I am running into an issue where about 10% of computers on my network are throwing a very strange errors when processing. The error I get is "Where-Object : A Parameter cannot be found that matches paramter name 'Property'" the code I'm using is as follows.
#Create ADSI Search object to query Active Directory for usernames
#Start-Transcript -Path "$env:userprofile\Desktop\log.txt"
$strFilter = "objectCategory=user"
$objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://OU=SD25;DC=DC;DC=DC")
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
$objSearcher.PageSize = 100000
$objSearcher.Filter = $strFilter
$objSearcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
#Populate ADSI with the extra fields of samaccountname which is the username, and memberof which gives you roughly which groups they are a memberof
$colProplist = "samaccountname", "memberof"
foreach ($i in $colPropList){$objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i)}
#Run the Search
$colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
$resultsarray = #()
#The way ADSI returns results, it populates all an array of every username listed within the scope, I then use this foreach recursive loop to find the name I need
foreach ($objResult in $colResults)
#Here I am taking each of the users, and finding the one which has the samaccountname of the user that is currently logged in
$objItem = $objResult.Properties | Where-Object -Property memberof -like ALL
#$groups = $objItem.memberof
#This is for diagnostics, if you output a logfile it will tell you the name and groups it is a member of
#This is the beginnings of searching for a computer container in active directory.
$compFilter = "objectCategory=computer"
$compDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://OU=OU;DC=DC;DC=DC")
$compSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$compSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
$compSearcher.PageSize = 100000
$compSearcher.Filter = $strFilter
$compSearcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
$compProplist = "name"
foreach ($i in $compPropList){$compSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i)}
$compResults = $compSearcher.FindAll()
foreach ($compR in $compResults)
IIRC -Property was introduced to Where-Object with PowerShell 3.0. Could you script be running on PowerShell 2.0?
Responding to comment
You need to create a filter script in the form of a scriptblock (i.e. PowerShell code in a set of braces) instead of using the comparison operator parameters they added for 3.0.
Try using
Where-Object { $_.memberof -like "ALL" }
or something like that. $_ refers to the current object in the pipeline. I couldn't find the docs for version 2.0 but I found Using the Where-Object Cmdlet for version 1.0 which was relevant for 2.0 AFAIK and should help you.
I am trying to populate a list with the servers in my domain, and i have partial success. There are 5 items in my list, which is as many servers as i have.
Unfortunately they are all just called [Collection]
Form is generated with Sapien Powershell Studio
$strCategory = "computer"
$strOperatingSystem = "Windows*Server*"
$objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
$objSearcher.Filter = ("OperatingSystem=$strOperatingSystem")
$colProplist = "name"
foreach ($i in $colPropList) { $objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i) }
$colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
foreach ($objResult in $colResults)
$objComputer = $objResult.Properties;
What can I do to have the proper name show up in the checkedlist.
Thanks for any assistance :)
The result object from DirectorySearcher.FindAll() method contains a special property named Properties that returns a typed collection containing the values of properties of the object found in the AD.
This means that you can simply do
. . .
$colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
foreach ($objResult in $colResults) {
I suggest you use Get-ADComputer instead to get the list of your servers.
The you just loop thrue the list and add the servername to your checkedlist
$Servers= Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -Like 'Windows *Server*'} #-Property * #the property flag is not needed if you just want the Name (see comment from Theo)
foreach ($srv in $Servers) {
#Unmark to debug
I'm writing a powershell script that searches for users inside an Active Directory OU and allows me to reset passwords by choosing matches from a list. I found a Tutorial that uses the System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry and System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher, and modified it like so:
$objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP:\\[REDACTED]")
$strSearch = Read-Host -Prompt "Search"
$strCat = "(&(objectCategory=User)(Name=*" + $strSearch + "*))"
## Search Object
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
$objSearcher.PageSize = 1000
$objSearcher.Filter = $strCat
$objSearcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
#Load Required Properties into the dynObjLink
##Magical Search Function
$colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
#for every returned userID add them to a table
ForEach ($objResult in $colResults)
$objItem = $objResult.Properties
$results.Add($a, $objItem.name + $objItem.userPrincipalName + $objItem.SamAccountName)
#Print Table
$results | Format-Table -AutoSize
This works well enough, but when it prints data I can only get the "first name" value of anything that comes back. Everything else becomes NULL and I can't figure out why.
Name Value
---- -----
3 {James3 [REDACTED], $null, $null}
2 {James2 [REDACTED], $null, $null}
1 {James1 [REDACTED], $null, $null}
I've tried different kinds of authentication and manipulating values, but the DirectorySearcher object only seems to collect the "name" value of any record it returns, no matter what I load into it. Help?
Here's a bit shorter (and PowerShell v2-compatible) way of doing this:
#requires -version 2
[String] $SearchPattern
$searcher = [ADSISearcher] "(&(objectClass=user)(name=$SearchPattern))"
$searcher.PageSize = 1000
$searchResults = $searcher.FindAll()
if ( $searchResults.Count -gt 0 ) {
foreach ( $searchResult in $searchResults ) {
$properties = $searchResult.Properties
$searchResult | Select-Object `
#{Name = "name"; Expression = {$properties["name"][0]}},
#{Name = "sAMAccountName"; Expression = {$properties["samaccountname"][0]}},
#{Name = "userPrincipalName"; Expression = {$properties["userprincipalname"][0]}}
Note that there's no need to build a list and output afterwards. Just output each search result. Put this code in a script file and call it:
PS C:\Scripts> .\Searcher.ps1 "*dyer*"
If you omit the parameter, PowerShell will prompt you for it (because the parameter is marked as mandatory).
try using Properties matching to the PropertiesToLoad
$entry = new-object -typename system.directoryservices.directoryentry -ArgumentList $LDAPServer, "ldap", "esildap"
$searcher = new-object -typename system.directoryservices.directorysearcher -ArgumentList $entry
$objs = $searcher.findall()
foreach($data in $objs)
$samaccountname = $data.properties['samaccountname'][0] + ''
$mail = $data.properties['mail'][0] + ''
$displayname = $data.properties['displayname'][0] + ''
when accessing the properties of the resultset you get a System.DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyValueCollection type for each property
to get a string value for passing to a database the property value access the zero index of the object
So at the moment I have some code which can lock down to a specific OU via ADSI in Powershell, loop through, and store them into an Array. In turn I loop through this and run a Test-Connection. I have my reasons...
Anyway, is it possible (using only inbuilt cmdlets, i.e. no Quest stuff) to recurse through the whole of AD and add all Computer Objects to the array?
$myArrayOfComputers = #()
$orgUnit = [ADSI]"LDAP://OU=foo,DC=foo,dc=co,dc=uk"
ForEach($child in $orgUnit.psbase.Children) {
if ($child.ObjectCategory -like '*computer*') { $myArrayOfComputers += $child.Name }
ForEach($i in $myArrayOfComputers) {
Test-Connection $i
In PowerShell V2.0 you can try :
Import-module ActiveDirectory
$computers = Get-ADComputer *
In PowerShell V1.0 You can try :
# dom.fr is the DNS root name of the domain
$dn = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry ("LDAP://dom.fr:389/dc=dom,dc=fr","administrator#dom.fr","admin")
# Look for computers
$Rech = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($dn)
$Rech.filter = "((objectClass=computer))"
$Rech.SearchScope = "subtree"
$computers = $Rech.findall()
On V2 using .net:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement | out-null
$ct = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain
$pc = new-object 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext'($ct, "foo.co.uk", "OU=foo,DC=foo,dc=co,dc=uk");
$cpp = New-Object 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.Computerprincipal'($pc)
$ps = new-object 'System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalSearcher'
$ps.QueryFilter = $cpp
$MyListArray = $ps.FindAll() | select -expa name
I am trying to update the email address of a directory user with PowerShell.
I am unable to modify the mail property of a user entry with the following code:
$BadUser = [adsi] $Account.Path
$BadUser.mail.Add($User.Email) | Out-Null
The mail.Clear() nor the mail.Add() seem to modify $BadUser when debugging with PowerGUI.
I have a working version that relies on the QAD plugin, and I would like to avoid using it if possible.
$suf = $AD.Parent.Substring(10)
Connect-QADService -Service "$($AD.dc[0]).$suf" -ErrorVariable AD_Conn_Error -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction Stop | Out-Null
Set-QADObject $Account.Properties.distinguishedname[0] -ObjectAttributes #{mail=$User.Email} | Out-Null
Reasons I am avoiding QAD:
I am searching for users across 8 domain servers
ADSI allows me to save multiple connected entries in a list
QAD can connect to 1 domain at a time
ADSI seems relatively fast
QAD has memory leaks (1kB/s bad) that crash in large batches
QAD is unable to "identify" some users that ADSI found by cn
Here's some example code to do it:
$query= "(&(objectCategory=User)(cn=FirstName LastName))"
$OU = "LDAP://OU=Users,dc=subdomain,dc=company,dc=com"
$PageSize = 100
$objOU = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($OU)
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objOU
$objSearcher.PageSize = $PageSize
$objSearcher.Filter = $query
$objSearcher.SearchScope = "Subtree"
$colResults = $objSearcher.FindAll()
foreach($objResult in $colResults) {
$dirObject = [ADSI]$objResult.GetDirectoryEntry()
$dirObject.mail = "newaddress#company.com"
I'm trying to grab out some information from Active Directory using Powershell, but I get some strange behavior. Here's my script:
$toFind = ( 'bobjones', 'samsmith' )
filter Get-AdUser {
$strFilter = "(&(objectCategory=User)(sAMAccountName=$_))"
$objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
$objSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$objSearcher.SearchRoot = $objDomain
$objSearcher.PageSize = 1000
$objSearcher.Filter = $strFilter
$colProplist = ("name", "department")
foreach ($i in $colPropList){$objSearcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add($i)}
($objSearcher.FindAll() | %{$_.Properties})
"paul" | get-aduser # Works
$toFind | get-aduser # Doesn't work?!
The former prints out what I expect, a table of properties; the latter ends up just printing "0 1" repeatedly though I'm not sure why. Why would the single case work but not the array?
Figured it out, it has nothing to do with PowerShell. When you create the DirectoryEntry:
$objDomain = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
It will return results for your domain only (i.e. if you have an AD forest like "NorthAmerica" and "Europe", it'll only query the one you're in). It just happened that all of the names I was searching for were in another domain.
If you use the constructor to manually specify the Domain, it works pretty well (still haven't figured out how to query all domains yet though...)