What does the vertical line character mean in powershell? - powershell

I am using a script from here
And there is a specific part of the script that I don't understand. In this part
# Libraries and lists have views and forms which can contain webparts... let's get them also
$lists = $web.GetListsOfType("DocumentLibrary") | ? {$_.IsCatalog -eq $false}
What exactly does | ? {$_.IsCatalog -eq $false} mean? And if possible does anyone know why this person chose to only check document libraries?
What the point of the script is, it scans all content editor web parts and checks if their contents have any script tags.

PowerShell heavily relies on the concept of the pipeline. You execute a command which returns a collection of objects and you pipe those into another command which does something with it.
| also known as the pipe character or pipe operator is used to connect the various parts of the pipeline.
In your case, you get all DocumentLibraries in a SharePoint website and pipe (pass) them into a Where-Object cmdlet (? for short) to apply a filter. The result is then assign to a variable.


Check for File in multiple directories with an IF statement Powershell

I am facing some problems in powershell. I want to be able to let a powershell command search for multiple directories.
With the name being a variable like "$VM_DISK=VM_DISK.vhdx" and let powershell search in that manor so that if that file exists in a folder such as C:\VM_DISK\ it exit the script.
I have already tried the "Get-Childitem" but it doesn't seem to work when I put my variable in it. Here is an example:
$VM_DISK= "Example.vhdx"
$search=Get-ChildItem -Path C:\VM_DISK\* -Filter $VM_DISK -Recurse
if ($search -eq $VM_DISK) {write-host "Goodbye!" exit} else {write-host "Continue"}
I just cant seem to figure out why this isn't working, hope some can figure it out.
You need to alter your if statement.
if ($search.Name -contains $VM_Disk)
This way you are comparing an Array of names (which is what you want, names of objects, not objects) to a name of particular object (to a string, basically).
This makes little sense in your case, tbh. Since $search would always include $VM_Disk or would be null if nothing was found.
So the proper way to test would be if ($search) (just like Mathias advised). Which would test if anything was returned. Which, basically equals what you are trying to do.

powershell confused about array loop, foreach method, string?

I'm trying to export all CA certificates to a directory in Base64 format, I'm new to powershell, since I'm used to doing scripts with bash. Somehow I'm not seeing something that feels like it should be obvious.
This is my line so far,
#(Get-ChildItem -path Cert:\Localmachine\ca).ForEach({Export-Certificate -Type CERT -FilePath "C:\ssl\certs.d\$_.Thumbprint" -Cert "Cert:\LocalMachine\ca\$_.Thumbprint"})
I appreciate any help, as I'm trying to learn how to be idiomatic in PS4.
This line of code contains 3 issues:
First. String interpolation with object property. PS parser doesn't understand "$var.Property", it only understands $expression within "string". But since it's expression, and not just variable name, you can make PS evaluate your line with "$(something to evaluate)". In other words, your -FilePath should be:
-FilePath "C:\ssl\certs.d\$($_.Thumbprint)"
Second. Working with objects. PS underneath is full-blown .Net Framework. Even though many objects are represented in output in a simple, predefined way, actually they are |ed to output as complete live objects. According to MSDN, the -Cert parameter is a <Certificate>, not a string pointing to a certificate, so your -Cert should be simply
-Cert $_
Third. Arrays. Get-ChildItem underneath is nothing more than DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos() which returns an array of objects. So ideally, you don't need to wrap it with anything and it's possible to simply pipe it further (Get-ChildItem | Foreach-Object{...}). But many people have different tastes on PS syntax, so the form of (gci).ForEach({...}) (without #) has the right to live as well. But what you are doing in form of #(...) is creating a new array of one item being the array returned to you by gci. So technically, it just shouldn't work. It will though, because PS saves you from such mistakes automatically: in PS you can work with array of 1 item in the same way as with this item directly (unless explicitly specified opposite). To illustrate,
#(4).Length # returns 1
#(#(2,3)).Length # returns 2
#(,#(2,3)).Length #returns 1
Thus, your current syntax for Get-ChildItem is error-prone and relies on automatic PS error-handling sugar. I recommend to either remove # in the beginning, or to rewrite in form of
Get-ChildItem -...... | Foreach-Object {...}

Differences between | and $

Can anyone explain to me the differences I'm seeing in either using a | to pipe one command to another or using $ to 'pipe' it a different way (sorry not sure if the use $ is actually considering piping).
So… this works:
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |
where { $_.RecipientTypeDetails.tostring() -eq "SharedMailbox" } |
Which is great, however because I want to place another where command after the Get-MailboxPermission which doesn't work above I then tried to use this:
$Mailbox = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |
where { $_.RecipientTypeDetails.tostring() -eq "SharedMailbox" }
Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $Mailbox |
where { $_.IsInherited.tostring() -eq "False" }
It causes me to get this error:
Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'Identity'. Cannot convert the "System.Collections.ArrayList" value of type "System.Collections.ArrayList" to type "Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.GeneralMailboxOrMailUserIdParameter".
Surely using | or $ is the same in the sense that it pipes through the results to the next command or am I completely wrong?
I don't have an exchange shell here to test but I guess I can still explain the basics and point you in the right direction.
The pipe | is used to redirect output from one command to another command. $ in Powershell is the character which defines that the character sequence right behind it is either a variable (e.g. $Mailbox as an example for a normal variable or $_ as an example for a variable that holds data that has been piped through from a previous command) or an expression. An example for an expression one is $(4+5).
Or in a more frequently used example:
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $file = (get-childitem)[0]
PS C:\Users\Administrator> write-output "The fullname of $file is $($file.fullname)"
The fullname of .ssh is C:\Users\Administrator\.ssh
In that example it is actually necessary to use an expression, because variable detection inside a string doesn't recognize dots as separator between variable and a variable member (fullname is a member of $file).
If it's not clear to you why there is a point and what members are, you should probably look into object oriented programming a bit because Powershell is object oriented through and through.
In your 2nd example you just save everything that's returned by your Get-Mailbox command in the $Mailbox variable. The $Mailbox variable is available as long as you don't delete it or leave its scope (in this case, the powershell session). You can actually use the variable as input for multiple commands without losing its data.
When using the pipe, the data returned by your first command is only accessible for the command behind the pipe and after that it's gone.
That's probably the difference you're interested in.
As for your actual problem: Powershell tells you that it's not expecting to be handed a variable of type System.Collections.ArrayList, which is what Get-Mailbox returns. The technet help is unclear as to what Get-Mailbox specificly returns, but I strongly guess it's an ArrayList of Mailbox-Objects. You can check it like this:
$Mailbox[0].GetType() # gets the type of the first object in $Mailbox
To fix your code, you need to loop over what's been returned by Get-Mailbox. Try this:
$Mailboxes = Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | where { $_.RecipientTypeDetails.tostring() -eq "SharedMailbox" }
$Mailboxes | ForEach-Object { Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity $_ }
The ForEach-Object cmdlet loops over an array or a list and works on each item individually.
Your first example works so far because Powershell has been made smarter about piped data a few versions ago (See paragraph about 'Member Enumeration'). It's actually ForEach-ing over the passed in data.
Follow up links:
The $_ variable in powershell
Powershell is an object oriented language
Sorry to have to say this, but you're completely wrong. Pipelines and variables are two entirely different things.
The pipe (|) connects the output of one cmdlet to the input of another cmdlet. List output is processed one item at a time, i.e. the second cmdlet receives each list item separately.
If you collect a list of items in a variable ($mailbox) and call a cmdlet with that variable you're passing the list object instead of individual list items. That only works if the cmdlet parameter accepts array input.
The pipe operator | i used to flow the output of one command into the input of another command.
The dollar symbolc, $ is used to denote that the name following it is a variable, and has nothing to do with piping data between cmdlets. The where cmdlet create a $_ variable for use within its expression.

PowerShell: Compare CSV to AD

I'm fairly new to PowerShell and I'm posting this on many forums but I've had success with programming assistance from here before and although this isn't strictly programming, I was hoping someone might know the answer.
My organization had about 5,300 users we needed to disable for a client. Someone decided the best use of our time was have people go through AD and disable them one at a time. Soon as I got wind of this I put a stop to it and used PowerShell to take the CSV list we already had, and ran a cmdlet to disable all of the users in the CSV list.
This appeared to work, but I wanted to run a comparison. I want to compare the users from the CSV file, to the users in AD, and confirm that they are all disabled without having to check all 5300 individually. We checked about 60 random ones to verify my run worked, but I want to make sure none slipped through the cracks.
I've tried a couple scripts and I've tried some variations of cmdlets. None of the scripts I tried even worked, spammed with errors. When I try to run a search of AD either using get-content or import-CSV from the csv file, when I export its giving me about 7600 disabled users (if I search by disabled). There were only 5300 users in total, so it must be giving me all of the disabled users in AD. Other cmdlets i've run appear to do the same thing, its exporting an entire AD list instead of just comparing against my CSV file.
Any assistance anyone can provide would be helpful.
Without knowing the exact structure of your CSV I'm going to assuming it is as such:
That said, if your first field actually has CN= included (i.e. "CN=JSmith","OU=Accounting","Foo.com") you will want to trim that with .TrimStart("CN=").
$ToRemove = Import-CSV UserList.csv
ForEach($User in $ToRemove){
$Temp = ""|Select "User","Disabled"
$Temp.User = $User.'CN='
If((Get-aduser $Temp.User -Prop Enabled).Enabled){$Temp.Disabled='False'}else{$Temp.Disabled='True'}
$UserList|?{$_.Disabled -eq 'False'}
That loads the CSV into a variable, runs each listing through a loop that checks the 'CN=' property, creates a custom object for each user containing just their name and if they are disabled, and then adds that object to an array for ease of use later. In the end you are left with $UserList that lists everybody in the original CSV and if they are disabled. You can output it to a file, filter it for just those that are still enabled, or whatever you want. As noted before if your CSV actually has CN=JSmith for each line you will want to update line 5 to look as such:
$Temp.User = $User.'CN='.TrimStart("CN=")
If you don't have any headers in the CSV file you may want to inject them. Just put a line at the top that looks like:
Or, if you have varying OU depths you may be better off doing a GC and then running each line through a split, taking the first part, trimming the CN= off the beginning, and checking to see if they are disabled like:
GC SomeFile.CSV||%{$_.split(",")[0].trimstart("CN=")|%{If((get-aduser $_ -prop enabled).enabled){"$_ is Enabled"}else{"$_ is Disabled"}}}
Assuming your CSV has a column called DN you can run the following which will return all users from your spreadsheet which are enabled
import-csv YourUsersCSV.csv | Get-ADUser -Filter
{DistinguishedName -eq $_.DN } |
where{$_.enabled -eq $true} |
Select-Object -Property DistinguishedName,samaccountname,enabled

Comparing two text files and only keeping unique values

I am VERY new to powershell and am attempting to write a script and have run into an issue.
I currently have two text files. For argument sake the first can be called required.txt and the second can be called exist.txt.
I have a script which queries a server and determines a list of all existing groups and writes these to a text file. At the same time the customer has a list of new groups they wish to create. I want to compare the new list (required.txt) with the existing list (exist.txt) and anything which doesn't exist be piped out to a new text file which is then picked up and imported using another process.
I've got the scripting done to gather the list from the server I just need to know how to do the comparison between the existing and required.
Any suggestions welcome.
you don't have to use as much variables :
$FinalGroups=Compare-Object (get-content .\required.txt) (get-content .\existing.txt) |
where {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="} |
select -ExpandProperty inputObject |