ln -s command failing in Solaris - solaris

I have a situation where my installation process runs a script which creates symbolic links for couple of files. The case here is the links are not being created and ln -s command is getting failed with the below error.
No such file or directory
Where as the required files exits in the given location. I tried running the ln -s command from command prompt, which is working perfectly fine. What could be the cause.? Any thoughts?

ln -sf
using also the absolute path for the source and destination


VS Code: NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied

I'm trying to save a file called app.js on a folder called js.
Vs Code pop up this:
Failed to save 'app.js': Unable to write file 'vscode-remote://wsl+ubuntu-18.04/js/app.js'
(NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/js')
I tried:
sudo chown -R user /mnt/c/Users/myUser/Documents/myFolder/proyectFolder
but I still can't save this file.
Try this, fixed it for me
sudo chown -R username path
sudo chown -R emanuel /home/emanuel/test/
In the SSH terminal:
Recommended :
sudo chmod -R 777 folder_name_where_your_file_exists
sudo chmod -R 755 folder_name_where_your_file_exists
this works for me
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/
If you're using a docker container, avoid making files from within the container because the owner and group permissions may cause problems with your editor (in my case VS Code)
I was running docker container for a Django project from Windows Terminal and using VS Code to edit my code.
It is a Linux file (since everything in Linux is a file) permission problem that arises because the files don't have proper user and/or group permissions. So VS Code tries to tell us that.
The problem I found only happened when I created files from within my docker container.
I would run docker exec ... bash
make new files using touch /path/to/file from the container bash
then try to edit those files on VS Code (say urls.py) only to get the scary permissions error preventing the file from saving.
I suspect that making files from within the container embellishes those files with different owner and group settings than your system would default to if you just ran the commands locally (not in the container).
Changing the file permissions with chown -hR and chgrp -hR would do the trick but to avoid the error altogether I stopped making files from within the container.
Try activating polling:
This worked for me during I tried using wsl.
The below is for individual file:
sudo chown yourUserNAme filename
For an entire directory it will be (when you write ls to terminal, you should see your directory to execute this command):
sudo chown yourUserNAme dirName
For recursive (i.e files and folders inside a folder):
sudo chown -R yourUserNAme dirName
Note: yourUserNAme is, if you do pwd under any Documents, you will see the path: /home/jhon/Documents. Here user is jhon.
Run VS Code as administrator and it will fix the problem.
Install the extension Save as Root in Remote SSH in VS code.
While saving press Ctrl + Shift + P.
This open the command palette.
Search Save as Root
It is a Linux user permissions problem.
you should use the command:
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER.

How do I run a Bash script before shutdown or reboot of a Raspberry Pi (running Raspbian)?

I want to run a Bash script prior to either shutdown or reboot of my Pi (running the latest Raspbian, a derivative of Debian).
e.g. if I type in sudo shutdown now or sudo reboot now into the command prompt, it should run my Bash script before continuing with shutdown/reboot.
I created a very simple script just for testing, to ensure I get the method working before I bother writing the actual script:
touch /home/pi/ShutdownFileTest.txt
I then copied the file (called CreateFile.sh) to /etc/init.d/CreateFile
I then created symlinks in /etc/rc0.d/ and /etc/rc6.d/:
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/CreateFile K99Dave
I'm not certain on what the proper naming should be for the symlink. Some websites say "Start the filename with a K", some say "start with an S", one said: "start with K99 so it runs at the right time"...
I actually ended up trying all of the following (not all at once, of course, but one at a time):
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/CreateFile S00Dave
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/CreateFile S99Dave
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/CreateFile K00Dave
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/CreateFile K01rpa
sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/CreateFile K99Dave
After creating each symlink, I always ran:
sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/CreateFile && sudo chmod a+x /etc/rc6.d/<name of symlink>
I then rebooted each time.
Each time, the file at /home/pi/ShutdownFileTest.txt was not created; the script is not executed.
I found this comment on an older post, suggesting that the above was the outdated method:
The modern way to do this is via systemd. See "man systemd-shutdown"
for details. Basically, put an executable shell script in
/lib/systemd/system-shutdown/. It gets passed an argument like "halt"
or "reboot" that allows you to distinguish the various cases if you
need to.
I copied my script into /lib/systemd/system-shutdown/, chmod +x'd it, and rebooted, but still no success.
I note the above comment says that the script is passed "halt" or "reboot" as an argument. As it should run identically in both cases, I assume it shouldn't need to actually deal with that argument. I don't know how to deal with that argument, either, so I'm not sure if I need to do something to make that work or not...
Could someone please tell me where I'm going wrong?
Thanks in advance,
As it turns out, part of the shutdown command has already executed (and unmounted the filesystem) before these scripts are executed.
Therefore, mounting the filesystem at the start of the script and unmounting it at the end is necessary.
Simply add:
mount -oremount,rw /
...at the start of the script (beneath the #!/bin/bash)
...then have the script's code...
and then finish the script with:
mount -oremount,ro /
So, the OP script should become:
mount -oremount,rw /
touch /home/pi/ShutdownFileTest.txt
mount -oremount,ro /
...that then creates the file /home/pi/ShutdownFileTest.txt just before shutdown/reboot.
That said, it may not be best practice to use this method. Instead, it is better to create a service that runs whenever the computer is on and running normally, but runs the desired script when the service is terminated (which happens at shutdown/reboot).
This is explained in detail here, but essentially:
1: Create a file (let's call it example.service).
2: Add the following into example.service:
Description=This service calls shutdownScript.sh upon shutdown or reboot.
3: Move it into the correct directory for systemd by running sudo mv /home/pi/example.service /etc/systemd/system/example.service
4: Ensure the script to launch upon shutdown has appropriate permissions: chmod u+x /home/pi/shutdownScript.sh
5: Start the service: sudo systemctl start example --now
6: Make the service automatically start upon boot: sudo systemctl enable example
7: Stop the service: sudo systemctl stop example
This last command will mimic what would happen normally when the system shuts down, i.e. it will run /home/pi/shutdownScript.sh (without actually shutting down the system).
You can then reboot twice and it should work from the second reboot onwards.
EDIT: nope, no it doesn't. It worked the first time I tested it, but stopped working after that. Not sure why. If I figure out how to get it working, I'll edit this answer and remove this message (or if someone else knows, please feel free to edit the answer for me).
As I a do not have enough senority to post comments this is a new answer for which I appologize.
I added a step to ZPMMaker's answer and it seems to work for me at least.
sudo chmod u+x /etc/systemd/system/example.service

cannot execute binary file centos?

I am using centos 6.9 and want to install xampp. But when I run the command on the terminal it showing error i.e. cannot execute binary file. So, How can I fix this problem and successfully install xampp ? Please help me.
chmod +x xampp-linux-x64-7.0.22-0-installer.run
after this command it showing
bash: ./xampp-linux-x64-7.0.22-0-installer.run: cannot execute binary file
You're probably running the install (binary) with a lesser privileged user. You'll have to use root user for modifying SELinux settings as such:
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t '/<install-location>(/.*)/?'
restorecon -R -v /<install-location>/

aapt can't find 9Patch Images

I want to certificate an Android project just with cmd. Now Im stocked at the creation of the .apk file. aapt says he cant find the pictures with the .9. ending. If i rename this pictures and delete the .9. ending then everything works fine without the correct size of the pictures in the app.
I figured out that I have to "crunch" this pictures, like what he says at the page: Ant Build AAPT Crunch is stripping draw9 information from Library resource images but Im not sure how this works correctly.
I tried this command:
aapt crunch -v -S res -C bin/res
It works with my .9.png files but I still dont get it how I can run it, that it creates the .apk file. How can I use it in the following command ?
aapt package -v -f -A \assets -M \AndroidManifest -S \res -I \android.jar -F \Projectname.unsigned.apk \bin
Just this command gives me the following error:
activity_settings.xml:2: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'sound' with value '#drawable/btn_sound_active_pressed')
This file is an .9.png file.
With eclipse everything runs fine.
So i figured it out: I have to "crunch" all picture in the res folder first:
aapt crunch -v -S \res -C \bin\res
And then I pointed as a source folder to the res dir and to the bin\res dir. Also added --no-chrunch --generate-dependencies
aapt package --no-crunch --generate-dependencies -v -f
-M \AndroidManifest.xml"
-S \bin\res
-S \res
-A \assets
-I \android.jar
-F \bin\APPNAME.unsigned.apk \bin
Now Its working perfectly. Also with the .9.png 9patch pictures.

nib2objc: command not found

I've been trying to convert NIB files to Objective C code. I found the project NIB2OBJC on GitHub: https://github.com/akosma/nib2objc but when I type the command line:
nib2objc tab.xib > tab.m
I got the following error:
-bash: nib2objc: command not found
Could you tell me what am I missing?
If you're in the folder where nib2objc is located, then you've to run ./nib2objc. Otherwise, if it's located in /bin/, /usr/bin/ or any other folder in $PATH, then make sure that it has execution permissions:
$ which nib2objc
$ stat /foo/bar/nib2objc
$ chmod a+x /foo/bar/nib2objc
Good luck!