Can't find CVS in import options in new Eclipse Mars - eclipse

I was using Luna and now thinking about an upgrade to Mars.
I can't find the CVS option in Import which was available in Luna by default.
Did they remove it in Mars.?

The CVS Integration was removed by Eclipse consensus, because of the low usage rate of CVS, which is about 3.7%.
You can reference the URL below:
Also, if you want to install the CVS Integration, you can
Click the "Help" at the top of Eclipse Mars.
Choose "Eclipse Marketplace" option.
Search the CVS Integration in "Find" search box.
Finally, click the "Install" under the CVS Integration item.
Then I think you can use the CVS integration feature.

Eclipse 2018
CVS integration has been dropped from default Eclipse installation as well as the Eclipse Marketplace!
Please use the oxygen-update-site to recover the CVS integration.
Guide to install CVS integration on Eclipse 2018-12
Start Eclipse
If CVS integration is available stop here.
Click on Menu-point Help > Install New Software ...
Click to Add...
Use for name and location, press OK.
Change type filter text to cvs and check Eclipse CVS Client.
Hit Finish

Depending on which package you downloaded, yes, the CVS support was not included. It should still be in the Mars Update Site, though.


Subversive plugin does not show up in eclipse

I'm using eclipse Mars 2 and installed the SVN Team Provider plugin from the Luna repository cause mars's repository ended up giving me an error that it couldn't install. Now i face the problem of being unable to install a SVN Connector cause eclipse doesn't give me the ability to create a new SVN project or repository. Actually the whole IDE does not show any sign of SVN being installed except for the installed software window.
Try installing Subversive through the Eclipse Marketplace. When I did that I was given a option to install the Connector. If that doesn't work you can try the software site by going to
Help >> Install New Software >> Add...
Give it a name and paste this site to install svn.
Once it is installed you can go to
Window >> Show view >> other...
In the search box type SVN and you should have some options.

CVS repository missing connection types

I'm new to using CVS repositories. I'm trying to import a repo by right clicking in the CVS repositories area, New -> Repository Location and then a window pops up with Add CVS repository. Under connection type, in Eclipse Luna I have 'extssh', but in Eclipse Mars I only have 'ext' and 'pserver'.
I need to use extssh. What is it and how do I configure it?
Install CVS plugin from below link:-
Then search for "CVS"and select "Eclipse CVS Client" and install it.
This worked for me in STS and Eclipse 2018-12.
Just a note on this - I was also looking to use extssh with Oxygen because anything much later than Oxygen 4.7.3a doesn't appear to support WebSphere 7.0 >:(.
I had to uninstall the Oxygen instance of CVS Client by going to Help/About/Installation Details and uninstalling it. Then I was able to install the Helios version Naveen mentioned above and it worked.

Checkout Maven project from SCM - no connectors

I have a problem with checkout Maven project in Eclipse Indigo. I've installed m2e plugin, Subclipse, Git, but can't select appropriate SCM type ? How to solve this ?
Affan was correct. The connectors are all still there in Indigo, just hidden a little.
Start Eclipse and open preferences.
Find the Maven group and expand it.
Select the "Discovery" item and click "Open Catalog".
A dialog will pop up with all the goodies. The connectors are at the bottom.
I ran into this issue with Eclipse where when you would try to Import a project via:
"Check out Maven Projects from SCM" from the project expoler the "scm url" drop down box would be empty.
After googling around, you must have subclipse installed from the Eclipse Marketplace (which I did) AND "Maven SCM handler for Subclipse" from the "Help->Install new software" dialog box (which I did not).
How to get Maven SCM Handler for Subclipse:
Assumption: You have Subclipse installed.
Click Help->Install New Software
Click "Add..." to add a new software site.
Add this site: (Alternative URL:
Select the Maven SCM handler for Subclipse
You can now use the Project Explorer context menu of "Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM" and actually have a SCM URL to choose from in the drop down box, namely "svn".
Tested with Eclipse Juno
Looks like there is some incompatibility issue between Indigo and m2eclipse. This discussion gives more details including a possible solution.
Hope this helps.
Edit 1: Uninstalled m2eclipse 0.12.x from Indigo and installed m2e from Eclipse's m2e releases repository. This version shows a link to download m2e scm connectors from Eclipse marketplace (when you try to check out a maven project from scm). I could see connectors for cvs, git and subversive.
For those using subclipse 1.8.x there is a patched version of the m2e connector.
Here is the update site:
(Thanks to RockyMM for posting the link to the WONTFIX issue, which contained the link to the patched version.)
Indigo comes with m2e pre-installed. To get the connectors just click on link where it says find more connectors in the m2e marketplace. From there i installed the m2e-subclipse connector. This is a different approach from previous versions of Eclipse where you had to install another plugin from market place called "Maven Integration for Eclipse (Extras)".
There was an unofficial update of SVN connector. To install it go to download attachment and follow the steps:
Unzip the file to an empty folder somewhere, remember that folder
In Eclipse,
go to Help/Install New Software…
Click “Add…” to add a new site
In the window, click on “Local…” and choose the folder where you unzipped the
site before. The result in the Location field should look like file:/C:/
Click OK, choose all available packages to install, and continue the
installation as usual
This is related answer by "technocrat" with new update site URLs.
This is working with Eclipse 2019-12:
The problem: "Check out Maven Projects from SCM" from the project explorer the "scm url" drop down box is be empty.
You must have subclipse installed from the Eclipse Marketplace AND "Maven SCM handler for Subclipse".
How to get Maven SCM Handler for Subclipse:
Background: The original website of this project ( redirects to The subproject "m2e" is important.
Here, you will find a link to an Eclipse update site: Add this to the eclipse update sites.
Now you will see "Maven SCM handler for Subclipse". Install it.
You can now use the Project Explorer context menu of "Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM" and actually have a SCM URL to choose from in the drop down box, namely "svn".

Installing Git on Eclipse

How can I install Git on Eclipse? I found tutorials on but there was said that "You should then see the eight Eclipse projects 'org.spearce.something.'" I don't see those eight projects.
Just add to your Eclipse update manager.
Do you have Egit installed yet? If not, go to Window->Preferences->Install/Updates->Available Software Sites. Click on add and paste this link
For Name, you can just put "EGit". After you have EGit installed, follow this tutorial. It helped me a lot!
Checkout this tutorial Eclipse install Git plugin – Step by Step installation instruction
Eclipse install Git plugin – Step by Step installation instruction
Step 1) Go to: to get the plugin repository location.
Step 2.) Select appropriate repository location. In my case its
Step 3.) Go to Help > Install New Software
Step 4.) To add repository location, Click Add. Enter repository name as “EGit Plugin”. Location will be the URL copied from Step 2. Now click Ok to add repository location.
Step 5.) Wait for a while and it will display list of available products to be installed. Expend “Eclipse Git Team Provider” and select “Eclipse Git Team Provider”. Now Click Next
Step 6.) Review product and click Next.
Step 7.) It will ask you to Accept the agreement. Accept the agreement and click Finish.
Step 8.) Within few seconds, depending on your internet speed, all the necessary dependencies and executable will be downloaded and installed.
Step 9.) Accept the prompt to restart the Eclipse.
Your Eclipse Git Plugin installation is complete.
To verify your installation.
Step 1.) Go to Help > Install New Software
Step 2.) Click on Already Installed and verify plugin is installed.
egit was included in Indigo (2011) and should be there in all future Eclipse versions after that.
Just go to ![(Help->Install New Software)]
Then Work with: --All Available Sites--
Then type egit underneath and wait (may take a while) !
Then click the checkbox and install.
I made an installation guide for Egit on Eclipse so I thought I would share it.
INSTALL EGIT plugin in eclispe which is pretty easy. If EGit is missing in your Eclipse installation, you can install it via the Eclipse Update Manager via: Help → Install new Software. EGit can be installed from the following URL:
Under Eclipse Git Team Provider, tick ONLY "Eclipse EGit" and then download the plugin.
CONNECT TO YOUR LOCAL REPOSITORY. I right clicked on the project, selected "team > share project" and then ticked "use or create repository"
GIT IGNORE. Mark the "bin" folder as "ignored by Git", either by right-clicking on it and selecting Team > Ignore or by creating a .gitignore file. My file was generated for me, I just had to make it visible. Here's how in eclipse: In your package explorer, pull down the menu and select "Filters ...". You can adjust what types of files are shown/hidden there.
IDENTIFY YOURSELF. Click Preferences > Team > Git > Configuration and make sure your name & email are there so we know which user committed/pushed what.
There are two ways of installing the Git plugin in Eclipse
Installing through Help -> Install New Software..., then add the location
Installing through Help -> Eclipse Marketplace..., then type Egit and installing it.
Both methods may need you to restart Eclipse in the middle. For the step by step guide on installing and configuring Git plugin in Eclipse, you can also refer to Install and configure git plugin in Eclipse
It's Very Easy To Install By Following Below Steps In Eclipse JUNO version
Help-->Eclipse Marketplace-->Find: beside Textbox u can type "Egit"-->select Egit-git team provider intall button-->follow next steps and finally click finish
You didn't mention which version of Eclipse you are using, but others have already posted good answers for modern versions of Eclipse. Unfortunately one of my legacy projects requires Eclipse Europa; the old EGit project homepage states the following:
The plugin only works on Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede) or newer. Eclipse 3.3 (Europa) is not supported anymore. Since the plugin is still very much work-in-progress we want to take advantage of new platforms features to facilitate progress.
So I guess I'm SOL - back to the graphical GitHub client for me! Lucky it's a legacy project.
Try with this link:
1)Go to Help-> Install new Software
2)Click on Add...
3)Name: eGit
4)Click on OK
5)Accept the licence.
You are good to go

SVN not working in Eclipse

One day I pressed in Eclipse Help -> Check for Updates (and I learnt that I should Never Ever update a software which works fine.)
Then in a project that I used with SVN the whole submenu of "Team" and the little icons that showed that some files weren't commited, they all dissapeared.
I tried everything:
revert from Instalation History tab
uninstall from Installed Software tab
replaced the folder eclipse in Program Files with a new one downloaded from eclipse website and tried to install again
searched how to install it on the net
But in none of the cases above if I press Ctrl+N There is no SVN group;
If i right click on a project and select Team -> Share project, a window with CVS appears, but no SVN.
If I choose File -> Import I can't find SVN anywhere.
If I go to Help -> About Eclipse -> Instalation details I see at Instalation History in 25.06.2009, 09:59:08 GMT+03:00 (when SVN worked)
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.2
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.3
SVNKit Library
In the Installed Software tab I have now installed
Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers epp.package.jee
Subclipse (Required) 1.6.5
Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter (Required) 1.6.6
SVNKit Library
How can I make SVN to work?
Where does eclipse store its files, because when I changed the eclipse directory with a new one all my stuff was there (the ones that I installed with no success: SVN, Subversive, Subclipse, SVNKit, ...)
Subversive is my favorite SVN implementation in Eclipse because it works better than the others and it integrates neatly into the UI.
I suggest you follow these steps:
Download the most recent version of Eclipse (currently Galileo) and extract it to your desired installation location
Prior to running Eclipse, make sure you delete (or rename/relocate) your default workspace (under Windows this is workspace in your user directory)
Install the Subversive SVN Team Provider (as instructed by the Eclipse incubation website) using Eclipse's software installer:
Choose Help, then Install New Software...
Create a new download location and specify the following download URL:
Locate Collaboration, expand it, then check Subversive SVN Team Provider (Incubation)
Proceed through the installation and accept the TOS
Restart Eclipse and Subversive should prompt you to select a SVN Connector. Reading the symptoms you describe, it sounds like you don't have a connector installed, or it isn't communicating with your team provider. The Polarion website has a guide for choosing the connector best suited for you.
If you aren't prompted to install a connector, you can always do so from the preferences screen:
If the above doesn't work for you, it seems that your workspace isn't cleaned out. Locate your default workspace and try getting things working without any projects before you continue.
You could then also try deleting the .eclipse directory in your user directory. And starting over from step 3.
The problem I had was that svn icons where not showing in the package explorer.
The solution for me was to delete the .metadata folder in the workspace folder (which will reset all your workspace including preferences and repository configurations)
After that all the icons appeared.
I had same issue when SVN connector was not able to connect SVN repository in Eclipse.
Then, I do the following step's :-
Right click on Project under Eclipse.
Go to Team -> share Project.
It's working :)
I found a problem related to installing plugins here. I also could not get the SVN stuff to show up in the preferences because of some bug with the software updater updating the Mylin plugins. You'll likely have to get your Eclipse installation straightened out first and you can do this by just using a new workspace. You don't have to blow away the .metadata folder if you point Eclipse temporarily at a new workspace folder. When the Eclipse installation is clean, you can start installing plugins again, but make sure to uncheck the box labeled Contact all update sites during install to find required software
Eclipse uses local SVN libraries that are part of an installed plugin for SVN support, be it SVNkit or JavaHL. Netbeans uses SVN libraries that are installed independently.
I have had this happen before with Eclipse and the various SVN plugins that it supports. The SVN plugin, for some reason, sometimes looses the SVN connection. Your best bet is to simply delete the project and re-check it out of svn. If you have changes that need to be committed you can use the command line.
Another problem you may have is that your plugin and your repository are out of sync in terms of version numbers. I have had problems before using a plugin designed for svn 1.6.x and a repository that was still at svn 1.4 or 1.5.
Just delete all projects from eclipse and Re-Import the all projects again.
It is working for me.
Just try it
If you want to completely start over with eclipse, you need to delete your workspace as well (the path you see when you first start eclipse). Just re-installing the eclipse files and pointing to the same default workspace will not change anything for you.
Your best bet is to remove eclipse and your workspace and start over because you probably inadvertently broke some other parts of the plug in while you were trying to fix your initial problem.
Even if you install everything as it is said, Subversive and SVN Connector (svnkit 1.x.x), in the project you may not see svn working. In my case I had to remove the project from workspace and import it again. Then it appears. (Refresh, clean did not worked).