JAX-RS AsyncResponse.resume() with Location header - rest

Some more digging showed that thrown Exceptions were dropped and the actual problem is that an injected UriInfo could not be resolved in the AsyncResponse's thread!
Accessing #Context UriInfo uriInfo; during AsyncResponse.resume() gives the following LoggableFailure's message:
Unable to find contextual data of type: javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo
According to RFC 7231 HTTP/1.1 Semantics and Control, a POSTshould return 201 CREATED and supply the new resource's location in the header:
the origin server
SHOULD send a 201 (Created) response containing a Location header
field that provides an identifier for the primary resource created
(Section 7.1.2) and a representation that describes the status of the
request while referring to the new resource(s).
When writing a synchronous REST Server, the javax.ws.rs.core.Responseoffers the Response.created() shorthand which does exactly that.
I would save the new entity, build an URI and return
return Response.created(createURL(created)).build();
However, when I switch to an asynchronous approach utilizing a
#Suspended javax.ws.rs.container.AsyncResponse
the HTTP request on the client will hang infinitely:
public void createUser(#Valid User user, #Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
executorService.submit(() -> {
User created = userService.create(user);
Through trial-and-error I found out that the modified location header is responsible.
If I return my entity and set the 201 Created, without touching the header, the request will eventually resolve:
public void createUser(#Valid User user, #Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
executorService.submit(() -> {
User created = userService.create(user);
Response.status(Status.CREATED).entity(created).build() //this works
So what's the problem? Am I misunderstanding the concepts?
I am running RestEasy on GlassFish4.1
If you need more information, please comment!
As soon as I change any link or the header, the request will hang.

In case anyone ever has the same problem:
The problem was that I created the location header through an injected #Context UriInfo uriInfo using its .getAbsolutePathBuilder().
The approach was working in a synchronous server because the thread which accessed the UriInfo still had the same Request context.
However, when I switched to an async approach, the underlying Runnable which eventually had to access uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder() was NOT within any context - thus throwing an exception which halted further execution.
The workaround:
In any async method which should return a location header, I .getAbsolutePathBuilder() while still within the context. The UriBuilder implemantion can then be used within the async run:
public void createUser(#Valid User user, #Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
UriBuilder ub = uriInfo.getAbsolutePathBuilder();
executorService.submit(() -> {
User created = userService.create(user);
Response.created(createURL(ub, created)).build()
private URI createURL(UriBuilder builder, ApiRepresentation entity) {
return builder.path(entity.getId().toString()).build();


How to removing response header with a RestFilter

Is it possible to remove response headers with a RestFilter? Looking at this cookbook you would say it should be possible. However, the filter is only called when the request is incoming, before the call to the resource class. I was expecting to have a hook where I can modify the response headers before sending it back to the client.
i had a look at CORSFilter as an example, but it only sets headers, not remove them.
To be more specific, I want to remove the WWW-Authenticate header that is set by the Auth provider when the session has expired. This header causes a popup in the browser (chrome) that is undesirable.
what you need is a javax.ws.rs.container.ContainerRequestFilter. In jax-rs such filters can be registered in a javax.ws.rs.core.Application. The application used in ICM is com.intershop.component.rest.internal.application.DefaultRestApplication which can be adapted using an com.intershop.component.rest.internal.application.ApplicationClassesProvider that can be registered using a Set-Binding.
So you could create a Guice-Module and your filter:
public class MyRestModule extends AbstractModule
protected void configure()
Multibinder<ApplicationClassesProvider> binder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(),
public class MyResponseFilter extends ContainerRequestFilter
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext request, ContainerResponseContext response)
Please note that this filter will be applied to all requests, so please make sure you remove headers only for requests you really care about.

Dumping bad requests

I have a service implemented with Dropwizard and I need to dump incorrect requests somewhere.
I saw that there is a possibility to customise the error message by registering ExceptionMapper<JerseyViolationException>. But I need to have the complete request (headers, body) and not only ConstraintViolations.
You can inject ContainerRequest into the ExceptionMapper. You need to inject it as a javax.inject.Provider though, so that you can lazily retrieve it. Otherwise you will run into scoping problems.
public class Mapper implements ExceptionMapper<ConstraintViolationException> {
private javax.inject.Provider<ContainerRequest> requestProvider;
public Response toResponse(ConstraintViolationException ex) {
ContainerRequest request = requestProvider.get();
(This also works with constructor argument injection instead of field injection.)
In the ContainerRequest, you can get headers with getHeaderString() or getHeaders(). If you want to get the body, you need to do a little hack because the entity stream is already read by Jersey by the time the mapper is reached. So we need to implement a ContainerRequestFilter to buffer the entity.
public class EntityBufferingFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext containerRequestContext) throws IOException {
ContainerRequest request = (ContainerRequest) containerRequestContext;
You might not want this filter to be called for all requests (for performance reasons), so you might want to use a DynamicFeature to register the filter just on methods that use bean validation (or use Name Binding).
Once you have this filter registered, you can read the body using ContainerRequest#readEntity(Class). You use this method just like you would on the client side with Response#readEntity(). So for the class, if you want to keep it generic, you can use String.class or InputStream.class and convert the InputStream to a String.
ContainerRequest request = requestProvider.get();
String body = request.readEntity(String.class);

Wep Api - 405 Method Not Allowed

I have a Web Api project with a controller that has methods for GET, DELETE, POST, and PUT.
When I try to do a POST or PUT to this controller I always get a 405 Method Not Allowed error. The data being sent over looks valid, it's just an object with six simple properties. I put a breakpoint in my method and as expected in this case, it doesn't get hit. I registered a DelegatingHandler (mentioned at Web Api - Catch 405 Method Not Allowed) to inspect the incoming request and outgoing response and I can tell that my request is being processed by the Api (meaning the problem is not with the client). I also used Fiddler to inspect the request/response and the response headers say under Security, Allow: DELETE, GET.
This clearly tells me that PUT and POST are not allowed, for whatever reason, even though I have methods decorated with the [HttpPost] and [HttpPut] attributes and have the routing configured correctly, as far as I can tell. I am using default routing but also have methods which use attribute routing.
This sounds like there may be some kind of security issue, however, I'm able to do POST and PUT in my other controllers and I don't see any differences which I believe would be the cause of the problem.
Here's a snippet of my code:
public class PricesController : ApiController
// DELETE: api/Prices/5
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> DeletePrice(int id)
// code omitted
// GET: api/Prices/5
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> GetPrice(int id)
// code omitted
// GET: api/Prices
public IQueryable<Price> GetPrices()
// code omitted
// POST: api/Prices
[Route("api/Prices", Name = "Prices")]
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostPrice(Price price)
// code omitted
// PUT: api/Prices/5
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PutPrice(int id, Price price)
// code omitted
Any help would be appreciated. I've spent all day trying to figure this out.
It sounds like it's not binding correctly.
Can you try decorating Price with [FromBody] before it in your actions?
PostPrice([FromBody] Price price)

How to call another restapi from rest api in same process using restEasy

I have rest api '/users/{id}/checkin' in which i want to do some processing and call another rest api on different resource but in same service. For example.
public Response checkinUser(User user)
// --- processing.
public Response verifyUser(#PathParam("id) String id)
// --- Get the users from the iD.
User user = getUsers(id);
// --- need to call service from the serviceResource.
Any idea how to do it? as i want to avoid the HTTPclient call.
Put all method definitions and the resteasy annotations in an interface and use this interface as input to the resteasy proxy framework.
See documentation for details.
public interface ServiceResourceIF {
public Response checkinUser(User user);
The calling code could look like this (stolen from the original documentation of resteasy, see link above):
User = new User(...);
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
WebTarget target = client.target("http://your.service.url/base/uri");
ResteasyWebTarget rtarget = (ResteasyWebTarget)target;
ServiceClient service = rtarget.proxy(ServiceResourceIF.class);
Note: You can use the same interface to configure the client and server.

Async REST calls with JAX-RS

I need to create a RESTful service which should support async calls in follwing way. When user calls some method he got the http '202' code and url to poll where he can see the status of his request. Currently I use JAX-RS and its annoations:
public interface MyService {
void postSomething(#PathParam("name") String name, MyObject data);
Such mapping would expose MyService's postSomething() method by url /myService/{name} which serves POST requests, get 'name' parameter from url and 'data' from request body.
I want that after making this PUT request client get 202 http code and some callback url to poll to get the result once method will be executed.
So the question is:
1. How to make JAX-RS return 202 code?
2. How to pass callback url to the client?
Have the postSomething method return a Response object:
public Response postSomething(#PathParam("name") String name, MyObject data) {
return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).build();
If you want the callback URI as plain-text in the HTTP Body you could do something like this:
public Response postSomething(#PathParam("name") String name, MyObject data) {
return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).entity("http://google.com").build();
For generating URIs by resource classes, have a look at UriBuilder
Use #Context HttpServletResponse servletResponse to get direct control over the servlet's response mechanism.
void postSomething(#PathParam("name") String name, #Context HttpServletResponse response, MyObject data) {
// ...
response.setHeader("Location", myURL);
// ...