Enthought Canopy Tcl/Tkinter error - enthought

I am working with a group of teachers using Canopy and we are trying to use Tkinter. About half the class is getting an error message when we run code that imports Tkinter. The error message we get is:
TclError: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:
C:/Users/tg9154/AppData/Local/Enthought/Canopy/App/appdata/canopy- C:/Users/tg9154/AppData/Local/Enthought/Canopy/User/lib/tcl8.5 C:/Users/tg9154/AppData/Local/Enthought/Canopy/lib/tcl8.5 C:/Users/tg9154/AppData/Local/Enthought/Canopy/User/library C:/Users/tg9154/AppData/Local/Enthought/Canopy/library C:/Users/tg9154/AppData/Local/Enthought/Canopy/tcl8.5.2/library C:/Users/tg9154/AppData/Local/Enthought/tcl8.5.2/library
This probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.
I have tried all of the fixes I have found online and none of them are working. I am wondering if a complete uninstall/install would work but I am hoping that there is a easier fix since I have so many teachers who would have to do the same thing.

This bug on Windows in Canopy 1.5.3/1.5.4) was fixed in Canopy 1.5.5, released July 3.
To update to the current version of Canopy, see this article.


What causes Python Pytube to send me a HTTP ERROR 410 each time

I want to make a small python project and I am quite new with it. So I thought a youtube-downloader is a funny project to go by. So I looked at the documents about how to and installed everything accordingly. Now I am facing a strange 410 error. I searched on this platform the issue and some were resolved due an answer and some stayed open without closure.
The answers I found is if I(You) have the right pytube version installed. Besides that answer there was also a git repository available which I tried and it didn't work. That one is
pip install git+https://github.com/Zeecka/pytube#fix_1060
With this I still get the same error.
Anybody any clue what I do wrong? Every other example I see and want to recreate to make sure it works just doesn't for me. I feel like I misplaced a package somewhere and that's how it's poorly/unreadable.
Python version: Python 3.10.2,
pip 21.2.4 from C:\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.10)

Bugzilla - Host upgraded perl - browse/search is the only function failing any way to update just that?

The bugzilla install is very old now (4.0.1) and although it would be best, upgrading is a real pain as I suck at Perl related stuff. It has worked with no issue for many years and stopped in December. On checking the serverhost changed to Perl 5.16.3. Originally it was 5.8.8 and even after 15.10 it worked fine.
The issue I get is very similar to this issue - Bugzilla: bugs are not showing up (show up in DB and everything seems to be fine)
But it is not a template or character problem (the site ran fine with no changes) that I can see and happened the same week the host updated Perl , so I am 99% sure it is Perl related. I am assuming the issue is with either buglist.cgi itself or search pm. Any time I browse or search the Product, component, resolution etc shows "ARRAY and a number. e.g. Product: ARRAY(0x30090f0) Component: ARRAY(0x3993420) Resolution: ARRAY(0x3993378).
The bugzilla is only accessible internally (but hosted by a third-party, so no admin) it only allows user accounts access to search and browse so I cannot demo the issue. Is there a known depreciated Perl command?
Would love to fix but may have to install a new version and import DB, last time it took a few weeks to get running hence looking to avoid that for now.
I had the exact same issue. After digging a little figured this is an issue with the Perl version. In Search.pm, $params->param("field$chart-$row-$col", shift(#$ref)); this line is causing the issue. With 5.8.8 its returning Array object, whereas with 5.16.3 it is returning SCALAR.
My option is to install 5.8.8 and re-install the compatible modules. Or, is there any quick workaround for this?
Going through the docs, figured that 4.0.10 version of bugzilla has added support for Perl 5.16. Copied the CGI.pm from that and tested.. bugzilla is working. This is a bad hack. But, at least now I know that upgrading to 4.0.10 is another viable solution instead of upgrading Perl.

ht.elc fails to provide feature ht

I use emacs org-mode heavily, but don't usually use emacs otherwise. I am still using emacs 25.3 but also have 26.3 installed. This evening, after a Windows Update (likely cause of the problem?), when I restarted emacs (runemacs) under 25.3 I received the following error message.
error: Required feature ‘ht’ was not provided
I have also tried running it under emacs 26.3 and receive a slightly more helpful error message "c:etc. etc. /AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/elpa/ht-20190924.704/ht.elc failed to provide feature ‘ht’"
I have not changed or updated any of the packages in several weeks. So, it is unlikely to be a change in org-mode or emacs.
I have experimented around with a variety of different approaches but without any luck. Among other things I restored the elpa files and my customization files from a back-up of a couple of days ago without getting a different results.
package-list-package with emacs 25.3 works with the error message, and I can upgrade the packages (2) that can be upgraded. However that also makes no difference to the error message I receive when I restart emacs. This does imply that ht.elc is working since, without it, you can't install packages since the new package needs to have its hash code checked. If I delete the ht package and try to update packages without it, updates fail on the hash code check.
package-list-package with emacs 26.3 is a whole other problem which might be why I'm not using it. TLS connections fail, and it can't connect to melpa, orgmode.org, etc.
In any case, I can't load my customization files and can't use org-mode at this point. Anyone have any ideas, questions or suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
This is a solution, without being an answer.
Using package-list-packages, and looking at the details for the ht package, it showed an "alternative" version being available from melpa; same release number. So, I chose to install it and a refreshed list of packages then showed that I had the same version installed twice.
I then closed emacs and restarted it. It started with a similar error message, but this time referring to the dash package. Repeated the duplicate install process as described above.
I again closed emacs and restarted it, and now it loads and runs correctly.
I had tried previously to just delete the ht package from the elpa directory, but doing that and attempting to install a fresh package resulted in a shower of errors. I don't remember all of them but at least one of them was that emacs was unable to read the package signature.
So, problem solved, but I still have no idea why it occurred in the first place, since it had been weeks since I had updated any packages, nor why the restore of the directories from several days ago didn't solve the problem.
And before anyone yells at me about moving to the current emacs, I have now installed the missing dependencies and am running on 26.3.

How to get Net-SMTP-SSL work with Bugzilla in Ubuntu 12.04?

I have installed Net-SMTP-SSL (/usr/bin/perl install-module.pl Net::SMTP::SSL) since I'd like to configure Bugzilla email with Gmail. I did't got any error. However, when I run './checksetup.pl --check-modules', I still get the result:
Checking for Net-SMTP-SSL (v1.01) not found
I also try to re-install it and I still get the same output. Here is my system information:
Ubuntu 12.04
Bugzilla 4.4.6
After having the same problem with Bugzilla recently, I ran across this rejected bug report:
It mentions that there are some dependencies that Bugzilla isn't installing, but doesn't say which ones. So I just ran cpan and issued the upgrade command from the cpan console to upgrade all packages. This went though and installed a few dependencies from various packages that it said were missing. I didn't see which ones were related to the SMTP SSL package since it was installing stuff several levels deep in dependencies, but after running that and then running checksetup.pl in Bugzilla, the problem seemed to be fixed. Warning: It did take quite a while to upgrade all packages, though.
That fixes the issue with Bugzilla not detecting properly, but unfortunately it seems there's a bug in Net::SMTP::SSL conflicting with one of it's own dependencies. You'll get an error something like "Not a GLOB reference" if you try to run the package directly. You can see it by running this after updating all of the packages:
perl -MNet::SMTP::SSL -wE 'say $Net::SMTP::SSL::VERSION'
If you get a version number returned then it's working, but I get an error and have seen other posts about it, too. I haven't been able to fix this problem yet, but there's probably some combination of the SSL package and various versions of it's dependencies that actually works, just not the latest of each. Otherwise, I would think there would be a known issue in Bugzilla release notes as they would have run across it during testing.
I haven't had time to do it and haven't seen that anyone else has either including the package maintainer, but I suppose you could find all of the dependencies for Net::SMTP:SSL and then one by one update the packages using something like:
cpan upgrade Net::SMTP::SSL
Then replace Net::SMTP::SSL with each of it's dependencies one at a time and test using the perl command above. When it breaks, you'll know which package is conflicting. You can then roll that package back to an earlier version and update all other dependencies and hopefully it will fix the issue. It's definitely possible that no combination will work, though, and if that's the case, I'll be a little disappointed in Bugzilla's testing process.
You can find dependencies using various methods, but CPAN has one. Here's a link to an article about how to create a perl script to use it: https://metacpan.org/pod/CPAN::FindDependencies
Anyway, this may not solve your problem, but I hope it helps in tracking down the issue, and know that you are not alone. If you do find out anything, please post it here. I will do the same if I have more time to work on it later.

enthought canopy package manager "no arguments"

I have been using Enthought Canopy Distribution (Academic License) for the last few weeks. I have also used the Package Manager to install packages.
But now today when I tried to install Scikit learn it showed the following error message "Takes no argument 1 given". Infact this problem is there even if I try to install other packages. I also tried to upgrade a few packages, but those too showed the same error.
Have I changed some setting by mistake or is it an issue with the software?
I encountered the same problem in both the Canopy GUI and on the command line (epkg) on OS X 10.8 with the 32-bit version. This is part of the reply I got from the Enthought support team:
This looks like a familiar bug which should have been fixed.
Could you please update to, and if the problem still occurs, then submit this as a bug report from the Canopy Help menu so we can gather more system information?
Only problem is, I am running, and Help/Software Updates... claims there is no newer version available. I informed support of this, and I will report back as soon as I have more information on or a solution for this problem.
Planning do document the exact error message, I just went back to the command line and invoked epkg, which suddenly did work:
$ enpkg
Enstaller is out of date. Update? ([y]/n) y
[fetching] 264 KB
[installing] 755 KB
Enstaller has been updated. Please re-run your previous command.
I can now successfully install and update packages via enpkg or the Canopy GUI.