How to show the message taken from res.badRequest in Sails client - sails.js

Recently I have encountered one issue that I want to show the message taken from res.badRequest().
When error happens, my code is like:
var errMsg = 'Begin Date should be before End Date, please check';
return res.badRequest(errMsg);
but when I tried to get the error message in client, I failed, and here is my code in ejs:
<% if ( ) { %><><% } %>
Where did I make mistake?
Thanks very much in advance.

I use it in Angularjs client and works as documented
.then(function () {
Alert.add({ type: "success", msg: "ok" });
.catch(function (err) {
Alert.add({ type: "danger", msg: +" [" + err.statusText + "]"});


How to use botkit with facebook and

I am a novice in chatbot development and I would like some help.
While it seems quite simple to connect botkit with facebook messenger and in orger to use NLP. I haven't managed to do so. My initial goal is to have a simple conversation like hello-hello but using as middleware.
Below I attach the code. What it should do is receive a "hello" message, pass it to and then respond "I heard hello!" as a reply (without using wit at this stage). Instead I just receive
debug: No handler for message_received
after every message I send to facebook messenger bot. In wit it seems like I am getting the messages since I receive messages in my inbox to update the intents.
If there is any code much simpler than the one below I would be very happy to have it so that I can start with something much simpler :).
if (!process.env.page_token) {
console.log('Error: Specify page_token in environment');
if (!process.env.page_token) {
console.log('Error: Specify page_token in environment');
if (!process.env.verify_token) {
console.log('Error: Specify verify_token in environment');
if (!process.env.app_secret) {
console.log('Error: Specify app_secret in environment');
var Botkit = require('./lib/Botkit.js');
var wit = require('./node_modules/botkit-middleware-witai')({
token: process.env.wit,
minConfidence: 0.6,
logLevel: 'debug'
var os = require('os');
var commandLineArgs = require('command-line-args');
var localtunnel = require('localtunnel');
const ops = commandLineArgs([
{name: 'lt', alias: 'l', args: 1, description: 'Use to make your bot available on the web.',
type: Boolean, defaultValue: false},
{name: 'ltsubdomain', alias: 's', args: 1,
description: 'Custom subdomain for the URL. This option can only be used together with --lt.',
type: String, defaultValue: null},
if( === false && ops.ltsubdomain !== null) {
console.log("error: --ltsubdomain can only be used together with --lt.");
var controller = Botkit.facebookbot({
debug: true,
log: true,
access_token: process.env.page_token,
verify_token: process.env.verify_token,
app_secret: process.env.app_secret,
validate_requests: true, // Refuse any requests that don't come from FB on your receive webhook, must provide FB_APP_SECRET in environment variables
var bot = controller.spawn({
controller.setupWebserver(process.env.port || 3000, function(err, webserver) {
controller.createWebhookEndpoints(webserver, bot, function() {
if( {
var tunnel = localtunnel(process.env.port || 3000, {subdomain: ops.ltsubdomain}, function(err, tunnel) {
if (err) {
console.log("Your bot is available on the web at the following URL: " + tunnel.url + '/facebook/receive');
tunnel.on('close', function() {
console.log("Your bot is no longer available on the web at the URL.");
controller.hears(['hello'], 'direct_message', wit.hears, function(bot, message) {
bot.reply(message, 'I heard hello!');
function formatUptime(uptime) {
var unit = 'second';
if (uptime > 60) {
uptime = uptime / 60;
unit = 'minute';
if (uptime > 60) {
uptime = uptime / 60;
unit = 'hour';
if (uptime != 1) {
unit = unit + 's';
uptime = uptime + ' ' + unit;
return uptime;
Make sure you have a few conversations in beforehand so for example hello there and highlight the hello in that statement as something like, greetings.
Now i'm not sure what your intents are called in but in your statement controller.hears(['hello'] you're actually listening to the intents. So in the example i mentioned above, we'd be using hears(['greetings']) since that's the intent in
Also, instead of using direct_message use message_received this is what it should look like:
controller.hears(['hello'], 'message_received', wit.hears, function(bot, message) {
bot.reply(message, 'I heard hello!');
If you're struggling tracking down the problem you can stick a console statement in your controller so something like console.log(" detected entities", message.entities); and see what you get back from that.
Let me know if you're still having any issues :)

Getting and "Error, wrong validation token" when trying to create a Facebook Chatbot

I'm trying to create a Facebook chatbot with NodeJS, Express, and a Heroku server.
I created my webhook on heroku and had it verified and saved by facebook. I then started adding code that would reply to the incoming messages and I can't seem to get it connected. It keeps saying "Error, wrong validation token" when I try to load my webhook in my browser. And when I try to send my bot a message I get no response. Even though I already had it verified and didn't change the code.
Here is my code:
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var app = express();
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
// body parser middleware
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
// test route
//app.get('/', function (req, res) { res.status(200).send('Hello world!') });
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
if (req.query['hub.verify_token'] === '8FKU9XWeSjnZN4ae') {
res.send('Error, wrong validation token');
})'/', function (req, res) {
messaging_events = req.body.entry[0].messaging;
for (i = 0; i < messaging_events.length; i++) {
event = req.body.entry[0].messaging[i];
sender =;
if (event.message && event.message.text) {
text = event.message.text;
sendTextMessage(sender, "Text received, echo: "+ text.substring(0, 200));
// error handler
app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
app.listen(port, function () {
console.log('Listening on port ' + port);
var token = <myToken>;
function sendTextMessage(sender, text) {
messageData = {
url: '',
qs: {access_token:token},
method: 'POST',
json: {
recipient: {id:sender},
message: messageData,
}, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) {
console.log('Error sending message: ', error);
} else if (response.body.error) {
console.log('Error: ', response.body.error);
So I'm confused as to why nothing is happening and why I'm getting that error. I feel like I'm missing a whole step. I am following this tutorial by the way:
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: Here are my heroku logs
Do not post your full access tokens here!
Have you tested the output of the challenge? Since it's just a GET and you know all values you can try it yourself: which sould print 'ping' if everything work fine.
Make sure you add sendStatus(200) to the hub challenge response, too.
You need to subscribe your page to the app first. To do so make a POST request to /your-page-id/subscribed_apps which should return "success". You can make a GET request to the same endpoint afterwards to double check your app is subscribed to your page
You did not mention which events you subscribed to (needs to be message_deliveries, messages, messaging_optins, messaging_postbacks)
Make sure the webhooks tab in your app dashboard now says "complete"
Test again
You are actually using "request" but you are never importing it anywhere. Here's how to fix it:
var request = require("request")
Once you have added that to your index.js or app.js file (basically whatever this file is), make sure you do:
npm install request --save
This should fix it. Unfortunately, Heroku doesn't error out and say that it does not know what "request" is and that's why it was so hard to figure this out in the first place!

Please explain this code is for

I'm looking for help to understand this code from the sample module Articles in the generated app. I can't figure out what is for.
file: packages/core/articles/server/controllers/articles.js
create: function(req, res) {
var article = new Article(req.body);
article.user = req.user; {
if (err) {
return res.status(500).json({
error: 'Cannot save the article'
action: 'created',
user: {
url: config.hostname + '/articles/' + article._id,
name: article.title
It's used to send data to stacksight. For detail, you can refer Module's constructor in node_modules/meanio/lib/core_modules/module/index.js, and you can find stacksight under node_modules/meanio/node_modules/stacksight.
But it will NOT send these information by default, it needs to request app id and API token from stacksight first.

Facebook Open Graph Action coding error

i've been figuring it out for ages, there's no problem debugging tool or in the terminal console, but it keeps popping "error occurred" in the following codes:
<script type="text/javascript">
function postCook()
$pageURL = window.location;
FB.api('/me/bgfapp:watch?movie=' + $pageURL,'post',
function(response) {
if (!response || response.error) {
alert('Error Occurred');
} else {
alert('Post was successful! Action ID: ' +;
i tried to echo $pageURL and it returns the current URL successfully, so i can't figure out what's wrong with the above code
updated: 30-Jan-2012
the error says: Error Occurred[object Object][object Object]
You've probably already found a solution but hopefully this will help someone else.
The problem here is that you don't know the names of the child nodes within the response object. If you can't name the specific node then you're going to continually get that error message: "Error occured [Object object] message"
I have a simple workaround that will allow you to see the error message without knowing the names of the response object's child nodes. JSON.stringify will simply convert the entire object into a string, allowing you to view its contents. It won't be pretty but you'll definitely be able to see the error message in there.
Try this:
<script type="text/javascript">
function postCook()
$pageURL = window.location;
FB.api('/me/bgfapp:watch?movie=' + $pageURL,'post', function(response) {
if (!response || response.error) {
else {
alert('Post was successful! Action ID: ' +;
An alternate solution would be to output the contents of the response object to the console rather than executing an alert, just replace line 7 in my code sample with this:
From here, you can open the development console of your web browser and traverse the contents of the response object. Since the console is not always available (phonegap apps for example), the former solution is sometimes more suitable.
Based on your new error message it looks like you need to see what response.error says. Your logic says that either you got no response at all or you got a response.error. You should first figure out what case you are in and act accordingly.
response.responseText and response.error.responseText are undefined because they aren't returned to you.
$pageURL = '/me/bgfapp:watch?movie=' + window.location;
function(response) {
if (!response) {
alert('Error Occurred I got no response with ' + $pageURL);
else if (response.error) {
alert('Error Occurred '+ response.error);
} else {
alert('Post was successful! Action ID: ' +;
My suggestion is try simple and work your way up. Debug all variables that you are checking. If you aren't getting a response it could be that your API endpoint call doesn't exist. If you are getting an error then your call is wrong or maybe not authenticated.

Getting Time-Out Error While Posting Data

js.I am trying to create a file upload using node.js and mongodb.I am getting timeout error in posting data.The code that i use is:'/photos/new', function(req, res) {
var photo = new Photo();
req.form.complete(function(err, fields, files) {
if(err) {
} else {
ins = fs.createReadStream(files.file.path);
ous = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/static/uploads/photos/' + files.file.filename);
util.pump(ins, ous, function(err) {
if(err) {
} else {{
filename: files.file.filename,
file: files.file.path
}, function(error, docs) {
//console.log('\nUploaded %s to %s',,;
//res.send('Uploaded ' + + ' to ' +;
I get the following error when i click on the submit button.
Error: Timeout POST /photos/new
at Object._onTimeout (/home/nodeexmple/node_modules/connect-timeout/index.js:12:22)
at Timer.ontimeout (timers_uv.js:84:39)
Please help.
see this answer...
Error: parser error, 0 of 4344 bytes parsed (Node.js)
Also u can use req.clearTimeout() as suggested above by alessioalex.
I belive this part of your code is creating problems that u should avoid.{
filename: files.file.filename,
file: files.file.path
}, function(error, docs) {
Instead use like this:
var post = new Post();
And then something like this: {
if (err)
return postCreationFailed();
req.flash('info', 'photos Succesfully Uploaded');
res.redirect('were u want to redirect');
Hope this solves your issue.
You are using the connect-timeout module so that is shows a message to your users in case the page takes more than X seconds to load (server-side).
It's obvious that the upload page might be taking more than that, so what you should do in your upload route is to clear the timeout like this:'/photos/new', function(req, res) {
Read more about connect-timeout on its github page.