatchMe => "first"
case _ => "other"

How to check for null or false in Scala concisely?

In Groovy language, it is very simple to check for null or false like:
groovy code:
def some = getSomething()
if(some) {
// do something with some as it is not null or emtpy
In Groovy if some is null or is empty string or is zero number etc. will evaluate to false. What is similar concise method of testing for null or false in Scala?
What is the simple answer to this part of the question assuming some is simply of Java type String?
Also another even better method in groovy is:
def str = some?.toString()
which means if some is not null then the toString method on some would be invoked instead of throwing NPE in case some was null. What is similar in Scala?
What you may be missing is that a function like getSomething in Scala probably wouldn't return null, empty string or zero number. A function that might return a meaningful value or might not would have as its return an Option - it would return Some(meaningfulvalue) or None.
You can then check for this and handle the meaningful value with something like
val some = getSomething()
some match {
case Some(theValue) => doSomethingWith(theValue)
case None => println("Whoops, didn't get anything useful back")
So instead of trying to encode the "failure" value in the return value, Scala has specific support for the common "return something meaningful or indicate failure" case.
Having said that, Scala's interoperable with Java, and Java returns nulls from functions all the time. If getSomething is a Java function that returns null, there's a factory object that will make Some or None out of the returned value.
val some = Option(getSomething())
some match {
case Some(theValue) => doSomethingWith(theValue)
case None => println("Whoops, didn't get anything useful back")
... which is pretty simple, I claim, and won't go NPE on you.
The other answers are doing interesting and idiomatic things, but that may be more than you need right now.
Well, Boolean cannot be null, unless passed as a type parameter. The way to handle null is to convert it into an Option, and then use all the Option stuff. For example:
Option(some) foreach { s => println(s) }
Option(some) getOrElse defaultValue
Since Scala is statically type, a thing can't be "a null or is empty string or is zero number etc". You might pass an Any which can be any of those things, but then you'd have to match on each type to be able to do anything useful with it anyway. If you find yourself in this situation, you most likely are not doing idiomatic Scala.
In Scala, the expressions you described mean that a method called ? is invoked on an object called some. Regularly, objects don't have a method called ?. You can create your own implicit conversion to an object with a ? method which checks for nullness.
implicit def conversion(x: AnyRef) = new {
def ? = x ne null
The above will, in essence, convert any object on which you call the method ? into the expression on the right hand side of the method conversion (which does have the ? method). For example, if you do this:
the compiler will detect that a String object has no ? method, and rewrite it into:
Illustrated in an interpreter (note that you can omit . when calling methods on objects):
scala> implicit def any2hm(x: AnyRef) = new {
| def ? = x ne null
| }
any2hm: (x: AnyRef)java.lang.Object{def ?: Boolean}
scala> val x: String = "!!"
x: String = "!!"
scala> x ?
res0: Boolean = true
scala> val y: String = null
y: String = null
scala> y ?
res1: Boolean = false
So you could write:
if (some ?) {
// ...
Or you could create an implicit conversion into an object with a ? method which invokes the specified method on the object if the argument is not null - do this:
scala> implicit def any2hm[T <: AnyRef](x: T) = new {
| def ?(f: T => Unit) = if (x ne null) f(x)
| }
any2hm: [T <: AnyRef](x: T)java.lang.Object{def ?(f: (T) => Unit): Unit}
scala> x ? { println }
scala> y ? { println }
so that you could then write:
some ? { _.toString }
Building (recursively) on soc's answer, you can pattern match on x in the examples above to refine what ? does depending on the type of x. :D
If you use extempore's null-safe coalescing operator, then you could write your str example as
val str = ?:(some)(_.toString)()
It also allows you to chain without worrying about nulls (thus "coalescing"):
val c = ?:(some)(_.toString)(_.length)()
Of course, this answer only addresses the second part of your question.
You could write some wrapper yourself or use an Option type.
I really wouldn't check for null though. If there is a null somewhere, you should fix it and not build checks around it.
Building on top of axel22's answer:
implicit def any2hm(x: Any) = new {
def ? = x match {
case null => false
case false => false
case 0 => false
case s: String if s.isEmpty => false
case _ => true
Edit: This seems to either crash the compiler or doesn't work. I'll investigate.
What you ask for is something in the line of Safe Navigation Operator (?.) of Groovy, andand gem of Ruby, or accessor variant of the existential operator (?.) of CoffeeScript. For such cases, I generally use ? method of my RichOption[T], which is defined as follows
class RichOption[T](option: Option[T]) {
def ?[V](f: T => Option[V]): Option[V] = option match {
case Some(v) => f(v)
case _ => None
implicit def option2RichOption[T](option: Option[T]): RichOption[T] =
new RichOption[T](option)
and used as follows
scala> val xs = None
xs: None.type = None
scala> xs.?(_ => Option("gotcha"))
res1: Option[java.lang.String] = None
scala> val ys = Some(1)
ys: Some[Int] = Some(1)
scala> ys.?(x => Some(x * 2))
res2: Option[Int] = Some(2)
Using pattern matching as suggested in a couple of answers here is a nice approach:
val some = Option(getSomething())
some match {
case Some(theValue) => doSomethingWith(theValue)
case None => println("Whoops, didn't get anything useful back")
But, a bit verbose.
I prefer to map an Option in the following way:
Option(getSomething()) map (something -> doSomethingWith(something))
One liner, short, clear.
The reason to that is Option can be viewed as some kind of collection – some special snowflake of a collection that contains either zero elements or exactly one element of a type and as as you can map a List[A] to a List[B], you can map an Option[A] to an Option[B]. This means that if your instance of Option[A] is defined, i.e. it is Some[A], the result is Some[B], otherwise it is None. It's really powerful!