CoffeeScript re-arranges method call parenthesis, why? - coffeescript

I have written this in CoffeeScript:
expect (#controllerInstance[fn]).toHaveBeenCalled()
and it's been compiled to this:
return expect(this.controllerInstance[fn].toHaveBeenCalled());
Why has it re-arranged the method call parenthesis? And how would I make it compile to what I want?
what I need to see is:

Parentheses serve two purposes in CoffeeScript:
Expression grouping, e.g. (6 + 11) * 23 or f (-> 6), (-> 11).
Function calling, e.g. f(), g('pancakes').
Since parentheses are sometimes optional in a function call, there is some ambiguity in:
f (expr)
Are those parentheses being used to call f with expr as its argument or are the parentheses really a part of f's argument? CoffeeScript chooses the latter interpretation.
You'll see similar problems if write:
f (x) + 1
CoffeeScript sees that as:
f((x) + 1)
Similarly, if you write:
f (x, y)
you'll get an unexpected , error; CoffeeScript doesn't have a comma operator so x, y is not a valid expression.
You can remove the ambiguity by removing the whitespace before the opening parenthesis:
Removing the space after expect forces CoffeeScript to view the parentheses around #controllerInstance[fn] to be seen as function-calling parentheses.


Calling macro from within generated function in Julia

I have been messing around with generated functions in Julia, and have come to a weird problem I do not understand fully: My final goal would involve calling a macro (more specifically #tullio) from within a generated function (to perform some tensor contractions that depend on the input tensors). But I have been having problems, which I narrowed down to calling the macro from within the generated function.
To illustrate the problem, let's consider a very simple example that also fails:
macro my_add(a,b)
return :($a + $b)
function add_one_expr(x::T) where T
y = one(T)
return :( #my_add($x,$y) )
#generated function add_one_gen(x::T) where T
y = one(T)
return :( #my_add($x,$y) )
With these declarations, I find that eval(add_one_expr(2.0)) works just as expected and returns and expression
:(#my_add 2.0 1.0)
which correctly evaluates to 3.0.
However evaluating add_one_gen(2.0) returns the following error:
MethodError: no method matching +(::Type{Float64}, ::Float64)
Doing some research, I have found that #generated actually produces two codes, and in one only the types of the variables can be used. I think this is what is happening here, but I do not understand what is happening at all. It must be some weird interaction between macros and generated functions.
Can someone explain and/or propose a solution? Thank you!
I find it helpful to think of generated functions as having two components: the body and any generated code (the stuff inside a quote..end). The body is evaluated at compile time, and doesn't "know" the values, only the types. So for a generated function taking x::T as an argument, any references to x in the body will actually point to the type T. This can be very confusing. To make things clearer, I recommend the body only refer to types, never to values.
Here's a little example:
julia> #generated function show_val_and_type(x::T) where {T}
println("x is ", x)
println("\$x is ", $x)
println("T is ", T)
println("\$T is ", $T)
julia> show_val_and_type(3)
x is 3
$x is Int64
T is Int64
$T is Int64
The interpolated $x means "take the x from the body (which refers to T) and splice it in.
If you follow the approach of never referring to values in the body, you can test generated functions by removing the #generated, like this:
julia> function add_one_gen(x::T) where T
y = one(T)
julia> add_one_gen(3)
#= REPL[42]:4 =#
#= REPL[42]:4 =# #my_add x 1
That looks reasonable, but when we test it we get
julia> add_one_gen(3)
ERROR: UndefVarError: x not defined
[1] macro expansion
# ./REPL[48]:4 [inlined]
[2] add_one_gen(x::Int64)
# Main ./REPL[48]:1
[3] top-level scope
# REPL[49]:1
So let's see what the macro gives us
julia> #macroexpand #my_add x 1
:(Main.x + 1)
It's pointing to Main.x, which doesn't exist. The macro is being too eager, and we need to delay its evaluation. The standard way to do this is with esc. So finally, this works:
julia> macro my_add(a,b)
return :($(esc(a)) + $(esc(b)))
julia> #generated function add_one_gen(x::T) where T
y = one(T)
julia> add_one_gen(3)

Julia: Macros, Expressions and Meta.parse

All these following lines of code are Julia expressions:
x = 10
1 + 1
if you want to pass an expression to a macro, it works like this. Macro foo just returns the given expression, which will be executed:
macro foo(ex)
return ex
#foo println("yes") # prints yes
x = #foo 1+1
println(x) # prints 2
If you want to convert a string into an expression, you can use Meta.parse():
string = "1+1"
expr = Meta.parse(string)
x = #foo expr
println(x) # prints 1 + 1
But, obviously, the macro treats expr as a symbol. What am i getting wrong here?
Thanks in advance!
Macro hygiene is important "macros must ensure that the variables they introduce in their returned expressions do not accidentally clash with existing variables in the surrounding code they expand into." There is a section in the docs. It is easiest just to show a simple case:
macro foo(x)
return :($x)
When you enter an ordinary expression in the REPL, it is evaluated immediately. To suppress that evaluation, surround the expression with :( ).
julia> 1 + 1
julia> :(1 + 1)
:(1 + 1)
# note this is the same result as you get using Meta.parse
julia> Meta.parse("1 + 1")
:(1 + 1)
So, Meta.parse will convert an appropriate string to an expression. And if you eval the result, the expression will be evaluated. Note that printing a simple expression removes the outer :( )
julia> expr = Meta.parse("1 + 1")
:(1 + 1)
julia> print(expr)
1 + 1
julia> result = eval(expr)
Usually, macros are used to manipulate things before the usual evaluation of expressions; they are syntax transformations, mostly. Macros are performed before other source code is compiled/evaluated/executed.
Rather than seeking a macro that evaluates a string as if it were typed directly into the REPL (without quotes), use this function instead.
evalstr(x::AbstractString) = eval(Meta.parse(x))
While I do not recommend this next macro, it is good to know the technique.
A macro named <name>_str is used like this <name>"<string contents>" :
julia> macro eval_str(x)
julia> eval"1 + 1"
(p.s. do not reuse Base function names as variable names, use str not string)
Please let me know if there is something I have not addressed.

Julia: inject code into function

I would like to inject code into a function. For concreteness, consider a simple simulater:
function simulation(A, x)
for t in 1:1000
z = randn(3)
x = A*x + z
Sometimes I would like to record the values of x every ten time-steps, sometimes the values of z every 20 time-steps, and sometimes I don't want to record any values. I could, of course, put some flags as arguments to the function, and have some if-else statements. But I would like to rather keep the simulation code clean, and only inject a piece of code like
if t%10 == 0
append!(rec_z, z)
into particular places of the function whenever I need it. For that, I'd like to write a macro such that monitoring a particular value becomes
#monitor(:z, 10)
simulation(A, x)
Is that possible with Julia's Metaprogramming capabilities?
No, you cannot use metaprogramming to inject code into an already-written function. Metaprogramming can only do things that you could directly write yourself at precisely the location where the macro itself is written. That means that a statement like:
#monitor(:z, 10); simulation(A, x)
cannot even modify the simulation(A, x) function call. It can only expand out to some normal Julia code that runs before simulation is called. You could, perhaps, include the simulation function call as an argument to the macro, e.g., #monitor(:z, 10, simulation(A, x)), but now all the macro can do is change the function call itself. It still cannot "go back" and add new code to a function that was already written.
You could, however, carefully and meticulously craft a macro that takes the function definition body and modifies it to add your debug code, e.g.,
#monitor(:z, 10, function simulation(A, x)
for t in 1:1000
# ...
But now you must write code in the macro that traverses the code in the function body, and injects your debug statement at the correct place. This is not an easy task. And it's even harder to write in a robust manner that wouldn't break the moment you modified your actual simulation code.
Traversing code and inserting it is a much easier task for you to do yourself with an editor. A common idiom for debugging statements is to use a one-liner, like this:
const debug = false
function simulation (A, x)
for t in 1:1000
z = rand(3)
x = A*x + z
debug && t%10==0 && append!(rec_z, z)
What's really cool here is that by marking debug as constant, Julia is able to completely optimize away the debugging code when it's false — it doesn't even appear in the generated code! So there is no overhead when you're not debugging. It does mean, however, that you have to restart Julia (or reload the module it's in) for you to change the debug flag. Even when debug isn't marked as const, I cannot measure any overhead for this simple loop. And chances are, your loop will be more complicated than this one. So don't worry about performance here until you actually double-check that it's having an effect.
You might be interested in this which i just whipped up. It doesn't QUITE do what you are doing, but it's close. Generally safe and consistent places to add code are the beginning and end of code blocks. These macros allow you to inject some code in those location (and even pass code parameters!)
Should be useful for say toggle-able input checking.
#cleanly injects some code into the AST of a function.
function code_to_inject()
println("this code is injected")
function code_to_inject(a,b)
println("injected code handles $a and $b")
macro inject_code_prepend(f)
#make sure this macro precedes a function definition.
isa(f, Expr) || error("checkable macro must precede a function definition")
(f.head == :function) || error("checkable macro must precede a function definition")
#be lazy and let the parser do the hard work.
b2 = parse("code_to_inject()")
#inject the generated code into the AST.
unshift!(f.args[2].args, b2)
#return the escaped function to the parser so that it generates the new function.
return Expr(:escape, f)
macro inject_code_append(f)
#make sure this macro precedes a function definition.
isa(f, Expr) || error("checkable macro must precede a function definition")
(f.head == :function) || error("checkable macro must precede a function definition")
#be lazy and let the parser do the hard work.
b2 = parse("code_to_inject()")
#inject the generated code into the AST.
push!(f.args[2].args, b2)
#return the escaped function to the parser so that it generates the new function.
return Expr(:escape, f)
macro inject_code_with_args(f)
#make sure this macro precedes a function definition.
isa(f, Expr) || error("checkable macro must precede a function definition")
(f.head == :function) || error("checkable macro must precede a function definition")
#be lazy and let the parser do the hard work.
b2 = parse(string("code_to_inject(", join(f.args[1].args[2:end], ","), ")"))
#inject the generated code into the AST.
unshift!(f.args[2].args, b2)
#return the escaped function to the parser so that it generates the new function.
return Expr(:escape, f)
julia> #inject_code_prepend function p()
println("victim function")
p (generic function with 1 method)
julia> p()
this code is injected
victim function
julia> #inject_code_append function p()
println("victim function")
p (generic function with 1 method)
julia> p()
victim function
this code is injected
julia> #inject_code_with_args function p(a, b)
println("victim called with $a and $b")
p (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> p(1, 2)
injected code handles 1 and 2
victim called with 1 and 2

Brackets needed when using infix approach?

Really simple Scala question.
How come the infix approach to 1 + 2 does not need brackets?
scala>1 + 2
res7: Int = 3
But the dot approach does?
scala>1 .+(2)
res8: Int = 3
scala> 1 .+2
<console>:1: error: ';' expected but integer literal found.
1 .+2
Everything in Scala is an object so 1 .+(2) means to call method + on object 1 with parameter 2. And of course if you call a method like this, you need to enclose parameters in brackets, just like in regular obj.somemethod(someparam,foo,bar).
Infix notation (1 + 2) actually means the same thing (it is syntactic sugar to call method with one parameter).
And the space before dot is needed so that dot is interpreted as method invocation and not as decimal separator. Otherwise 1.+(2) or 1.+2 will be interpreted as 1.0 + 2.
I think it's to do with language definition:
A left-associative binary operation e1 op e2 is interpreted as e1.op(e2).
The form 1 .+ 2 is not specified anywhere so my guess is that the compiler is looking for either 1 + 2 or 1.+(2). In fact the compiler converts 1+2 into 1.+(2) normally. When using the . it expects a function and not the infix syntax.
Bottom line: you can use either but not something half way there.
PD: someone commented that calling a method you need to use it like this: obj.somemethod(someparam,foo,bar) but on that case you can also do this: obj somemethod (someparam,foo,bar) and you have to leave the spaces for it to work.

Calling a Clojure function with string inside swap?

The macro, transform!, as defined below seems to work for => (transform! ["foo" 1 2 3]). The purpose is to take in a list, with the first element being a string that represents a function in the namespace. Then wrapping everything into swap!.
The problem is that transform! doesn't work for => (transform! coll), where (def coll ["foo" 1 2 3]). I am getting this mystery exception:
#<UnsupportedOperationException java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: nth not supported on this type: Symbol>
The function:
(defmacro transform!
" Takes string input and update data with corresponding command function.
[[f & args]] ;; note double brackets
`(swap! *image* ~(ns-resolve *ns* (symbol f)) ~#args))
I find it strange that it works for one case and not the other.
Macros work at compile-time and operate on code, not on runtime data. In the case of (transform! coll), the macro is being passed a single, unevaluated argument: the symbol coll.
You don't actually need a macro; a regular function will suffice:
(defn transform! [[f & args]]
(apply swap! *image* (resolve (symbol f)) args)))
Resolving vars at runtime could be considered a code smell, so think about whether you really need to do it.
You're passing a symbol to the macro, namely coll. It will try to pull that symbol apart according to the destructuring statement [f & args], which won't be possible of course.
You can also use (resolve symbol) instead of (ns-resolve *ns* symbol).