Converting a multivalued attribute serialnumber - powershell

I am looking to pull LastLogonDate, SerialNumber, Name and Description from AD. I have everything working except when I open the csv instead of the serialnumber is gives me: Microsoft.AdctiveDirectory.Management.ADPropertyValueCollection. From what I've looked up it is because it is a multivalued attribute. The code I currently have that I thought would fix this problem is:
Get-ADDomainController -filter * |
% { Get-ADComputer -Filter * -server $ -Properties Name,Description,serialNumber,LastLogonDate -SearchBase "DC=DELETED,DC=com" } |
Select Name,Description,#{N='serialNumber'E={$_.serialNumber[0]}},LastLogonDate |
Export-Csv "C:\scripts\ComputerLastLogon.csv" -NoTypeInformation
However, now I am getting these errors:
And if it helps at all, here is the code I was using when I first got the csv to show Microsoft.ActiveDirectory... :
Get-ADDomainController -filter * |
% { Get-ADComputer -Filter * -server $ -Properties Name,Description,serialNumber,LastLogonDate -SearchBase "DC=DELETED,DC=com" } |
Select Name,Description,SerialNumber,LastLogonDate |
Export-Csv "C:\scripts\ComputerLastLogon.csv" -NoTypeInformation

The answer might make you feel a bit silly but don't feel bad, you are missing a ; in your expression it should be
Try that and tell me if it works, it did for me.


Get-ADuser attribute 'businesscategory'

I have been trying to export a list that oulines the attribute 'businesscategory'.
Here is the command:
ipmo activedirectory
get-aduser -Filter * -Properties * | select userprincipalname, businesscategory |export-csv -Path C:\Temp\businesscategory.csv -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation
The thing is that I get this output under the row 'businesscategory' in my .csv :
The output is good in the Powershell console though.
I have looked for answers around the Internet but unsuccessfully so far...
Thank you guys.
It's a multivalued property so you have to create a new property and concatenate the values or select one of them
get-aduser -filter * -Properties * | select userprincipalname, #{n="businesscategory";e={$_.businesscategory -join " "}}
then it will be exported as a string in your csv.

Find domain of a user

I would like a powershell script to find the domain of an user.
I tried with Get-ADUser <user> -Properties *
It shows the domain(CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=nam,DC=nsroot,DC=net). But I want it to display on the domain because I have a huge list of users
Maybe this?
Get-ADUser <user> -Properties * |
Select *,#{l='Domain';e={ $_.canonicalname.split('/')[0] } }
Well..there is the userprincipalname property but a lot of times it is blank. You could do something like this
(get-aduser -filter *).SamAccountName | % {$_.Insert(0,'test\')}
Just change 'test\' to your domain name
Pick what properties you want and modify this:
$Domain = Get-ADDomain | select -expandproperty NetBIOSName
Get-ADUser <USERID OR -Filter *> -Properties DisplayName | select samAccountName, DisplayName, #{n="Domain";e={$Domain}} | Export-Csv Users1.csv -NoTypeInformation
Just in case someone else is looking for this in the future...

Move AD user based on their employeeID in csv file

I'm attempting to move AD users to different ou's based on a CSV file of employee numbers. I've searched around and I have found a suggestion and tried this code:
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$TargetOU = "OU=Math,OU=Students,DC=domain,DC=net"
$IDs = Import-CSV "c:\testids.csv" | Select -ExpandProperty employeeID
Get-ADUser -filter * -Properties employeeID | Where { $IDs -contains $_.employeeID } |
Move-ADObject -TargetPath $TargetOU
My csv file looks like this
It runs with no errors. But the users never move. Im running Server 2012R2.
Any suggestions? Am I on the wrong track or completely off in left field?
Try this
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$TargetOU = "OU=Math,OU=Students,DC=domain,DC=net"
$IDs = Import-CSV "c:\testids.csv" | Select employeeID
$IDs | % { Get-ADUser -Filter { employeeID -eq $_.employeeID } -Property employeeID |
Move-ADObject -TargetPath $TargetOU }
Sorry, I pushed 'Enter' too quickly. This has your CSV saved as the $IDs object before you start. I think your pipes were a little out of order. Let me know if this works, and if it doesn't I'll try again.
Ok, I'm on the bandwagon of I want to be sure your finding the correct users first. Theory being that Move-ADObject is not getting any input.
First I would do this to check the CSV file contents.
Get-Content "c:\testids.csv" | Select -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object{"'$_'"}
Then assuming that is working what is the result of this command?
$IDs | ForEach-Object{Get-ADUser -Filter "employeeID -eq '$_'" -Property employeeID
Update from Comments
I wonder now if you are looking at the wrong AD Attribute. Maybe it should be EmployeeNumber.
$IDs | ForEach-Object{Get-ADUser -Filter "employeeNumber -eq '$_'" -Property employeeNumber
Give that a try and see if that is what you need?
Also should try and verify that you have no white-space or special characters in the actual employeeid
"'$(Get-Aduser accountthathasid -properties employeeid | select -expand employeeid)'"
I'm willing to bet that the whole issue you're running into is that Get-ADUser is returning no user objects.
<Previous answer removed>
Edit: Ok, I give up, this makes no sense. I now can not find my own user by looking for it by EmployeeID. I think there may be some issues searching by employeeID because this returns nothing:
$me = get-aduser $env:USERNAME -Properties EmployeeID
Get-ADUser -filter "EmployeeID -eq '$($me.EmployeeID)'" -Properties EmployeeID
I verified that $me does in fact contain my ADUser object info, including my EmployeeID. I thien tried:
Get-ADUser -filter "UserPrincipalName -eq '$($me.UserPrincipalName)'"
This did work, so I am sure that my format works. At this point, I withdraw and wish you luck.

How do I apply uppercase in a piped select statement in PowerShell?

I'm writing a simple PowerShell script that fetches certain fields from Active Directory using the "Get-ADUser" cmdlet and outputs them to a CSV file, which works just fine:
Get-ADUser -filter * -properties Division,Department,EmployeeID,GivenName,Sn,C,Title,Mail,ExtensionAttribute3,ExtensionAttribute4,SamAccountName -server | select Division,Department,EmployeeID,GivenName,Sn,C,Title,Mail,ExtensionAttribute3,ExtensionAttribute4,SamAccountName | Export-Csv -notype C:\Security-ActiveDirectory.csv
I'm looking to convert the "SamAccouontName" field to all uppercase when it is output to the CSV file. I tried applying the ToUpper() and Upper(string) methods, but they give me syntax errors:
Get-ADUser -filter * -properties Division,Department,EmployeeID,GivenName,Sn,C,Title,Mail,ExtensionAttribute3,ExtensionAttribute4,SamAccountName -server | select Division,Department,EmployeeID,GivenName,Sn,C,Title,Mail,ExtensionAttribute3,ExtensionAttribute4,ToUpper().SamAccountName | Export-Csv -notype C:\Security-ActiveDirectory.csv
Get-ADUser -filter * -properties Division,Department,EmployeeID,GivenName,Sn,C,Title,Mail,ExtensionAttribute3,ExtensionAttribute4,SamAccountName -server | select Division,Department,EmployeeID,GivenName,Sn,C,Title,Mail,ExtensionAttribute3,ExtensionAttribute4,Upper(SamAccountName) | Export-Csv -notype C:\Security-ActiveDirectory.csv
Can anyone help me on how I can make that field uppercase and still export to the CSV file?
You can do it like this:
Get-ADUser -filter * -properties Division,Department,EmployeeID,GivenName,Sn,C,Title,Mail,ExtensionAttribute3,ExtensionAttribute4,SamAccountName -server |
select Division,Department,EmployeeID,GivenName,Sn,C,Title,Mail,ExtensionAttribute3,ExtensionAttribute4,#{Label = 'SamAccountName' ; Expression = {$_.SamAccountName.ToUpper()}} |
Export-Csv -notype C:\Security-ActiveDirectory.csv

Stange behavior when using Get-ADGroups and Get-ADGroupMember in powershell

I am running into a strange issue when using Get-ADGroups and Get-ADGroupMembers
This line works correctly (no issues)
$searchFilter = "OU=Projects,DC=my,DC=lab"
Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Properties * -SearchBase $distinguishedName | Get-ADGroupMember | Where-Object {$_.objectClass -eq "user"} | Get-ADUser | ft Name, SamAccountName, Enabled
However this block does not work
$groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter * -Properties * -SearchBase $distinguishedName
foreach ($g in $groups) {
Write-Host "Group:" $g.CN "(" $g.DistinguishedName ")"
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $g.DistinguishedName -Debug -Verbose | Where-Object {$_.objectClass -eq "user"} | Get-ADUser | ft Name, SamAccountName, Enabled
Returns the following exception
Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADException: An operations error occurred ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[]: Active Directory returned an error processing the operation.
Anyone have any thoughts on why?
Your second one works for me. Double-check your $distinguishedName value that you are passing to -SearchBase.
I noticed that you define $searchFilter, but you never actually reference it. Is that a typo?