First letter in android keyboard, in an html input text, to lowercase - android-softkeyboard

I'd like the first letter on the android keyboard to appear lowercase when a user taps on a html text input
I found this answer. Seems to work (but apparently not for all keyboard apps on android and not all older browsers).
At least iOS is covering it and Chrome since version 43:
Additionally I set the css property text-transform: lowercase; and convert the input value on keyup with value.toLowerCase() – just in case.


How to build a font generator in iOS Swift and allowing pasting to clipboard

I'm now building a listview to display fonts from the UIFonts framework. However, for using UIPasteboard.general.string, the fonts are not copied to the clipboard and only the plain text is transferred.
I've tried including the MobileCoreServices framework and use kUTTypeRTF to implement it. But there is no detailed documentation on it.
May I know how can I build a custom font list and allowing the text be selected and pasted with its font styling onto the other applications (like Notes or Facebook post), just like the font generator hosted online?
I'm now working on the two following UIFonts, but I'm not able to keep its formatting while pasting from the clipboard.
let fonts: [String] = ["BodoniSvtyTwoOSITCTT-Book", "ChalkboardSE-Regular"]
You cannot copy-paste text with a font on your iPhone.
FancyLetters also cannot do this. It just shows you characters that look like they are printed.
For example, the letter "A" has variations: "𝓐", "𝒜", "𝔸". But this is not font-altered text, StackOverflow does not allow it either. These are characters from Unicode table. They are the same characters as "A" or "B", except that without special modifiers the keyboard will not print them for you, e.g. SHIFTOPTIONK = .
Any font is superimposed over Unicode characters.
I recommend you to read an excellent article Emoji under the hood. It's about how emoji are drawn on devices, but it also explains a lot about the construction of characters and how they are rendered on different devices.
Or font generator also cannot do this. It just shows you characters that look like they are printed

Swift WKWebView continuous spell checking

We have an embedded HTML form type editor in a macOS app that needs to be filled by the user. We are using WKWebView with Swift and it's all working fine but we are not able to get the spell check working in WKWebView. I mean it does work and corrects some words but doesn't show red dotted underline on misspelled words like WebView.
WebView shows dotted redline where WKWebView does not. Found that WebView has property as isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled but no such property is available in WKWebView.
My simple requirement to highlight misspelled words, please help if there's anything available.
I did not found it yet: so far no such property is available in WKWebView.
From apple
Description Daniel Bates 2018-08-21 11:23:20 PDT
We should render misspelled words with the spelling correction dots in
iOS WebKit (i.e. when using WKWebView). Currently we only support this
in iOS WebKit Legacy (i.e. when using UIWebView).

password textfield on iPhone

I would like to use password styled textfield in iPhone (when typing, only: "*"'s will apper...).
The problem:
When i check the "secure" checkbox nothing happens - I still see the actual chars I'm typing....
What am I missing?
UITextField shows the last typed character as the original character (for around 1 sec), and the other characters will be shown as **. This is the default behavior of iOS

iphone safari http address word break

is there a way to "word break" a long http address in iphone safari?
Currently with a long http address:
safari will render it in one line, thus affecting the page and the other contents where user has to scroll horizontally now.
is there a way for safari to display:
Maybe css keyword similar to word-break in IE?
Add in "Hair Spaces" after each /. A hair space will not be visible on the screen, but can and will be used by Safari as potential wrapping points. The net effect is exactly what you asked for.
To do so:
1) Your page must be interpreted as UTF-8 character set.
2) Change every / to be /&x200A; -- that way the break will be after the /. Do the substitution on all of the /'s. Safari will choose the best ones for the wrapping.
See for more on line breaking characters.
I use
word-break: break-word;
so the browser can break it into new line.

Is it possible to add info or help text to an iPhone settings bundle?

Several of the Apple-provided apps have informational/help text in their settings. For example, the Keyboard settings screen includes, under the “.” shortcut toggle, the help text "Double tapping the space bar will...".
I know I can do this in my app by adding a group footer, but is it possible to do this in the settings app by adding a field to the plist file in my Settings.bundle?
According to recently changed Apple document, a FooterText key is available in PSGroupSpecifier dictionary, which is only available in iOS 4.0 or later.
The way I do it, and the way I have seen other third parties apps do it is just to use an informative Title as a PSGroupSpecifier
I have only seen the native Apple apps do it in this other, slightly nicer way. I expect the ability is buried deep in the undocumented regions of the SDK.
Using FooterText key in PSGroupSpecifier is what you need to use. And it is documented as xesique already said.
Note that the "FooterText" key is not built into the pop-up menu of the Settings Scheme / plist editor that is part of Xcode. When you select a "Group" and type a keyboard return or press the plus icon you are presented with a choice of either "New item"," "Type" of "Title". You are required to manually edit this key value. Then the text that you enter as the associated string will appear as grey text (rather than the black text used for the Groups members) and which maintains its upper / lowercase.