Random permutation of each cell in a cell array - matlab

I have a 1-by-4 cell array, D. Each of the cell elements contains 2-by-2 double matrices. I want to do random permutation over each matrix independently which in result I will have the same size cell array as D but its matrices' elements will be permuted and then the inverse in order to obtain the original D again.
for a single matrix case I have the code and it works well as follows:
but it doesn't work for a cell array.

The simplest solution for you is to use a loop:
nd = numel(D);
D_permuted{1,nd} = [];
D_ind{1,nd} = [];
for d = 1:nd)
D_permuted{d} = A;
D_ind{d} = ind;
Assuming your D matrix is just a list of identically sized (e.g. 2-by-2) matrices, then you could avoid the loop by using a 3D double matrix instead of the cell-array.
For example if you hade a D like this:
n = 5;
D = repmat([1,3;2,4],1,1,n)*10 %// Example data
Then you can do the permutation like this
m = 2*2; %// Here m is the product of the dimensions of each matrix you want to shuffle
[~,I] = sort(rand(m,n)); %// This is just a trick to get the equivalent of a vectorized form of randperm as unfortunately randperm only accepts scalars
idx = reshape(I,2,2,n);
D_shuffled = D(idx);


matlab: store vector output in matrix/cell

The result of solving a polynom equation is a 1x2 vector or a 1x1 in some instances. I am trying to store all solutions for equations with different coefficients. so some solutions are just 1x1 vectors. how can i store these efficiently?
n = 1;
%sol = zeros(size(coef)); %create solution matrix in memory
sol = {};
while n < size(coef,2)
sol(n) = roots(coef(:,n));
"Conversion to cell from double is not possible."
coef is coefficient matrix
You're almost there!
In order to store the vectors as cells in the cell array, use curly braces {} during their assignment:
sol(n) = {roots(coef(:,n))};
or alternatively:
sol{n} = roots(coef(:,n));
That way, the vectors/arrays can be of any size. Check this link for more info about accessing data in cell arrays.
Also, don't forget to increment n otherwise you will get an infinite loop.
Whole code:
n = 1;
%sol = zeros(size(coef)); %create solution matrix in memory
sol = {};
while n <= size(coef,2)
sol(n) = {roots(coef(:,n))};
n = n+1

How to shuffle the rows in a cell array

I have a cell array with x columns, each with a yx1 cell. I would like to randomize the "rows" within the columns. That is, for each yx1 cell with elements a_1, a_2, ... a_y, I would like to apply the same permutation to the indices of a_i.
I've got a function that does this,
function[Oarray] = shuffleCellArray(Iarray);
len = length(Iarray{1});
width = length(Iarray);
perm = randperm(len);
Oarray=cell(width, 0);
for i=1:width;
for j=1:len;
but as you can see it's a bit ugly. Is there a more natural way to do this?
I realize that I'm probably using the wrong data type, but for legacy reasons I'd like to avoid switching. But, if the answer is "switch" then I guess that's the answer.
I'm assuming you have a cell array of column vectors, such as
Iarray = {(1:5).' (10:10:50).' (100:100:500).'};
In that case, you could do it this way:
ind = randperm(numel(Iarray{1})); %// random permutation
Oarray = cellfun(#(x) x(ind), Iarray, 'UniformOutput', 0); %// apply that permutation
%// to each "column"
Or converting to an intermediate matrix and then back to a cell array:
ind = randperm(numel(Iarray{1})); %// random permutation
x = cat(2,Iarray{:}); %// convert to matrix
Oarray = mat2cell(x(ind,:), size(x,1), ones(1,size(x,2))); %// apply permutation to rows
%// and convert back

Treat each row of a matrix as a vector in a MATLAB function

Say I have a nxm matrix and want to treat each row as vectors in a function. So, if I have a function that adds vectors, finds the Cartesian product of vectors or for some reason takes the input of several vectors, I want that function to treat each row in a matrix as a vector.
This sounds like a very operation in Matlab. You can access the ith row of a matrix A using A(i, :). For example, to add rows i and j, you would do A(i, :) + A(j, :).
Given an nxm matrix A:
If you want to edit a single column/row you could use the following syntax: A(:, i) for the ith-column and A(i, :) for ith-row.
If you want to edit from a column/row i to a column/row j, you could use that syntax: A(:, i:j) or A(i:j, :)
If you want to edit (i.e.) from the penultimate column/row to the last one, you could you: A(:, end-1:end) or A(end-1:end, :)
I can't add a comment above because I don't have 50 points, but you should post the function setprod. I think you should be able to do what you want to do, by iterating the matrix you're passing as an argument, with a for-next statement.
I think you're going to have to loop:
M = [1 2;
3 4;
5 6];
Step 1: Generate a list of all possible row pairs (row index numbers)
n = size(M,1);
row_ind = nchoosek(1:n,2)
Step 2: Loop through these indices and generate the product set:
S{n,n} = []; //% Preallocation of cell matrix
for pair = 1:size(row_ind,1)
p1 = row_ind(pair,1);
p2 = row_ind(pair,2);
S{p1,p2} = setprod(M(p1,:), M(p2,:))
Transform the matrix into a list of row vectors using these two steps:
Convert the matrix into a cell array of the matrix rows, using mat2cell.
Generate a comma-separated list from the cell array, using linear indexing of the cell contents.
Example: let
v1 = [1 2];
v2 = [10 20];
v3 = [11 12];
M = [v1; v2; v3];
and let fun be a function that accepts an arbitrary number of vectors as its input. Then
C = mat2cell(M, ones(1,size(M,1)));
result = fun(C{:});
is the same as result = fun(v1, v2, v3).

Matlab Mean over same-indexed elements across cells

I have a cell array of 53 different (40,000 x 2000) sparse matrices. I need to take the mean over the third dimension, so that for example element (2,5) is averaged across the 53 cells. This should yield a single (33,000 x 2016) output. I think there ought to be a way to do this with cellfun(), but I am not able to write a function that works across cells on the same within-cell indices.
You can convert from sparse matrix to indices and values of nonzeros entries, and then use sparse to automatically obtain the sum in sparse form:
myCell = {sparse([0 1; 2 0]), sparse([3 0; 4 0])}; %// example
C = numel(myCell);
M = cell(1,C); %// preallocate
N = cell(1,C);
V = cell(1,C);
for c = 1:C
[m n v] = find(myCell{c}); %// rows, columns and values of nonzero entries
M{c} = m.';
N{c} = n.';
V{c} = v.';
result = sparse([M{:}],[N{:}],[V{:}])/C; %'// "sparse" sums over repeated indices
This should do the trick, just initialize an empty array and sum over each element of the cell array. I don't see any way around using a for loop without concatenating it into one giant 3D array (which will almost definitely run out of memory)
for i=1:length(cell_arr)
means = running_sum./length(cell_arr);

MATLAB: index a cell array with cell array of arrays and return a cell array

Say I have a cell array of (n X 1) vectors, A, and a cell array of vectors containing indices into A, called B. I wish to extract a cell array, C, such that C{i} = [A{B{i}}].
In other words, I have a cell array of arrays of indices, and I want to pull out the matrices corresponding to the concatenations of the vectors in A indexed by each of those arrays of indices.
for i = 1:length(B)
%# B{i} is an array of indices, C{i} is a matrix
C{i} = [ A{ B{i} } ];
The loop is equivalent to:
C = cellfun(#(x)[A{x}],B,'UniformOutput',false); %# implicit for loop w/ closure
Can I do that using an indexing expression alone? Or at least without the loop?
I think deal() might have to be involved but can't figure it out.
Here are two alternative solutions:
Collect all the indices of B together with the function cell2mat, index the contents of A to make one large matrix, then divide that matrix up using the function mat2cell and the sizes of the index arrays in B:
N = size(A{1}); % Size of an array in A
M = cellfun('prodofsize', B); % Array of sizes of elements in B
C = mat2cell([A{cell2mat(B)}], N, M);
Here's a more compact version of your cellfun-based solution:
C = cellfun(#(x) {[A{x}]}, B);
Ultimately, I would decide what solution to use based on speed and readability, which may actually turn out to be your for-loop-based solution.
Try the following expression:
C = A(cell2mat(B))
You may have a look at Loren's blog post about Cell Arrays and Their Contents