Eclipse is creating an old folder instead of using the new one - eclipse

I used to have Eclipse in a folder but then I decided to move the folder for Eclipse into a different folder. I deleted the old folder because I no longer needed it. Now Eclipse creates the old folder it used to be located in every time I start Eclipse.
Just to be clear: Eclipse is in folder "eclipse stuff" which got moved from folder A to folder B (both are on the Desktop) and folder A got deleted and now when Eclipse is opened it creates "Desktop\A\eclipse stuff\" with a sequence of folders within it.
My best guess is it is storing default settings in there (based on the names of the things in the folders) and that the directory it stores these "default settings" in is somewhere in Eclipse's settings. I don't know what settings it would be in. How can I change this setting?

You need to switch the workspace. File -> Switch Workspace -> other and choose the new folder. Restarting should preserve the new default workspace. If not, you can also delete old workspace locations in Eclipse setting: Window -> Preferences => General -> Startup and Shutdown -> Workspaces contains a list of all known workspaces. You can delete it there.


What is the runtime-EclipseApplication folder for, and can I delete it safely?

I'm trying to organise the directory structure of my projects' source code and the eclipse workspace etc.
I found a folder called runtime-EclipseApplication in a high level folder outside the directories where I keep my workspace and projects.
What is this folder, when/why is it created and is it safe to delete?
This is the default for the workspace name when you use Run As > Eclipse Application.
You can look in the Eclipse Applications section of the Run > Run Configurations dialog to see what (if anything) is using this workspace. The workspace name is shown in the Location field of the Main tab.

common workspace setup in eclipse

I want to create several workspaces which point to different branches of a codebase.
The problem I am facing is every time I need to create a new workspace I have to do the same configuration for each workspace.
Setting up tomcat configuration and it's related java options such as library and java agent settings.
A system variable that points to specific folder containg my jar files.
Another system variable
is it possible to have these setups done once so that all subsequent workspaces do not need to be configured?
is it possible to export these preferences and import later into any workspace either on my machine or other machine?
System information:
Windows 7, Eclipse 3.5, Sysdeo tomcat plugin, Tomcat 6
While eclipse does have an Export preferences option, it does not export everything and specifically it is not comprehensive enough for workspace duplication.
In the past I have had a lot of success just cloning the physical workspace folder itself.
For example, let's say you have setup the workspace with everything that you want in it. To duplicate it, find out the path of the current workspace folder by going to File -> Switch workspace -> Other. The path shown here in the dialogue that pops up is the current workspace path ( don't press ok yet)
Create a copy of this folder. Now to use this copy, just use it in the above dialogue, i.e., go to File -> Switch workspace -> Other and put in the path of the copy. Press OK and Eclipse shall restart with the new workspace. Now the only thing you will have to do is point the code to a different branch. Rest all the settings should be present already.
This works specially well on the same machine. If you copy this workspace folder it should still work but your mileage may vary.

How do workspaces work in Aptana 3?

I'm new to programming and IDEs. I never understood the concept of a workspace in Eclipse, and I don't understand it in Aptana.
With Eclipse I just put it into my web root. Not sure if that's the way to go?
Can someone explain what a workspace is and where it should go? And if not in the web root, then how do I launch a PHP page from within the EDI?
An Eclipse workspace is a directory where (generally) all of the files you are working on live and that stores all of the state (like preferences and such) for a single user of Eclipse. So when you create projects, they are located in the workspace. The workspace has some metadata files that control how Eclipses behaves for you.
Eclipse keeps a representation of the workspace internally, which means the workspace can get out of sync with the underlying files. To sync them up, do a right-click Refresh in the Package/Project Explorer.
Usually the workspace goes into some directory relative to your home directory, since it's private to each developer.
Workspaces are like folders where the project's files are.
When you have a local web server you could set the workspace to a new folder in the servers directory (or web root when the project should be in the main directory!) . If you want to add a new PHP-file in Aptana studio 3 just right click the workspace and select add new file (or sth. like that). After that you will be able to enter a file-name and it's gonna be saved in the workspace (folder). But of course you can also work without workspaces, just create the the PHP-File and edit it with Aptana.

eclipse workspace: how to rename workspace

There is no option in the file menu to rename a workspace. Is the recommended practice to close eclipse, rename the folder, and re-open? I worry about some potential dangling references in configuration files corrupting my workspace/projects...
Source : Renaming a workspace?
Yes, you can just rename the workspace
directory and/or move it. However, you
then have to tell Eclipse where the
new workspace is. In 3.1, you can use
'switch workspace' to launch in a
different location (under the File
If you want to change it by hand, you
can edit the appropriate entries in
the files in the 'configuration'
directory where Eclipse is stored.
You can change the
org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs file to set
if you want to be asked each time
Eclipse is run where the workspace is.
For simple renaming, it is not necessary to switch workspaces, unless the workspace you want to rename is not the one currently active.
Anyway, you can rename the current open workspace by choosing Eclipse->Preferences->General->Workspace and changing the option "Workspace name (shown in window title)" from the default's workspace folder name to whatever you want to call it. Then, restart Eclipse.
Suppose your workspace's folder is "/foo/bar/workspace" and you never changed its name before; its name was then the default "workspace". After you renamed it to, say, "my_workspace" and restarted Eclipse, the Eclipse's window title should show: "my_workspace - (some stuff that varies) - /foo/bar/workspace".
Note that this is NOT going to modify the workspace folder's name. You may have to create a new folder with the desired name, switch to that folder (whose workspace will have the same name, by default) and import existing projects into it, as some have suggested here.
Renaming Workspace folder worked for me. Close the eclipse, rename the workspace folder name, launch eclipse again. If you are using any project dependencies like user libraries,launchers etc, you have to relocate those to new location manually, from project build path.
Copying workspace to a new folder works. Any reference Eclipse itself needs is resolved using the relative workspace location. If you have added launchers, substitution variables, etc. that rely on the absolute workspace location, they will need to be reset.
I think in the original workspace you imported projects and that the projects depend on links not on being physically in the same location of the worspace (even thay are there already but the dependency is on links). If so you have to remove the projects from the new (copied) worspace and then re-import them again.
I just did a:
File --> Import --> Maven --> Existing Maven Projects --> mention the new workspace location in "Root Directory" in the "Import Maven Projects" window
and it worked! All projects were imported properly.
BTW, I have Eclipse-Maven plugin "m2e" installed (
2021 Update
In Eclipse 2020-12 (Windows 10), the "Workspace name (shown in window title)" preference mentioned in one answer is no longer there. Now, renaming a workspace (WS) requires a copy and delete operation.
Start by switch to another WS: File --> Switch Workspace --> select existing WS. Then rename the WS folder to desired new name. Switch to the new workspace folder and delete the old name:
File --> Switch Workspace --> Other...
Right-click old WS name --> Remove from launcher selection
Click Browse --> select new workspace folder --> click Launch and Voila!
As mentioned in prior posts, depending on your setup some resource links may be broken. Delete the project without(!) removing it from disk, then import to new WS.

Where are projects stored in Eclipse?

The Project Explorer is able to list all projects in Eclipse. I am wondering where the project information gets stored?
The projects can be found under the .metadata directory of your workspace:
Each project contains a .location file (in binary format) which presumably tells eclipse where the project is located on the filesystem, if it has been imported.
By default projects in Eclipse are stored under your workspace. You get asked where your workspace is created or which one to open whenever you open Eclipse, but you can configure it to not ask you again.
If you configured Eclipse not to ask again, then you can go to General -> Startup and Shutdown -> Workspaces in your preferences and check "Prompt for workspace on startup".
That page also lists your recently used workspaces (with probably just 1 entry, if you never explicitly specified a different one).
Note that you can also create projects that are located outside of your workspace, by explicitly specifying a separate location per-project.
Browse over to your workspace folder. You will see a folder for each project.
(Don't know where your workspace folder is? Try File -> Switch workspace... and it will give you the path.)
In Windows, usually C:\Users\%USERNAME%\workspace
Where %USERNAME% is the username given to your computer. eg. john
You can paste the above path in Run(Windows + R) window and it will pick the username automatically for you though.
For Eclipse Kepler SR2 on Windows 7
The easiest way to retrieve general info about a project (e.g., its location), see the following:
go to your "Package Explorer" view;
right-click on your project top-hierarchy folder;
choose "Show In" -> "Properties";
and you'll get the list of properties for that project in the "Properties view". Location of project will be in there.
On a Windows PC, you should be able to find your projects under C:\Users\yourname\workspace\. If you're on Linux, it should be under /home/yourname/workspace/.
I used the "Try File -> Switch workspace" suggestion which works but also re-installed Eclipse 0_0