PayPal Send Money API - paypal

Is it possible to send money or issue a non-referenced refund from the regular PayPal APIs?
I don't think we're enabled for MassPay, and our pre-existing system doesn't work with Adaptive Payments.

You could use the Pay API (which is part of Adaptive Payments and would require an App ID).
You could also use the DoNonReferencedCredit API if you're pushing funds back to a credit card that doesn't have an original transaction associated with it.


Get fee amount using PayPal Adaptive Payments API?

I am beating my head against the wall with this one. I am setting up a payment using the PayPal Adaptive Payments API, where one of my platform's users receives a payment from their customer. I need to be able to see the amount of the PayPal fee related to that transaction.
I'm familiar with and have tried using the PaymentDetails API operation, but unfortunately, the only quasi-relevant information that method (and the IPN) returns is fees_payer (who paid the fees), not the amount of the fee.
I've also looked into the GetTransactionDetails operation, but that appears to be only for Express Checkout and Website Payments Pro APIs, according to this document.
Any ideas how I can determine the fee amount on these transactions?
With Adaptive Payments the IPNNotificationURL specified in the Pay request would be an app specific IPN that won't provide much info about that payment itself.
If you setup IPN in the receiver account profile, then an additional IPN would be triggered that would be transaction specific and would include the fee.

Is it possible to do pay-pal chain payments using credit card?

Hello everyone in my application i'm using pay-pal API with selecting mode as chain payment. My question is shall i use credit card for pay-pal chain payment?
thanks in advance
There is a "guest checkout" option enabled in the checkout flow for Adaptive Payments, so people can use a credit card without an account. There isn't any way to collect the card data yourself, though, and process it as a chained payment directly with an API.
Technically, you could get it done with Payments Pro to process the credit card, and then setup an automated solution of some sort (with IPN or CRON job on server, for example) to forward funds to 3rd party PayPal accounts.

using paypal express checkout API to handle payments for third parties?

i am creating a small marketplace where sellers can sell their products and receive payments to their PayPal account directly from the buyer.
i've previously been using "website payments standard" but am looking to switch to the express checkout API to generate a one-time payment token each time someone purchases something and which then allows to send a payment directly to without the involvement of my PayPal account.
is that possible?
i've only found one option in the documentation at called "PAYMENTREQUEST_n_SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID", but is that the correct way to send the entire payment from the buyer to the seller without any amount going to me?
also, do i NEED to have my own "USER" and "PWD" to generate an API token each time if I am receiving no payment mysefl?
Think you are looking for Adaptive payments.
Adaptive payments handles payments between a sender of a payment and one or more receivers of the payment. You are an application owner, such as a merchant that owns a website, the owner of a widget on a social networking site, the provider of a payment application on mobile phones, and so on. Your application is the caller of Adaptive Payments API operations.
So, in general if you want to act as API caller and to felicitate the money transfer between buyer and seller, Adaptive payment is the way to go.
Steps to go live with Adaptive Payments

paypal adaptive payments guest implicit payment

When calling Adaptive payments PAT API call i Would like to supply a credit card (or vaulted credit card) in an adaptive payment without redirecting the guest account to paypal - since our user has already supplied to us his credit card prior
I have been looking into the documentation and this doesn't seem supported - why? and is this planned to be changed anytime soon because this might make us reconsider PAYPAL as a provider (in payments pay API call you are allowed to supply CC)
Adaptive Payments APIs only support payments with PayPal Accounts. they do not support direct credit card payments. Also, Vault is only compatible with the new REST APIs - with saved credit cards in Vault, you can only use the new REST payment API to process the payment. here is the how to guide for that:
The REST API only supports transactions from a stored credit card in Vault to a business PayPal account,
What we need is P2P, we need a way to perform transaction between a sender (a stored credit card in a Vault) to receivers (other PayPal accounts),
Just like what the Adaptive Payments API,
Is there a way to achieve that? if not are there any workarounds?

Make PayPal Payments - (send money) - API [duplicate]

Is it possible to send money using paypal API to any paypal account (not just to API credentials owner). I know that it's possible to do that using IPN, but I need to use SOAP.
You've got two main options: use the MassPay API or Adaptive Payments API.
Note: Adaptive Payments is not available for new integrations.
PayPal provides documentation to only support existing integrations
The Adaptive Payments option gives you a lot more control over the payment and is the future direction of the Paypal APIs. It supports SOAP, NVP, JSON and plain XML. MassPay has both a SOAP and NVP interface.
IPNs are a totally different subject:
Seems like lot of things are now deprecated. You should use PayPal Payouts.
Use PayPal Payouts to send money to multiple people at the same time.
To send a payout, you need to know:
Each recipient's email address, a domestic mobile number, or payer ID (an encrypted PayPal account number)
Payment amount (per recipient)
Currency code (one currency per payout)