Thinktecture IdentityServer v3 with WindowsAuth - windows-authentication

I want to use Thinktecture IdentityServer as a token-provider and authenticate users against ActiveDirectory. So that token contain information about the domain user.
Both Client and IdentityServer (IIS) reside inside a Windows domain. When Client authenticates with the user account in IIS it uses WindowsAuth.
How can this be done? Appreciate for working code sample.

You would need to create a custom user service , see this example


On Premise Active Directory Federation Server - Application Groups

I do not see [Application Groups] folder in my ADFS. How can I install it to see it in my AD FS Management?
I want my WEB API(REST) project to connect to ADFS for authentication. Additionally, I want to test my REST API Authentication without a login screen, please help in this as well. My API will be consumed by CRM users, who are already connected to ADFS. Now the requirement is to create an REST API which will be hit by CRM users and CRM user will pass a userid and password which will be authenticated by ADFS internally without login screen. How can I do that?
Any help please.
Application Groups are only available in Server 2016 and 2019. They are available in the ADFS wizard by default.
In terms of sample code for calling API, have a look here.

Build Security Token Service (STS) application in ASP.NET for SSO

I have created a new ASP.NET web site using VS 2017 and changed the Authentication mechanism to use "Individual User Accounts". This adds the Claims Principal or WIF class support.I can click on register / log in, and set up user emails and then check for the claims for that user. I will also be using Server Session Authentication Management (SAM) to save claims on the server and do some claims transformation as well.
After Login, this site calls a winform application, and after some activity I return back to the above website.
I want to know how can I use SSO logic here and check if I am already Authenticated and access my claims saved at the server side / website and authenticate the user based on the saved claims.
Is there some project or code example anyone can give which i can use as a start to develop such a STS service (in VS 2017) with SSO and access my claims on website after coming from another domain?
The identity and access tools used to work only with VS 2012, so any way to replicate the above scenario and check for my saved claims after I hit my website from the winform application.
There's a good example here of using WS-Fed with Azure AD.
This is easily adaptable to ADFS.
Your other choice is to use ADAL.

Enterprise Single Sign On

Am searching for Desktop application manage Enterprise
Single Sign On
(SAML v2, Identity Provider , Service Provider )
Here is how i achieved in my enterprise:
There could be 2 approaches
Use "windows authentication" which can give you actual user trying to access website. Any enterprise application ( assuming it being hosted on Intranet) has integration to Active Directory. This User identity can be authenticated using LDAP server
Use OAuth way and use Third party which provide Identity management. Front End calls their services to generate token. This token can be sent to backend which will authenticate this token against the validator service.
I have used ADFS 2.0 as RSTS for SSO where in we have all the IdentityProviders and the Relying parties are configured. You can use the active end point of the STS (in case you want to authenticate against external sources like web api/ web service/ AD/ Database then prefer writing you own custom STS as the IDP).
Firstly you will get the boot strap token from the IDP and then get the Relying party token from the RSTS. In both the calls you need to communicate against the active end point (a wcf end point which implements WS Trust protocol).
Passive end points/ passive calls are used for thin clients.
You can try using ADFS 3.0 which even supports JOT (JSON) tokens (a very light weight token) along with SAML 2.0.

How to get clientid and clientsecret for OAuth 2.0 authentication in servicenow

I am trying to integrate my client application with ServiceNow using OAuth 2.0 authentication. In servicenow documentation for REST apis i have seen that we have to register our client with servicenow to get clientid and clientsecret for OAuth 2.0 resource owner password authentication. In the document to register the application we have to navigate to System OAuth > Application Registry in servicenow, but in my servicenow instance System OAuth > Application Registry is not present. How should i proceed to get the clientid and clientsecret
It sounds like the OAuth 2.0 plugin may not be active on your instance.
Got to: https://YOURINSTANCE/ and make sure it is Active
Also in your System Properties, make sure that OAuth is turned on.
This URL:
Also check out the wiki for any further clarification:
Good luck!
Steps to create and app and get client id/client secret.
Log into ServiceNow. Make sure you have an admin user login.
You need to navigate to System OAuth > Application Registry. Click New.
Easiest way is to search for "Application Registry"to register an OAuth client application in ServiceNow interceptor page, click Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients. Fill out the fields, as appropriate.
Step 1
Step 2
Name - e.g. MyApp
If you leave the "Client Secret" as blank that will be the admin password by default (I won't recommend this)
Step 3
Additional Info:
Note that the refresh token expires in 100 days (8,640,000 seconds).
You can update the “Refresh Token Lifespan” to “2,147,483,647” (maximum value allowed by ServiceNow) to have a longer expiry for refreshtoken.
More Details -
• Click Submit.
Make sure tables you access via the api are allowed for web service access. Go to System Definition > Tables and locate your table (e.g. “sys-user”). Make sure “Allow access to this table via web services” checkbox is ticked. By default this is enabled.
Provide your Servicenow admin account username and password with the ClientId and ClientSecret to authorise your app to connect to ServiceNow.

ADFS and Form Authentication

I have an ADFS single sign on application. Can we also have form authentication using login credential from a database on the same application? In other words, I need single-sign-on for people who have windows account and form authentication for people who do not have windows account. I did some research on this topic but I have no lead. Is there any suggestion?
Out of the box ADFS can only authenticate against Active Directory (The latest version of ADFS (vNext) do supports LDAP v3-compliant directories).
You need to build your own Custom Authentication Provider for ADFS if you would like to plugin your custom code.
Some pointers for further reading:
Understanding WIF 4.5
Create a Custom Authentication Provider for Active Directory Federation Services