Sending email with generated PDF (best practice, non-coding) - email-attachments

I have all the mechanisms set up. I am creating offer, then I can generate PDF.
I am wondering, what would be the beset practice?
Should I generate PDF each time on form save for later use?
Should I generate the PDF just before sending email?

That's simple.
If the expected behaviour is to return response for submitting the form without waiting for an email to be sent, then generate pdf just before sending it. This way your HTTP response will be much faster.


http POST vs GET request for getting a document sending a XML file

I know for getting a data we have to use a GET request. But this time I have to send a XML document (who will not be stored) for getting the data. What are the best practice in this case ?
You need send a xml document to your end-point to get your interested data.
As you need a xml doc, it has to be a POST REST end-point. (On a side note, sending any file contents as part of GET parameters is a bad design practice.)

Check if Sailjs backend is getting a legit req from the frontend without any authentication system

I do not want my users to authenticate. But I do not anyone to steal my data. So my goal is to only serve the people who make a req from the front end of the app. How can I do this ?
Is there a built in function that I'm missing ? I know that there are session id generated, but not sure how to incorporate the session id to this situation.
By using the term "front end" I would assume that you have a client requesting data in the form of JSON/XML or HTML templates. My first suggestion to get your answer is to be much more descriptive in your question. It is very hard to answer without knowing how your client is designed.
Assuming your client is written in html/js and run in a browser then I would suggest that you serve a static file (in the form of a .js file or a <script></script> tag inside an html file) that generates a token. You can pass this token back to your server for validation on every request for data. This means that only your app (front-end) can be the only thing that requests data from your api (back-end).

Hotmail can not properly read email with ! in url

I have a single page app, which has URLs like!something/something/. The problem is that when I send email containing link to such url, hotmail users get them wrong (I have noticed it only in hotmail, everyone else is good).
The ! is encoded to %21 which makes the url wrong:
Any ideas what can be done except rewriting my app :-). I am using swiftmailer to send email, but I highly doubt that this is relevant.
According to RFC3986, the "!" character is valid in the fragment (#...) component of URIs, so it should not get encoded using percent-encoding. In this sense, this seems to be an bug.
One workaround is to use plain-text emails: based on my tests, encodes !'s HTML email links only and plain-text emails are safe.
The real solution, however, is to do your own normalization in the client-side code. URL cracking and normalization is a really tricky business, so I'd expect issues with other email clients, too. Running JavaScript decodeUriComponent() against window.location.hash should give you the unencoded "#!/something/something" version regardless whether the exclamation mark was encoded or not. I understand this calls for modifying the web application that you wanted to avoid, but to my best knowledge this is the way to go.

jMeter signing URL and hash

We are working on a time critical task and are required to write performance script for a REST WS using jMeter.
The REST API takes an auth header. This auth header has:
A signed URL (of the REST API itself).
A hash of everything sent in POST body.
We want a jMeter script so that it can:
Read the contents of the POST body from say an excel sheet or from a java method etc. as the content of post body has to change per login.
Create the hash of POST body everytime the content of body changes and use this hash in the auth header.
Sign the URL and use it in auth header.
My questions are:
Is all the above possible to achieve? This is the minimum i want to know so that I know if I have to spend any more time on this.
What is the best way to do this?
I am assuming that the content of POST body and auth header both can be dynamic. Is this correct? If not, we cannot write this script at all.
The only jMeter i know is what is here in the comment. It would be impossible to get all my answers in the given time.
Any answers, help, pointers would be helpful.
Appreciate you reading this - thanks in advance.
Yes, possible. We have done similar things.
Two possible options are:
use a beanshell pre-processor
use a custom function
We opted for the latter as it used memory better
and 3. Yes, you can pass in vars to make each request different. One way to source data is using a CSV Data Config control.

How to modify GET request size (IIS Express)

I have coded a web application that runs on IIS Express. I want to send large data set to server(over 4MB) and get response. (I have implemented this as a REST service).
When i tried ,i realize that I can only have 311bytes long URL.
So how can i change that?
as i know IE allows 2083 length URL as default. and there should be a way to configure IIS express via web.config or applicationhost.config right?
can anybody help me?
You need to use an http post verb to send the data, instead of trying to send it encoded in the URL as a GET. In straight HTML, this would involve having a form tag with a submit button. What framework are you coding this in? (, mvc, php, etc?)