Sails Waterline "Or" clause not working - sails.js

I tried a lot of time to figure out getting an OR clause working in sails without success.
I am using Sails-MySql adapter.
Have anyone of you done anything like this already? I would appreciate some help.
Basically this is what I want to do:
Do an OR clause on a set of fields along with an AND on another set of fields.
Something like this:
{ deviceCategory: “cardiology valve bioprosthesis” },
{ deviceCategory: “nephrology haemodialysis catheter” }
{ catalogNumber : “Z286004” },
{ modelNumber: “Z286004” }

In this particular case, here is how I would do it:
// Each element in the array is treated as 'or'
var possibleDeviceCategories = [
'cardiology valve bioprosthesis',
'nephrology haemodialysis catheter'
deviceCategory: possibleDeviceCategories,
catalogNumber: 'Z286004',
modelNumber: 'Z286004'
Check out the docs for more informations about the Waterline's query language.

you can try something like that, into the find:
{ deviceCategory: “cardiology valve bioprosthesis” },
{ deviceCategory: “nephrology haemodialysis catheter” }
{ catalogNumber : “Z286004” },
{ modelNumber: “Z286004” }


How to query data from `PostgresSql`?

I use NestJj,PostgreSQL and Graphql for Back-End,
Flutter,graphql_flutter for Front End.
I have a collection store like this :
I want to get the following result:
For show on the device :
How can I query?
Could you help me?
I'm not sure if you'll be able to build that structure at the level of SQL.
What you can do is to extract the data from the table wit the structure as it is and then map it at the level of JS.
// here's an example with TypeORM
const data = await Collection.findBy({...});
const result = => ({
type: item.type,
details: [{
P.S. I'm pretty sure that's not the answer you've expected but it will solve your issue.

How can I return the element I'm looking for inside a nested array?

I have a database like this:
and with this code I manage to update one of the objects in my array. specifically the object where character: wolverine
"universe": "comics",
"": "x-men",
"saga.characters.character": "wolverine"
}, {
$set: {
"saga.$[].characters.$[].character": "lobezno",
"saga.$[].characters.$[].picture": "618035022354.png",
}, {
new: false
it returns all my document, I need ONLY the document matched
I would like to return the object that I have updated without having to make more queries to the database.
I have been told that my code does not work well as it should, apparently my query to update this bad, I would like to know how to fix it and get the object that matches these search criteria.
In other words how can I get this output:
in a single query using filters
"universe": "comics",
"": "x-men",
"saga.characters.character": "wolverine"
My MongoDB knowledge prevents me from correcting this.
Use the shell method findAndModify to suit your needs.
But you cannot use the positional character $ more than once while projecting in MongoDb, so you may have to keep track of it yourself at client-side.
Use arrayFilters to update deeply nested sub-document, instead of positional all operator $[].
Below is a working query -
var query = {
universe: 'comics'
var update = {
$set: {
'saga.$[outer].characters.$[inner].character': 'lobezno',
'saga.$[outer].characters.$[inner].picture': '618035022354.png',
var fields = {
'saga.characters': 1
var updateFilter = {
arrayFilters: [
'': 'x-men'
'inner.character': 'wolverine'
arrayFilters: updateFilter.arrayFilters
new: true
If I understand your question correctly, your updating is working as expected and your issue is that it returns the whole document and you don't want to query the database to just to return these two fields.
Why don't you just extract the fields from the document returned from your update? You are not going to the database when doing that.
var extractElementFromResult = null;
if(result != null) {
extractElementFromResult = result.saga
.filter(item => == "x-men")[0]
.filter(item => item.character == "wolverine")[0];

Mongoose remove one object from array of array

I have Mongoose schema like this:
project: [
Name: String,
And I want to remove one of the objects of criteria array which is in the array of project based on the object id
I tried the code following
"_id": uid,
},{ $pull: { "project.Criteria": { _id: cid } } }, (err) => {
However this cannot work, it said "Cannot use the part (Criteria) of (project.Criteria) to traverse the element"
Do you need to do it in one query to the database? If not, the following solution may work for you:
criteria.findOne({ _id: uid })
.then((obj) => {
// Filter out the criteria you wanted to remove
obj.project.Criteria = obj.project.Criteria.filter(c => c._id !== cid);
// Save the updated object to the database
.then((updatedObj) => {
// This is the updated object
.catch((err) => {
// Handle error
Sorry if the .then/.catch is confusing. I can rewrite with callbacks if necessary, but I think this looks a lot cleaner. Hope this helps!

Mongoose: MongoError: >1 field while trying to project out $elemMatch

I'm trying to project out only the matched element of an array, in the updated version. But I'm getting the error: "MongoError: >1 field in obj: { _id: 0, lotes.$: 1 }"
If I remove 'new: true', it works. But then I have the doc before the update. And I would really like the updated version.
What's wrong? How can I fix it?
The Offer doc is something like:
series: [ Serie ]
Serie structure is something like:
public.available: Number
public.expDate: Date
I'm using Mongoose:
var query = {
'_id': offerId,
'series': {
$elemMatch: {
'_id': serieId,
'public.available': {$gt:0},
'public.expDate': {$gt: now}
var update = {
$inc: { 'series.$.public.available' : -1 }
var options = { // project out just the element found, updated
select: {
'_id': 0,
'series.$': 1
Offers.findOneAndUpdate(query, update, options)
.then( element => {
For anyone else experiencing this error, it is also the most common error when trying to perform an illegal action such as trying to update a database element inside of a findOne request.
Making sure your request is correct, such as findOneAndUpdate should be your first port of call when you get this error.
As Anthony Winzlet pointed out in the links, there seems to be an issue with Mongoose, in which if you use 'new:true', you can't project out the $elemMatch.
So my solution was to keep using 'new:true' only, without projections. And reduce the array later on to get the $elemMatch:
.then( (result) => {
var aux = result.series.reduce((acu, serie, index) => {
if (serie._id == req.params.serieId) return index;
var element = result.series[aux];

Display information of mongodb

Hi all I am very new in mongodb and I have some problems when I try to do some find in a collections I hope so someone can help me.
Imagine I have the following collection:
) c
Now I want do some find inside the collections for example:
A-I want to bring me all currencies search by date range 05/10/2015 to 01/10/2015 then I need that return something like this:
I want to know what is the structure of the find that I need to use for have a result similar.
B-Also I need to know how do a find that return all the information related with a currency, for example I want searh all releated with the currency 'USD', I need return something similar to:
I want to know what is the structure of the find that I need to use for have a result similar.
C-And finally I need to know how do a find that return all the information related with a value, for example I want search all the information with value of 0 between 12000, I need return something similar to:
I want to know what is the structure of the find that I need to use for have a result similar.