FeinCMS search rich text content data - sphinx

I am working on an existing Django project that uses FeinCMS for the content management.
I am trying to implement a 'Site Search'.
Using Haystack and Whoosh I can happily search the standard Django models.
However, when I try to use the same Haystack recommended approach to the FeincCMS 'Page' rich-text-content model, I'm not having much luck.
I'm wondering if this can indeed be done and if anyone has successfully used the Haystack/FeinCMS combo before?
Or do I need to look at a different approach. Someone has mentioned Sphinx to me?


Create a Block with data from database in Sulu

I need to build a block with data from (Symfony) Entity.
For example a carousel with last 3 item/record from database.
This block can appear in more than just a page.
I know that I can use a custom controller but is that the best technical choice ?
Do i need "Smart content" ? Read the doc but it's not clear
How i can do that ?
Thanks in advance.
Using a twig extension or a controller would definitely be the easiest way, because no sulu knowledge is required for that.
But the sulu way of solving that problem would be a custom SmartContentDataProvider. There are two main advantages of this method:
The content editor can further filter the result (in your case probably sorting and limiting)
The result is also displayed in the admin interface (Otherwise it would just be shown in the preview)
Our community is usually using our Slack channel or GitHub Discussions for support questions. Your questions will probably be answered a lot faster there, because there we can better track them.

Some questions before choosing/start learning Yii framework

I've been developing simple PHP/MySQL web sites for some years.
Never used a PHP Framework before and I understand I'll need to know OOP, no problem.
I'm about to start a SaaS project of my own.
So far, I've seen Yii generates the CRUD and pages according to the DB.
Is it easy to modify the generated code?, like, adding a new DB field and its form field without not generating again all the stuff every time I change something in the DB and losing other customizations?
I mean, I'm 100% sure the generated DB code and pages are not going to be enough and I'll be constantly adding and correcting fields, and adding more tables etc.
B )
My project will include a Shopping Cart and Calendar(for events, tasks, etc.).
Does Yii has these options or at least an easy way to implement it like the Authentication options or Database listing, etc.?
C) Does documentation has this explained as a tutorial/book or is more like a reference(minimum explanation that only advanced user understand how to integrate it)?
thank you very much
Yiiframework has excelent documentation (you can start from here). Also there is an extensions area in the downloads section where you can find all available yii extensions.
All your questions can be answered if you follow their easy tutorial.
A) Yes, it's easy. You will just add code for new fields not changing it all.
B and C are answered by Stratosgear very well.
Is it easy to modify the generated code?
Yes it is. If you later decide to add more fields to the table, you can do that from your Phpmyadmin using sql commands.
You also need to edit the generated class file adding those new fields to correspond with that on your table.

Forms / structured data feature in Plone 4

We are trying to make a document-managemnet / knowledge management portal using Plone 4. We would like a forms / structured data feature in our webapp with posibility of defining forms through the web, having workflows using these forms and being able to create reports from them (preferably in some format that facilitates simple and nice looking or skinnable printouts).
Any pointers to modules, documentation and/or literature would be great. Thanks.
Dexterity in combination with collections for reporting should get you what you need.
PloneFormGen is a good solution for through the web creation of standalone forms but as soon as you need your form to be workflowed, reviewed inside plone or later edited and updated then a "Content Type" is normally the most appropriate way to model this inside an CMS. Dexterity is the recommended way to build content types going forward. It has the ability to create and edit content types through the web.
For more indepth information of developing a Dexterity based solution see http://plone.org/products/dexterity/documentation/manual/developer-manual
Archetypes would be an alternative way to create content types.
Collections can be used for basic through the web reports. To make this work on the new fields in your content types you'd need to make the fields usable inside collections which I'll leave out of this explanation. For more advanced reports I'd suggest a simple BrowserView which lets you use any python you want to compose your report.
The add-on http://plone.org/products/uwosh.pfg.d2c product with PloneFormGen, is going to be the best fit for your situation.
uwosh.pfg.d2c creates content objects from your PloneFormGen form submissions. You can then use it with placeful workflows to give you a custom workflow on the submission.
If you'd rather not use placeful workflows, it also allows you to specify the content type it'll save the form to so you can have a different content type, with a different workflow on every form.
Dexterity would work too, but the TTW tool is not nearly where PloneFormGen is.
Simply: http://plone.org/products/ploneformgen

Advice on how to simplify things for user

I'm making a very simple cms for a client. I am working on adding/editing articles and i wanted advice on how to make it as simple as possible for him to add images to an article. I was thinking of using some sort of bbcode [img] [/img] Any suggestions ?
*I'm using codeigniter as a framework
what are you coding in? I have used FreeTextBox.com and it has a built in image manager that is quite simple to use.

Suggestions for a very easy to edit CMS?

I need advice/suggestions.
At my place of work - we have a large data set.
We would like to server the data up as editable html pages.
(Its mostly lists of simple text)
We would like to add data, change it's order, update text etc...from the editable pages.
It has to have a pretty low bar for usability and WYSIWYG is a must.
The folks who will edit are not programmers by a long shot.
We are not sure Wiki will work.
It might have to do - but not sure.
Changes have to be tracked and written back into the DB
I am thinking some kind of open source CMS might work?
Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal - something that can get us up and running pretty quickly.
I really am open to suggestions - not sure where to begin on this one.
Thanks all
If you don't have someone available right now with expertise with a specific CMS, it will not be quick to set up at all. One good reason is that you'd have to import all of your existing data into whatever form the CMS supports: this is a task for someone who has done it before. On the other hand, if you can pull that off, some of the built in WYSIWYG editors are quite easy to use, with some systems you get versioning and author information for free etc. I'm speaking mostly with the eZ Publish CMS in mind, although it's probably true for other systems.
I would make a simple CMS site that uses the Ajax control toolkit HTML Editor and perform updates to the database on postback.
Here is the link to the Editor example
CMS Made Simple (http://www.cmsmadesimple.org) is very easy to set up and use. You do need to understand xhtml and javascript for the theme whacking, but once it's set up it has been trouble free. See my http://www.ConvinceProject.com as an example. It is MUCH easier to use than Drupal and appears to be more stable. I've had Drupal crash when installing security updates to modules, for example. It gives you full access to the header metatags, has fully integrated php and smarty tags, seems quite complete.
AFA importing, this is all mysql-based, although it can use others. If you have a web-whacking coder, pages can be 'scraped' and stuffed if it's more than cut and paste will do.
Lots of us can do it, it's not hard.
If I understand you correctly, it seems like you just need a web-based GUI for editing your DB. Honestly it would probably be faster to just roll your own in the language most familiar to you. There are many fine WYSIWYG editors out there that you can wrap around a text field, such as http://ckeditor.com/.
On the the other hand if you're hoping to solve this problem with DB skills and not do any web dev it may indeed be easier to find a simple CMS. ModX and SimpleCMS comes to mind. Joomla, Drupal and WP all come with so many out of the box features you'd have to strip out - look for something that starts fairly simple. Drupal in the right hands could do this, it has tools for importing/exporting to external DBs but the learning curve is pretty steep. Be aware that some CMSes do strange things with entry data...you may have to look for a text field inside a stored array (Drupal) instead of stored as a straight text field.