Get Process Location Path using PowerShell - powershell

I am trying to get the location of currently running process on your computer using PowerShell.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer
When I run the command
$path = Get-Process | Select-Object Path
Split-Path $path
I get the following output, which I not what I want. Why does it add #{Path=?
#{Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox
#{Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer
When I run Split-Path as follows, it gives me the correct output C:\Windows\sysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0.
$pshpath = "C:\Windows\sysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe"
Split-Path $pshpath

$path = Get-Process | Select-Object Path
returns an array of objects. Each object in the array will have the property 'Path' along with an optional value.
The 'path' parameter of split-path takes 'string' arguments so when you run
Split-Path $path
i guess each object is being converted to type string so you get the hashtable format output.
split-path can accept path values from pipeline by property name so you can do:
$path | Split-path
if you just want the path perhaps you could try:
Get-Process | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path

To get a list of all paths just use:
ps | % {$_.Path}
or full syntax:
Get-Process | ForEach-Object {$_.Path}
when using:
$path = Get-Process | Select-Object Path
lets look at what $path is:
$path | Get-Member
and you get:
TypeName: Selected.System.Diagnostics.Process
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Equals Method bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method int GetHashCode()
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString()
Path NoteProperty System.String Path=C:\windows\system32\atieclxx.exe
so Path is not a String but a NoteProperty, I guess that's why you can't use Split-Path directly.

Another way of getting the path is by doing something like this:
(Get-Process -Name firefox).path
But, since one process can appear multiple times (I'm looking at you, chrome.exe), you'd get the same path repeated as many times as the process appears in the process list. IMO, a better way of getting the path is by process id (1234 as an example):
(Get-Process -Id 1234).path
Or, if you're not sure what your process' id is, you could loop through all the running processes, and then check each of them individually, piping the results to a file, for later analysis. For example:
$processList = Get-Process #let's get all the processes at once
$newline = "`r`n"
$tabChar = "`t"
$separator = "--------"
$file = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\proc-loc.txt" # where do we want to pipe out the output
Write-Output "Processes $newLine $separator" > $file # out with the previous contents of the file, let's start anew
# let's loop through the list, and pick out the stuff we need
foreach($item in $processList) {
$itemObject = $item | Select-Object
$itemName = $itemObject.Name
$itemId = $itemObject.Id
$itemPath = (Get-Process -Id $itemId).path
Write-Output "$itemId $tabChar $itemName $tabChar $itemPath" >> $file
If you're interested in getting the running services as well, you could expand on the previous bit, with this:
$serviceList = Get-WmiObject win32_service | Where {$_.state -eq "Running"}
Write-Output "$newline $newline Services $newline $separator" >> $file
foreach($item in $serviceList) {
$itemName = $item.Name
$itemId = $item.ProcessId
$itemPath = $item.PathName
Write-Output "$itemId $tabChar $itemName $tabChar $itemPath" >> $file
One thing to note, though - this won't give you a path for each and every process currently running on your system. For example, SgrmBroker, smss, System and some instances of svchost won't have a path attached to them in your output file.

Just remove that split-path command and give a object parameter as stated below.
$path = Get-Process | Select-Object Path
And output would be as stated below.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\SelfServicePlugin\SelfServicePlugin.exe


How do I edit a #{ that powershell automatically puts registry keys ins?

so I have a powershell command that grabs a registry key. But when using select-pattern, it always sticks the whole key within a line, and I've been googling everywhere but no where is telling me how to only grab certain language from the line, and not return the full like. Like below:
Line : #{t0_recursive=\\ad\; t7_recursive=\\ad\chrolit; t5_recursive=\\ad\arolit; t3_recursive=k:\;
t9_recursive=\\ad\fwrolit; t10_recursive=\\ad\larolit; t15_recursive=\\ad\slrolit;
t6_recursive=\\ad\brolit; t11_recursive=\\ad\mirolit; t14_recursive=\\ad\sfrolit;
t12_recursive=\\ad\nyrolit; t2_recursive=j:\; t16_recursive=\\ad\enfcases; t1_recursive=f:\;
t8_recursive=\\ad\drolit; t4_recursive=m:\; t13_recursive=\\ad\plrolit; t17_recursive=C:\ENFProcessing;
t129=c:\enfprocessing; t99=\\ad\slrolit; t9=\\ad\; t84=\\ad\sfrolit; t69=\\ad\plrolit; t54=\\ad\nyrolit;
t39=\\ad\mirolit; t279_recursive=C:\Users; t264=\\ad\fwrolit; t249=\\ad\drolit; t24=\\ad\larolit;
t234=\\ad\chrolit; t219=\\ad\brolit; t204=\\ad\arolit; t159_recursive=\\AD.SEC.GOV\Projects;
t144_recursive=\\AD.SEC.GOV\users; t114=\\ad\enfcases;
Acrobat\DC\FeatureLockDown\cTrustedFolders; PSChildName=cAlwaysTrustedForJavaScript;
I get this output, but can't just return PSPath and the C:\Users* from the line, it always returns the full line.
Why is this?
$value = Get-ChildItem -Path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\TrustManger\cTrustedFolder' 2>NULL | findstr : | measure-object -line | select-object -expandproperty lines ; if ( $value -lt 1 ) { echo 'PASSED, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\TrustManger\cTrustedFolder is NULL' } else { $value2 = Get-ChildItem -Path 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\TrustManger\cTrustedFolder' -Recurse | ForEach-Object {Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.PSPath -Name t*} |Select-String -Pattern 'c:\\users*' | select -ExpandProperty Line| findstr /i /V /c:Desktop, /c:downloads|format-list LineNumber,Line
I tried googling how to edit lines in powershell, to no avail.
Take out findstr. It turns objects to strings.
The get-childitem output is a bit confusing for the registry. The formatting file $PSHOME\Registry.format.ps1xml runs get-itemproperty. Use get-itemproperty to get registry values.
I have a replacement for get-itemproperty that can be used for recursive searches here: Use PowerShell to search for string in registry keys and values
For example:
get-childitem -recurse hklm:\software\adobe | get-itemproperty2 |
? name -like distiller*
Path Name Value Type
---- ---- ----- ----
HKLM:\software\adobe\Acrobat Distiller\10.0\Uninstall Distiller 1 DWord

Get mapped network drives labels

Is there a way to get mapped network drives labels?
I know it's possible to get multiple properties through the
Get-Object Win32_MappedLogicalDisk
But none of them are labels (please do not misunderstand, I do not want Name i.e. K:, I want labels i.e. My Network drive)
You could use the Com Shell.Application object for this:
$shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_MappedLogicalDisk).DeviceID |
# or (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_MappedLogicalDisk).DeviceID |
# or ([System.IO.DriveInfo]::GetDrives() | Where-Object { $_.DriveType -eq 'Network' }).Name |
Select-Object #{Name = 'Drive'; Expression = {$_}},
#{Name = 'Label'; Expression = {$shell.NameSpace("$_").Self.Name.Split("(")[0].Trim()}}
# when done, clear the com object from memory
$null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($shell)
Drive Label
----- -----
X: MyCode
Some explanation for the above:
Using the COM object Shell.Application, you can drill down through its properties and methods.
.NameSpace create and return a Folder object for the specified folder
.Self gets a Read-Only duplicate System.Shell.Folder object
.Name from that we take the Name property like 'MyCode (X:)'
.Split this name we split on the opening bracket '(',
[0] take the first part of the splitted name and
.Trim() get rid of any extraneous whitespace characters
Another way is to go into the registry, but remember that after a mapped network folder is unmapped, the old registry value remains.
This is why below code still uses one of two methods to find active network mappings first:
# the registry key to search in
$regKey = 'HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2'
# list the mapped network drives and loop through
# you can also use Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_MappedLogicalDisk
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_MappedLogicalDisk | ForEach-Object {
# create the full registry key by replacing the backslashes in the network path with hash-symbols
$key = Join-Path -Path $regKey -ChildPath ($_.ProviderName -replace '\\', '#')
# return an object with the drive name (like 'X:') and the Label the user gave it
Drive = $_.DeviceID
Label = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $key -Name '_LabelFromReg' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Output here also:
Drive Label
----- -----
X: MyCode
I am not aware of a cmdlet that will give you that info. I believe you can find it by looking at the registry with gci, but you would need to cleanup the output.
get-childitem "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2"

Getting a specific process id from a powershell output

Hi I'm new to powershell scripting and I would like to retrieve a specific process id based on the file's hash. However I can only get either a table with the hash value or a table with the id,process name and path
$ps = Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Id,ProcessName,Path
$hashlist = Get-FileHash(Get-Process|Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path) -Algorithm MD5
Is it possible for me to merge the two tables together so that I can get a view of Id,ProcessName and Hash using the path to link them together?
EDIT: totally different approach due to new information from comment
I don't think it is so easy to identify malware with a file MD5 hash.
Modern AntiVirusSoftware uses heuristics to overcome the problem of mean malware which includes random data and also obfuscates it's origin.
## Q:\Test\2018\11\11\SO_53247430.ps1
# random hex string replace with your malware signature
$MalwareMD5Hash = 'D52C11B7E076FCE593288439ABA0F6D4'
Get-Process | Where-Object Path | Select-Object ID,Path | Group-Object Path | ForEach-Object {
if ($MalwareMD5Hash -eq (Get-FileHash $_.Name -Alg MD5).Hash){
##iterate group to kill all processes matching
ForEach ($PID in $_.Group.ID){
Stop-Process -ID $PID -Force -WhatIF
$_.Name | Remove-Item -Force -WhatIf # to delete the physical file.
As I suggested in my comment:
$HashList = [ordered]#{}
Get-Process |Where-Object Path | Select-Object Path |Sort-Object Path -Unique | ForEach-Object {
$HashList[$_.Path]=(Get-FileHash $_.Path -Alg MD5).Hash
## or the reverse, the hash as key and the path as value
# $HashList[(Get-FileHash $_.Path -Alg MD5).Hash]=$_.Path
$Hashlist | Format-List
Shorted sample output
Name : C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
Value : BFE829AB5A4B729EE4565700FC8853DA
Name : C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
Value : E4A81EDDFF8B844D85C8B45354E4144E
Name : C:\WINDOWS\system32\conhost.exe
Value : EA777DEEA782E8B4D7C7C33BBF8A4496
Name : C:\WINDOWS\system32\DllHost.exe
Value : 2528137C6745C4EADD87817A1909677E
> $hashlist['C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE']
Or with the reversed list
> $hashlist['E4A81EDDFF8B844D85C8B45354E4144E']

Retrieve data from last line in vmware.log file?

I currently have a script that retrieves the last modified date of the .vmx in a VM's datastore in vCenter. I need to make changes to instead use and display the last date in the vmware.log file (located in the same datastore as the .vmx)
I'm not sure how to grab that line and convert it to a XX/XX/XXXX format. In the log file, it shows it as Dec 23 10 for example. If this is not possible, no worries. I just need to pull the last line in the log file and export it to a .csv file. Below is my current code:
add-pssnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
# ---------- Only modify the fields in this area -------------
$vCenter = 'qlab-copsmgr' #name of the vCenter
$dataCenter = 'Fly-away Kit' #name of the DataCenter
$outputFile = $vCenter + '-LastDateUsed.csv' #desired output file name
# ---------- No modification is needed in the below code. Do not edit -------------
$columnName = "Name,DataStore,Date Last Used" | Out-File .\$OutputFile -Encoding ascii
Connect-VIServer $vCenter -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$vmList = Get-VM | where { $_.PowerState -eq “PoweredOff”} | select Name
$vmList = $vmList -replace 'Name : ', '' -replace '#{Name=', '' -replace '}', ''
ForEach ($VM in $vmList)
# Get configuration and path to vmx file
$VMconfig = Get-VM $VM | Get-View | select config
$VMXpath = $VMconfig.config.files.VMpathName
# Remove and/or replace unwanted strings
$VMXpath = $VMXpath -replace '\[','' -replace '\] ','\' -replace '#{Filename=','/' -replace '}','' -replace '/','\'
# List the vmx file in the datastore
$VMXinfo = ls vmstores:\$VCenter#443\$DataCenter\$VMXpath | Where {$_.LastWriteTime} | select -first 1 | select FolderPath, LastWriteTime
# Remove and/or replace unwanted strings
$VMXinfo = $VMXinfo -replace 'DatastoreFullPath=', '' -replace '#{', '' -replace '}', '' -replace ';', ',' -replace 'LastWriteTime=', ''
# Output vmx information to .csv file
$output = $VM + ', ' + $VMXinfo
echo $output >> $OutputFile
I also needed to pull the last event from the vmware.log file in order to backtrack the power off time for VMs where there is no vCenter event history. I looked at file timestamps but found that some VM processes and possibly backup solutions can make them useless.
I tried reading the file in place but ran into issues with the PSDrive type not supporting Get-Content in place. So for better or worse for my solution I started with one of LucD's scripts - the 'Retrieve the logs' script from which pulls a VMs vmware.log file and copies it to local storage. I then modified it to copy the vmware.log file to a local temp folder, read the last line from the file before deleting the file and return the last line of the log as a PS object.
Note, this is slow and I'm sure my hacks to LucD's script are not elegant, but it does work and I hope if helps someone.
Note: This converts the time value from the log to a PS date object by simple piping the string timestamp from the file into Get-Date. I've read that this does not work as expected for non-US date formatting. For those outside of the US you might want to look into this or just pass the raw timestamp string from the log instead of converting it.
#$lastEventTime = (Get-VM -Name "SomeVM" | Get-VMLogLastEvent).EventTime
#$lastEventTime = Get-VMLogLastEvent -VM "SomeVM" -Path "C:\alternatetemp\"
function Get-VMLogLastEvent{
$report = #()
foreach($obj in $VM){
if($obj.GetType().Name -eq "string"){
$obj = Get-VM -Name $obj
$logpath = ($obj.ExtensionData.LayoutEx.File | ?{$_.Name -like "*/vmware.log"}).Name
$dsName = $logPath.Split(']')[0].Trim('[')
$vmPath = $logPath.Split(']')[1].Trim(' ')
$ds = Get-Datastore -Name $dsName
$drvName = "MyDS" + (Get-Random)
$localLog = $Path + "\" + $obj.Name + ".vmware.log"
New-PSDrive -Location $ds -Name $drvName -PSProvider VimDatastore -Root '\' | Out-Null
Copy-DatastoreItem -Item ($drvName + ":" + $vmPath) -Destination $localLog -Force:$true
Remove-PSDrive -Name $drvName -Confirm:$false
$lastEvent = Get-Content -Path $localLog -Tail 1
Remove-Item -Path $localLog -Confirm:$false
$row = "" | Select VM, EventType, Event, EventTime
$row.VM = $obj.Name
($row.EventTime, $row.EventType, $row.Event) = $lastEvent.Split("|")
$row.EventTime = $row.EventTime | Get-Date
$report += $row
That should cover your request, but to expound further on why I needed the detail, which reading between the lines may also benefit you, I'll continue.
I inherited hundreds of legacy VMs that have been powered off from various past acquisitions and divestitures and many of which have been moved between vCenter instances losing all event log detail. When I started my cleanup effort in just one datacenter I had over 60TB of powered off VMs. With the legacy nature of these there was also no detail available on who owned or had any knowledge of these old VMs.
For this I hacked another script I found, also from LucD here:
This will take in all the powered off VMs, attempt to determine the time powered off via vCenter event history. I modified it to fall back to the above Get-VMLogLastEvent function to get the final poweroff time of the VM if event log detail is not available.
Error catching could be improved - this will error on VMs where for one reason or another there is no vmware.log file. But quick and dirty I've found this to work and provides the detail on what I need for over 90%.
Again this relies on the above function and for me at least the errors just fail through passing through null values. One could probably remove the errors by adding a check for vmware.log existance before attempting to copy it though this would add a touch more latency in execution due to the slow PSDrive interface to datastores.
$Report = #()
$VMs = Get-VM | Where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOff"}
$Datastores = Get-Datastore | Select Name, Id
$PowerOffEvents = Get-VIEvent -Entity $VMs -MaxSamples ([int]::MaxValue) | where {$_ -is [VMware.Vim.VmPoweredOffEvent]} | Group-Object -Property {$_.Vm.Name}
foreach ($VM in $VMs) {
$lastPO = ($PowerOffEvents | Where { $_.Group[0].Vm.Vm -eq $VM.Id }).Group | Sort-Object -Property CreatedTime -Descending | Select -First 1
$lastLogTime = "";
# If no event log detail, revert to vmware.log last entry which takes more time...
if (($lastPO.PoweredOffTime -eq "") -or ($lastPO.PoweredOffTime -eq $null)){
$lastLogTime = (Get-VMLogLastEvent -VM $VM).EventTime
$row = "" | select VMName,Powerstate,OS,Host,Cluster,Datastore,NumCPU,MemMb,DiskGb,PoweredOffTime,PoweredOffBy,LastLogTime
$row.VMName = $vm.Name
$row.Powerstate = $vm.Powerstate
$row.OS = $vm.Guest.OSFullName
$row.Host = $
$row.Cluster = $vm.VMHost.Parent.Name
$row.Datastore = $Datastores | Where{$_.Id -eq ($vm.DatastoreIdList | select -First 1)} | Select -ExpandProperty Name
$row.NumCPU = $vm.NumCPU
$row.MemMb = $vm.MemoryMB
$row.DiskGb = Get-HardDisk -VM $vm | Measure-Object -Property CapacityGB -Sum | select -ExpandProperty Sum
$row.PoweredOffTime = $lastPO.CreatedTime
$row.PoweredOffBy = $lastPO.UserName
$row.LastLogTime = $lastLogTime
$report += $row
# Output to screen
$report | Sort Cluster, Host, VMName | Select VMName, Cluster, Host, NumCPU, MemMb, #{N='DiskGb';E={[math]::Round($_.DiskGb,2)}}, PoweredOffTime, PoweredOffBy | ft -a
# Output to CSV - change path/filename as appropriate
$report | Sort Cluster, Host, VMName | Export-Csv -Path "output\Powered_Off_VMs_Report.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
I pray this pays back some of the karma I've used.
I have made a script that checks line by line and if string is found changes it to desired format
#example input you can use get-content PATH to txt or any file and assign it to $lines variable
$lines = #"
Dec 23 10 sgdsgdfgsdadasd
"# -split "\r\n"
#checks line by line and if find anything that maches start of the line, one Big letter two small, space, two digits, space, two digits, space
$lines | ForEach-Object{
if ($_ -match "^[A-Z][a-z]{2}\s\d{2}\s\d{2}\s")
$match = [convert]::ToDateTime($matches[0])
$_ -replace $matches[0], "$($match.ToShortDateString()) " | out-file { PATH } -APPEND
$_ | out-file { PATH } -APPEND
just change {PATH} with a filenamePAth and this should work for you

Variable referencing. How to create arrays getting their names from elements of another array

This is as simplified version of what I'd like to achieve... I think it's called 'variable referencing'
I have created an array containing the content of the folder 'foo'
$myDirectory(folder1, folder2)
Using the following code:
$myDirectory= Get-ChildItem ".\foo" | ForEach-Object {$_.BaseName}
I'd like to create 2 arrays named as each folders, with the contained files.
folder1(file1, file2)
folder2(file1, file2, file3)
I tried the following code:
foreach ($myFolder in $myDirectory) {
${myFolder} = Get-ChildItem ".\$myFolders" | forEach-Object {$_.BaseName}
But obviously didn't work.
In bash it's possible create an array giving it a variable's name like this:
I tried to search on Google but I couldn't find how to do this in Powershell
$myDirectory = "c:\temp"
Get-ChildItem $myDirectory | Where-Object{$_.PSIsContainer} | ForEach-Object{
Remove-Variable -Name $_.BaseName
New-Variable -Name $_.BaseName -Value (Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | Where-Object{!$_.PSIsContainer} | Select -ExpandProperty Name)
I think what you are looking for is New-Variable. Cycle through all the folders under C:\temp. For each folder make a new variable. It would throw errors if the variable already exists. What you could do for that is remove a pre-exising variable. Populate the variable with the current folders contents in the pipeline using Get-ChildItem. The following is a small explanation of how the -Value of the new variable is generated. Caveat Remove-Variable has the potiential to delete unintended variables depending on your folder names. Not sure of the implications of that.
Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | Where-Object{!$_.PSIsContainer} | Select -ExpandProperty Name
The value of each custom variable is every file ( not folder ). Use -ExpandProperty to just gets the names as strings as supposed to a object with Names.
What do you plan on using this data for? It might just be easier to pipe the output from the Get-ChildItem into another cmdlet. Or perhaps create a custom object with the data you desire.
Update from comments
$myDirectory = "c:\temp"
Get-ChildItem $myDirectory | Where-Object{$_.PSIsContainer} | ForEach-Object{
[PSCustomObject] #{
Hotel = $_.BaseName
Rooms = (Get-ChildItem $_.FullName | Where-Object{!$_.PSIsContainer} | Select -ExpandProperty Name)
You need to have at least PowerShell 3.0 for the above to work. Changing it for 2.0 is easy if need be. Create and object with hotel names and "rooms" which are the file names from inside the folder. If you dont want the extension just use BaseName instead of Name in the select.
This is how I did it at the end:
# Create an array containing all the folder names
$ToursArray = Get-ChildItem -Directory '.\.src\panos' | Foreach-Object {$_.Name}
# For each folder...
$ToursArray | ForEach-Object {
# Remove any variable named as the folder's name. Check if it exists first to avoid errors
if(Test-Path variable:$_.BaseName){ Remove-Variable -Name $_.BaseName }
$SceneName=Get-ChildItem ".\.src\panos\$_\*.jpg"
# Create an array using the main folder's name, containing the names of all the jpg inside
New-Variable -Name $_ -Value ($SceneName | Select -ExpandProperty BaseName)
And here it goes some code to check the content of all the arrays:
# Print Tours information
Write-Verbose "Virtual tours list: ($($ToursArray.count))"
$ToursArray | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose " Name: $_"
Write-Verbose " Scenes: $($(Get-Variable $_).Value)"
VERBOSE: Name: tour1
VERBOSE: Scenes: scene1 scene2
VERBOSE: Name: tour2
VERBOSE: Scenes: scene1