Wildfly swarm jax-rs multipart form NotSupportedException - wildfly

I have a fairly simple jax-rs application running on wildfly 9. It makes use of resteasy multipart form. It runs 100%. Now I am trying to run the same application with wildfly swarm, but get a
javax.ws.rs.NotSupportedException: Could not find message body reader for type .... multipart/form-data on execute of the resource post operation.
This as far as I understand is the resteasy-multipart-provider. In my pom I have the wildfly-swarm-weld-jaxrs fraction. Is this not suppose to take care of the multipart features? If not how do I get it included in the swarm fat jar/package? I have tried including the resteasy-multipart-provider as a compile dependency, but this breaks the swarm application and it refuses to start/boot. Or have I missed something else?

JAX-RS Multipart support is declared as an optional module in WildFly, so the necessary classes to make it work were not included in the application.
Since then Ken Finnigan added a new WildFly Swarm API for the module.
If you build the latest from wildfly-swarm/wildfly-swarm on GitHub you can add the wildfly-swarm-jaxrs-multipart artifact as a dependency to the project and that should resolve the problem.


How does using the javax.ws.rs-api-2.0.jar works at runtime as it is only the API

We were working on creating a RESTful service. We have thought of using frameworks like jersey or cxf. But apparently we found that just using the javax.ws.rs-api-2.0.jar and the related annotations, we can get the service working.
Question is:
How does it work? Is it dependent on the application servers?
What if we application server does not support or have the implementation of the API?
If it is dependent on application servers, can I find out the library which the server is using especially tomcat?
This question is invalid. javax.ws.rs-api-2.0.jar is just an API. Using this jar does not suffice. It will not give compilation errors.
But at run-time, you need providers which will implement the rs-api. And thus we need the frameworks like jersey or cxf.
In our application, these jars were added to the war during ant-build from external location and that is why it confused us.
I am closing this question.

Jboss AS 7 and class loading

I am using JBOSS AS 7.0.2 Final, and was trying to upgrade the version of RESTEASY that comes with 7.0.2 RESTEASY 2.2.1.GA to a newer version such as 2.3.4.Final. I followed the directions as indicated in patching provided by JBOSS, and when I did that, at application server startup it throws the error of being unable to parse the module.xml file.
I attempted the same procedure on 7.1.1 Final and it works fine.
First Question is, anyone know how to update RESTEASY in 7.0.2 (My other servers are all using this so I really like not to have to reset my other servers and replace with newer version of JBOSS)
I was hoping to upgrade RESTEASY, with hopes that this error may have been resolved in newer version
I have also tried by adjusting my POM to use version 2.3.4.Final and tried every scope, but it always would fail to use the newer jars and stick with JBOSS supplied jar.
15:14:09,947 SEVERE [org.jboss.resteasy.core.SynchronousDispatcher] (http-- Failed executing POST /countermeasure/customQueryLite: org.jboss.resteasy.core.NoMessageBodyWriterFoundFailure: Could not find MessageBodyWriter for response object of type: java.util.ArrayList of media type
: application/xml
at org.jboss.resteasy.core.ServerResponse.writeTo(ServerResponse.java:216) [resteasy-jaxrs-2.2.1.GA.jar:]
It works fine for json, and text, and singular xml objects, but not list objects for xml.
Any answers in regards to these issues with resteasy and jboss would be helpful.

Several REST and EJB problems

I'm trying to deploy a Java EE web application with RESTful web services and an EJB connexion to another Java EE application.
I'm experiencing several problems and I fail to write down every specific question, so I have no choice but tell you all in a row.
1) First, I am using Tomcat to run the app and I cannot get EJB connexion to work. No matter what, I get a JNDI error : NamingContextFactory class not found. Why ?
My JNDI connexion is as follows :
String hostname = "localhost";
String port = "1099";
String url = "jnp://" + hostname + ":" + port + "/";
Properties h = new Properties();
h.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
h.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
h.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, "org.jboss.naming.client");
initialContext = new InitialContext(h);
2) Therefore, as the server used is not relevant, and as the app I'm trying to connect to is using JBoss (4.4.2.GA), I tried to deploy my app under the same JBoss. I cannot get it to deploy, I have a REST problem: ClassNotFoundException: javax.ws.rs.core.ApplicationConfig at deploy time.
2.1) I am compiling with Netbeans and the ApplicationConfig.class is not part of the 1.1 version of the JAX-RS api jsr311-api-1.1.jar I'm using at compile time. The implementation of the library was changed since 0.8 version, which I was using before, but I had to upgrade the jar because it didn't include #FormParam. Until now, I had found a workaround using com.sun.jersey.api.representation.FormParam instead but Jersey is not compatible with JBoss as far as I understand.
Why is the server looking for ApplicationConfig while it's not used in the war?
2.2) I understood I had to use RESTEasy, and JBoss 4 does not include it, so have to install it manually. But the RESTEasy doc suggest that I thoroughly modify my project my adding a lot of jars, servlets etc. From my point of view, I simply need a RESTful implementation on the server libs to which my JAX-RS API, which is only an interface, will refer once the app is deployed. I may have some serious misconceptions about how Java EE libraries linking work. Please help.
So I know there are several different problems here but I couldn't manage to separate them. I have lost so much time on this that I'm worried for my project. Thanks in advance.

Define WADL resources base in Jersey

I am using Jersey 1.9 and it is generating my WADL perfectly except I need to redefine the resources base URI.
I'm running Jetty 7 sitting behind Apache using mod_proxy as a reverse proxy to route REST requests back to Jetty / Jersey. So Jersey generates the resources base URI as
when I need something like
I found this from Google but it is not working: http://jersey.576304.n2.nabble.com/Changing-baseURI-when-generating-WADL-td6169703.html
unfortunately, you've found a bug in Jersey implementation. Please file a new issue as stated on mailing list - jira link: http://java.net/jira/browse/JERSEY
What you can do for now is downgrade to Jersey 1.8, which should not be affected by latest changes in this area. Thanks and sorry for inconvenience!
EDIT: issue link: http://java.net/jira/browse/JERSEY-773
it is already fixed, so you should be able to use this feature in Jersey 1.10-b02 and newer.

Unable to create Web Service Client from WSDL URL in NetBeans

I'm trying to create a Web Service Client using the option WSDL URL in NetBeans IDE 7.0. Unfortunately, it is not able to create one and is failing with the following error:
Saxon cannot write a DOMResult unless saxon9-dom.jar is on the classpath
After seeing this error message, I even confirmed whether saxon9-dom.jar is added to the Libraries in NetBeans. Yes, it is already available. I don't know why still the error is appearing. Can somebody let me know what is going wrong?
I'm trying to create web service client for this WSDL. I'm choosing JAX-WS Style in Client Style option while creating New Web Service Client in NetBeans.
After googling, I read about some clues from the following 2 places:
1) http://www.mail-archive.com/fop-dev#xmlgraphics.apache.org/msg09659.html
This is due to the new event-handling framework that has been added
after 0.95. The step in the build process that generates the resource
files for the various messages, seems to require a writable DOM
As the message indicates, Saxon offers such an implementation in a
separate JAR, which needs to be added to the classpath when building
FOP Trunk.
2) http://xmlbeans.apache.org/sourceAndBinaries/index.html
Using XPath/XQuery requires an additional download of
saxonb9-0-0-4j.zip and placing on the classpath of the files
saxon9.jar and saxon9-dom.jar that it contains. The zip is available
here. We cannot distribute this zip in a binary distribution due to
licensing issues.
So, I thought of changing saxon9-dom.jar in the classpath. I was using saxon9-dom.jar from saxonb9-1-0-8j.zip before, but when I tried to include saxon9-dom.jar available in saxonb9-0-0-8j.zip, now this error has disappeared and am getting a different error now as shown below. Any ideas/clues?
Web Services are described using WSDL files, so in order to create a Web Consumer for them you'll have to specify the WSDL url.
You can obtain it by adding ?WSDL ar the and of the url.
For example:
CrudService.asmx becomes
(It you have tested your web service and it appears ?Tester at the end, just replace it with ?WSDL).