let dict: [String:Int] = ["apple":5, "pear":9, "grape":1]
How do you sort the dictionary based on the Int value so that the output is:
sortedDict = ["pear":9, "apple":5, "grape":1]
Current Attempt (doesn't sort correctly):
let sortedDict = sorted(dict) { $0.1 > $1.1 }
You need to sort your dictionary values, not your keys. You can create an array of tuples from your dictionary sorting it by its values as follow:
Xcode 9 • Swift 4 or Xcode 8 • Swift 3
let fruitsDict = ["apple": 5, "pear": 9, "grape": 1]
let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted{ $0.value > $1.value }
fruitsTupleArray // [(.0 "pear", .1 9), (.0 "apple", .1 5), (.0 "grape", .1 1)]
for (fruit,votes) in fruitsTupleArray {
fruitsTupleArray.first?.key // "pear"
fruitsTupleArray.first?.value // 9
To sort your dictionary using your keys
let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted{ $0.key > $1.key }
fruitsTupleArray // [(key "pear", value 9), (key "grape", value 1), (key "apple", value 5)]
To sort your dictionary using its keys and localized comparison:
let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted { $0.key.localizedCompare($1.key) == .orderedAscending }
We can also extend Sequence protocol and implement a custom sort that takes a predicate and sort using a keypath property as long as it conforms to Comparable:
extension Sequence {
func sorted<T: Comparable>(_ predicate: (Element) -> T, by areInIncreasingOrder: ((T,T)-> Bool) = (<)) -> [Element] {
sorted(by: { areInIncreasingOrder(predicate($0), predicate($1)) })
let sortedFruitsAscending = fruitsDict.sorted(\.value)
let sortedFruitsDescending = fruitsDict.sorted(\.value, by: >)
This will print
[(key: "grape", value: 1), (key: "apple", value: 5), (key: "pear", value: 9)]
[(key: "pear", value: 9), (key: "apple", value: 5), (key: "grape", value: 1)]
For Xcode 13 or later you can use a new generic structure called KeyPathComparator:
let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted(using: KeyPathComparator(\.value, order: .reverse))
Dictionaries can't be sorted. Generally, when I need things sorted from a dictionary, I will make a separate array of my dictionary keys.
In your case, make an array of the keys, sort them by comparing their values in the dictionary.
It can be achieved by using the below implementation
let sortedDictionary = unsortedDictionary.sorted{$0.key > $1.key}
use KeyValuePairs instead of Dictionary
"The order of key-value pairs in a dictionary is stable between mutations but is otherwise unpredictable. If you need an ordered collection of key-value pairs and don’t need the fast key lookup that Dictionary provides, see the KeyValuePairs type for an alternative." - Swift Dictionary
I have a dictionary with string as key and an array of int as values , i need to sort the dictionary based on keys and the array value should also be sorted.
var dicNumArray : Dictionary<String , [Int]> = ["q":[4,3,2,1,5],"a":[2,3,4,5,5],"s":[123,123,132,43,4],"t":[0,88,66,542,321]]
The result i need is the dictionary itself where it is sorted by keys and respective values are also sorted.
You can apply sorted to each the value of the key-value pair of a dictionary using mapValues
And then, you can just use sorted with a predicate comparing the keys of the dictionary.
let result = dicNumArray.mapValues { $0.sorted() }
.sorted { $0.key < $1.key }
This will return an array of key-value pair tuples.
Since, dictionaries can't be trusted with order, working with an array of the key-value pairs is the next best approach.
We can use .key and .value to get the respective values.
result.first?.key // First key
result.first?.value // First value
Dictionaries don't have an order in Swift. Having said that, you can do something like this
var dicNumArray : Dictionary<String , [Int]> = ["q":[4,3,2,1,5],"a":[2,3,4,5,5],"s":[123,123,132,43,4],"t":[0,88,66,542,321]]
func sortData() {
for (key, value) in dicNumArray {
dicNumArray[key] = value.sorted(by: { $0 < $1 })
This will sort array for each key. Once that's done, you can do something like
let keys = Array(dicNumArray.keys).sorted(by: { $0 < $1 })
This will give you a sorted array of dictionary keys. You can test it as follows
for key in keys {
print("\(key): \(dicNumArray[key]!)")
a: [2, 3, 4, 5, 5]
q: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
s: [4, 43, 123, 123, 132]
t: [0, 66, 88, 321, 542]
you can apply sort key , then map to sorted by array
let sortedKeysAndValues = dicNumArray.sorted(by: {$0.0 < $1.0}).map { [$0.key:$0.value.sorted(by: <)]}.flatMap({$0})
I have the following dictionary:
let dict = ["key1": "v1", "key2": "v1", "key3": "v2"]
I want to swap the values for keys so that the result to be:
result = ["v1": ["key1", "key2"], "v2": ["key3"]]
How can I do this without using for loops (i.e. in a functional way)?
In Swift 4, Dictionary has the init(_:uniquingKeysWith:) initializer that should serve well here.
let d = [1 : "one", 2 : "two", 3 : "three", 30: "three"]
let e = Dictionary(d.map({ ($1, [$0]) }), uniquingKeysWith: {
(old, new) in old + new
If you did not have duplicate values in the original dict that needed to be combined, this would be even simpler (using another new initializer):
let d = [1 : "one", 2 : "two", 3 : "three"]
let e = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: d.map({ ($1, $0) }))
You can use grouping initializer in Swift 4:
let dict = ["key1": "v1", "key2": "v1", "key3": "v2"]
let result = Dictionary(grouping: dict.keys.sorted(), by: { dict[$0]! })
Two notes:
You can remove .sorted() if the order of keys in resulting arrays is not important.
Force unwrap is safe in this case because we're getting an existing dictionary key as the $0 parameter
This is a special application of the commonly-needed ability to group key-value pairs by their keys.
public extension Dictionary {
/// Group key-value pairs by their keys.
/// - Parameter pairs: Either `Swift.KeyValuePairs<Key, Self.Value.Element>`
/// or a `Sequence` with the same element type as that.
/// - Returns: `[ KeyValuePairs.Key: [KeyValuePairs.Value] ]`
init<Value, KeyValuePairs: Sequence>(grouping pairs: KeyValuePairs)
KeyValuePairs.Element == (key: Key, value: Value),
Self.Value == [Value]
self =
Dictionary<Key, [KeyValuePairs.Element]>(grouping: pairs, by: \.key)
.mapValues { $0.map(\.value) }
/// Group key-value pairs by their keys.
/// - Parameter pairs: Like `Swift.KeyValuePairs<Key, Self.Value.Element>`,
/// but with unlabeled elements.
/// - Returns: `[ KeyValuePairs.Key: [KeyValuePairs.Value] ]`
init<Value, KeyValuePairs: Sequence>(grouping pairs: KeyValuePairs)
KeyValuePairs.Element == (Key, Value),
Self.Value == [Value]
self.init( grouping: pairs.map { (key: $0, value: $1) } )
With that, just flip each key-value pair and go to town.
Dictionary( grouping: dict.map { ($0.value, $0.key) } )
I know that this topic has been already discussed but I can't solve looking other answers, so sorry in advance for my ripetion!
I need to sort this Dictionary by keys
codeValueDict = ["us": "$", "it": "€", "fr": "€"]
so I need a dictionary like this
sortedDict = ["fr": "€", "it": "€", "us": "$"]
but I can't do that.
I tried this
let sortedKeysAndValues = sorted(dictionary) { $0.0 < $1.0 }
but after I need to create two arrays from this dictionary (keys and values) and, using that solution
codesArray = sortedKeysAndValues.keys.array
give me the error '[(String, String)]' does not have a member named 'keys' because that solution doesn't return exactly a dictionary.
So i tried another solution:
let prova = codiceNomeDict as NSDictionary
for (k,v) in (Array(codiceNomeDict).sorted {$0.1 < $1.1}) {
let value = "[\"\(k)\": \"\(v)\"]"
Which works good but then I don't know how create a new dictionary of values.
What's the best solution? How to make it works?
The output of sorted function above is an Array. So you cannot get keys & values like a Dictionary. But you can use map function to retrieve those sorted keys & values
Return an Array containing the sorted elements of source{according}.
The sorting algorithm is not stable (can change the relative order of
elements for which isOrderedBefore does not establish an order).
let codeValueDict = ["us": "$", "it": "€", "fr": "€"]
let sortedArray = sorted(codeValueDict, {$0.0 < $1.0})
let keys = sortedArray.map {return $0.0 }
let values = sortedArray.map {return $0.1 }
Dictionaries are not ordered. If you want to enumerate over them in order, you can do that using #HoaParis's solution (which is my preference), or also
for (k,v) in sorted(codiceNomeDict, {$0.1 < $1.1}) { ... }
which is just a little better way than what you were doing before because it doesn't generate a temporary array.
But if you really want "a collection that maps one value to another and is ordered by its key" then you need to create some other data structure for that. So let's do that. It's a good learning experience.
This version just implements SequenceType and provides a get/set subscript, which is most of what you'd generally want. Making it a full CollectionType is a bit of a pain I think, since startIndex and endIndex hae to be O(1). Possible; just more than I want to do this morning.
Note the major addition of Key: Comparable. That's why Dictionary can't be ordered. There's no promise that you can sort their keys. By adding that requirement, we can.
struct SortedDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value where Key: Comparable>: SequenceType {
private var dict: Dictionary<Key, Value>
init(_ dict: Dictionary<Key, Value>) {
self.dict = dict
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<(Key, Value)> {
let values = Array(zip(self.dict.keys, self.dict.values))
.sorted {$0.0 < $1.0 }
return GeneratorOf(values.generate())
subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get { return self.dict[key] }
set(value) { self.dict[key] = value }
var codeValueDict = ["us": "$", "it": "€", "fr": "€"]
var sortedDict = SortedDictionary(codeValueDict)
for (k, v) in sortedDict {
println("\(k) => \(v)")
sortedDict["ab"] = "!"
Why would you bother with SortedDictionary when you already have sorted()? Well, usually I wouldn't. But it does offer opportunities for abstraction. You could control sort order at object creation rather than at object enumeration. You could potentially cache the sort order (though I suspect in most cases that will hurt rather than help).
But I recommend just using sorted in general.
Swift doesn't include a sorted dictionary type, and dictionaries cannot be sorted. You could add an extension that offers sorting to [(Key, Value)] by doing this:
extension Dictionary {
func sort(isOrderedBefore: (Key, Key) -> Bool) -> [(Key, Value)] {
var result: [(Key, Value)] = []
let sortedKeys = keys.array.sorted(isOrderedBefore)
for key in sortedKeys {
result.append(key, self[key]!)
return result
Sorting your keys by the dictionary's value is actually simpler than it appears at first:
let yourDict = ["One": "X", "Two": "B", "Three": "Z", "Four": "A"]
let sortedKeys = yourDict.keys.sort({ (firstKey, secondKey) -> Bool in
return yourDict[firstKey] < yourDict[secondKey]
And that's it! There's really nothing more to it.
You can't sort dictionary in such easy way. I think dictionary is using some sort of tree data structure. But after sorting you get an array of tuples. So you can get keys in such way:
let codeValueDict = ["us": "$", "it": "€", "fr": "€"]
let sortedKeysAndValues = sorted(codeValueDict) { $0.0 < $1.0 }
let keys = sortedKeysAndValues.map {$0.0 }
let values = sortedKeysAndValues.map {$0.1 }
Sort keys case-insensitive in Swift 2
Here is a function which returns a case-insensitive sorted array of keys (or any String values).
Please keep in mind that Swift’s dictionary data structure can not be stored sorted by keys in memory. So yes, you can sort it by keys but if you print it for example then the key order is again random.
/// returns an array of values sorted by values case-insensitive
func sortCaseInsensitive(values:[String]) -> [String]{
let sortedValues = values.sort({ (value1, value2) -> Bool in
if (value1.lowercaseString < value2.lowercaseString) {
return true
} else {
return false
return sortedValues
Call with
let dict = ["world": "Hello!", "foo": "bar", "zYeah": "a", "akey": "xval"]
let sortedKeys = sortCaseInsensitive(Array(dict.keys))
I know that this topic has been already discussed but I can't solve looking other answers, so sorry in advance for my ripetion!
I need to sort this Dictionary by keys
codeValueDict = ["us": "$", "it": "€", "fr": "€"]
so I need a dictionary like this
sortedDict = ["fr": "€", "it": "€", "us": "$"]
but I can't do that.
I tried this
let sortedKeysAndValues = sorted(dictionary) { $0.0 < $1.0 }
but after I need to create two arrays from this dictionary (keys and values) and, using that solution
codesArray = sortedKeysAndValues.keys.array
give me the error '[(String, String)]' does not have a member named 'keys' because that solution doesn't return exactly a dictionary.
So i tried another solution:
let prova = codiceNomeDict as NSDictionary
for (k,v) in (Array(codiceNomeDict).sorted {$0.1 < $1.1}) {
let value = "[\"\(k)\": \"\(v)\"]"
Which works good but then I don't know how create a new dictionary of values.
What's the best solution? How to make it works?
The output of sorted function above is an Array. So you cannot get keys & values like a Dictionary. But you can use map function to retrieve those sorted keys & values
Return an Array containing the sorted elements of source{according}.
The sorting algorithm is not stable (can change the relative order of
elements for which isOrderedBefore does not establish an order).
let codeValueDict = ["us": "$", "it": "€", "fr": "€"]
let sortedArray = sorted(codeValueDict, {$0.0 < $1.0})
let keys = sortedArray.map {return $0.0 }
let values = sortedArray.map {return $0.1 }
Dictionaries are not ordered. If you want to enumerate over them in order, you can do that using #HoaParis's solution (which is my preference), or also
for (k,v) in sorted(codiceNomeDict, {$0.1 < $1.1}) { ... }
which is just a little better way than what you were doing before because it doesn't generate a temporary array.
But if you really want "a collection that maps one value to another and is ordered by its key" then you need to create some other data structure for that. So let's do that. It's a good learning experience.
This version just implements SequenceType and provides a get/set subscript, which is most of what you'd generally want. Making it a full CollectionType is a bit of a pain I think, since startIndex and endIndex hae to be O(1). Possible; just more than I want to do this morning.
Note the major addition of Key: Comparable. That's why Dictionary can't be ordered. There's no promise that you can sort their keys. By adding that requirement, we can.
struct SortedDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value where Key: Comparable>: SequenceType {
private var dict: Dictionary<Key, Value>
init(_ dict: Dictionary<Key, Value>) {
self.dict = dict
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<(Key, Value)> {
let values = Array(zip(self.dict.keys, self.dict.values))
.sorted {$0.0 < $1.0 }
return GeneratorOf(values.generate())
subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get { return self.dict[key] }
set(value) { self.dict[key] = value }
var codeValueDict = ["us": "$", "it": "€", "fr": "€"]
var sortedDict = SortedDictionary(codeValueDict)
for (k, v) in sortedDict {
println("\(k) => \(v)")
sortedDict["ab"] = "!"
Why would you bother with SortedDictionary when you already have sorted()? Well, usually I wouldn't. But it does offer opportunities for abstraction. You could control sort order at object creation rather than at object enumeration. You could potentially cache the sort order (though I suspect in most cases that will hurt rather than help).
But I recommend just using sorted in general.
Swift doesn't include a sorted dictionary type, and dictionaries cannot be sorted. You could add an extension that offers sorting to [(Key, Value)] by doing this:
extension Dictionary {
func sort(isOrderedBefore: (Key, Key) -> Bool) -> [(Key, Value)] {
var result: [(Key, Value)] = []
let sortedKeys = keys.array.sorted(isOrderedBefore)
for key in sortedKeys {
result.append(key, self[key]!)
return result
Sorting your keys by the dictionary's value is actually simpler than it appears at first:
let yourDict = ["One": "X", "Two": "B", "Three": "Z", "Four": "A"]
let sortedKeys = yourDict.keys.sort({ (firstKey, secondKey) -> Bool in
return yourDict[firstKey] < yourDict[secondKey]
And that's it! There's really nothing more to it.
You can't sort dictionary in such easy way. I think dictionary is using some sort of tree data structure. But after sorting you get an array of tuples. So you can get keys in such way:
let codeValueDict = ["us": "$", "it": "€", "fr": "€"]
let sortedKeysAndValues = sorted(codeValueDict) { $0.0 < $1.0 }
let keys = sortedKeysAndValues.map {$0.0 }
let values = sortedKeysAndValues.map {$0.1 }
Sort keys case-insensitive in Swift 2
Here is a function which returns a case-insensitive sorted array of keys (or any String values).
Please keep in mind that Swift’s dictionary data structure can not be stored sorted by keys in memory. So yes, you can sort it by keys but if you print it for example then the key order is again random.
/// returns an array of values sorted by values case-insensitive
func sortCaseInsensitive(values:[String]) -> [String]{
let sortedValues = values.sort({ (value1, value2) -> Bool in
if (value1.lowercaseString < value2.lowercaseString) {
return true
} else {
return false
return sortedValues
Call with
let dict = ["world": "Hello!", "foo": "bar", "zYeah": "a", "akey": "xval"]
let sortedKeys = sortCaseInsensitive(Array(dict.keys))
Is there are analog of - (NSArray *)keysSortedByValueUsingSelector:(SEL)comparator in swift?
How to do this without casting to NSDictionary?
I tried this, but it seems to be not a good solution.
var values = Array(dict.values)
$0 > $1
for number in values {
for (key, value) in dict {
if value == number {
println(key + " : \(value)");
var dict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
dict.sortedKeysByValues(>) // fanta (12), cola(10), sprite(8)
Just one line code to sort dictionary by Values in Swift 4, 4.2 and Swift 5:
let sortedByValueDictionary = myDictionary.sorted { $0.1 < $1.1 }
let dict = ["a":1, "c":3, "b":2]
extension Dictionary {
func sortedKeys(isOrderedBefore:(Key,Key) -> Bool) -> [Key] {
return Array(self.keys).sort(isOrderedBefore)
// Slower because of a lot of lookups, but probably takes less memory (this is equivalent to Pascals answer in an generic extension)
func sortedKeysByValue(isOrderedBefore:(Value, Value) -> Bool) -> [Key] {
return sortedKeys {
isOrderedBefore(self[$0]!, self[$1]!)
// Faster because of no lookups, may take more memory because of duplicating contents
func keysSortedByValue(isOrderedBefore:(Value, Value) -> Bool) -> [Key] {
return Array(self)
.sort() {
let (_, lv) = $0
let (_, rv) = $1
return isOrderedBefore(lv, rv)
.map {
let (k, _) = $0
return k
Updated to the new array syntax and sort semantics from beta 3. Note that I'm using sort and not sorted to minimize array copying. The code could be made more compact, by looking at the earlier version and replacing sort with sorted and fixing the KeyType[] to be [KeyType]
Updated to Swift 2.2:
Changed types from KeyType to Key and ValueType to Value. Used new sort builtin to Array instead of sort(Array) Note performance of all of these could be slightly improved by using sortInPlace instead of sort
You could use something like this perhaps:
var dict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
var myArr = Array(dict.keys)
var sortedKeys = sort(myArr) {
var obj1 = dict[$0] // get ob associated w/ key 1
var obj2 = dict[$1] // get ob associated w/ key 2
return obj1 > obj2
myArr // ["fanta", "cola", "sprite"]
This should give you the sorted keys based on value, and is a little more cleaner:
var sortedKeys = Array(dict.keys).sorted(by: { dict[$0]! < dict[$1]! })
I think this is the easiest way to sort Swift dictionary by value.
let dict = ["apple":1, "cake":3, "banana":2]
let byValue = {
(elem1:(key: String, val: Int), elem2:(key: String, val: Int))->Bool in
if elem1.val < elem2.val {
return true
} else {
return false
let sortedDict = dict.sort(byValue)
OneLiner :
let dict = ["b": 2, "a": 1, "c": 3]
(Array(dict).sorted { $0.1 < $1.1 }).forEach { (k,v) in print("\(k):\(v)") }
//Output: a:1, b:2, c:3
Swap out the .forEach with .map -> Functional programming
Syntactical sugar :
extension Dictionary where Value: Comparable {
var sortedByValue: [(Key, Value)] { return Array(self).sorted { $0.1 < $1.1} }
extension Dictionary where Key: Comparable {
var sortedByKey: [(Key, Value)] { return Array(self).sorted { $0.0 < $1.0 } }
["b": 2, "a": 1, "c": 3].sortedByKey // a:1, b:2, c:3
["b": 2, "a": 1, "c": 3].sortedByValue // a:1, b:2, c:3
Lots of answers, here's a one-liner. I like it because it makes full use of native Swift iterative functions and doesn't use variables. This should help the optimiser do its magic.
return dictionary.keys.sort({ $0 < $1 }).flatMap({ dictionary[$0] })
Note the use of flatMap, because subscripting a dictionary returns an optional value. In practice this should never return nil since we get the key from the dictionary itself. flatMap is there only to ensure that the result is not an array of optionals. If your array's associated value should BE an optional you can use map instead.
Sorting your keys by the dictionary's value is actually simpler than it appears at first:
let yourDict = ["One": "X", "Two": "B", "Three": "Z", "Four": "A"]
let sortedKeys = yourDict.keys.sort({ (firstKey, secondKey) -> Bool in
return yourDict[firstKey] < yourDict[secondKey]
And that's it! There's really nothing more to it. I have yet to find a quicker method, other than the same approach in form of a simple one-liner:
let yourDict = ["One": "X", "Two": "B", "Three": "Z", "Four": "A"]
let sortedKeys = yourDict.keys.sort { yourDict[$0] < yourDict[$1] }
Sorting a dictionary by key or value
Using Swift 5.2 internal handling of "sorted":
var unsortedDict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
// sorting by value
let sortedDictByValue = unsortedDict.sorted{ $0.value > $1.value } // from lowest to highest using ">"
print("sorted dict: \(sortedDictByValue)")
// result: "sorted dict: [(key: "fanta", value: 12), (key: "cola", value: 10), (key: "sprite", value: 8)]\n"
// highest value
print(sortedDictByValue.first!.key) // result: fanta
print(sortedDictByValue.first!.value) // result: 12
// lowest value
print(sortedDictByValue.last!.key) // result: sprite
print(sortedDictByValue.last!.value) // result: 8
// by index
print(sortedDictByValue[1].key) // result: cola
print(sortedDictByValue[1].value) // result: 10
// sorting by key
let sortedDictByKey = unsortedDict.sorted{ $0.key < $1.key } // in alphabetical order use "<"
// alternative:
// let sortedDictByKey = unsortedDict.sorted{ $0 < $1 } // without ".key"
print("sorted dict: \(sortedDictByKey)")
// result: "sorted dict: [(key: "cola", value: 10), (key: "fanta", value: 12), (key: "sprite", value: 8)]\n"
// highest value
print(sortedDictByKey.first!.key) // result: cola
print(sortedDictByKey.first!.value) // result: 10
// lowest value
print(sortedDictByKey.last!.key) // result: sprite
print(sortedDictByKey.last!.value) // result: 8
// by index
print(sortedDictByKey[1].key) // result: fanta
print(sortedDictByKey[1].value) // result: 12
The following might be useful if you want the output to be an array of key value pairs in the form of a tuple, sorted by value.
var dict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
let sortedArrByValue = dict.sorted{$0.1 > $1.1}
print(sortedArrByValue) // output [(key: "fanta", value: 12), (key: "cola", value: 10), (key: "sprite", value: 8)]
Since Swift 3.0 Dictionary has sorted(by:) function which returns an array of tuples ([(Key, Value)]).
let sorted = values.sorted(by: { (keyVal1, keyVal2) -> Bool in
keyVal1.value > keyVal2.value
Just cast it to NSDictionary and then call the method. Anywhere you use #selector in ObjC you can just use a String in Swift. So it would look like this:
var dict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
let sortedKeys = (dict as NSDictionary).keysSortedByValueUsingSelector("compare:")
let sortedKeys2 = (dict as NSDictionary).keysSortedByValueUsingComparator
($0 as NSNumber).compare($1 as NSNumber)
As of Swift 3, to sort your keys based on values, the below looks promising:
var keys = Array(dict.keys)
keys.sortInPlace { (o1, o2) -> Bool in
return dict[o1]! as! Int > dict[o2]! as! Int
var dict = ["cola" : 10, "fanta" : 12, "sprite" : 8]
let arr = dic.sort{ (d1,d2)-> Bool in
if d1.value > d2.value {
retrn true
}.map { (key,value) -> Int in
return value
Take look a clean implementation way.
print("arr is :(arr)")
The following way in Swift 3 sorted my dictionary by value in the ascending order:
for (k,v) in (Array(dict).sorted {$0.1 < $1.1}) {
Using a few resources I put this beautifully short code together.
dictionary.keys.sorted{dictionary[$0]! < dictionary[$1]!}
This returns an array of the dictionary keys sorted by their values. It works perfectly & doesn't throw errors when the dictionary is empty. Try this code in a playground:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
let dictionary = ["four": 4, "one": 1, "seven": 7, "two": 2, "three": 3]
let sortedDictionary = dictionary.keys.sorted{dictionary[$0]! < dictionary[$1]!}
// ["one", "two", "three", "four", "seven"]
let emptyDictionary = [String: Int]()
let emptyDictionarySorted = emptyDictionary.keys.sorted{emptyDictionary[$0]! < emptyDictionary[$1]!}
// []
If you'd like some help on why the heck the code uses $0, $1 and doesn't even have parentheses after the "sorted" method, check out this post - https://stackoverflow.com/a/34785745/7107094
This is how I did it - sorting in this case by a key called position. Try this in a playground:
var result: [[String: AnyObject]] = []
result.append(["name" : "Ted", "position": 1])
result.append(["name" : "Bill", "position": 0])
result = sorted(result, positionSort)
func positionSort(dict1: [String: AnyObject], dict2: [String: AnyObject]) -> Bool {
let position1 = dict1["position"] as? Int ?? 0
let position2 = dict2["position"] as? Int ?? 0
return position1 < position2
Sorting the dictionary with a dictionary as the value (Nested dictionary)
var students: [String: [String: Any?]] = ["16CSB40" : ["Name": "Sunitha", "StudentId": "16CSB40", "Total": 90], "16CSB41" : ["Name": "Vijay", "StudentId": "16CSB40", "Total": 80], "16CSB42" : ["Name": "Tony", "StudentId": "16CSB42", "Total": 95]] // Sort this dictionary with total value
let sorted = students.sorted { (($0.1["Total"] as? Int) ?? 0) < (($1.1["Total"] as? Int) ?? 0) }
print(sorted) //Sorted result
Use this, and then just loop through the dictionary again using the output keys.
extension Dictionary where Value: Comparable {
func sortedKeysByValue() -> [Key] {
keys.sorted { return self[$0]! < self[$1]! }
...or this if you hate force unwrapping :)
extension Dictionary where Value: Comparable {
func sortedKeysByValue() -> [Key] {
keys.sorted { (key1, key2) -> Bool in
guard let val1 = self[key1] else { return true }
guard let val2 = self[key2] else { return true }
return val1 < val2