I want to modify an attribute's value every time it is set, no matter if it is done within constructor or by a 'writer'(i don't use 'builder' or 'default' in that case). Basically the attribute(not necessary 'Str' type) is passed to the constructor and in some cases I want to modify its value after that, but in every scenario I want to do some regexp on it (for example).
My first approach was to use a BUILDARGS and around method, both of would use the same regex function, but then I wonder about coercion. The only problem is I don't know how to create a subtype/type definition that will force coercion no matter what.
For example:
package Foo;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
subtype 'Foo::bar' => as 'Str';
coerce 'Foo::bar'
=> from 'Str'
=> via {
$_ =~ s/some_stuff//g;
$_ =~ s/other_stuff//g;
$_ =~ s/some_other_stuff//g;
has 'bar' => (isa => 'Foo:bar', coerce => 1);
I don't want to define subtype/type with 'where' clause like
subtype 'Foo::bar' => as 'Str' => where {$_ !~ /some_stuff/ && $_ !~ /other_stuff/ && ... };
because it seems tedious to me.
Edit: I'm looking for a comprehensive solution I could use not only with 'Str' type attributes but also 'ArrayRef', 'HashRef' etc.
Sounds like you want a trigger.
package Foo;
use Moose;
has 'bar' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
trigger => sub {
my ( $self, $value, $old_value ) = #_;
say 'in trigger';
# prevent infinite loop
return if $old_value && $old_value eq $value;
my $original_value = $value;
$value =~ s/some_stuff//g;
$value =~ s/other_stuff//g;
$value =~ s/some_other_stuff//g;
# prevent infinite loop
return if $value eq $original_value;
say '... setting new value';
package main;
my $foo = Foo->new( bar => 'foo some_stuff and other_stuff and some_more_stuff' );
say $foo->bar;
I want to modify an attribute's value every time it is set, no matter
if it is done within constructor or by a 'writer'(i don't use
'builder' or 'default' in that case)
This is exactly what a trigger does. The doc says almost verbatim what you asked for:
NOTE: Triggers will only fire when you assign to the attribute, either in the constructor, or using the writer. Default and built values will not cause the trigger to be fired.
Edit: There was a bug in the inifite loop detection. It now works and will stop on the second invocation. I left debug output in to demonstrate.
in trigger
... setting new value
in trigger
foo and and some_more_stuff
Now have:
has 'id' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
default => sub { "id" . int(rand(1000))+1 }
Works OK, the:
PKG->new(id => 'some'); #the id is "some"
PKG->new() #the id is #id<random_number>
In the next scenario:
my $value = undef;
PKG->new(id => $value);
(of course) got an error:
Attribute (id) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'Str' with value undef at /Users/me/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.16.3/lib/site_perl/5.16.3/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Moose/Exception.pm line 37
The question is:
How to achieve changing the value after it is set to undef (and only when it is $undef)? So,
has 'id' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str|Undef', #added undef to acceptable Type
default => sub { "id" . int(rand(1000))+1 }
Now, it accepting the $undef, but I don't want $undef but want "id" . int(rand(1000))+1. How to change the attribute value after it is set?
The after is called only for the accessors not for constructors. Maybe some weird coercion from Undef to Str - but only for this one attribute?
Ps: using the PKG->new( id => $value // int(rand(10000)) ) is not an acceptable solution. The module should accept the $undef and should silently change it to the random number.
Type::Tiny has as one of its aims to make it easy to add coercions to individual attributes really easy. Here's an example:
use strict;
use warnings;
package Local::Test;
use Moose;
use Types::Standard qw( Str Undef );
my $_id_default = sub { "id" . int(rand(1000)+1) };
has id => (
is => 'rw',
isa => Str->plus_coercions(Undef, $_id_default),
default => $_id_default,
coerce => 1,
print Local::Test->new(id => 'xyz123')->dump;
print Local::Test->new(id => undef)->dump;
print Local::Test->new->dump;
You could also look at MooseX::UndefTolerant which makes undef values passed to the constructor act as if they were entirely omitted. This won't cover passing undef to accessors though; just constructors.
Here is an alternative, using Moose' BUILD method, which is called after an object is created.
package Test;
use Moose;
has 'id' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str|Undef',
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
$self->id("id" . (int(rand(1000))+1));
package Main;
my $test = Test->new(id => undef);
print $test->id; ###Prints random number if id=> undef
More info on BUILD here:
#choroba in a comment mentioned about the triggers. Based on this, found a next solution. The trigger is called twice in the case id=>undef, but otherwise it works.
use Modern::Perl;
package My;
use namespace::sweep;
use Moose;
my $_id_default = sub { "id" . int(rand(100_000_000_000)+1) };
my $_check_id = sub { $_[0]->id(&$_id_default) unless $_[1] };
has id => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str|Undef',
default => $_id_default,
trigger => $_check_id,
package main;
say My->new->id;
say My->new(id=>'aaa')->id;
say My->new(id=>undef)->id;
How to decide - what is the recommended way for the next code fragment?
I have a Moose-based module, where some data is a simple HashRef.
It is possible to write - as a Mooseish HashRef, like:
package Some;
has 'data' => (
isa => 'HashRef',
builder => '_build_href',
init_arg => undef,
lazy => 1,
sub _build-href {
my $href;
$href = { a=>'a', b=>'b'}; #some code what builds a href
return $href;
sub data {
my $href;
$href = { a=>'a', b=>'b'}; #some code what builds a href
return $href;
What is the difference? I'm asking because when calling:
my $obj = Some->new;
my $href = $obj->data;
In both case I get a correct HashRef. So when is it recommended to use a Moose-ish has construction (which is longer) vs a simple data sub?
PS: probably this question is so simple for an average perl programmer, but please, keep in mind, I'm still only learning perl.
If you have an attribute, then whoever is constructing the object can set the hashref in the constructor:
my $obj = Some->new(data => { a => 'c', b => 'd' });
(Though in your example, you've used init_arg => undef which would disable that ability.)
Also, in the case of the attribute, the builder is only run once per object while with a standard method, the method might be called multiple times. If building the hashref is "expensive", that may be an important concern.
Another difference you'll notice is with this:
use Data::Dumper;
my $obj = Some->new;
$obj->data->{c} = 123;
print Dumper( $obj->data );
I'm trying to use an alias with MooseX::Aliases and MooseX::Constructor::AllErrors
However, the two don't seem to play nicely together. Consider the following example:
package Alias
use Moose;
use MooseX::Aliases;
use MooseX::Constructor::AllErrors;
has foo => (
is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1, alias => 'bar'
use strict;
use warnings;
use Alias;
my $obj;
eval {
$obj = Alias->new( bar => 'alias_value' );
if ($#)
foreach my $error ( $#->errors )
print $error ."\n";
print $error->message ."\n";
exit 1;
print $obj->bar ."\n";
$obj->foo( 'new_alias_value' );
print $obj->foo."\n";
This should allow me to create an Alias object using the 'bar' alias... shouldn't it? Does anyone know if MooseX::Constructor::AllErrors is supposed to support aliased attributes?
It's a bug, in that it violates expectations, but it's not easily resolvable -- the problem is that MooseX::Aliases modifies what arguments are allowed/accepted in the constructor, but MooseX::Constructor::AllErrors is not aware of this, so when it looks at the passed values at construction time, it errors out when there is no 'agency' field.
This gets around the situation by manually moving the aliased field before MooseX::Constructor::AllErrors sees it:
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
my %args = #_;
$args{agency} //= delete $args{company};
The good news is that this has hope of working better in the future, because
there are plans for MooseX::Aliases to be cored, which would force all other
extensions (e.g. MXCAE) to support the alias feature properly.
A hashtable is the typical initializer for your Perl objects. Now your input is unreliable in that you don't know whether for any given key there'll be a defined value, nor whether the key is there at all. Now you want to feed such unreliable input into Moose objects, and while absent keys are perfectly okay you do want to get rid of the undefined values so you don't end up with an object full of undefined attributes.
You could certainly take great care when instantiating objects and filter out the undefined values. But let's say you want to install that filter in your constructor because then it is in one place. You want the constructor to ignore undefined values, but not to die on encountering them.
For accessor methods, you can use around around to prevent the attribute to be set to undef. But those method modifiers aren't called for the constructor, only for accessors. Is there a similar facility in Moose to achieve the same effect for the c'tor, i.e. to preclude any undef attributes from being accepted?
Note that the Moose Any type will create the hash key in the object if the attribute is undef. I don't want that because I want %$self not to contain any undef values.
Here's some testing I did:
package Gurke;
use Moose;
use Data::Dumper;
has color => is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', default => 'green';
has length => is => 'rw', isa => 'Num';
has appeal => is => 'rw', isa => 'Any';
around color => sub {
# print STDERR Dumper \#_;
my $orig = shift;
my $self = shift;
return $self->$orig unless #_;
return unless defined $_[0];
return $self->$orig( #_ );
package main;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
my $gu = Gurke->new;
isa_ok $gu, 'Gurke';
diag explain $gu;
ok ! exists $gu->{length}, 'attribute not passed, so not set';
diag q(attempt to set color to undef - we don't want it to succeed);
ok ! defined $gu->color( undef ), 'returns undef';
is $gu->color, 'green', 'value unchanged';
diag q(passing undef in the constructor will make it die);
dies_ok { Gurke->new( color => undef ) }
'around does not work for the constructor!';
lives_ok { $gu = Gurke->new( appeal => undef ) } 'anything goes';
diag explain $gu;
diag q(... but creates the undef hash key, which is not what I want);
This is exactly what MooseX::UndefTolerant does. If you make your class immutable, it will be much faster than writing your own BUILDARGS method, as the code is inlined into the generated constructor.
Just provide your own BUILDARGS subroutine.
package Gurke;
around 'BUILDARGS' => sub{
my($orig,$self,#params) = #_;
my $params;
if( #params == 1 ){
($params) = #params;
$params = { #params };
for my $key ( keys %$params ){
delete $params->{$key} unless defined $params->{$key};
I realize that it is somewhat a duplicated effort, but you can hook ctor with BUILDARGS:
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $class = shift;
my %params = ref $_[0] ? %{$_[0]} : #_;
return $class->$orig(
map { $_ => $params{$_} }
grep { defined $params{$_} }
keys %params
Edit: Edited to support even the reference passed to ctor.
While the example given clarifies that the question is inspired by a desire to handle undef attributes passed to a constructor, the question itself additionally implies the case of passing only undef to the constructor, which is something I've encountered and wanted to solve.
E.g., Class->new(undef).
I like bvr's BUILDARGS answer. It can be extended to handle the case of passing an undef value instead of a hashref as the lone argument to a constructor:
around BUILDARGS => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $class = shift;
my %params = defined $_[0] ? ref $_[0] ? %{$_[0]} : #_ : ();
return $class->$orig(
map { $_ => $params{$_} }
grep { defined $params{$_} }
keys %params
MooseX::UndefTolerant does not appear to support this case.
I'm creating a list of attributes (more than the three shown below), all of which share common methods. Is it possible to then add a trigger to one of the methods:
# Create a bunch of attributes
for my $attr ( qw( title name address ) ) {
has $attr => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' );
around $attr => sub {
# more stuff here.
# Add a trigger
has_another_method 'title' => ( trigger => \&_trigger_title );
I know I can get meta information about attributes, but I haven't found anything that would enable me to change the attribute methods (and perhaps for good reason). Being able to do this would help keep my code clean, and mean that the common bits are all defined in one place. If not, I can just create the attribute separately, and include the trigger method.
The answers have made it clear that changing the attribute after it has been created is not a good idea. Instead, I've opted for a different method which allows me to keep all the attribute options in one place. This example is a little simplistic, but it demonstrates the idea:
# Create a bunch of attributes
for my $attr ( qw( title name address ) ) {
my %options = ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' );
# Add a trigger to the title attribute.
$options{ 'trigger' } = \&_trigger_title
if $attr eq 'title';
has $attr => ( %options );
around $attr => sub {
# more stuff here.
Triggers are just an attribute on the attribute, but they are defined to be read only. You could find_meta( $attribute )->get_attribute('trigger')->set_value( $attribute, sub { new trigger }), but you're really breaking encapsulation here.
I would just declare all common attributes in my for loop, and then declare the special cases elsewhere.
Attribute methods are composed when they are constructed, so it is generally a good practice to have all the options available when you create it with the has directive. However, currently there is nothing special being done with trigger methods, so you could do this, to get around the read-onlyness of the 'trigger' option:
my $attr = __PACKAGE__->meta->get_attribute('title')->meta->get_attribute('trigger')->set_raw_value('_trigger_sub_name');
However this is delving rather excessively into the innards of Moose; if the implementation ever changes, you can be SOL (plus you would be violating constraints that are there for a reason). So it would be much better to set up your triggers as:
has $_ => (
is => 'rw', isa => 'Str',
trigger => '_trigger_' . $_,
) for (qw(title name address));
sub _trigger_title {
# implementation here
sub _trigger_name {
# implementation here
sub _trigger_address {
# implementation here