VBA Label formatting - forms

I am using label from tool box control to place and write a default text to my form. However I want to break line and I don't know how to do it.
I don't believe writing a paragraph on the caption field is the right way to customize my form, is it? Am I missing something?

When you are writing your text into your label press (Shift+Enter) to add a return carriage.

You could use something like the vbCrLf constant to update the caption by code:
Label1.Caption = "New" & vbCrLf & "caption"

You can use 'vbnewline' to move to the next line in the field, just make sure your label is sized properly so it will show.
Example: string = "Text" & vbnewline & "text"
will read:


How to include function text in a formula?

This is probably a very simple question, but i'm trying to write a formula which will display text depending on the value that is being run.
However, the text i require has the word "Floor" in it which is a function, therefore when i save the formula it warns me saying There is an error in this formula. Do you want to save it anyway?
Is there a way i can include the word Floor in the text, such as putting '' around the word?
For example
IF {database.column} = 3 THEN "3rd Floor"
try this, i think CR is expecting an Else statement
IF {database.column} = 3 THEN
"3rd Floor"
else ""
I found the issue, it was the fact that i had a line break in it without specifying it with Chrw().
Right-Click on feild then Formate Object & insert formula in Display string
IF {database.column} = 3 THEN '3rd Floor'

How to append into field

How can I append a text into a text field. I tried something like:
on mouseUp
append "Once again" into "field display"
end mouseUp
Where "display" is a Scrolling field.
Put "hello" after field "display"
If you want to append to a specific line, and since you have a scrolling field this may be what you really asked for:
put space & "Hello World" after line 3 of fld "yourScrollingField".
Know also that you could:
put space & "Hello World" after word 3 of line 3 of fld "yourScrollingField".
Check out all three chunk keywords, "before", "into" and "after" in the dictionary. Chunk expressions permit exquisite control of text down to the character level.
put cr & "This is a new line of text." after field "display"
"after" is quite literal, equal in effect to "&".

Applescript for inserting hyperlink into MSWord comment

I'm trying to add a hyperlink object inside a Word comment.
To create a new comment in the active document I'm using this piece of script:
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set tempString to "lorem ipsum"
make new Word comment at selection with properties {comment text:tempString}
end tell
but now I'm not able to get a reference to the new created comment for use it with the command "make new hyperlink object".
Thanks for any suggestions.
I don't think you can work with the object returned by make new Word comment (at least not in this case), and you have to insert a unique, findable string then iterate through the comments:
tell application "Microsoft Word"
-- insert a unique string
set tempString to (ASCII character 127)
set theComments to the Word comments of the active document
repeat with theComment in theComments
if the content of the comment text of theComment = tempString then
set theRange to the comment text of theComment
-- you do not have to "set theHyperlink". "make new" is enough
set theHyperlink to make new hyperlink object at theRange with properties {text range:theRange, hyperlink address:"http://www.google.com", text to display:"HERE", screen tip:"click to search Google"}
insert text "You can search the web " at theRange
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
(edited to insert some text before the Hyperlink. If you want to insert text after the hyperlink, you can also use 'insert text "the text" at end of theRange.).
So for adding text, it was enough to use "the obvious" after all.
For anyone else finding this Answer. The basic problem with working with Word ranges in Applescript is that every attempt to redefine a range in the Comments story results in a range that is in the main document story. OK, I may not have tried every possible method, but e.g., collapsing the range, moving the start of range and so on cause that problem. In the past, I have noticed that with other story ranges as well, but have not investigated as far as this.
Also, I suspect that the reason why you cannot set a range to the Word comment that you just created is because the properties of the Comment specify a range object of some kind that I think is a temporary object that may be destroyed immediately after creation. SO trying to reference the object that you just created just doesn't work.
This part of the Answer is modified...
Finally, the only other way I found to populate a Comment with "rich content" was to insert the content in a document at a known place, then copy its formatted text to the comment, e.g. if the "known place is the selection, you can set the content of theComment via
set the formatted text of the comment text of theComment to the formatted text of the text object of the selection
If you are using a version of Word that supports VBA as well as Applescript, I don't really see any technical reason why you shouldn't invoke VBA to do some of these trickier things, even if you need the main code to be Applescript.
Finally I got a solution here:
that allowed me to insert the hyperlink in reference with part of the comment text, with the following lines, if somebody in the future will search for the same:
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set wc to make new Word comment at end of document 1 with properties {comment text:"some text"}
set ct to comment text of wc
set lastChar to last character of ct
make new hyperlink object at end of document 1 with properties {hyperlink address:"http://www.example.com", text object:lastChar}
end tell

Multi-line button labels

Is there an easy way to have two lines of button.text where you specify each line individually? Also, there seem to be large margins on the buttons so the text font needs to be quite small to fit. Is there a way to allow the text to use more of the button area?
The way I would do a two-line text implementation is:
Dim t1,t2 As String
t1="This is line one"
t2="This is line two"
MyButton.Text = t1 & CRLF & t2
The CRLF performs a Carriage Return and Line feed thus splitting the text up
I can't help with the padding issue though. Have you tried changing the font size?

Auto scroll to bottom with a textbox

I have an mdb file made by ms access. It got a form inside and inside the form there are one large textbox.
The intention of making this textbox is to show the progress of some work by adding messages inside the textbox:
txtStatus.value = txtStatus.value & "Doing something..." & vbCrLf
txtStatus.value = txtStatus.value & "Done." & vbCrLf
But the problem is, when the height of the text > height of the textbox, the new message is not displayed automatically. The textbox has a scroll bar, but I have to scroll it manually. I would like to auto scroll to the bottom whenever new text pop up.
I tried to add this code(copied from internet) in the On Change property, but the code failed, it does nothing:
Private Sub txtStatus_Change()
txtStatus.SelStart = Len(txt) - 1
End Sub
I wish there would be some simple and beautiful way to achieve this. I don't want to add some code which only work on some computers due to its dependence on the windows platform's kernel/etc.
You can do it via a call to a sub;
AppendText "Bla de bla bla."
sub AppendText(strText As String)
with txtStatus
.setfocus '//required
.value = .value & strText & vbNewLine
.selstart = len(.Value)
end with
end sub
There is a workaround to the design flaw mentioned by steve lewy in his comment on the original post. It is possible to have a text box that appears to do both of the following:
When the contents are too large for the box, and the box does not
have the focus, the box displays the last part of its contents,
rather than the first part of it.
When the box has the focus, it can scroll to any part of the text,
but it initially shows only the last part of the text, with the
cursor at the end of the text.
This is accomplished by actually having two identically-sized, overlaid text boxes, where one is visible only when the focus is elsewhere, while the other is visible only when it has the focus.
Here’s an example of how to do it in Access 2010.
Create a new Access database, and create a memo field named LongNote in its only table. Fill LongNote with some examples of long text. Create a form for editing that table.
Create a text box called BackBox with the desired size and font, too small to completely show a typical value of its data source, LongNote. (Instead of creating this box, you can rename the default text box created on the form.)
Make an exact copy of that box called FrontBox. Set the data source of FrontBox to be either the entire contents of BackBox or the last part of the contents, as shown below. The size of the last part, measured in characters, depends on the size of the box and its font, as well as on the kind of text to be displayed. It needs to be chosen by trial and error to reliably allow that many characters to be displayed in the box. For instance, here’s the formula for a box that can reasonably hold only 250 characters:
=iif(Len([BackBox])>=250,"... " & Right([BackBox],246),[BackBox])
If the whole value is too large to be shown, three dots precede the part that is shown to indicate that it’s incomplete.
Create another text box called OtherBox, just to have somewhere you can click besides the two boxes already mentioned, so neither of them has the focus. Also create a tiny (0.0097 x 0.0097) text box called FocusTrap, which is used to avoid selecting the entire contents of whatever text box gets the focus when the form is displayed (because text selected that way is hard to read).
Enter the following event-handling VBA code:
' Prevent all text boxes from being focused when a new record becomes
' current, because the focus will select the whole text and make it ugly
Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
' When FrontBox receives focus, switch the focus to BackBox,
' which can display the entire text
Private Sub FrontBox_GotFocus()
FrontBox.Visible = False
End Sub
' When BackBox receives the focus, set the selection to
' the end of the text
Private Sub BackBox_GotFocus()
BackBox.SelStart = Len([LongNote])
BackBox.SelLength = 0
End Sub
' When BackBox loses focus, re-display FrontBox – if the text in
' BackBox has changed, then FrontBox will follow the change
Private Sub BackBox_LostFocus()
FrontBox.Visible = True
End Sub
Test the form. When you click on FrontBox, it should disappear, letting you work on BackBox. When you click in OtherBox to remove the focus from BackBox, FrontBox should reappear. Any edits made in BackBox should be reflected in FrontBox.
Back in design mode, move FrontBox so it exactly covers BackBox, and click Position | Bring to Front to ensure that it covers BackBox. Now test the form again. It should appear that a single text box switches between display-the-last-few-lines mode and edit-the-entire-contents mode.
Simply put the following code after linefeed or on Change event txtStatus
txtStatus.SelStart = Len(txtStatus) - 1