Autohotkey: AlwaysOnTop, On, Run ahk_class SunAwtDialog - autohotkey

i want "Run ahk_class SunAwtDialog" window stayAlwaysOnTop. This time its not working. its working with other windows for e.g. google chrom. Here is the code:
run_Win = Run ahk_class SunAwtDialog
MsgBox,:( Oops
WinSet , AlwaysOnTop , Off , SciTE4AutoHotkey
WinSet , AlwaysOnTop , On , %run_Win% ; dont work. window stays behind
MouseMove,% x, % y , 10 ; works: mouse is moving to left top of the window
MouseMove,% xM, % yM , 10 ; works: restore mouse pos
MsgBox, , endOfProgramm1, endOfProgramm2 , 1

Your code snippet
run_Win = Run ahk_class SunAwtDialog
Could be translated to
IfWinNotExist,Run ahk_class SunAwtDialog
. IfWinNotExist, Run ahk_class ... does not make any sense. Remove the run in the contents of yourrun_Win variable.
(See WinTitle for information on how to catch the right window)


AHK with command ^!ENTER::Send {Media_Play_Pause} doesn't work in Windows 11

I want to be able to play and stop a Youtube Video using Auto Hot Key while I am using the Vs Code editor, without the need to stop and play the video with the mouse. That will save some time.Any help would be appreciated.
I can rewind back and forth, but I want to be able to play/pause it as well.
^!ENTER::Send {Media_Play_Pause} ( Only this command does Not work )
So far I have this script:
#SingleInstance, Force
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SetBatchLines, -1
SetWinDelay, -1
^!ENTER::Send {Media_Play_Pause} ; ( Only this command does Not work )
WinGet, Current_Window, ID, A
WinActivate, - YouTube
ControlGetPos, conX, conY, , , ChromeRenderWidgetHostHWD1
ControlClick,, A,,,, % " X" (conX+1) " Y" (conY+1)
ControlSend, , {Left 3}, A
WinActivate, % "AHK_ID" Current_Window
WinGet, Current_Window, ID, A
WinActivate, - YouTube
ControlGetPos, conX, conY, , , ChromeRenderWidgetHostHWD1
ControlClick,, A,,,, % " X" (conX+1) " Y" (conY+1)
ControlSend, , {Right 3}, A
WinActivate, % "AHK_ID" Current_Window

How to activate a Script only if a specific Window is active?

I have a problem with a Script which should just do the following:
- If a specific Window becomes active
- SetCapslockState, On
- If the Windows lost focus
- SetCapslockState, Off
I've tried:
#If WinActive("ahk_class blahblah")
SetCapslockState, On
#If !WinActive("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1")
SetCapslockState, Off
But it don't work.
Also I've tried:
WinWaitActive, (mytitleofwindow)
if ErrorLevel
SetCapslockState, On
It don't work either, else I would not ask for help here... hihihi
I hope someone can help me! :)
Instead of a loop (which takes up CPU cycles), you can also use Hardware Handles. See example:
#SingleInstance Force
Menu, Tray, Tip, Medical Alert
SetKeyDelay, 50
Menu, Tray, Icon , Shell32.dll, 145, 1
TrayTip, Medical Alert, Started, 1
Gui +LastFound
hWnd := WinExist()
DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,Hwnd )
MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )
OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )
ShellMessage( wParam ) ; Run on Window switch
If (wParam = 4) ; If Window Changed
WinGetActiveTitle, Title
if instr(Title, "Past Medical History") OR instr(Title, "Allergies Verified") ; TESTED WITH: if instr(Title, "NotePad")
MsgBox, 1, Allergies Verified, Please verify patient allergies
The key is to combine WinWait[Not]Active with a Loop.
Loop {
WinWaitActive, mytitleofwindow
SetCapslockState, On
WinWaitNotActive, mytitleofwindow
SetCapslockState, Off

AHK: closing a window whenever it pops up

I wrote an AHK script designed to copy a text from Adobe Acrobat when I press F9. It then changes it according to a regex and shows the copied text in tooltip. Additionally, I added code to automatically close an annoying window that Acrobat sometimes shows when coping a text, an infamous There was an error while copying to Clipboard. An internal error occurred. When this window doesn't show up, the script keeps showing a tooltip, which is designed to close after a specified amount of time. I've been banging my head against the wall but I don't know how to correct this.
#If WinActive("ahk_exe Acrobat.exe")
ClipWait, 1
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\r\n", " ")
IfWinExist, Adobe Acrobat
Send {Enter}
If (StrLen(Clipboard) < 120)
ToolTip % Clipboard
ToolTip Copied
SetTimer, ToolTipOff, -1000
; #Persistent ; (1)
SetTimer,CheckForMsgBox,100 ; (2)
#If WinActive("ahk_exe Acrobat.exe") ; (3)
ClipWait, 1
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "\r\n", " ")
If (StrLen(Clipboard) < 120)
ToolTip %Clipboard%
ToolTip Copied
SetTimer, ToolTipOff, -1000
#If ; turn off context sensitivity
; ControlSend, Control, Keys, WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText
ControlSend, , {Enter}, Adobe Acrobat ; Close this unwanted window whenever it appears
(1) Scripts containing hotkeys, hotstrings, or any use of OnMessage() or Gui are automatically persistent.
(2) SetTimer causes a subroutine (Label) to be launched automatically and repeatedly at a specified time interval.
(3) Like the #IfWin directives, #If is positional: it affects all hotkeys and hotstrings physically beneath it in the script.

What is the right way to send Alt + Tab in Ahk?

Ok. I know this is a very stupid question.
But I'm stuck already for an hour.
I got very little experience with ahk, however I made work every script until now with no problems. I explored the ahk tutorials but found no solution up to now.
I'm trying to switch to prev. app with a single numpad off key.
I've tried:
{Alt down}{Tab}{Alt up}
I've tried it with Sleep delays, multiline, multiline inside brackets, with and without commas after commands, etc.
I'm quite sure is very simple but something I've not tried yet.
Any suggestion?
$F1:: AltTab()
$F2:: AltTabMenu()
; AltTab-replacement for Windows 8:
list := ""
WinGet, id, list
Loop, %id%
this_ID := id%A_Index%
IfWinActive, ahk_id %this_ID%
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %this_ID%
If (title = "")
If (!IsWindow(WinExist("ahk_id" . this_ID)))
WinActivate, ahk_id %this_ID%
WinWaitActive, ahk_id %this_ID%,,2
; AltTabMenu-replacement for Windows 8:
list := ""
Menu, windows, Add
Menu, windows, deleteAll
WinGet, id, list
Loop, %id%
this_ID := id%A_Index%
WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %this_ID%
If (title = "")
If (!IsWindow(WinExist("ahk_id" . this_ID)))
Menu, windows, Add, %title%, ActivateTitle
WinGet, Path, ProcessPath, ahk_id %this_ID%
Menu, windows, Icon, %title%, %Path%,, 0
Menu, windows, Icon, %title%, %A_WinDir%\System32\SHELL32.dll, 3, 0
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseMove, (0.4*A_ScreenWidth), (0.35*A_ScreenHeight)
CoordMode, Menu, Screen
Xm := (0.25*A_ScreenWidth)
Ym := (0.25*A_ScreenHeight)
Menu, windows, Show, %Xm%, %Ym%
SetTitleMatchMode 3
WinActivate, %A_ThisMenuItem%
; Check whether the target window is activation target
WinGet, dwStyle, Style, ahk_id %hWnd%
if ((dwStyle&0x08000000) || !(dwStyle&0x10000000)) {
return false
WinGet, dwExStyle, ExStyle, ahk_id %hWnd%
if (dwExStyle & 0x00000080) {
return false
WinGetClass, szClass, ahk_id %hWnd%
if (szClass = "TApplication") {
return false
return true
EDIT (suggested by the user Ooker):
The script pops up a menu for you to choose.
This is what it looks like:
If you just want to switch back to the previous application, use Send, !{Esc}
You shouldn't manually send alt+tab as it is a special windows command, rather use the AltTab commands that do that for you.
AltTabMenu opens the tab menu and selects the program, whileAltTab, ShiftAltTab navigate through it.
There are some issues with Windows 8/10 and keys like ctrl-alt-del and alt-tab. Here is one solution:
Send {Alt Down}{Tab} ;Bring up switcher immediately
KeyWait, F1, T.5 ; Go to next window; wait .5s before looping
if (Errorlevel)
While ( GetKeyState( "F1","P" ) ) {
Send {Tab}
Sleep, 400 ; wait 400ms before going to next window
Send {Alt Up} ;Close switcher on hotkey release
My personal goal was to remap Alt-Tab to Win-Tab (because I'm using a Mac keyboard on a Windows 10) so I took what Stepan wrote above plus some documentation and here is is, working fine for me :
Send {LAlt Down}{Tab}
KeyWait, LWin ; Wait to release left Win key
Send {LAlt Up} ; Close switcher on hotkey release
Worked for me:
It simulates the Alt + Tab behavior for F1 key.
Well, finally I found the reason and some "solutions" here and here.
It seems that Windows 8 blocks Ahk {Alt Down}{Tab} and AltTabMenu and some other keys.
For now I'm using this to scroll windows forward:
Send !{ESC}
This to display the AltTabMenu:
Run, "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Window Switcher.lnk"
And this to switch to the previous app as suggested in one of the topics:
LCtrl & z:: ; AltTabMenu
state := GetKeyState("Capslock", "T")
if state = 1
SetCapsLockState, Off ; CapsLock On blocks Task Switching metro window
Send, !{Tab} ; prevents displaying inactive Task Switching metro window
run, Window Switcher.lnk ; must be in script directory otherwise include path
WinWait, Task Switching,, 2
KeyWait, Ctrl
Send, {Enter}
if state = 1
SetCapsLockState, On ; restores CapsLock State
state =
#IfWinActive, Task Switching
LCtrl & q::Send, {Right}
LCtrl & a::Send, {Left}
It would be great to get to the previous app with no AltTabMenu splashing.
In case you want to do multiple "tabs", then the below function should help doing that. This was at least own solution on my Windows 8.1 machine.
The approach is:
1) Get a list of all the windows
2) Loop 1:
find the index of the current window
set the index to switch to ("current" + "offset")
3) Loop 2:
loop until you hit the index to switch to, then switch window
AutoHotKey code sample below:
; Test switch of 1 window
; Test switch of 2 windows
; ****************************
; Function for switching windows by ALT-TAB (offset = number of windows to "tab")
; ****************************
; Get list of all windows.
WinGet, AllWinsHwnd, List
WinGetTitle, active_title, A ; Get title of active window.
; Find index of the current window.
counter_of_none_hidden_windows := 0 ; Initiate counter for counting only the none-hidden windows.
Loop, % AllWinsHwnd
; Find title for window in this loop.
WinGetTitle, CurrentWinTitle, % "ahk_id " AllWinsHwnd%A_Index%
; From [1]: "Retrieves an 8-digit hexadecimal number representing the extended style of a window.".
; [1] :
WinGet, exStyle, exStyle, % "ahk_id" AllWinsHwnd%A_Index%
; Skip hidden windows by checking exStyle.
If !(exStyle & 0x100){
; Window is not hidden. Increase counter.
counter_of_none_hidden_windows := counter_of_none_hidden_windows+1
; Set flag.
titles_match := CurrentWinTitle = active_title
If (titles_match) {
window_index_to_switch_to := counter_of_none_hidden_windows+offset
; Find index of the window to switch to and do the actual switch
counter_of_none_hidden_windows := 0 ; Initiate counter for counting only the none-hidden windows.
Loop, % AllWinsHwnd
; From [1]: "Retrieves an 8-digit hexadecimal number representing the extended style of a window.".
; [1] :
WinGet, exStyle, exStyle, % "ahk_id" AllWinsHwnd%A_Index%
; Skip hidden windows by checking exStyle.
If !(exStyle & 0x100){
; Window is not hidden. Increase counter.
counter_of_none_hidden_windows := counter_of_none_hidden_windows+1
; Set flag.
found_window_to_switch_to := counter_of_none_hidden_windows = window_index_to_switch_to
; Switch window.
If (found_window_to_switch_to) {
; Get title.
WinGetTitle, CurrentWinTitle, % "ahk_id " AllWinsHwnd%A_Index%
; Activate by title.
WinActivate, %CurrentWinTitle%
; Stop loop.
return ; Nothing to return
send {Alt down}{tab}
send {Alt up}
!{Tab} works to switch between windows if you add sleep before and after it.
Sleep 100
Send !{Tab}
Sleep 100
Please refer to this link:
To cancel the Alt-Tab menu without activating the selected window, press or send Esc. In the following example, you would hold the left Ctrl and press CapsLock to display the menu and advance forward in it. Then you would release the left Ctrl to activate the selected window, or press the mouse wheel to cancel. Define the AltTabWindow window group as shown below before running this example.
LCtrl & CapsLock::AltTab
#IfWinExist ahk_group AltTabWindow ; Indicates that the alt-tab menu is present on the screen.
MButton::Send {Blind}{Escape} ; The * prefix allows it to fire whether or not Alt is held down.
I've modified the example from the help page on this found here:
This was mainly to remap the Windows+Tab key to the Alt+Tab key in this example.
It opens the task view and waits for the user to click, escape or enter. The example from the help page has the alt key getting stuck for me so I changed it to work a little better.
Please let me know if this works for you all.
; Override the Left Win key and tab to Alt + Tab
; Help found here:
; #IfWinExist ahk_group AltTabWindow
#SingleInstance force
SendMode Input
LWin & Tab::Send {Alt down}{tab} ; Asterisk is required in this case.
Send {Alt up} ; Release the Alt key, which activates the selected window.
Send {Alt up} ; Release the Alt key, which activates the selected window.
Send {Alt up} ; When the menu is cancelled, release the Alt key automatically.
;*Esc::Send {Esc}{Alt up} ; Without tilde (~), Escape would need to be sent.
I got ALT TAB to work with F1
By pressing F1 you can switch to the last window
While F1 is kept pressed you can move around with arrow keys or tab to select the window you need.
Send, {ALT DOWN}{TAB}{TAB UP} ; If F1 is down it invokes the menu for switching windows.
KeyWait, F1 ; Show menu for switching windows by keeping ALT down until user physically releases F1.
Send, {ALT UP} ; If F1 is released release ALT key
Documentation links
I think this question was meant to be a simple request of: how to alt tab in Win10 using AHK, since win10 changed things up? -> I found the most simple solution as shown below... the code makes it necessary to keep the alt key down while the Win10 emu is open - then use the arrow keys an additional number of tabs (if you need three alt tabs, then it's "alt tab, then right 2", see?
macro key name::
Sleep 100
Send, ^c
Sleep 1000
Send, {alt down}{tab}
Sleep 400
Send, {right 2}{alt up}
Sleep 400
Send, ^v
Sleep 400
So just play with this snip in your code and you can jump passed the 'next' window(s) open.

Typing on two windows at the same time

I want to be able to select both window 1 and window 2 and be able to type on both windows at the same time.
Whatever I type in window 1 will be typed in window 2 as well, for example: "hey everyone".
Being able to type on both windows at the same time, having both selected for typing. I have 2 notepad windows open. I want to type on the the first notepad window I opened, and what ever I type on window 1 will also be typed on window 2.
Sadly, I can't put up a image for you can see what I'm trying to say
WinGet, windowid, List, <Name of Window goes here>
#IfWinActive, <Name of Window goes here>
Space:: ; jump
KeyWait, Space, D
ControlSend,, {Space} , ahk_id %windowid1%
ControlSend,, {Space} , ahk_id %windowid2%
ControlSend,, {Space} , ahk_id %windowid3%
ControlSend,, {Space} , ahk_id %windowid4%
ControlSend,, {Space} , ahk_id %windowid5%
I'm not sure if I even understand what you're trying to do... but have you tried using Input?
loop {
input, char, I L1 V M
ControlSend,, %char%, ahk_id %windowid1%
For example: Catching every single character sent in any %processID% window by Input and sending it to all remaining %processID% windows afterwards:
processID := "notepad.exe"
loop {
input, char, I L1 V M
winGet, active_win_ID, ID, A
winGet, active_win_exe, ProcessName, A
winGet, windowsToBeSentTo_IDs, List, ahk_exe %processID%
if active_win_exe != %processID%
loop, %windowsToBeSentTo_IDs% {
_id := windowsToBeSentTo_IDs%a_index%
if _id != %active_win_ID%
controlSend,, %char%, ahk_id %_id%