enable annotations shiro spring - shiro

I followed this subject then created "working" code.
However, an unauthenticated person may call a method with annotations:
No exception is thrown.
(Important thing: I don't create a web application. It is a simple console program.)


Create Service broker for Play Framework Api

I have created a sample play framework api which has one endpoint.
Which just return me number that have passed.
I am able successfully deploy the service. Next want this service to Act like service broker
For same want to register this as by using below command
cf create-service-broker play-demo-broker admin admin http://play-demo-broker.cfapps.io --space-scoped
This command it giving me below error -
The service broker rejected the request. Status Code: 404 Not Found
Not sure what is causing this issue as there not much information available for Play Framework Service broker Setup.
The play framework is implemented above the akka packages. Akka rejects paths that are not implemented.
If I an not mistaken, cf create-service-broker command access the / endpoint. If you implemented only say?number=20 endpoint, then be default all other paths, such as the empty path, are rejected by Akka.
In order to open that endpoint you need to add it into the routes.
For example you can add:
GET / controllers.ControllerName.GetEmptyPath
And implement the GetEmptyPath method in ControllerName

Issue in LightInject when getting service instance

I have integrated Light Inject in web api project. I am able to register service successfully in application_start in global.asax. I am using filter which needs to be registered as well in application_start in global.asax. Filter constructor have reference to the services registered however I am not able to get the service instance. Samplee code:
service registration is as below:
container.Register<ILogger, EPPSLogger>(GetLifetime());
filter registration needs instance of ILogger. Using below code:
config.Filters.Add(new EPPSAuthenticationFilter(
gets the error when try to getService that lightinject module is not injected/registered. I cant upgrade to .net framework 4.5 or so.
Any help is highly appreciated.

NServiceBus disposing Autofac Container

Here goes - bear with me:
Two Autofac 4.2.1 Containers:
One in an Asp.NET 4.6.1 WebApi project
One in an NServiceBus 6 host
Both possess an IJobService reference to the JobService (which saves jobs to DynamoDB).
Run the project in Visual Studio...
If I make a WebApi request into the first JobService it succeeds and inserts a record to DynamoDB and drops a command on the bus for NServiceBus to pickup.
During the processing of the Saga, NServiceBus makes a call to JobService again (presumably on the second container) to save progress. This second call fails to insert to DynamoDB with the lifetime disposed. If I try to create anything from IComponentContext I get:
Instances cannot be resolved and nested lifetimes cannot be created from this LifetimeScope as it has already been disposed.
The NServiceBus host is running AsA_Server and I register the container in the Customize method of IConfigureThisEndPoint.
Any pointers on how to see where the lifetime is getting dumped or if it's mysteriously picking the wrong IJobService somehow?
Just to close this one out - we ended up redesigning the solution and moving any web service calls out to their own handlers. That was based off the advice found here http://docs.particular.net/nservicebus/sagas That change resolved the issue one way or another.
Specifically, this guidance:
Other than interacting with its own internal state, a saga should not access a database, call out to web services, or access other resources - neither directly nor indirectly by having such dependencies injected into it.

Apache Tomcat - Axis2: Returning custom objects

I am using Eclipse Mars, Apache Tomcat, Axis2, and Maven with its axis2-java2wsdl and axis2-aar plugins to create web service and its client.
The web service is simple at the moment: it has a list of Users (with User attributes: nickname and Id) and allows someone to create, search, get and delete a user.
Everything seems to run OK on the server side. I implemented the service and tested that it works OK with SOAP UI (the functions operate as they should).
However, when I run the Java code for the client, I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBException:
Unexpected subelement {http://user.ws.soar}nickName
The problems occurs when I return a custom User object to the client.
Here is the service.xml excerpt:
<operation name="getUser" mep="http://www.w3.org/ns/wsdl/in-out" namespace="http://user.ws.soar/xsd">
<messageReceiver class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver"/>
I found a similar post but this solution did not work for me.
Any ideas how to resolve this issue are appreciated.

A system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB AuthenticationRequestFilter method public com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequest

I am Using RESTful APIs in my application using Jersey 1.6.
Some database is also there.
I have created two .war files in my application. These are deployed on Glassfish server3.0.1 with no issues.(no errors/exceptions).
They make some REST calls to each other for transactions.(It has a proper xml format to send a transaction).
When I try to make a transaction it gives me exceptions like
A system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB AuthenticationRequestFilter method public com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequest com.mypack1.mypack2.resources.filters.AuthenticationRequestFilter.filter(com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerRequest)
at com.sun.ejb.containers.BaseContainer.processSystemException(BaseContainer.java:5119)
and at the end it says
[#|2011-04-26T12:06:32.356+0530|WARNING|glassfish3.0.1|org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient|_ThreadID=27;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Authentication error: Unable to respond to any of these challenges: {}|#]
I am sure that the xml I send is correct according to database entries.(including authentication for the particular URL).
Is there anything like "container security". Whats may go wrong in this case.
Thanks in advance.