I want "continue..." text when sub report will overflow to new page - jasper-reports

I think, this should be a feature, when the subreport detail band overflow to the next page, that "...continued" or something should came, but I can't able to solve that issue and I have tried to find out, if there is any solution, but nothing works..
Can any one have a better idea, how to get the solution?

The "normal" way to do is:
In subreport put the text in the detail band (if it is not there already), if text without datasource (just pass a new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JREmptyDataSource(1) to the subreport so that detail band is displayed one.
Having text in detail band allows us to use the pageFooter band, note
title band and summary band overflows on new page without the
pageFooter. You can also use the summary band but then you need to set attribute isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter="true" on jasperReport tag.
In subreport add the a pageFooterBand with your text
<band height="50">
<reportElement x="446" y="18" width="100" height="20" uuid="efa2e741-c546-4261-bdb7-a4b211212f17"/>
This will display the text "...continued" on every subreport page, since we like to avoid it on last page add empty lastPageFooter
<band height="50"/>


How to show a variable value in jasper report title?

I am creating a jasper report, want to show the value of a column returned through last record of my query, in the title band. Kindly help to achieve.
To get the last value of your record, if this is what you are after, set the evaluationTime of your textField from the Title Band to Report.
The text field expression, in this case, is going to be evaluated when the end of the report is reached, thus producing the last value from your result set for a particular field.
The JRXML fragment might look like this:
<band height="100">
<textField evaluationTime="Report">
<reportElement x="72" y="16" width="100" height="24" uuid="698866c8-7d26-4bc7-8727-b4a56d239a53"/>

JasperReports: How to print a "... continues in next column/page" message when content doesn't fit

I have a "parent" jrxml, let's call it "class", that looks like this:
<band height="100" splitType="Prevent">
<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">
<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">
has n subreports, one for each "student". The "student" subreport is just some textfields.
<band height="35">
<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">
<textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">
What I would like to do is print a "This class continues in the next column/page" message at the bottom of the column if the content doesn't all fit in the one column.
Is this possible with JasperReports?
In the end, the link that Petter Friburg posted solved my problem. I didn't think it did until I did a whole bunch of tests. First I tested with a simpler version of my reports, without all of the wrappers, etc. And it worked like a charm. But then I added another level of complexity to the reports. I had simplified them for this post but in reality they are more like
So each class has n students, each student has n addresses. Once I put the pageFooter and lastPageFooter tags in the address.jrxml it worked fine.
My understanding was that if I put it in student.jrxml it should also work. But it didn't. However, it kind of makes sense to put it in address.jrxml, because if that info doesn't fit in the column that the student.jrxml content obviously doesn't all fit either, because address.jrxml is part of student.jrxml.

How can I create a multi-page PDF report in Jasper/iReport?

I want to create a multipage PDF report using iReport.
When I'm designing in iReport it crosses A4 page size. If I increase page height, it prints out empty space in the page. How can I create a multi-page report?
The resulting report:
I am using bellow code and its works perfect for me. You may also try this code.
<band height="802" splitType="Stretch">
// page 1 design here
<band height="802" splitType="Stretch">
// page 2 design here
<band height="802" splitType="Stretch">
// page 3 design here
Please Note: i set all margin as 0
In common properties of main report there is page setup option. There you provide the page dimensions which you want in your output. Also ignore pagination flag should be set to false

Make lines with iReport?

How can I do this with iReport (using iReport v4.0)?
Here is jrxml file
it depend on the size of Sub-report, check the sub-repot preview, if you want to increase the size of sub-rport in main report , for this you have to increase the size of sub-reportas where it is separately created.
You could try using background band for those lines.
Maybe inside your parent report
When you create a sub-report you can delete; Page Header, Column Header and Page Footer bands on your main report. After then, you can drag and drop sub-report icon on Summary part of your main report. You will probably use ColumnHeader and Detail bands on your Sub-Report. (It depends on your design. If you use subreports recursively, you can use again summary band.) Later,you will select Remove Report Margins on your subreport. To get expected result; your subreport icon Width on main report should equal your subreport page width.
Adding borders worked great for me. Expand your text element to cell size, right click -> Padding and Borders and add them all around. It's easier than having to handle draw lines. Less elements and faster editing.
You can add lines via the iReport Designer gui interface using the Palette (go to Window > Palette, then click Line, then drag it over to the Designer).
You can also add lines by modifying the jrxml code directly. I haven't found guidance in the documentation on this. But this answer to another question shows how to create a vertical line:
<reportElement x="0" y="0" width="1" height="30"/>
And it also shows how to create a horizontal line:
<reportElement x="0" y="0" width="30" height="1"/>
Also, the JRXML Sources and Jasper Files section of the documentation has some more involved code such as the following, which uses a direction parameter with value BottomUp (there are also references to TopDown in the community site or here):
<line direction="BottomUp">
<reportElement key="line" x="1" y="4" width="554" height="1"/>
And this, which uses positionType parameter of FixRelativeToBottom:
<reportElement positionType="FixRelativeToBottom" x="0" y="51" width="555"

How to print the grand total only in the last page of a very long report?

How can I make the total paramater appear only on the last page of a report with lots of concepts.
The report repeats istelf until the list of concepts is displayed in two or more pages. The total appears in all of them because the parameter (received as $PTotal) is on the footer of the page.
I need this to be displayed only in the footer of the last page. It doesnt matter if I leave that space as blank, I just need the parameter to be displayed only at the last page.
This is not a report composed of varios pages, it generates multiple pages until the list fits. Just to clarify.
How can I fix that parameter tag with a printWhenExpression tag?
If you just use the summary-band for this purpose?
<band height="146" splitType="Stretch">
<reportElement .../>
<textElement ...>
<font .../>
<textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$P{total}]]> </textFieldExpression>
Copy your footer band and rename it to a lastPageFooter band. Keep the original footer intact, but delete the textField for $P{total} from it. The lastPageFooter band, including your total, will only be printed on the last page of the report.
Try using a PrintWhenExpression of
You can try to use "Last Page Footer" band