How can I set up a Dropdown List using Template Composer Annotation in Hippo CMS? - annotations

Currently working on a simple component and I need the drop down to have a display name of :
One, Three, and Five
However, I need that value to actually equal the integer value of these display names. One = (int) 1, Three = (int) 3, Five = (int) 5.
package com.authx.components;
import org.hippoecm.hst.core.parameters.DropDownList;
import org.hippoecm.hst.core.parameters.Parameter;
public interface PressEventComponentInfo {
#Parameter(name = "number", required = true, displayName = "Release Number", defaultValue="three")
#DropDownList({"one", "three", "five"})
String getNumber();

You can do this by using i18n for property values.
For a dropdown field you can use the parameter name followed by a slash and then the parameter value again as the key (e.g. in your example, 'number/1=One').
+ site
+ src
+ main
+ java
| +com.authx.components.PressEventComponentInfo
+ resources
You can find more information about this subject and some examples on the HST Component Parameters documentation page and the channel info page.
And adding the following properties:


Using Ruta, get a data present in next line of annotated keyword

How to get data below/above annotated keyword present in other line? I am able to annotate keyword but not able to get information
Sample text:
Underwriter's Name Appraiser's Name Appraisal Company Name
Alice Wheaton Cooper Bruce Banner Stark Industries
TYPESYSTEM utils.PlainTextTypeSystem;
ENGINE utils.PlainTextAnnotator;
EXEC(PlainTextAnnotator, {Line});
DECLARE UnderWriterKeyword, NameKeyword, UnderWriterNameKeyword;
DECLARE UnderWriterName(String label, String value);
CW{REGEXP("\\bUnderwriter") -> UnderWriterKeyword};
(UnderWriterKeyword SW NameKeyword){->UnderWriterNameKeyword};
Line{CONTAINS(UnderWriterNameKeyword)} Line -> {
(CW SPACE)+ {-> MARK(UnderWriterName)};
Expected Output :
Underwriter's Name: Alice Wheaton Cooper
Appraiser's Name: Bruce Banner
Appraisal Company Name: Stark Industries
Please suggest if it is possible in RUTA ? If true, how to get data?
TYPESYSTEM utils.PlainTextTypeSystem;
ENGINE utils.PlainTextAnnotator;
DECLARE ColumnDelimiter;
DECLARE Cell(INT column);
DECLARE Keyword (STRING label);
DECLARE Keyword UnderWriterNameKeyword, AppraiserNameLicenseKeyword,
"Underwriter's Name" -> UnderWriterNameKeyword ( "label" = "UnderWriter
"Appraiser's Name/License" -> AppraiserNameLicenseKeyword ( "label" =
"Appraiser Name");
"Appraisal Company Name" -> AppraisalCompanyNameKeyword ( "label" =
"Appraisal Company Name");
DECLARE Entry(Keyword keyword);
EXEC(PlainTextAnnotator, {Line,Paragraph});
SPACE[3,100]{-PARTOF(ColumnDelimiter) -> ColumnDelimiter};
Line -> {ANY+{-PARTOF(Cell),-PARTOF(ColumnDelimiter) -> Cell};};
INT index = 0;
BLOCK(structure) Line{}{
ASSIGN(index, 0);
Line{STARTSWITH(Paragraph) -> Header};
c:Cell{-> c.column = index, index = index + 1};
Header<-{hc:Cell{hc.column == c.column}<-{k:Keyword;};}
# c:#Cell{-PARTOF(Header) -> e:Entry, e.keyword = k};
DECLARE Entity (STRING label, STRING value);
DECLARE Entity UnderWriterName, AppraiserNameLicense, AppraisalCompanyName;
FOREACH(entry) Entry{}{
entry{ -> CREATE(UnderWriterName, "label" = k.label, "value" =
entry{ -> CREATE(AppraiserNameLicense, "label" = k.label, "value" =
entry{ -> CREATE(AppraisalCompanyName, "label" = k.label, "value" =
The most important rule is the following:
Header<-{hc:Cell{hc.column == c.column}<-{k:Keyword;};}
# c:#Cell{-PARTOF(Header) -> e:Entry, e.keyword = k};
It contains three rule element, Header,# and Cell, and works this way:
The rule starts to match with the Cell rule element because it is tagged as anchor with #.
This rule element matches on all Cell annotations that or not part of a Header annotation. It starts with the first Cell annotation that fulfills this condition and calls it "c".
The next rule element is # which matches until the next rule element is able to match.
The next rule element matches on a Header annotation if the inlined rule is able to match within the span of the Header annotation. The inlined rule matches on the Cell annotations remembered as "hc" within this span that have the same value for the feature column. The match is successful, if it contains a Keyword remembered as "k".
If these three rule elements matched successfully, then the actions are applied.
The first action creates an Entry annotation called "e" on the span of the Cell annotation.
The second action assigns the keyword to the Entry feature keyword.
As a summary, the rule creates an Entry annotation for each Cell annotation that is not part of the header and assigns the header keyword of the corresponding column in order to define the type of the entry.
Take a look at inlined rules in Ruta.
You could define your condition for one line and annotate the needed info inside the next one:
Line{CONTAINS(UserName)} Line -> { //your logic here };

How to add own tags using the tagify plugin, 'Mix text & tags' in particular

I'm creating an input field mixed with tags and inputs using the tagify plugin- section-mix- (see:
The problem is:
Note that tags can only be created if the value matches any of the whitelisted item's value.
I want to add them myself by hitting enter just as in the other examples in the link. Any idea how to solve this with tagify?
<textarea name='mix'>#cartman and #kyle do not know #homer who is #lisa</textarea>
var input = document.querySelector('[name=mix]'),
// init Tagify script on the above inputs
tagify = new Tagify(input, {
mode : 'mix', // <-- Enable mixed-content
pattern : /#/, // <-- Tag words which start with # (can be a String instead of Regex)
whitelist : [
value: 'Homer'
dropdown : {
enabled : 1
var whitelist_2 = ['Homer', 'Marge', 'Bart', 'Lisa', 'Maggie', 'Mr. Burns', 'Ned', 'Milhouse', 'Moe'];
// A good place to pull server suggestion list accoring to the prefix/value
tagify.on('input', function(e){
var prefix = e.detail.prefix;
if( prefix == '#' )
tagify.settings.whitelist = whitelist_2;
if( e.detail.value.length > 1 ), e.detail.value);
Tagify now supports creating new tags in mix-mode as of version 3.4.0
See tagify's example page
UPDATE 24 FEB, 2020
Currently only tags without spaces can be added due to unresolved complexity in the implementation of how adding new tags in mix-mode works. I will address this soon.

Reading sheet contents using SmartSheet Java SDK

I am trying to read data using the Smartsheet API from Java to create different formats, such as reports & labels with the data from one row.
I've set up my IDE (NetBeans) so that the API samples work for me, but they are all about creating new sheets etc and I can not figure out how to read the contents of an existing sheet.
I would have thought that I could read the entire sheet into a java object in one line of code, but it appears more complicated than that, and I can not find any applicable documentation anywhere. The Javadoc does not say where/how to get the relevant IDs, what any of the inclusion or exclusion objects actually do, or which are required or optional etc.
Are there any examples of reading the contents of a sheet from java available?
I know that this is a bit of a broad question, but I'm totally stumped.
Thanks Kim!
For others, here's what worked for me. This code gets a list of the sheets in my account and displays the contents those with names starting with "Specs - " :
import com.smartsheet.api.Smartsheet;
import com.smartsheet.api.SmartsheetBuilder;
import com.smartsheet.api.SmartsheetException;
import com.smartsheet.api.models.Cell;
import com.smartsheet.api.models.Column;
import com.smartsheet.api.models.PagedResult;
import com.smartsheet.api.models.Row;
import com.smartsheet.api.models.Sheet;
import com.smartsheet.api.oauth.Token;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class SampleCode {
Show the contenst of all sheets whose name starts with "Specs - "
public static void main(String[] args) {
final String delimiter = ", ";
// Create a Smartsheet object with our Access Token
Token token = new Token();
Smartsheet smartsheet = new SmartsheetBuilder().setAccessToken(token.getAccessToken()).build();
//get a paged list of all Sheets, using null Source Inclusion & Pagination parameters
PagedResult<Sheet> homeSheets = new PagedResult<>();
try {
homeSheets = smartsheet.sheetResources().listSheets(null, null);
} catch (SmartsheetException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(SampleCode.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// get a Java List<Sheet> from the PagedResult<Sheet>
List<Sheet> sheetInfoList = homeSheets.getData();
// Loop through each sheet in the list
for (Sheet sheetInfo : sheetInfoList) {
String sheetName = sheetInfo.getName();
// Show data for all sheets with names that match our pattern
if (sheetName.startsWith("Specs - ")) {
// get the sheet object, with no optional includes or excludes
Sheet theSheet = null;
try {
theSheet = smartsheet.sheetResources().getSheet(sheetInfo.getId(), null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
} catch (SmartsheetException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(SampleCode.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
// Print the sheets name
System.out.println("\nSheet: " + theSheet.getName() + "\n");
// Print the column titles as a delimited line of text.
List<Column> columnList = theSheet.getColumns();
String columnHeader = null;
for (Column col : columnList) {
columnHeader = columnHeader == null ? col.getTitle() : columnHeader + delimiter + col.getTitle();
// Print each row as a delimited line of text.
List<Row> rowList = theSheet.getRows();
for (Row row : rowList) {
List<Cell> cellList = row.getCells();
String rowOutput = null;
for (Cell cell : cellList) {
String cellOutput = Objects.toString(cell.getValue() != null ? cell.getValue() : cell.getDisplayValue());
rowOutput = rowOutput == null ? cellOutput : rowOutput + delimiter + cellOutput;
The Smartsheet API documentation contains sample code that shows how to use the Java SDK. The Java Sample Code section in the docs describes how to establish the connection, etc. Then, each operation within in the "API Reference" section shows sample code (in the "Java" tab of the panel on the right side of the page) for executing the operation using the Java SDK.
To get Sheet data you'll use the "Get Sheet" operation. As described in the API docs, here's the Java SDK sample code for that operation:
// Get sheet (omit all parameters).
smartsheet.sheetResources().getSheet(sheetId, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
The "sheetId" parameter should be the ID of the Sheet which you want to retrieve. You can either get this ID programmatically (i.e., by using an operation like "List Sheets", for example) -- or you can get it manually via the Smartsheet UI as described in this help article. The other parameters (all set to "null" in the sample code) represent the 7 parameters described in the API documentation for this operation. I imagine intellisense in your IDE should indicate the sequence of those parameters expected by the getSheet function, as well as valid values for each parameter (but the API docs will explain the meaning of each parameter).

Get typoscript values in extbase framework

I am new to extbase(MVC) Framework , How can we get typoscript values in our extension :
Eg : suppose if i have some typoscript values like:
plugin.tx_some-extname.somevlaueX = XXXX
plugin.tx_some-extname.somevlaueY = yyyy
plugin.tx_some-extname.somevlaueZ = zzzz
how will i get these values in a specific action of our controller .I hope this makes sense ??
Declare values in the settings scope (in the setup field) ie:
plugin.tx_some-extname.settings {
myXsetting = XXXX
So the all settings will be accesible in your plugin in $this->settings (as array) :
$valX = $this->settings['myXsetting'];
In TYPO3-7.6 + the whole TypoScript for an extension can be retrieved with
$typoScript = $this->configurationManager->getConfiguration( $this->configurationManager::CONFIGURATION_TYPE_FRAMEWORK);
where for the 1st parameter exist 3 different options:
optional for the function $this->configurationManager->getConfiguration() the extension-key can be given as 2nd parameter and the plugin-name as 3rd parameter. So the whole command looks like this:
$typoScript = $this->configurationManager->getConfiguration( $this->configurationManager::CONFIGURATION_TYPE_FRAMEWORK, $extensionKey, $pluginName );
Consider that the static template has to be included in the backend-template to return the desired output.
ConfigurationManager is an instance of

jqgrid edittype select load value from data

I am using jqgrid in my new project.
In a specific case I need to use a select element in the grid. No problem.
I define the colModel and the column for example like (from wiki)
colModel : [
{name:'myname', edittype:'select', editoptions:{value:{1:'One',2:'Two'}} },
But now when I load my data I would prefer the column "myname" to contain the value 1.
This won't work for me instead it has to contain the value "One".
The problem with this is that the text-part of the select element is in my case localized in the business layer where the colModel is dynamically generated. Also the datatype for the entity which generates the data via EF 4 may not be a string. Then I have to find the correct localized text and manipulate the data result so that the column "myname" does not containt an integer which is typically the case but a string instead with the localized text.
There is no option you can use so that when the data contains the value which match an option in the select list then the grid finds that option and presents the text.
Now the grid presents the value as a text and first when I click edit it finds the matching option and presents the text. When I undo the edit it returns to present the value again.
I started to think of a solution and this is what I came up with. Please if you know a better solution or if you know there is a built in option don't hesitate to answer.
Otherwise here is what I did:
loadComplete: function (data) {
var colModel = grid.getGridParam('colModel');
$.each(colModel, function (index, col) {
if (col.edittype === 'select') {
$.each(grid.getDataIDs(), function (index, id) {
var row = grid.getRowData(id);
var value = row[];
var editoptions = col.editoptions.value;
var startText = editoptions.indexOf(value + ':') + (value + ':').length;
var endText = editoptions.indexOf(';', startText);
if (endText === -1) { endText = editoptions.length; }
var text = editoptions.substring(startText, endText);
row[] = text;
grid.setRowData(id, row);
It works and I will leave it like this if nobody comes up with a better way.
You should just include additional formatter:'select' option in the definition of the column. See the documentation for more details.