How to disable(not remove) a column in celltable of gwt - gwt

i am new to GWT.I know tablename.removeColumn(columnname) can be used to remove the column, but instead of removing i want to disable it. Can anybody please help
thnx in advance!

There are some ways to do this, but an easy and clean way to do it is the following :
public static class CustomTextInputCell extends TextInputCell {
public void render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
String url = Window.Location.getHref();
boolean isEditable = url.contains("xyz");
if (isEditable) //Condition if editable or not
super.render(context, value, sb);
else if (value != null) {
The render method will be called every time this cell is rendered. So every time it will check if the condition is met to be enabled or not.
This allows you to keep all the functionality of an editable cell but disable it easily when the condition is met.
You use it like this
Column<YOUR_OBJECT_HERE, String> column = new Column<YOUR_OBJECT_HERE, String>(new CustomTextInputCell());
cellTable.addColumn(column , "YOUR_HEADER_HERE");

I ended up creating a new component that has the columns that i want and called that component based on the url
String url = Window.Location.getHref();
boolean value = url.contains("xyz");
enter code here


GWT CellTable: How to Update A TextBox Dynamically

I have the following CellTable
When the user clicks the Pay Min. CheckBox, it should copy the value from the Due Now column over to the Pay Today text field AND recalculate the total for the Pay Today column.
Here is the code for the CheckboxCell (Pay Min.) and the TextInputCell (Pay Today) columns:
private Column<AccountInvoice, Boolean> buildPayMin() {
columnPayMin = new Column<AccountInvoice, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
public Boolean getValue(AccountInvoice object) {
return object.isPayMinimum();
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element elem, AccountInvoice object, NativeEvent event){
// Get event type
int eventType =;
// See if this is a 'change' event
if (eventType == Event.ONCHANGE) {
String value = columnMinDue.getValue(object);
// Get the cell to copy the value from
TextInputCell cell = (TextInputCell) columnPayToday.getCell();
// Re-create the view data for the cell
TextInputCell.ViewData viewData = new TextInputCell.ViewData(value);
cell.setViewData(object, viewData);
// Refresh
return columnPayMin;
// -----------------------------------------------------------
private Column<AccountInvoice, String> buildPayToday() {
columnPayToday = new Column<AccountInvoice, String>(new TextInputCell()) {
public String getValue(AccountInvoice object) {
return object.getPaymentAmount();
columnPayToday.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<AccountInvoice, String>() {
public void update(int index, AccountInvoice object, String value) {
return columnPayToday;
I can get the value to copy over, but the total for the Pay Today column doesn't refresh. It seems to refresh only when a value is manually entered into the Pay Today text field. I even tried doing:
columnPayToday.getFieldUpdater().update(context.getIndex(), object, value);
which didn't help either.
Thanks for any help you might provide.
ViewData represents a temporary value in your TextInputCell. When you call cellTable.redraw(), the TextInputCell reverts to the original value (the one from getValue() method for that column).
Do not redraw the table if you want to modify only the "view" state of TextInputCell, or call accountInvoice.setPayToday# (or whatever method is there) to update the object and then call refresh() on your ListDataProvider (which is a more efficient way to update a table compared to redraw).

Adding links to a row in a column on click (CellTable)

I have a CellTable where I want to add several links to a row when I click an add button. Right now Im facing the problem that when I click the add button the link will be added to all rows in that column. Somehow it feels like I only can add things to columns.
// shows project column
final MultipleLinkTextCell projectCell = new MultipleLinkTextCell();
final Column<Booking, String> projectColumn = new Column<Booking, String>(
projectCell) {
public String getValue(Booking project) {
return "";
getView().getTimeTable().addColumn(projectColumn, "Tasks");
An Example with Buttons
protected void render( context,
SafeHtml data, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
String string = "";
for (int i = 0; i < value; i++) {
string += "<button type=\"button\" style=\" height:20px; width:22px\">";
if (data != null) {
Im thinking about to use the Anchor widget because I can handle the placemanager from gwtp with it. But still I dont know how to add widgets to a specific row.
I did it like this now, it works, but its better to use the revealmanager. The hardcoded link is kinda bad because I always need to change the reference to the link when I change the webserver. I get a string with several values splitted by a commar.
protected void render( context,
SafeHtml data, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
String stringData = data.asString();
String[] splitResult = stringData.split(",");
for (int i = 0; i < splitResult.length; i++) {
if (!splitResult[i].equals("")) {
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<div><a href=\";projectid="+splitResult[i].substring(0, 7)+"\">"
+ splitResult[i].substring(0, 7) + "</a></div>");
You can't use any Widgets in CellWidgets.
However you can create your custom cell that mimics it or create an ActionCell and add a VaueUpdater that fires a PlaceRequest Event.
For adding the link to a specific row you have to add a field (i..e List<String> links) to your DTO that is rendered in your CellTable. When you click on the "Add" button you have to modify the field of the specific DTO in your list.
MyDTO obj = // get the specific DTO from the DataProvider
obj.setLinks(LIST OF LINKS);
In the render method of your custom cell you check the field (i..e links) and either render out the links or not.
Where does the value data in your render method come from ?

trying to add some link cell in my GWT cellTable

I am trying to add a Link in my cell table (I just want the item to be underlined and mouse symbol change on hover)
and on click I just want to give a window Alert .
for that i have tried these Options : ( but no luck )
final Hyperlink hyp = new Hyperlink("test", "test");
Column<EmployerJobs, Hyperlink> test = new Column<EmployerJobs, Hyperlink>(new HyperLinkCell())
public Hyperlink getValue(EmployerJobs object)
return hyp;
Problem with option 1 is , it takes me to navigation page "test", whereas I dont want to go any other page i just want a window alert.
Column<EmployerJobs, SafeHtml> test = new Column<EmployerJobs, SafeHtml>(new SafeHtmlCell())
public SafeHtml getValue(EmployerJobs object)
SafeHtmlBuilder sb = new SafeHtmlBuilder();
return sb.toSafeHtml();
problem with option 2 is I dont know what exactly to return here and its not getting underlined.
3) at last i am trying to add anchor in my celltable with a compositecell(as ideally i want three different anchors in my ONE cell)
final Anchor anc = new Anchor();
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
CompositeCell ancCell = new CompositeCell(list);
Column testColumn1 = new Column<EmployerJobs, Anchor>(ancCell) {
public Anchor getValue(EmployerJobs object) {
return anc;
Option 3 is giving some exception .
If you can help me get working any of the above option, I'll be grateful
You are doing it totally wrong. You need to use ActionCell for stuff like this or create your own cell. Example code:
ActionCell.Delegate<String> delegate = new ActionCell.Delegate<String>(){
public void execute(String value) { //this method will be executed as soon as someone clicks the cell
ActionCell<String> cell = new ActionCell<String>(safeHtmlTitle,delegate){
public void render( context, //we need to render link instead of default button
String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<a href='#'>");
Column testColumn1 = new Column<EmployerJobs, String>(cell) {
public String getValue(EmployerJobs object) {
//we have to return a value which will be passed into the actioncell
I recommend to read official documentation for Cell Widgets, since it is pretty much everything what you need to know about cell widgets.

GWT CellTable, disable ButtonCell when clicked

I'm pretty new to GWT, but I've been making pretty fast progress until now.
I have a cell table, most of which is read only data returned from an RPC.
I have two columns in the cell table that the user can interact with. One is a TextInputCell, one is a ButtonCell.
When the user clicks the ButtonCell, i want to send the value in the TextInputCell for that row to an RPC.
I have all this working.
The part I cannot get to work is that when the button (ButtonCell) is clicked, I want to disable the button in that row until the RPC returns, and then re-enable it. I also want to clear the text in the input cell for that row when the RPC returns.
I cannot figure out how to get handles to the actual ButtonCell object that was clicked or the TextInputCell to monkey with them.
Any help appreciated.
The problem is that there's no object for the button that was clicked. Your ButtonCell creates HTML that renders buttons - every button in the whole column was written by the same button cell, but there's no java object associated with them.
To disable the button directly, you'll have to first create a handle to it. You could do this by rendering an id in the html your ButtonCell creates, and then getting the element by id from the DOM.
What I do in a similar case is just re-render the entire table when there's a state change. It doesn't take that long, and you don't need to store any references (the whole reason you're using CellTable instead of Grid anyway). When you know your button should be disabled, you just render it disabled.
Both of these suggestions would require you to subclass your Cell objects so that you can do some custom rendering. It's not very difficult, but wrapping your head around the order of operations can be confusing. Good luck!
PS: If you just want to disable the button (and not empty the text field), I think onBrowserEvent gives you a handle to the Element that was clicked - you might be able to use that to disable it.
I have gone through this problem, but eventually I solved it.
check this code
package com.ex7.client;
public class CWButton extends ButtonCell {
private int row = -1;
private String alternativevalue;
private String exTitle = "";
private String value;
private String title = "";
public CWButton( ) {
public void render( context,
String src, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (row == -1) {
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<button title='" + title + "' >" +value+"</button>");
if (row != context.getIndex()) {
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<Button disabled='disabled' title='" + title + "' >"+ value+"</button>");
} else {
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<button title='" + exTitle + "' >"+ alternativevalue+"</button>");
public void onBrowserEvent( context,
Element parent, String value, NativeEvent event,
ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) {
if (row == -1 || row == context.getIndex()) {
super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater);
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
public int getRow() {
return row;
public String getExTitle() {
return exTitle;
public void setExTitle(String exTitle) {
this.exTitle = exTitle;
public void setRow(int row) {
this.row = row;
public String getAlternativeValue() {
return alternativevalue;
public void setAlternativeValue(String alternativeValue) {
this.alternativevalue = alternativeValue;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;

gwt celltable: Possible to only make some cells in a column editable?

I'm using GWT 2.4. When using a CellTable, I've seen its possible to add a column in which all of the cells are editable ...
final TextInputCell nameCell = new TextInputCell();
Column<Contact, String> nameColumn = new Column<Contact, String>(nameCell) {
public String getValue(Contact object) {
table.addColumn(nameColumn, "Name");
but what if I don't want every cell in the column to be editable, only specific ones, based on properties in my "Contact" object? How would I set this up? Thanks, - Dave
The way I would do it is extend the TextInputCell and override the render method to render something else, if you don't want the value in that particular row editable.
Something like this:
public class MyTextInputCell extends TextInputCell {
public void render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
YourObject object = getYourObject();
if ( object.isThisCellEditable() ) {
} else {
sb.appendEscaped(value); // our some other HTML. Whatever you want.
In the render method you have access to the cell's context. Context.getIndex() returns the absolute index of the object. I can't remember of the top of my wad right now, but if you do not provide a ProvidesKey implementation when creating your CellTable you will get one that will use the object itself as the key. So you can get the object using Context.getKey().