How to load custom slice images with leaflet js - leaflet

i got a link
this link use some free plugin to load custom images by leaflet js
here small code
var map ='photo').setView(new L.LatLng(0,0), 0);
L.tileLayer.zoomify('', {
width: 5472,
height: 3648,
tolerance: 0.8,
attribution: 'Photo: Bjørn Sandvik'
but i do not want to use any plugin. so just curious to know is it possible to load custom slice images with leaflet js. if yes then please drive to right article or code sample which help me to construct it.

Sorry this is a bit delayed, but you can do this by adding your own images into folders names by zoom level {z}. You can include them like this:
L.tileLayer('tiles/{z}/map_{x}_{y}.png', {
Here's a good description how to convert your image into the correct slices:


How to use Ordance Survey vector tiles with React-Leaflet?

I'm unsure of the correct syntax to add Ordnance Survey vector tiles to a React-Leaflet application.
The example code at loads some vector tile libraries from Mapbox:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
then uses this JavaScript syntax to load the OS vector tiles:
// Load and display vector tile layer on the map.
var gl = L.mapboxGL({
style: '' + apiKey,
transformRequest: url => {
return {
url: url += '&srs=3857'
(I've verified that my OS api key works in the stand-alone demo.)
How can accomplish the equivalent using React and Leaflet?
I'm using React-Leaflet to add Leaflet functionality to my React app, and I've tried adding react-leaflet-vector-tile-layer - I've verified that this works for vector tile layers supplied by Mapbox Studio:
I'm trying to use this approach for the Ordnance Survey vector tile layer too but it's not working as I probably have the syntax wrong:
No error message is shown but the OS vector tile layer does not appear on the map. In the developer console I can see a PBF file has been downloaded but it doesn't draw on the map. Could this be because I'm missing the transformRequest function in their example? Assuming it's required, how can I add this transformation request when using react-leaflet-vector-tile-layer?
The answer came from Ted Piotrowski, the developer of the react-leaflet-vector-tile-layer library. I needed to add the transformRequest parameter using this syntax:
transformRequest={url => { return { url: url += '&srs=3857' }}}

How to generate "highlighted country" maps

How can I generate a map like this using OSM? I want the map to highlight single country and fade others. Also, if the country is small I want to show it on the globe in a small thumbnail.
Oke let’s using JavaScript, because I think there is the biggest variety of libraries. Here I will explain a few approaches creating an interactive webmap.
1) The first approach is using plain svg:
You can download or draw with your vector software of choice the base map as svg. Then you could assign every country polygon a unique ID, and inside JS you can access the SVG with a mouseevent like click or mouseover. All the information of the country could be stored outside JS in a .json (easier) or .xml file. With the ID you getting from the SVG event you can get the fitting information from your .json. Maybe that reinvent the wheel, but it’s highly adjustable. But I think if you only want a static maps its simpler if you are using a more complex library.
2) The second approach is using a library for svg interaction:
The very popular D3.js or Raphael.js
3) The third approach is using a thematic webmapping library based on svg:
Use JQVMAP (former vectormap.js) or the very new austrian project mapmap.js
4) Use a topographic webmapping library
Here you can use the open libraries leaflet.js or openlayers.js. With these, the best approach will be, that you add your countries as a .geojson. Geojson is a very nice format that allows you interacting with your countries with the most geographical softwares.
5) Create und use your own tiles
This approach is the most performant solution but not the simplest to implement.
Here is a very nice tutorial explaining five approaches. But I think the simplest is using TileMill.
6) Using a mapserver
If you are not familiar with mapservers, this should only be considered when you are going to implement an extensive application. Nice Mapservers are Deegree and the popular Geoserver.
All of these approaches have their pros und cons but I think one of these solutions will fit your needs and I wish you the best successes!
You can use google Geo Chart. You can highlight any country you wanted.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.charts.load('current', {
// Note: you will need to get a mapsApiKey for your project.
// See:
'mapsApiKey': 'AIzaSyD-9tSrke72PouQMnMX-a7eZSW0jkFMBWY'
function drawMap() {
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Country', 'Popularity'],
['Germany', 200],
['United States', 300],
['Brazil', 400],
['Canada', 500],
['France', 600],
['RU', 700]
var options = {};
options['dataMode'] = 'regions';
var container = document.getElementById('regions_div');
var geomap = new google.visualization.GeoMap(container);
geomap.draw(data, options);
<div id="regions_div" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;"></div>
For more info here is the link

How do I use OSM custom tags in Mapbox style

Here's a brief description of what I'd like to do (and I'm very, very new to this but seem to have hit a wall):
Display a map of color-coded buildings based on a custom tag (miamioh_lds).
What I've tried: in Mapbox Studio Classic starting with the Emerald style (coordinates 84.7286, 39.5033)
#building [miamioh_lds="uitcp"] {
polygon-fill: #f61313;
I would expect Hoyt Hall to be red, but it is not, even if I remove all other #building CartoCSS statements.
I would like the building filled, which is why I'm using tags and fill instead of using a data source, which seems to be focused at adding markers. I'm using Mapbox because my goal is to bring the map into Tableau (which I'll use to add a marker off dynamic data, which is why I need a fill, not a marker here).
Can I use custom tags in CartoCSS? If so, what am I doing wrong?

How to use a mapbox map in cartodb

I tried to integrate this map: into cartodb. But, it doesn't work. I work with cartodb.js because I added some more queries, so I needed the right link for this part:
L.tileLayer('', {
attribution: 'CartoDB'
Or if somebody knows a beautiful terrain map I am happy too.
Your tileLayer url is faulty, it expects the url to have placeholders for zoomlevel {z} and {x} and {y} for the axis values. You've used the url from an actual tile, which will not work.
L.tileLayer('{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={token}', {
attribution: 'Mapbox',
subdomains: ['a','b','c','d'],
token: 'pk.eyJ1IjoiZmVsaXhtaWNoZWwiLCJhIjoiZWZrazRjOCJ9.62fkOEqGMxFxJZPJuo2iIQ'
Note that as you can see, it also supports the {s} placeholder to load from multiple subdomains (which must be supported by your tileprovider. Mapbox does) which is much faster because browsers can simultaneously load from four subdomains at once. I also separated the access token from the url with the {token} placeholder to demonstrate that you can use your own custom tokens if needed.
Here's a working example of this on Plunker:
And here's the reference for Leaflet's L.TileLayer:

Multiple markers on the exact same position on a Leaflet map

We use leafletJS to show maps with round about 100 markers. Some of these markers are located on exact the same position. Marker2 is above Marker1 so Marker1 isn't visible. Is there a way to rotate Markers in a way that you can see there are more then one marker?
may be you should look at plugin
here demo -
The drawback with walla's answer is that Leaflet.markercluster requires clustering, which may not be an option depending on your requirements i.e. you need to always display individual markers.
OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier-Leaflet (a bit of a mouthful) works well in this case and it's fairly well documented. It displays a 'spider' of markers on click only if they overlap i.e. if the zoom level increases so markers don't overlap, then it won't 'spider' on click, which is quite nice. Demo.
It's available as a NPM package but it isn't a proper ES module, so usage is a bit trickier than usual if you're expecting an ES module:
// Need to specifically import the distributed JS file
import 'overlapping-marker-spiderfier-leaflet/dist/oms';
// Note access to constructor via window object
// map refers to your leaflet map object
const oms = new window.OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier(map);
oms.addListener('click', (marker) => {
// Your callback when marker is clicked
// Markers need to be added to OMS to spider overlapping markers
markers.forEach((marker) => {
// Conversely use oms.removeMarker(marker) if a marker is removed
Alternatively there is a forked version (confusingly) called OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier that is a proper ES module so you can do:
import OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier from 'overlapping-marker-spiderfier'
const oms = new OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier(map);
However as of 24 Jan 2020 there's a fair bit of divergence based on commits between the two so YMMV.
FWIW I'm using the original.
If anyone is looking working sample for Angular below are the steps,
Install it via npm: npm i --save overlapping-marker-spiderfier-leaflet
Then import it into the component where you need it: import 'overlapping-marker-spiderfier-leaflet/dist/oms';
Add this line on top of the file where you import it: const OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier = (<any>window).OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier;
Add the oms markup like that: this.oms = new OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier(, { nearbyDistance: 20, keepSpiderfied: true });
Add the markers to oms at the same place where you add your markers to the map so oms can track them properly this.oms.addMarker(marker);
xlm is already gave a complete answer. Thanks to him for that answer. But this is a slightly changed answer that worked for me in angular.
we had the same problem, follows the jsFiddle with the solution we found
var marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({
position: myLatLng,
map: map,
icon: {
url: image,
size: new google.maps.Size(134,130), //different sizes
zIndex: 2, //different overlays
title: '1º marker',