Modular arithmetic Basic cofusion - discrete-mathematics

I am just learning number theory .When I was reading modular arithmetic I came across this statement :
29 is congruent to 15 (mod 7).
So actually this statement actually shows just
29 is congruent to 15
and we are working under mod 7..mod 7 in brackets is just to show the modulus. It is not 29 is congruent to 15%7.It is 29 is congruent to 15 and we are working under modulus 7.

Your observation is correct. The word mod is actually used in two different senses: one of them is to clarify a relation as you describe
A = B (mod C)
means, e.g., that B-A is divisible by C. Or sometimes (but equivalently in the end), it means that you should be reading A and B as being notation, e.g., for elements of the algebraic structure integers modulo C rather than as notation for integers.
The other usage is as a binary operator: B mod C means the remainder when B is divided by C.
Usually it's straightforward to tell the difference from context... assuming you are actually aware of both possible usages. Also, in the first kind of usage, mod is usually set off from the others; e.g.
A = B mod C
is the first usage as a relation, but
A = B mod C
could go either way.


RSA Prime Generation using Provable vs Probable Prime Construction

I am trying to implement RSA prime generation for P and Q based on FIP186-4 specification. The specification describes two different implementations: Section 3.2 Provable Prime Construction vs. Section 3.3 Probable Prime Construction. Initially, I tried implementing the probable prime approach because it is easier to understand and implement, but I discovered it is very slow because of the number of iterations needed to find P and Q primes (worst case it takes 15 minutes). Next, I decided to try the provable prime approach but I found out the algorithm is much more complex and might be slow as well. Below are my two issues:
In Section C.10, Step 12, how to eliminate the sqrt(2) to the expression x = floor(sqrt(2))(2^(L−1))) + (x mod (2^L − floor((sqrt(2)(2^(L−1))))) so that I can represent it as whole numbers using BigNum representation?
In Section C.10, Step 14, is there a fast way to compute y in the interval [1, p2] such that 0 = ( y p0 p1–1) mod p2? The specification doesn't specify a method to implement this. My initial thought was to perform a linear search staring from integer 1 and up but that can be very slow because p2 can be a very large number.
I tried searching online for help on this issue, but I discovered a lot of examples don't even comply with FIPS186-4. I assume it is because these two methods are too slow.

Hashing using division method

For the hash function : h(k) = k mod m;
I understand that m=2^n will always give the last n LSB digits. I also understand that m=2^p-1 when K is a string converted to integers using radix 2^p will give same hash value for every permutation of characters in K. But why exactly "a prime not too close to an exact power of 2" is a good choice? What if I choose 2^p - 2 or 2^p-3? Why are these choices considered bad?
Following is the text from CLRS:
"A prime not too close to an exact power of 2 is often a good choice for m. For
example, suppose we wish to allocate a hash table, with collisions resolved by
chaining, to hold roughly n D 2000 character strings, where a character has 8 bits.
We don’t mind examining an average of 3 elements in an unsuccessful search, and
so we allocate a hash table of size m D 701. We could choose m D 701 because
it is a prime near 2000=3 but not near any power of 2."
Suppose we work with radix 2p.
2p-1 case:
Why that is a bad idea to use 2p-1? Let us see,
k = ∑ai2ip
and if we divide by 2p-1 we just get
k = ∑ai2ip = ∑ai mod 2p-1
so, as addition is commutative, we can permute digits and get the same result.
2p-b case:
Quote from CLRS:
A prime not too close to an exact power of 2 is often a good choice for m.
k = ∑ai2ip = ∑aibi mod 2p-b
So changing least significant digit by one will change hash by one. Changing second least significant bit by one will change hash by two. To really change hash we would need to change digits with bigger significance. So, in case of small b we face problem similar to the case then m is power of 2, namely we depend on distribution of least significant digits.

Simplifying a 9 variable boolean expression

I am trying to create a tic-tac-toe program as a mental exercise and I have the board states stored as booleans like so:
I would like to simplify this boolean expression...
(a&b&c) | (d&e&f) | (g&h&i) | (a&d&g) | (b&e&h) | (c&f&i) | (a&e&i) | (g&e&c)
My first thoughts were to use a Karnaugh Map but there were no solvers online that supported 9 variables.
and heres the question:
First of all, how would I know if a boolean condition is already as simple as possible?
and second: What is the above boolean condition simplified?
2. Simplified condition:
The original expression
can be simplified to the following, knowing that & is more prioritary than |
which is 4 chars shorter, performs in the worst case 18 & and | evaluations (the original one counted 23)
There is no shorter boolean formula (see point below). If you switch to matrices, maybe you can find another solution.
1. Making sure we got the smallest formula
Normally, it is very hard to find the smallest formula. See this recent paper if you are more interested. But in our case, there is a simple proof.
We will reason about a formula being the smallest with respect to the formula size, where for a variable a, size(a)=1, for a boolean operation size(A&B) = size(A|B) = size(A) + 1 + size(B), and for negation size(!A) = size(A) (thus we can suppose that we have Negation Normal Form at no cost).
With respect to that size, our formula has size 37.
The proof that you cannot do better consists in first remarking that there are 8 rows to check, and that there is always a pair of letter distinguishing 2 different rows. Since we can regroup these 8 checks in no less than 3 conjuncts with the remaining variable, the number of variables in the final formula should be at least 8*2+3 = 19, from which we can deduce the minimal tree size.
Detailed proof
Let us suppose that a given formula F is the smallest and in NNF format.
F cannot contain negated variables like !a. For that, remark that F should be monotonic, that is, if it returns "true" (there is a winning row), then changing one of the variables from false to true should not change that result. According to Wikipedia, F can be written without negation. Even better, we can prove that we can remove the negation. Following this answer, we could convert back and from DNF format, removing negated variables in the middle or replacing them by true.
F cannot contain a sub-tree like a disjunction of two variables a|b.
For this formula to be useful and not exchangeable with either a or b, it would mean that there are contradicting assignments such that for example
F[a|b] = true and F[a] = false, therefore that a = false and b = true because of monotonicity. Also, in this case, turning b to false makes the whole formula false because false = F[a] = F[a|false] >= F[a|b](b = false).
Therefore there is a row passing by b which is the cause of the truth, and it cannot go through a, hence for example e = true and h = true.
And the checking of this row passes by the expression a|b for testing b. However, it means that with a,e,h being true and all other set to false, F is still true, which contradicts the purpose of the formula.
Every subtree looking like a&b checks a unique row. So the last letter should appear just above the corresponding disjunction (a&b|...)&{c somewhere for sure here}, or this leaf is useless and either a or b can be removed safely. Indeed, suppose that c does not appear above, and the game is where a&b&c is true and all other variables are false. Then the expression where c is supposed to be above returns false, so a&b will be always useless. So there is a shorter expression by removing a&b.
There are 8 independent branches, so there is at least 8 subtrees of type a&b. We cannot regroup them using a disjunction of 2 conjunctions since a, f and h never share the same rows, so there must be 3 outer variables. 8*2+3 makes 19 variables appear in the final formula.
A tree with 19 variables cannot have less than 18 operators, so in total the size have to be at least 19+18 = 37.
You can have variants of the above formula.
One option is doing the Karnaugh map manually. Since you have 9 variables, that makes for a 2^4 by 2^5 grid, which is rather large, and by the looks of the equation, probably not very interesting either.
By inspection, it doesn't look like a Karnaugh map will give you any useful information (Karnaugh maps basically reduce expressions such as ((!a)&b) | (a&b) into b), so in that sense of simplification, your expression is already as simple as it can get. But if you want to reduce the number of computations, you can factor out a few variables using the distributivity of the AND operators over ORs.
The best way to think of this is how a person would think of it. No person would say to themselves, "a and b and c, or if d and e and f," etc. They would say "Any three in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally."
Also, instead of doing eight checks (3 rows, 3 columns, and 2 diagonals), you can do just four checks (three rows and one diagonal), then rotate the board 90 degrees, then do the same checks again.
Here's what you end up with. These functions all assume that the board is a three-by-three matrix of booleans, where true represents a winning symbol, and false represents a not-winning symbol.
def win?(board)
winning_row_or_diagonal?(board) ||
def winning_row_or_diagonal?(board)
winning_row?(board) || winning_diagonal?(board)
def winning_row?(board)
3.times.any? do |row_number|
three_in_a_row?(board, row_number, 0, 1, 0)
def winning_diagonal?(board)
three_in_a_row?(board, 0, 0, 1, 1)
def three_in_a_row?(board, x, y, delta_x, delta_y)
3.times.all? do |i|
board[x + i * delta_x][y + i * deltay]
def rotate_90(board)
The matrix rotate is from here:
Although this code is quite a bit more verbose, each function is clear in its intent. Rather than a long boolean expresion, the code now expresses the rules of tic-tac-toe.
You know it's a simple as possible when there are no common sub-terms to extract (e.g. if you had "a&b" in two different trios).
You know your tic tac toe solution must already be as simple as possible because any pair of boxes can belong to at most only one winning line (only one straight line can pass through two given points), so (a & b) can't be reused in any other win you're checking for.
(Also, "simple" can mean a lot of things; specifying what you mean may help you answer your own question. )

Need a Maple program,

I am New in Maple and have heard that, this maths software is powerful in symbolic calculation. S assume that we have a set of elements like
A:={a, aab, b, aba, abbb, abab...}
such that #A=20 and moreover, we know that some of these elements satisfy an equation, for example a^k=(ab)^2 for some positive integers k. I have written some loops including for and if and assuming A is a set of numbers, but I have exhausted. I see, I can’t arrange and link these functions together properly.
May I ask someone hint me, how maple can help me find the values of k for example in a finite range [1..10] satisfying the relation above?
I this you could do something like this:
A := {a, b, 110 a + b, 1000 a + 111 b, 101 b + 1010 a}
for i from 1 to 9 do
for j from 1 to 9 do
for e in As do
for ee in As do
if((ee<>e) and (e<=ee^2)) then
for k from 1 to 10 while (e^k<ee^2) do
if(e^k=ee^2) then
Just fill in the elements of your set and let it calculate. You could go slightly faster if you sort your set first (so you have A=[1,6,16,61]) and calculate all squared numbers. Then loop over the entries but only looking at those that are bigger (but that might not be what you are looking for)

Why is modulus different in different programming languages?

print 2 % -18;
puts [expr {2 % -18}]
but VBScript
wscript.echo 2 mod -18
Why the difference?
The wikipedia answer is fairly helpful here.
A short summary is that any integer can be defined as
a = qn + r
where all of these letters are integers, and
0 <= |r| < |n|.
Almost every programming language will require that (a/n) * n + (a%n) = a. So the definition of modulus will nearly always depend on the definition of integer division. There are two choices for integer division by negative numbers 2/-18 = 0 or 2/-18 = -1. Depending on which one is true for your language will usually change the % operator.
This is because 2 = (-1) * -18 + (-16) and 2 = 0 * -18 + 2.
For Perl the situation is complicated. The manual page says: "Note that when use integer is in scope, "%" gives you direct access to the modulus operator as implemented by your C compiler. This operator is not as well defined for negative operands, but it will execute faster. " So it can choose either option for Perl (like C) if use integer is in scope. If use integer is not in scope, the manual says " If $b is negative, then $a % $b is $a minus the smallest multiple of $b that is not less than $a (i.e. the result will be less than or equal to zero). "
Wikipedia's "Modulo operation" page explains it quite well. I won't try to do any better here, as I'm likely to make a subtle but important mistake.
The rub of it is that you can define "remainder" or "modulus" in different ways, and different languages have chosen different options to implement.
After dividing a number and a divisor, one of which is negative, you have at least two ways to separate them into a quotient and a remainder, such that quotient * divisor + remainder = number: you can either round the quotient towards negative infinity, or towards zero.
Many languages just choose one.
I can't resist pointing out that Common Lisp offers both.
python, of course, explicitly informs you
>>> divmod(2,-18)
(-1, -16)